Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1155: Only the Profit Matters

"Guys, what do you think of what the Taoist said?"

In the capital, several prime ministers returned at the same time after understanding the situation clearly. In order to keep the matter confidential and cause unnecessary trouble, not many officials were involved, so not many people knew about it, and there were only a limited number of people who could discuss it. . explain,

Therefore, on the way back out of the house, Meng Qingbin asked what the others meant.

Cen Bo sneered and said: "Nothing else, it's just some deviant talk in sleep. It's nothing more than trying to use the current changes to deceive others, but it deceived me and others. It's really unexpected."

"That's right," Cai Que also nodded, "If it weren't for the sake of the young prince, such evil talk would not be easily let go. Now let's let him continue to be free for a while."

Xu Yingyi also said: "Although Xu has an old relationship with that Taoist, he will not abandon his private life for the sake of public service. This matter must be dealt with impartially."

Meng Qingbin's heart moved, and he said tentatively: "Oh? Since everyone said so, let's inform Wang Gong, Ma Gong, and Xu Gong about this matter first, and then let them make a decision."

Cai Que said: "These old prime ministers have been working hard these days. They are already working hard, and now they have many things to deal with. There is no need to bother them with such small matters."

"That's fine."

Hearing this, Meng Qingbin had already figured out the thoughts of several people, and knew that although these people said nice things, they actually believed it and wanted to take advantage of it.

This kind of thing is inevitable. Not to mention in this world with supernatural powers, even in Qiu Yan's previous life, there were still many times when he would be surprised by scenes that were beyond understanding and common sense, relying on extraordinary power.

This extraordinary power is something that is difficult to understand and solve at this stage. The explanation that has been invented is the result of living beings exploring foreign objects. It is inevitable to be a part of human nature, and even the rulers and their ilk are no exception.

These are actually secondary. The things these people think are different from ordinary people.

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand in everything, just be afraid of the eventuality. I would rather believe that it exists than believe that it doesn't exist. After all, if you want to prove the truth now, you only need to wait for the next change in the changes in the world."

"If this matter is false, that's it. If it is true, if you don't make some preparations, you will inevitably be at a loss when the time comes, and you will even lose the opportunity!"

"Whether it is true or false, this matter has great potential. If that Taoist can use such words to seduce us, then we can also use these words to warn others. This will gather a lot of power! Awaken the forces behind it!"

"This statement may help me integrate the forces behind it and send out some of the discordant voices!"

On the way back, several prime ministers quickly thought about the help and changes that this matter could bring, and tried to find the key points from it. Take advantage of it.

When they reach their status and status, their thoughts are naturally not simple. Externally, they hold power and command hundreds of officials. But this power can only be obtained by gathering the approval of everyone and following the rules and order of the court. In this system, after all, you cannot do whatever you want. If you want to achieve your goals, you must strengthen internal cohesion.

This internal relationship refers to the forces behind them. It is the forces that have accumulated momentum that can push them to their current status step by step. However, forces are made up of people, with complicated minds and their own plans. Sometimes they Not only was he unable to control Fei, but he had to be controlled by him, make compromises, and become the spokesperson, penetrating the will of the entire force.

But even so, people who reach their full status are driven by power, but after gaining status, they have the power of the court, which can be used as capital to allow them to play games with the forces behind them. If the game is won, Then the person can control the power. If he fails, he will become a puppet and spokesperson of the power.

Generally speaking, all the resources of a ruler who comes from aristocratic families come from the aristocratic family, and the aristocratic family itself has deep roots and endless talents. If you want to compete with such a force, you can never win, so Xu Yingyi and others seem to be quite powerful. , In fact, I feel really aggrieved. Now that I see an opportunity, how can I not fight for it?

As for when things are really out of control and it is necessary to escape, Zaizhi and others agree quite a bit. Whether it is for noble purposes or self-interest, they all agree that at the critical moment, everyone must be able to escape. A group of people preserved it.

However, there are differences among the specific candidates. Although they are not shown, there is no doubt that the four people standing in different positions have in their hearts what kind of people are the most valuable and need to avoid disasters. So in this way The candidates must be in line with the development of humanity in their hearts.

The goals of Xu Yingyi and Cai Que are undoubtedly to focus on the bloodline of the aristocratic family. In their view, the bloodline of the aristocratic family has been passed down for thousands of years, records the changes of humanity, carries the culture of humanity, and is the backbone of humanity.

From Cen Bo's point of view, those craftsmen who have created many things in society are the ones who are truly useful to humanity, the true performers of humanity, and have created a solid foundation. Even the ordinary farmers mentioned by Jingquanzi are the same. It is also the foundation of human nature. It is necessary to select some to be rescued. In contrast, the so-called aristocratic families are like parasites. They do not produce or generate value and should be abandoned. Otherwise, they cannot be picked up by their shoulders or carried by their hands. It will not be of any benefit to the future development of humanity.

In contrast, Meng Qingbin, due to his special status, has the most moderate views. He believes that all social classes are indispensable. Only when the best of them are selected and avoid disasters can the inheritance of humanity in the future be unaffected.

Of course, these ideas of theirs were not directly expressed, but were revealed through conversations. Moreover, this does not mean that they believe in Jingquanzi's rhetoric, but they cannot ignore the consequences of such things because of their prejudice against unorthodox ways. Some things, even if they are avoided in thinking, will still happen. It is better to prepare for a rainy day and make preparations early. Even if it is a waste of effort, it will not be fruitless.


"The change in the fortune of the capital seems to be driven by people, and it is obvious that someone is guiding it."

At the edge of the capital, Qiu Yan and his party have slowed down their pace, because in this central place of the world, due to the bloody sky, it has also fallen into chaos, and it is more special and solemn than other places along the way. As a result, their convoy has been continuously patrolled and questioned as soon as it entered this place. The soldiers and soldiers along the way repeatedly and tirelessly checked, fearing that there would be some omissions.

Even Qiu Yan's identity cannot be avoided.

"The people living in the capital are really a group of cowards. In this way, setting up important towns along the way and constantly patrolling the people passing by can make them feel a little safe."

Sitting beside Qiu Yan on the carriage was Wu Meng, the eldest son of Wu Siping. Seeing the strict defense of the capital along the way, the mockery on his face never disappeared.

"I think so. These people must think that their lives are very precious. They are different from ordinary people. Ordinary people live a life of simple tea and plain food, while they live in luxurious clothes and enjoy the wealth of the world every day. How can they give up easily?"

The reason why the eldest son of the Jiedushi appeared here was due to his father's order. That day, Wu Siping ordered Wu Meng to lead a few riders and gallop over to serve as a guard for Qiu Yan along the way.

Now the world is changing, the world is not stable, and there are many chaos along the way. Even a team like Qiu Yan, who is not an ordinary person at first glance, is bound to run into some trouble. So in an encounter, Qiu Yan and others met Wu Meng, and then there was a series of incidents. In just half a day, Wu Meng and Qiu Yan and others became more familiar with each other, and then they reported their purpose, and the group joined together.

After some things, Wu Meng respected Qiu Yan quite a lot, but his personality did not restrain. Whenever he encountered something, he would always discuss it, and sometimes he did not avoid it at all, which caused a lot of trouble.

Today, his words also made the clerk in charge of the investigation look awkward, but for Qiu Yan's sake, he didn't get angry.

But at this time, a clear voice came from the side -

"Brother, there is a saying that trouble comes from the mouth. You are so outspoken, you feel free and your thoughts are unobstructed, but you are causing criticism to your colleagues, which is really inappropriate."

"Hmm? Who is it?" Wu Meng narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of the voice. What he saw was a handsome young man, who looked handsome, with a jade-like face and eyes like stars. He wore a deep robe and held a folding fan. There was also a handsome little book boy beside him.

"What a noble young man, it seems that Wu's words have touched your sore spot, so you want to defend yourself. It's okay, tell me everything you are upset about."

"Mr. Wu, you are a little biased when you say that. After all, according to today's sayings, you are also half a noble young man. Although your father came from the grassroots, your mother can be called a lady from a noble family. But your reputation is not good. I heard that you are just idle in that military town. It is not an exaggeration to call you a dandy."

"Oh?" Wu Meng heard this , a little cold light flashed in his eyes, he turned around, got off the carriage, stepped on his feet, poured strength into his feet, and reached the ground, and came to the young man. He was a head taller than the other party, tall and strong, looking down at the other party, and said, "You know my origin and identity, and you called me out, don't say it's a coincidence."

"I did wait here specially, but not for you." The young man smiled, turned around and bowed to the carriage, and was about to speak.

No, Qiu Yan's voice sounded first--

"Young Master Sun has come from afar, so come up and talk to Qiu. I am very curious about your Sun family's affairs..." (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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