Dao Fruit

$ Text Chapter 110 There are rivers in the underworld, and demons are hidden in the mountains

"This big river is actually suspended in the air, and the width of the river is amazing!"

Qiu Yan raised his head and took a clear look at the river in the sky. He immediately noticed that the river was extremely spacious. If you compare it carefully, it is not difficult to find that the entire river is as wide as Jiannan Road from east to west. Width!

At this moment, a mellow voice came over: "This river is called Wangchuan River."

"Forgotten River?" Listening to this name, Qiu Yan remembered the records in ancient books and some legends from previous lives, "Is this the land of the underworld?"

As he spoke, he turned back and looked in the direction he came from. What he saw was a medium-sized mansion. The place he walked out of was a small door, and the door was dark.

Seeing this, Qiu Yan's heart suddenly brightened and he thought about something clearly.

"Ducheng Huang, your room is actually located in the underworld! No wonder every time I go in, I feel like I have passed through a layer of separation, as if I have stepped into another space. It turns out that I have entered the netherworld from the Yang world!"

He said, looking towards Yin Xiao'e.

Yin Xiao'e was still wearing cold armor at this moment, holding a small incense burner in her left hand, and a square seal in her right hand. The back of the seal was a city, with tiny figures flickering.

Yin Xiao'e knew what he was thinking, and said: "This courtyard is my heel in this underworld, but it's only when you reach the fifth level that your divine power can spread to the outside world and transform matter, so you can get out of it. If you are less than five Pin, like Bai Wen and Huang Jue, once they come out and are blown by the evil wind, they will lose their minds, have no one to guide them, and will sink into the underworld without knowing how long they will wander."

"The fifth-grade divine position actually has such profound meanings." Looking at the incense burner, Qiu Yan thought of the scene where he just passed through the screen, marched in the people's wishes, and finally jumped out of the burner. He asked, "This incense burner?"

Yin Xiao'e seemed to have expected Qiu Yan to ask this question. She threw the incense burner upwards and saw the cover of the burner lifted up. Flooding talismans emerged one by one, and different legal fluctuations emanated from them.

Looking at the talismans and feeling the fluctuations, my eyes suddenly widened: "These are...the core talismans of the gods!"

"Yes, all the gods in my divine order have their core talismans and seals placed here. But for someone like you who was born as a god, you already have the talisman and seal characters in your divine body. If you join the divine order, your original character will be The talisman seals are still stored in the body. Only the talisman seals that have been conferred legal status are placed in the furnace. However, if the talisman seals themselves have no qualifications and are consecrated as gods, the talisman seal characters are formed in this furnace and are also placed in this furnace. At most, the body of the god has A talisman and seal projection."

While Yin Xiao'e was talking, the incense burner sucked back the talismans one by one. The cover fell down, and the incense burner was held in her hand again. Then she said, "This incense burner is the God of God, and it is also the path of Yin and Yang."

"The incense burner is the priest?" Qiu Yan himself seemed to have some enlightenment after hearing this.

Yin Xiao'e added: "In the past, when you were not in the fifth rank, you had to be led by me to enter this underworld room. But now that you are in the fifth rank, you are qualified to travel between yin and yang on your own, so I let you pass through the yin and yang road and experience Ichiban.”

After hearing this, I nodded and thought: "Behind that screen, the space where people's wishes are strong is the Yin-Yang Road."

"After you have established a foundation in the underworld, you will have to open up a path of yin and yang, and you will have some insights." Yin Xiao'e said, floating up, "Now you might as well wander with me, see the customs of the underworld, and then find A place to set your feet."

"Thank you for your work..." I said, and flew forward, following Yin Xiao'e.

The underworld is empty and desolate, and the ground and sky are all gray and white, which makes it look monotonous and depressing. However, after I rose into the sky and looked down attentively, I found that the gray land was actually dotted with shadows, buildings, and houses. There are even more people coming and going, bustling and bustling, just like the world in the sun.

Yin Xiao'e said at this time: "These are all ghosts from Yuanning Mansion. After their Yang lives expired, they entered the underworld. After walking in the Yama Palace, they did not commit too many sins and did not have many merits, so they could not immediately enter reincarnation. There is no need to go to the eighteenth level of hell, so I was sent back here, and when the time comes, I can go to the Underworld and the River of Forgetfulness."

Hearing this, Qiu Yan's heart moved, and he asked: "Will the ghosts from Yuanning Prefecture come here? I wonder if the ghosts from the surrounding villages will also come here?"

He was thinking of his predecessor who was sent to reincarnation in the mountain temple.

At that time, although Qiu Yan had the status of a mountain god, he lacked divine power and his rank was not high. At most, he could only send people to the underworld, but he was unable to explore the secrets of the underworld, so he did not know what happened to the soul after it entered reincarnation.

Yin Xiao'e replied: "I know you want to explore the matter of the innocent souls of Zuoqu Village. However, although those ghosts are from Yuanning Prefecture, they have suffered sudden misfortunes and are regarded as innocent souls. Such souls are not under my disposal. I will usually deal with them directly. Throw yourself into reincarnation to make up for the yang deficiency and complete the yin virtues.”

"Thank you for letting me know." I nodded and said my thanks, but my mind was full of thoughts.

Yin Xiao'e added: "Yin and Yang are separated, and people in the Yang world cannot know the things in the underworld. Many people think it is just a legend and don't take it seriously. There is no bottom line in committing crimes and doing evil. They even do all kinds of evil, take bribes and bend the law, just to be happy for a lifetime. All the negative virtues have been exhausted, and such people will realize their regrets only after entering the underworld, but it is already too late. There are also monks who think that they can achieve the Great Way and be immortal forever, but they will die in the middle way and will suffer the same as in the underworld. But it’s better than being completely destroyed…”

While the two gods were flying, they were looking at the scene below and talking. Qiu Yan was deeply touched by many of Yin Xiao'e's words.

Soon, the two gods flew to a steep mountain peak.

The underworld is vast and boundless, but this mountain peak is taller and steeper than the famous mountains in the Yang world. If it were placed in the Yang world, it would definitely not lose to the Five Mountains.

As soon as he arrived here, Qiu Yan suddenly felt that his clone's soul was different. His thoughts turned and he immediately said, "This is it."

Yin Xiao'e looked down and frowned, "There are spots of magic on this mountain. It should be that a ghost cultivator tried to overcome his inner demon here, but failed."

"Inner demon?" When the master heard this, a flash of inspiration came to his mind. As for the word "ghost cultivator", although it was the first time he heard it, it was not difficult to guess the meaning behind it just from the name.

Yin Xiao'e nodded and said solemnly, "It is the inner demon. It came from the sky. The six paths of heaven and earth may be contaminated. It is invisible and traceless. It is extremely dangerous. Even gods like us have to be careful and vigilant."

"Is there still an inner demon hidden in this mountain?" The master pointed downwards.

Yin Xiao'e shook her head: "That's not the case. The inner demon is invisible. There are only traces of cultivators who failed to pass the tribulation on this mountain, but such traces may be related to the inner demon. There are precedents for this kind of thing."

The master said: "Since there is no inner demon, there is no need to think too much. To be honest, as soon as I arrived here, I felt that I had a destiny with this place. It must be right to sit here."

"If you insist, I can't say anything." Yin Xiao'e flicked her finger, and a ball of divine power flew out, with thoughts surging inside, "This is the method of sitting in the underworld. You can take it for reference. When you are in the fifth grade, the position of the god has not yet been truly finalized. You might as well build it simply and leave it for later supplement."

"Thank you!"

The master grabbed the light, absorbed and combed it, and then the divine body suddenly fell, like a meteor, smashing into the mountain.

PS: Thanks to the book friends "It's easy to quit smoking, but it's hard to stop reading", "The Three Young Masters of Lanting", "I'm not a gentleman", and "Perfect Zhongzhou" for their rewards!

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