Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 1140: Capacity is like a cup, luck is like water

Once the luck is gone and the people's hearts are shattered, and the real dragon dies, the aura and dragon veins of the village will change slightly, so the people in the village will no longer be in awe of the big master and others, and finally the situation in the entire village will be out of control. ↑↓,w★ww.23¢wx.c▲om

Not only outside the lobby, but even within the lobby, the seemingly unified Tiangang leaders are actually divided into several factions. They may have emotional connections with each other, but more importantly, they are friends who share interests and power. Once this shared foundation is shaken, it will be the result of devouring each other. This kind of thing is not uncommon in the cottage. The merger of the first two leaders and the eventual replacement of the leader is the final result.

Therefore, after a series of quarrels, many local evil leaders outside the hall took action decisively and directly defeated the soldiers who intercepted them, but did not harm their lives.

Those who can guard the lobby at this time are undoubtedly the best among the copycat soldiers, but facing the leader of the Disha is still not enough, but after all, they have feelings and rules between them, and they will not make mistakes.

And almost outside the door, the leader of the Disha broke through the blockade and wanted to enter the lobby. At the same time, in the lobby, many Tiangang leaders with different thoughts were also ready to make a move, because they saw the big boss showing off when facing Qiu Yan. A scene of embarrassment emerged.

This is like an original bottle. It has a intact appearance, carries liquid inside, and has its own weight. Even if it is placed on the weighing pan, it can hold down the scale and maintain a balance.

But once the bottle falls over, cracks, or leaks, and the water in it flows out, the original balance will be broken, and the weighing pan that was originally pressed will of course flip over, causing backlash.

Therefore, when the Disha leaders came in and expressed their submission to Qiu Yan's court, many Tiangang leaders also expressed their intention to move, and some expressed goodwill. When Qiu Yan first entered the lobby, all the leaders were sitting in their seats, connected with each other, showing the same hatred and hatred, which formed a sharp contrast!

This change in the situation has undergone fundamental changes in this small and medium-sized lobby in a very short period of time!

"The changes in luck..."

Inexplicably, Qiu Yan felt such emotion in his heart.

Turning one's hands to make clouds and turning one's hands to make rain, such a thing. It is never rare in history, and even many battles to destroy a country, revive a prosperous age, and turn the tide are often triggered by a word, a person, or an event, but it is like leveraging the fulcrum of all things and turning the situation around!

What works behind this is actually the support of people's hearts, because in the final analysis, living beings are involved in everything. It has meaning. A simple palace, a battlefield, and a mountain are just objectively existing scenes and things when there are no living beings involved.

Only the emperor and his ministers were in the palace. The palace is the center that determines the fate of the world and controls the sacred weapons of the country;

Only when the generals and soldiers hold their weapons and fight with the enemy, the battlefield is the battlefield that determines the life and death of both sides;

Only Qiu Yan and the Tiangang Disha leader stand in this mountain. This is the key to the success or failure of both parties, and whether they will stay or not!

"And behind these things. People's north direction, expectations, concerns, fears, and even the connections, vitality, changes in spiritual energy drawn by these, etc., together constitute the general trend of both parties. The growth and decline of power determines The strength of each other! This is a change of fate! But this fate must also be carried by something!"

Looking at the situation in front of him, Qiu Yan did not say a word and allowed the Tiangang Disha leaders to do whatever they wanted. However, his attitude just made many generals feel uneasy, because the situation was completely reversed, even the most loyal to the generals. The head of the family, Hei Niu and Chi Gui, also saw that something was wrong and gathered around the head to protect his safety. Others thought that Qiu Yan deliberately did not express his position to test their sincerity!

Naturally, since they had already committed an act that was close to betrayal, the Disha leaders were somewhat relieved in the face of the rebuke from several Tiangang leaders. They actually changed the subject and began to rebuke the Tiangang leaders' daily evil deeds. !

As a result, the seemingly aloof and righteous Tiangang leaders couldn't sit still. Many people started to defend themselves instead of reprimanding the Disha leaders!

But there are also Tiangang leaders who are aware of the situation and know that the situation is over. You must know that the scene in the lobby at this time still has the remaining formation diagram, which is transmitted to the village!

In fact, when these evil leaders broke through the obstacles and poured into the lobby, the people in the village made an uproar, and many people realized that something was going to happen.

Many of them recognized the identities of the Disha leaders and couldn't help but wonder.

You must know that the reason why Tiangang Disha Village became famous in the world, and why so many people bought it after issuing a hero post, is not only because they raised troops to resist the imperial court and raised the banner of "Practice for Heaven", thus receiving hundreds of responses.

Another important reason is that many of the people gathered in this cottage are well-known masters in the world. They are famous in their own right, and some even have certain influence or support. They have their own power that cannot be underestimated. influence.

Therefore, when such characters gather one after another in a copycat, the exposure of the copycat is virtually guaranteed, thereby facilitating publicity, and the influence of these characters will also be accumulated to the copycat itself, indirectly or directly. This will bring attention and influence to the cottage beyond its own strength!

This is actually a manifestation of luck after people's hearts gather together.

"It's just that if this kind of influence is regarded as luck, then it needs something to carry it. It's just like a cup holding water. Only if the cup is stable, the water in the cup will not flow out. Similarly, only if The person who carries the luck is enough to suppress the situation. Only the gathered luck of the cottage can maintain the balance. As for the formation of the cottage itself, it is actually just a tool. The presence of luck on the top of the mountain is a method of storage. The real It is people’s mind and capacity that carry these fortunes!”

Thinking of this, Qiu Yan's eyes fell on the big boss again. Due to the continuous changes in the situation and the reaction force of the previous layout and foreshadowing, the current chaotic situation in the lobby has undoubtedly been passed to the cottage. , although the array diagram is damaged, the master is no longer able to absorb the luck through the connection of the array diagram, and understand the thoughts of the people in the village, but only relying on his own experience to calculate, it is enough to understand that those people in the rivers and lakes, in What kind of change in mentality will occur after seeing the scene in the hall and hearing the accusations of those Disha generals.

This is enough to completely destroy the image that Tiangang Disha Village has been deliberately creating and pull it in the opposite direction!

"The boss of this copycat is actually very capable. Although he acted at a loss at this time, this is because the situation was completely beyond his expectation and all the trump cards were ineffective. If it had been replaced by someone else, I'm afraid At this time, he is completely crazy, but this person can still maintain a certain degree of calmness. Judging from his appearance, he is even analyzing the situation and looking for solutions. "

With Qiu Yan's field of vision, combined with the magical power released by the Human Dao Pearl, he could already see the ripples of luck lingering around the body of Master An.

"This person has a lot of luck. This luck is not from the outside, but he is born with it. Just like Taoist Fei Bao, he is born with good luck, but it is lacking in levels and cannot move forward. It is enough to enter the world of spiritual practice, but it is enough to be in the martial arts world, and it is also enough to cultivate his character in the process of growing up."

"Judging from the information I have obtained before, this person is good at understanding people and making good use of them. His own cultivation level is not the highest in the village, and his wisdom is not outstanding. At the same time, there are people in the village who are better than him in appearance, family background, etc., but It just so happens that he has the ability to gather talents and drive their talents, which is why he can take the position of the boss and develop the entire village to its current level. "

"It is also with such a capacity and luck foundation that he can gather his luck bit by bit, and only with great planning can he carry this mountain of luck! If it were other people, it would be difficult to do it, but for me As far as the human body is concerned, it is not a small amount, but compared to the combination of the four bodies, after many concepts are gathered, it is nothing, so it can be swallowed up quickly! "

Capacity may sound vague, but it actually means how much food you can eat based on how big your belly is. Specifically speaking, for a person, it means gathering popularity and reputation through strategy, wisdom, power, timing, etc. If the name is not worthy of the name, There will be things that are not as famous as the first meeting, leading to the collapse of popularity and luck, causing backlash.

Just like the current situation.

While Qiu Yan was thinking, the situation in the hall had undergone major changes. After realizing that everyone's words and actions would be known to the outside world, many Tiangang leaders finally couldn't sit still and relented.

The reason is very simple. When walking in the world, sometimes people value face more than life. Unless a person is at a real moment of life and death, he cannot realize the preciousness of life, so many times, they pay more attention to face.

But the words spoken by the Disha leaders have undoubtedly shaken the respectable status of the Tiangang leaders. After all, no one is perfect, and there are many emotions and desires. There will always be some things said and spread, which will have a bad impact.

On weekdays, this group of people call themselves brothers, and these things are talked about as anecdotes and amusing things. But now when they are told, people in the entire village will know about it, and then spread to the world. This situation is not that simple.

Therefore, when these submissive Tiangang leaders no longer dare to use force, they can only pay attention to each other and direct the conversation towards the big boss.


At the same time, Qiu Yan suddenly felt something in his heart. It was the spiritual body that received a message——

"Are you the new star king of Donghua? Did you know that disaster is coming?" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature for better and faster novels!

ps: Thanks to "Qu Jinyuan" and "Yu Xiaxia" for the rewards!

Thanks to "Feng Suixing", "stulu cifer", "Crazy Tiger Light", "Gou Shengzi and Er Lengzi", and "Zi Zi Zi" for their monthly votes!

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