Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 173 God and man coexist, one body with six parts

"What is going on? The divine body and the flesh and blood body seem to be trending in parallel!"

When Tianming Xingjun and others saw this scene, they couldn't help but become more and more surprised. In their understanding, although the gods can transform the divine body into a flesh-and-blood body, to a certain extent, the two are opposites and coexist at the same time. Sometimes, they often erode and destroy each other, and in the end the weaker party is completely swallowed up.

Specific to the bodies of gods, generally speaking, the bodies of gods are extremely powerful, full of divine power and incense and thoughts, while the transformed flesh and blood bodies are no different from ordinary people. Once they coexist at the same time, the results are obvious. Divine power eats away at flesh and blood, defeating it.

However, there is one thing worth noting, that is, the flesh and blood body of a god is, after all, transformed by divine power. Therefore, even if it is defeated and the foundation is shaken, after cultivation, when the divine mind and divine power are restored, it can still be restored. Transform flesh and blood.

But it can also be seen from this that it is meaningless to force divine power and flesh and blood to coexist, and it is even more difficult to achieve.

But now, such a thing happened in front of the six star kings.

However, this coexistence only lasted for a moment. After the attention of the many gods were refocused, you saw your body disintegrate again, turning into a few wisps of fresh air. After the entanglement, a figure with gray robes and fiery hair emerged. It was The true face of Qiu Yan’s spiritual body.

As for the half of the flesh and blood that appeared above, it has disappeared.

"It seems it only lasted a moment."

When Tianfu Xingjun and others saw this, they felt a little relieved, but they still had doubts. Although the scene just now was unpredictable, when the divine body and flesh and blood coexisted, there was no conflict at all between the two sides. Instead, there was a blend of water and milk | trend.

The duration of the period is a lot, and it would be replaced by an ordinary monk. In this fleeting moment, I would only think that I had seen it wrong, or that I was temporarily blinded. But if I switch to a god and perceive it through my spiritual mind, especially when the Changhong Formation is deployed, the result is different. .

Because of this, the six star kings are already facing formidable enemies.

"This god is quite strange. We have traveled across the southern sky and have seen and heard so many things. But this is the only sight we have ever seen in my life. Moreover, this god calls himself Donghua Xingjun, and in the past half day, I have not seen any such sight. The person who was frozen might really be replaced by this god!"

With this thought, the Six Gods felt more and more troubled. They came here this time, but they actually did not underestimate the enemy. The reason why they had not tried their best to pursue them all the way before. It was to confirm the rumors and confirm that Yin Xiao'e indeed had the Ten Thousand People Pill in his hand.

After confirming it, they joined forces to pursue it at any cost!

If Qiu Yan hadn't been killed midway. With their previous methods, they had already suppressed Yin Xiao'e and his entourage and had them in their hands.

However, these thoughts only lasted for a moment. Why don't these six star kings understand that the most urgent task now is to capture the incoming spirit body.

I saw Tong Xingjun take out a bronze mirror from his arms that day. He took a photo in the air and shouted the word "collect".

Then strong wind whirlpools appeared, one after another, thousands of them in the blink of an eye, in an endless stream, covering the outline of the spirit body, trying to contain it, and then calculate and record the lifespan of each life.

On this day, Tong Xingjun is in charge of Yisuan, and he has the ability to plan, calculate, and extend his life.

There is a saying among the people that "the South Dou is good for life, and the North Dou is good for death." It is precisely because the Nandou Tianjun and the six incarnations under his command are responsible for most of the dharma functions of increasing longevity and keeping fate.

However, after Nandou Tianjun and the Six Star Lords increased their lifespan, the remaining life and luck were also recorded and manipulated by their hands, like a puppet on a string. They could no longer be free, and in the end they would inevitably die. .

Therefore, there is a saying among the people that when everyone is pregnant, they all pass from the south dipper to the north dipper.

Even if the monk has practiced to a certain extent, has been able to see for a long time, and has transcended the mortal body to a certain extent, but if he is illuminated by the bronze mirror of Nan Dou Yi Suan Xingjun, the longevity essence will be engraved on it, and sometimes it will be increased. Therefore, being controlled by that star king was strange and inexplicable.

Even the gods, if accidentally illuminated by the bronze mirror, will also be "increased in life" and fall from their immortal status.

Qiu Yan turned around in the air to prevent the mirror light from touching him. Although he was a star king and could resist the mirror light, he had just comprehended a new method of combining forces. It was the time when precipitation was brewing. If he was affected by Tai Large external interference will inevitably lead to accidents.

"This god does not connect two paths!"

As soon as Na Yisuan Xingjun saw this scene, he knew what to do. His mirror light was originally meant to test, and the other five Xingjuns cooperated with him tacitly. After seeing the situation, they knew what was going on, so they went their separate ways. Activate magical powers.

I saw Tianfu Xingjun and Tianxiang Xingjun, relying on their lives and fortunes, activated two stars, fluctuated the momentum of luck, and shot forward, trying to squeeze out the space around Qiu Yan.

But the remaining three star kings, that day Liang Xingjun, Qisha Xingjun and Tianji Xingjun, triggered three stars to press down on Yin Xiao'e and others.

In an instant, the troops were divided into two groups.

Not only that, these two star kings also triggered the mist of all peoples surrounding Yin Xiao'e and other gods, and continuously swallowed the clouds and mist, absorbing the remaining mist of all peoples, and integrated it into themselves, causing the momentum to continue to rise!

"No! The plan of these Star Lords is to snatch the mist of all the people! Although the Star Lords from Donghua have extraordinary fighting power and can fight one against six without ever being at a disadvantage, they are still Star Lords after all. They can fight with others. If you are hostile, you may not be able to protect Zhou Quan!"

The man in green was shocked when he saw this. He had long been shocked by Qiu Yan's strength, but he also understood that some things could not be solved by fighting alone.

He and many other gods, because they had integrated the Ten Thousand People's Mist and extracted the power of the Ten Thousand People's Pill, in just a few days, they had raised their godhood to the third level. This shows the power of this mist.

Now, if these six star gods could integrate the remaining Ten Thousand People's Mist as they wished, the consequences would be unimaginable!

The man in green realized the danger and immediately warned: "Young General, quickly gather the mist, otherwise it will be taken away by these Star Lords and the end will be worrying!"

Beside him, Yin Xiao'e shook her head: "I have been restraining the thoughts of the people for many days, and I have already reached the limit. Now I want to restrain and stop it, but it is impossible. These Star Lords must have seen this and took action at this time!"

"Then what should we do?" Hearing this, the two generals also realized that the situation was serious. With their combat power, it was far from enough to fight against the Star Lords. Even after being strengthened by the mist of the people and combined with the power of nearly a hundred gods present, it could only cause some trouble to the Star Lords. Otherwise, they would not be escaping along the way, but the six Southern Dipper Lords would be chasing them.

"In that case, let's use the Marshal's life object to continue escaping. This place is not far from Donghua. Once we enter Donghua, we may have the power to restrain these Star Lords! In short, even if we consume all the Ten Thousand People's Mist on the road, it is better than being obtained by these Star Lords!"

Because they understand the power of the Ten Thousand People Pill, the man in green and others are more worried about how much trouble it will cause if the Ten Thousand People's Power is obtained by the Star Lord.

"This is my limit to activate the Ten Thousand People's Power and make the Golden Winged Dapeng fly here. How can I do it again?" Yin Xiao'e still shook her head, and then made up her mind, "But maybe there is another trick!"

As soon as this thought fell, the man in green also understood.

"Major General, are you going to give this Ten Thousand People's Mist to the Donghua Star Lord?" As for Qiu Yan's name, the man in green didn't know how to call him, so he referred to him as Donghua.

"That's right." Yin Xiao'e had already mobilized her thoughts while speaking, but the Mist of the Ten Thousand People covers a vast area, and contains many mysteries and secrets. It would take more than a moment to mobilize it, so after a few thoughts, the result was just to make the mist roll and boil.

However, such a change did not affect the actions of the six star gods. They were still absorbing the rolling mist, and their own momentum rose rapidly, suppressing Qiu Yan's divine body so that he could hardly see it!

However, after tasting the mystery of the Mist of the Ten Thousand People, their minds were inevitably attracted to it, and even their attention to the battle situation was relaxed.


Suddenly, Tianfu Xingjun was startled and realized that the state of himself and others was a little wrong. At this time, absorbing the mist was to take advantage of the situation and quickly suppress Qiu Yan, but now, they were immersed in it and put the battle with Qiu Yan in second place!

However, it was too late for him to understand. When he turned his mind, he found that the seemingly suppressed Qiu Yan had split into six at some point!

These six bodies seemed to be different, and each was fighting with the magical power of a star lord!

"Could it be that this god has also practiced the method of turning one breath into six spirits?" Tianfu Star Lord was puzzled, and his thoughts were rolling. "However, we absorb the mist of the people, and this god should have noticed it. He can compete with us. Why did he let it go? Did he predict that we would be addicted to it, and it was difficult to detect when he split his incarnation?"

"How can you think so much when fighting!"

Suddenly, a voice came from the side, which made Tianfu Star Lord stunned. When he looked in the direction of the sound, there was nothing, but a warning sounded in his heart. Suddenly, he found that there was a gloomy figure in his divine power space at some point. It was ethereal and had no fixed shape, and it aroused many thoughts, making him unable to concentrate!

This was not the first time he had seen such a situation, so he immediately recognized the origin of the gloomy figure!

"It's actually an extraterritorial demon! No, this is not just a demon, but a projection of a demon lord!"


As this thought fell, a loud bang came from not far away, and then a tall and strong man was seen waving a long sword in a large blood mist, emitting sword beams and slashing at Tianxiang Xingjun!

This person's blood and qi were extremely abundant, but there was no sign of magical power! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

PS: Thank you "Wuji Xingyun" for the monthly ticket!


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