Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1145 Three-party confrontation

"Zhulong! I know you are going to Donghua. Judging from your attitude, it should not be a small matter! Then I will ask you to help me!"

In the vast starry sky, a will penetrated the galaxy, and it itself became a part of the space, like a gust of wind, flowing rapidly in the space!

The words of this will reached the ears of the huge existence, which was Zhulong.

This creature has a human face and a snake body. Its huge body is winding and crooked, as if there is no end. The vast area on its back is like a continent, where the scale armor clan lives and reproduces.

Not long ago, with an order from Zhulong, the entire scale armor clan was mobilized, and all forces stopped fighting each other, and prepared to invade a continent.

And Zhulong's huge body went straight into the gap between the void and the starry sky, and flew rapidly in a mysterious form!

In this gap, he can almost block all external influences, and is not interfered by any will. According to previous experience, it won't take long to reach the destination.

But this time, only halfway through, the power from the origin and order in the depths of his huge body burst out, and the boundless starry sky seemed to have a will to repel him!

However, this power was resisted by Zhulong's body, but his body became weaker and weaker afterwards, and the structure inside became looser and looser, as if it would collapse and shatter at any time!

In this case, he couldn't even maintain that mysterious form, and had to withdraw from the gap space and return to the starry sky, and the speed of the flying was reduced because the speed of the starry sky had an upper limit, which could not be broken even with amazing magical powers, and could only be bypassed. That mysterious method of moving was a way to bypass it.

However, when he returned to the starry sky, Zhulong heard this word and immediately distinguished that the one who said this was the Black Wind Great Venerable, who was at the same level as himself, but suppressed his cultivation and did not dare to try to break through!

"Heifeng, since you know my goal, what else is there to say? Let me help you? Are you willing to watch me get my hands on the land of Donghua?"

Zhulong calmed down, suppressed the declining power in his body, and sent back his thoughts. His thoughts did not spread in a straight line, but disappeared the moment they were sent out, and then jumped out from the other end of the starry sky.

It was like a piece of paper was cut open and the two sides overlapped.

Then, the thoughts of the Great Heifeng also responded: "Whether you can get your hands on Donghua is still uncertain. This matter will definitely not be as simple as you think, but I can't arrive immediately, but I have to express my hatred. I am afraid that you will kill my enemy and force me to do it myself. This feeling is hard to calm down, so I speak."

These two people with high realms used their own magical powers to communicate directly in an unreasonable way.

"Oh? With your realm, you still have an enemy in Donghua? Could it be that the person is also at the same realm as you and me, and has also entered the second level of the sixth realm?"

"This enemy of mine is not as powerful as you think, but he used an incarnation that can be said to humiliate me. How can I let this hatred go easily? How can I let such an arrogant and bold person go free?"

Hearing this, Zhulong roughly understood the reason. After a change of mind, he understood that it was the chess piece that the Black Wind Great Venerable had placed in Donghua. Not only was it pulled out, but even the incarnation he buried was destroyed.

At their level, it takes some effort to condense an incarnation. What's more, the Donghua Continent itself is not of high status, and the power it can carry is also very limited. Directly commanding the incarnation will undoubtedly be greatly suppressed, and it will be even more difficult to succeed. Therefore, as long as you think about it, you can understand that the Black Wind Great Venerable must have spent a lot of thought, energy and time to lurk in Donghua for this incarnation.

In this situation, he was destroyed by someone, which affected the subsequent plans. It is more likely that he will lose the initiative when the continent is upgraded. Coupled with the so-called "insult" means, it is no wonder that the Black Wind Great Venerable would feel hatred and even send his thoughts to Zhulong.

However, Zhulong was also uncomfortable, because his chess piece in Donghua was also destroyed not long ago, and all his plans were disrupted. If not, how could he, Zhulong, be so desperate?

Suddenly, he thought of someone and asked, "The enemy you are talking about, is it a mortal cultivator named Qiu Yan?"

"Hmm? You also know this person?"

The Black Wind Great Venerable heard this and his face changed, but then shook his head and said, "Although this enemy of mine is also called Qiu Yan and has magical powers, he is more dependent on external forces and takes advantage of the situation. The one who really ruined my business is the garrison star king of Donghua Continent!"

"Oh? Garrison star king?" Zhulong was originally surprised by the other party's description of Qiu Yan, but then he was surprised about the matter of the Star Lord. Unlike the Great Lord Black Wind who had settled and condensed his incarnation, Zhulong's layout was more extensive. He had many chess pieces in the land of Northern Frontier, and even had his hands on the Shinto. However, after the battle in Northern Frontier, the Sanshui tribe rose, the entire grassland power was reshuffled, and the beliefs of various tribes also changed. The shaking of incense affected the Shinto, which destroyed Zhulong's layout.

However, through these grassland gods, he was able to sense the rise and fall of the gods in the sky, and naturally knew that the star king of Donghua had actually undergone some strange changes. However, there was no need to show these in front of the Great Lord Black Wind. Instead, after a little hesitation, he said: "If I invade Buzhou, how can the star king of that continent not ask? Besides, the heaven behind him is not easy to mess with..."

"The less you say, the more you say. I am not afraid to tell you that I am also on my way to Donghua. If you want to invade Donghua, then the Middle Earth and the Northern Frontier can belong to you, but you have to The rest of the place, set aside a place for me to settle down!"

"What? You want me to descend as well?" Hearing this, Zhulong's face darkened, "You don't know your influence on living beings, do you? If Buzhou lets you descend, let alone living beings, I'm afraid that the luck after the upgrade will be lost a lot..."

"You don't have to be like this, I also know the interests involved, and I will be a little restrained."

Just as the two extraordinary beings were communicating through the air, a majestic voice suddenly interrupted, the voice was not harsh, but it was deafening!

"Zhulong! Heifeng! I advise you not to make mistakes. The disputes among all parties in the Donghua matter are just to gain a foundation for their own survival, to avoid cutting off the way forward, or to find another way. You all know the meaning of this. The creatures on that continent cannot suffer too much loss, so stop your crazy actions immediately, otherwise it will be too late to regret it when all parties join forces to attack!"


Hearing this voice, Zhulong and Heifeng stopped talking, and used mysterious methods to explore the source of the sound, and soon found out where the source was!

"Nandou Tianjun? Are you here to join in the fun?"

Zhulong spoke, and the words crossed countless galaxies and arrived at a place where a scene like the sky was moving rapidly, even the starry sky was obscured, and the stars and starry sky scenes within its range, even the most basic laws were overturned, water flowed to the south, the land tilted to the south, and even the grass and air flow moved towards the south, as if everything was worshiping and submitting to a certain existence in the south!

"Nan Dou Tian Jun, you sound nice, but judging from your posture, aren't you also attacking Donghua? Isn't this the same idea as ours?" The thoughts of the Black Wind Great Venerable also came later.

"From your response, it seems that you will not listen to my advice. That's fine, but I just hope you won't regret it when the time comes."

After these words fell, there was silence.

Zhu Long and others did not ask any more questions, and then the Black Wind Great Venerable did not respond, and everyone was silent.

However, Zhulong had other thoughts in his mind: "Since Nandou Tianjun and others are also going to go, there are too many variables. It seems that we can't delay any longer. Even if it damages the foundation and makes the five decays of the heavenly man further deepen, we can't fall behind, otherwise there will be no chance at all!"

With this thought, his huge body trembled, and then turned into a mysterious form again, blending into the interlayer of the starry sky and the void, and continued to move forward. However, on the way, fragments kept falling from his body, and many scale-armored people were shattered with it...



At the other end of the starry sky, a continent was shaking.

This continent exuded a strong sense of death, and the whole continent was shrouded by a thick black fog. As the fog spread, it brought a sense of solemnity, and then the wind and fog gathered from all parts of the continent to the center, and finally formed a large black tornado!

A will came out from it.

"Okay, with the vitality of this continent as a supplement, I have recovered a little from my injuries, which should be enough for me to cross the galaxy. If the main body had not arrived, I would not be able to control the current situation. After all, the main body does not need to transform and project the will to cross the galaxy, which is not as simple as gathering the blood prison. Let's set off immediately!"

As soon as this thought fell, the black wind rushed into the sky and left the continent directly.

There was no sign of thunder in the sky above the continent, and then the black wind passed by a star, which still had a bright divine light.

Under all this, on the vast land, there was an endless red land, the grass and trees withered, the creatures died, and only a few debris were left, without any sound.


The wind blew past, the continent went away, and the endless creatures all sank, turning into waves of sand and dust in the wind.


“Since Zhulong and Heifeng have taken action, Donghua Continent may not be aware of the danger yet. For the sake of picking fruits in the future, I have to remind them first…”

On the other side, in the sky that obscured the starry sky, a figure emerged and pointed out. r1152


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