Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1136 The whole clan invades a continent!

The length of this thing's body is almost indescribable. When its thoughts fall, each of them bursts out with brilliance. One turns into the sun, and the other turns into the moon. They live on both sides of the body, rising from each other over and over again!

As the yin and yang, sun and moon left, the scene in those eyes suddenly became much clearer. One eye was bright and shining, and the other eye was full of cold wind and snow!

And with the reappearance of the sun and the moon, its huge body once again fell into the alternation of day and night. On top of that body, it was like an entire continent, covered with mountains, rivers, towns and streets, and many living creatures lived in it. ≈∞top≈∞point≈∞small≈∞ said, ww∽w.23○wx.co≦m

The main body of this creature is a clan of scales. They have snake bodies and human faces, their bodies are covered with scales, and their arms are on their shoulders. They all look powerful, but most of them have a sense of confusion in their eyes, but when they see the sky rising, After the sun and the moon, no matter where they are, the scale armor clan is shocked, and then cheers!

"Finally we see the light again! The Ancestral God has indeed not abandoned us!"

"With this brilliance, we can feel relieved. Our crops and farmland don't have to worry about continued destruction and decline!"

"The light in the past two years has hardly appeared. Now that it has reappeared, I don't know what it means..."

The creatures on the continent with huge bodies are in various shapes and forms. They have experienced countless years of evolution before they have reached their current situation. However, in the past two years, the sun and moon have often disappeared. For any creature, it is crucial to its survival. close.

Whether it is a plant or a creature of flesh and blood, if it is not exposed to sunlight, the body itself will have many hidden dangers.

In the past few years, the body continent itself had to restrain its strength due to its own reasons. The sun and moon were all caught in the eyes, making it difficult for many creatures on it to see the light, so they could see the glory again at this time. That's why he seemed so excited.

But not long after the excitement, many creatures on the body continent were stunned again, because a voice suddenly sounded in their hearts.

This voice was majestic and full of intimacy. It sounded in the hearts of the Scale Armor clan and immediately filled their five senses, making them unable to hear other sounds again.

However, these scale-armored tribesmen did not panic. Because this situation has been described in the history of classics, the oldest among them even had a similar experience——

This is their ancestral god, contacting them.

"The starry sky is always in crisis, and even I will also encounter crises. The sun and moon have often disappeared in the past few years, but now there is a turning point. I have discovered a continent suitable for your tribe to live. You can move there. , but there are still some backward and ugly aborigines on that continent, which must be expelled and exterminated. All members of my tribe should be prepared. When the time comes, all of our tribe will come. Go to that continent to fight for the legitimacy of the world and thrive!"

Such words are in the hearts of many Scale Armor clan members. It set off a huge wave!

"It's coming to Fangbu Continent again. Is this the same as the one recorded in the classics 30,000 years ago?"

"The time 30,000 years ago, I heard that it was the time when our tribe's population exploded. Because we occupied a continent and had unlimited resources to consume, the population increased rapidly. In the end, due to a war with another starry sky tribe, , causing the entire continent to be broken up and had to return to its homeland.”

"Not only 30,000 years ago, but also in these countless years, there have been several incidents that have happened to other continents, but most of them just competed for resources, robbed people and livestock, and had no plans to migrate. But this time , what the ancestor god told us is obviously unusual!”

The voice that sounded from the bottom of their hearts stirred up a thousand waves among the Scale Armor clan. Countless people were talking about it. Most of the younger generation were excited and full of prospects for the future, while those who were a little older would have to There is a lot of consideration, but it will not go against the decision of the ancestor god.

As for the older and older tribesmen, they all began to narrate past deeds to tell them how much benefit they would get if they invaded Yifangbuzhou.

Therefore, driven by the words of the Ancestral God, the scale armor clan on the entire body continent, together with many subsidiary races and slave races, took action, and a massive war preparation movement began.

Even the original social order was broken due to this kind of preparation for war. Everything began to tilt towards the invasion of the tribes that would break out, and even the many resources and food began to converge towards the military - —

In fact, there are organizations similar to dynasties on this land, and during the unstable period of the past two years when the sun and moon disappeared from time to time, the strength of these organizations has expanded to varying degrees. The direct reaction is that on the land Fighting and disputes have increased a lot, which has also caused the forces related to military strategists to expand rapidly. Now that they have accepted the words of the ancestors, many forces on the earth have to temporarily put aside their grudges and cooperate with various thoughts, and there are also many intrigues among them.

However, the intrigues between these people are simply insignificant to the entire body continent. The carrier of this continent itself is a powerful creature beyond ordinary meaning. After he sacrificed the sun and moon again, he did not Stop, twist your huge body, start from the depths of the starry sky, and start swimming slowly!

This movement not only affected his own body, but also the surrounding space. The space was like a carpet on the ground. Driven by the huge body, there were wrinkles and continued to expand. The starry sky within tens of thousands of miles is covered by layers of ripples. At first glance, it seems like looking through a layer of water, with scattering and refraction.

However, only when you are actually in this starry sky will you know that this is not a visual mapping at all, but a real distortion of space!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Soon, several smaller stars were broken in this area.

These stars are different from the stars with Star Lords sitting there. Most of them are naturally formed, and there are usually sects stationed on them. This sect is actually the clear path in the upper realm, which corresponds to the turbid path in the lower realm. Because it occupies one place alone in the starry sky, it can be used The magical power and one's own ideas directly transform the earth's veins, landforms and landscapes of these tiny stars, so they are much higher in status than the turbulent path in the lower world. However, similarly, the starry sky is not as good as the continent, and there are hidden things hidden in the boundless darkness. There are countless dangers, and if you are not careful, you will be destroyed in one moment.

Just like at this moment, many stars around this huge body continent exploded one after another in the distortion of space. Not only the mountain gate was shattered, but even the stars and the monks in the mountain gate could not escape at all. Destroy!

This is a danger that bursts out directly from space. Even if they have unparalleled magical powers, only a few people can use their magical powers and formations to instantly move out of the tens of thousands of miles of starry sky. Most of the monks cannot escape. In an instant, there are Among the countless people whose souls have been destroyed, only those whose lives have not yet been perfected have the opportunity to enter the underworld.

However, this is also a normal time for them to enter the underworld, but now, before their souls have time to step into the Yin and Yang Road, they are affected by the ripples of space, and are annihilated under the impact.

Just as many lives disappeared, the huge body comparable to Buzhou was completely wrapped in the wrinkled space. It was folded with the space as it moved forward. Then the sun and moon surrounding it suddenly released their light, It turned into a shield, covering this huge body, and completely collided with the space!



This collision did not produce an earth-shattering sound, but the silence was even more heart-shaking. Even some of the original sounds around them disappeared, as if they were swallowed up by the boundless starry sky.

Then, in this silence, the huge body gradually merged into the space, actually opening up a gap between space and void, transforming its own form into a situation between entity and illusion, and decomposing it into independent entities. Particles spread rapidly at a level that transcends common sense and thinking!

However, the many creatures living in the body continent are not affected yet. Their body shape and life essence are protected by the passport formed by the light of the sun and the moon, and are not eroded by the changes in space.

In this way, such a huge existence moved rapidly in a way that was difficult for ordinary people to understand. It moved and changed at a speed comparable to human thoughts, and its target was directed at Donghua Continent!

Although Donghua is still far away at this time, the idea is so fast that it seems to be only a matter of time before arriving in Donghua.

However, in the process of moving forward, it can be found that part of this huge body will split off from time to time during the shuttle, completely broken into countless particles filled with the aura of aging.

"The signs of the decline of the five heavenly beings are becoming more and more obvious. We must do it as soon as possible. Others can slowly deploy, but some of my back-up men in northern Xinjiang have been uprooted as the war in northern Xinjiang subsided. Without any support, I have no choice but to go into battle naked, but this might not be an opportunity for me. I can’t stand without breaking!”


At the same time as this huge body was moving, there were also two tyrannical wills in the other two starry skies. One of these two wills came from the distant southern galaxy, and the other followed Zhu Tuolan. The traces of the gods are moving forward, and the two parties have long discovered each other. Although they are separated by countless stars, they are still facing each other faintly and restraining each other.

But at this moment, after they simultaneously noticed the approach of another force in the starry sky, their expressions changed.

"Zhulong? I didn't expect that this old monster would actually move. Looking at this posture, could it be that he wants to launch an invasion of Buzhou? It's simply crazy!"

At this moment, the two tyrannical wills felt shocked and unexpected emotions in their hearts. They were obviously shocked by the Zhulong's choice, and then they realized that the situation had changed! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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