Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1138 Mo Cai's Lost Son

"Recall Qiu Yan?"

After hearing this, not to mention Xu Yingyi and Cai Que, but also Meng Qingbin and others, as well as Ma Yang and Wang Fu, were also extremely surprised. They did not expect that the Queen Mother could still think of Qiu Yan at this time. ≈∞top≈∞point≈∞small≈∞ said, ww∽w.23○wx.co≦m

But then everyone had their own thoughts, especially Xu Yingyi and Cai Que, who frowned. They finally mobilized Qiu Yan, but it happened to happen that the emperor passed away, and the attack on them came to an end. How could they take the initiative? To lure political opponents back and increase their artillery fire——

You must know that in this dynasty, in addition to Qiu Yan, the New Party headed by Cen Bo and Wang Fu as the spiritual leader are also their political enemies and opponents. In these days, the emperor has launched a storm to attack the fringe forces of the family, The promoters and helpers are the many members of the new party.

Now, the emperor suddenly returns, and there is a vacuum in the power situation. It is the time to get rid of the original predicament and reverse the situation at the same time. It is not easy to compete with the current opponents at this time, how can other enemies be introduced again?

After thinking about this, Xu Yingyi did not care about anything else and said directly: "For the sake of the peace of the country, Shangshu went to recruit rebels. This matter is of great importance and everyone in the world knows it. If he is recalled rashly, there may be trouble."

It can be said that it is just right to say this, and it not only takes care of the face of the Queen Mother and the Queen, but also can push the matter away, and use your name to be known to everyone in the world to wake up the Queen Mother. It is best to protect Qiu Yan's reputation, otherwise in the future It will have a considerable influence on the people, and at the same time, the threat and coercion of rebellion and trouble will force the person who proposed it to give up the plan no matter from which angle.

However, if the person in charge this time is Li Kun, he will naturally be able to distinguish the priorities and see the huge impact. Take back your life.

Unfortunately, the person hearing these answers now is the Queen Mother who is usually in charge of the harem and is not involved in government affairs.

Speaking of which, the Queen Mother was very majestic in the harem. There were many things that the Emperor could not control, but she had to arbitrate them. Her grasp of people's hearts was also very subtle. Although I don't understand the emperor's balancing skills, I am standing in the side hall and watching the expressions and reactions of many ministers to various situations. From their positions and some of the words they say, I can already tell what these ministers are thinking. .

"Sure enough, these ministers may sound nice on the surface and are loyal to the emperor and patriotic. But to put it bluntly, they are still thinking about themselves. If they can get benefits, they will be loyal. If their own power and interests are endangered, all kinds of people will immediately This is a righteous excuse to refute us. In the past, the emperor often complained to me. I also advised him to be patient and obey the ministers and govern the country. But now the emperor himself is in a desperate situation. What these ministers still think about is their own acre. Three points!"

It is really hard to predict how much sanity a mother who has lost her son still has. Just using normal logical thinking to push and persuade like Xu Yingyi will not help at all.

In fact, due to the different understanding of consultation and information between the two parties, it will also give rise to cognitive biases that are difficult to bridge——

The specific manifestation in this matter is that the Queen Mother knew that the emperor had come back from the dead once, and she knew that Qiu Yan might be able to help her royal son, but for Xu Yingyi, things were not like that at all. The last time the emperor was seriously ill, he was not even qualified to easily enter the palace.

Naturally, Xu Yingyi and Cai Que would not know that the Queen Mother's concern for Qiu Yan was not based on political considerations, but because she wanted him to save her son. As long as she could save her son, she would not care about anything else. It doesn't matter, and anyone who stops this is her enemy!

Therefore, Xu Yingyi on the opposite side was still waiting for the Queen Mother to take back her life, but the Queen Mother's next words made the minister stunned: "Qiu Shangshu is the prince's tutor personally arranged by the emperor. Life, now that such a big thing has happened, how could he not be present? The Ai family and others are women and don't understand military matters, but they also know that the emperor's choice will not be wrong. "

Speaking of this, even if Xu Yingyi wanted to refute, it would be difficult for him to say so. What's more, he was not stupid. From these two paragraphs of the Queen Mother's words, it can be heard that the master of the harem had a negative attitude toward himself and others. He didn't trust him, but he valued Qiu Yan who was not in the capital.

"This is not a good sign. It's just strange. When we and the family behind her negotiated with the Queen Mother, she didn't act so irrationally. Why is she completely ignoring her now?"

In the past, in order to plan the situation after the emperor's death, the aristocratic families had long targeted the harem. Now the prince is not young, but it is obviously not realistic to take charge of the emperor immediately. It can be expected that for a long time in the future, the harem will The chance of the curtain hanging is not small. People from a far-sighted family can't help but take advantage of it. But now it seems that no matter how big the layout is, it can't match the temporary state of mind.

Faced with the Empress Dowager's firm tone, Xu Yingyi naturally had no way to refute. Although he could use the imperial decree as an excuse to prevent the Empress Dowager from intervening in politics, the problem was that these were extraordinary times, the time for the transfer of power, and the emperor's position was vacant. , naturally needs a representative of the royal family in a symbolic sense, which cannot be refuted in terms of etiquette. Otherwise, Xu Yingyi would not have to worry about it, and Ma Yang would be the first to jump out and stop it.

At this time, if he promised to come forward, firstly, he would not get a good reputation, and secondly, he would leave a bad impression on the Queen Mother. The previous layout and management would be immediately destroyed, and the many aristocratic families behind him would also be offended. This makes his own foundation shaken, so he cannot continue to stop it no matter what. But in this way, he has to watch Qiu Yan, who was finally pushed away, return to Beijing at this juncture——

He had already caught the eagerness in the Queen Mother's tone, and knew that once this decree was spread, Qiu Yan would be urged to come back quickly, and then all the arrangements would be messed up.

But naturally, these things could not be told to the Queen Mother. In desperation, Xu Yingyi had no choice but to obey, saying that when he returned, he would issue a decree with the ministers of the political hall to allow Qiu Yan to return quickly.

However, at this last moment, he saw Cai Que winking at him, as if he had something to say.

The next thing is not something that ministers like them can easily control. Everything must be handled according to the rules and procedures of the Daxing Emperor. Even if the Queen Mother and the Empress want to slow down the news, it is not good to intervene directly, otherwise it will be Disrespectful of ancestors and ancestral system.

Then, the prince, who fell into grief, also came forward to meet with the ministers one by one. Even though the queen mother tried to stop him, she still could not let the ministers avoid the step of entering the palace.

There is a lot of disturbance, and the eastern sky has turned white.

But the ministers who had been up all night had no intention of resting. Even Ma Yang and Zhang Lian, who were quite young, left the palace with Meng Qingbin and others and went directly to various government offices with bloodshot eyes.

Everywhere in the city, there were pairs of eyes waiting earlier. They were all people who felt something. How could the palace summoning important ministers overnight escape the gaze of countless pairs of eyes all over the city? Any official who has any awareness of the sensitivity of officialdom to changes will know that this move is unusual.

Thinking back to the many changes in the DPRK in recent times, many people have made speculations. Some are wondering whether the emperor has made up his mind to take action against several big shots in the DPRK, while others are wondering. Considering the emperor's recent physical condition, there is some speculation.

In any case, for the time being, they were unable to get specific information. Even those princes, after discovering the signs, asked for orders to enter the palace again, but they were blocked from the palace - the incident five years ago , made Li Kun very wary of princes and other royal families. In the past few years, he has improved the corresponding laws and regulations. There are strict restrictions on the prince's entry into the palace and daily travel. It will never be as easy as before. So this time The emperor passed away, but they could not take advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble.

The royal family was unable to enter the palace, and as soon as many ministers left the palace, they went straight to their respective yamen. The source of the news was invisibly blocked, and within a limited time, the news of the emperor's death was blocked.

But it is only a matter of time before it is actually leaked. What's more, these ministers are not of the same mind, so how can they really keep this news for a long time? Therefore, it is only a matter of time before it is leaked.

However, before it is completely exposed, it is an opportunity for many people to take advantage of. If it is arranged well, it is conceivable that the benefits will be huge.

"Brother Cai, we have to arrange for someone to inform the five surnamed families immediately about this matter, so that their personnel in the court can cooperate with us."

Before entering the political hall, Xu Yingyi and Cai Que deliberately slowed down and talked quietly behind the ministers.

Cai Que nodded in agreement.

Then Xu Yingyi asked again: "Brother Cai, you told me to calm down in the side hall of the palace. I wonder where the original is? Should we just let that man come back? In this case, wouldn't our previous arrangements be in vain?" As far as I know, that person was not content with peace of mind along the way and actually made a lot of noise."

Cai Que naturally knew who the person involved in these words was. Hearing this, he said: "Brother Xu, you are confused because you are concerned, but it is not your fault. No one would have thought that something would happen to the emperor at this time. However, Brother Xu, you can think about it. Letting that person come back at this time will certainly bring pressure to us, but it may not be a good thing for him. "

"Huh?" Xu Ying was stunned and narrowed his eyes, "What do you mean...?"

"Even if that person comes back, we still have a lot of things to do. What's more, you and I know exactly why he went there this time. Likewise, we also know that they are determined to never succeed!" (To be continued!) Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!

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