Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1159: Dreams are only caused by daytime thoughts

At this point, even if Xu Yingyi and others still wanted to hide it, under the gaze of Ma Yang, Wang Fu and others, their minds and emotions still showed signs of collapse. ±w.

After all, the few people standing opposite them, although in name, did not have the position of prime minister, in fact, in terms of prestige and qualifications, they were much higher than them, and three of them were the status of the master of humanity and great Confucian scholars!

Ordinary people can only be respectful and polite when facing such people, let alone being scolded and questioned by such people?

In addition, they were indeed in the wrong in the current situation, so they were defeated quickly and had to tell everything about the previous things.

"Oh? That Taoist can use his magical powers in this place of the capital to make you fall into an illusion? See the so-called future scene?"

Listening, Ma Yang, Wang Fu, and Xu Jin all found a clue that made them a little uneasy, and asked aloud, while turning their heads to look at Qiu Yan.

The importance of humanity lies in its ability to suppress supernatural powers and isolate ghosts and gods. But now the bloody sky has invaded various places. Not to mention the suppression of humanity, even the dragon energy in the capital has little reaction to it, which is already disturbing. Now a Taoist priest has jumped out, living on the edge of the palace. The prime minister of the dynasty who controls humanity with the decree of supernatural powers has fallen into an illusion, and even to a certain extent, has affected the minds of the four prime ministers, causing them to have other thoughts.

Such things, at first glance, are just the work of outsiders, but the essence inside can actually be seen as an event that shakes the foundation of humanity!

If from now on, humanity has nothing to do with supernatural powers, then the advantages of humanity will be exhausted. Without advantages, how can it fight against supernatural powers? Even the end of humanity will come, and the dynasty in the mortal world will naturally lose its dominance. It is possible to eventually become a vassal or even completely perish.

Such things are intolerable to Ma Yang, Wang Fu and others.

"If the supernatural power really overwhelms the essence of humanity, then it can indeed be regarded as the end of the world, but in this end of the world, no one can escape, and no one can escape! The inheritance of the family for thousands of years relies on blood inheritance and cultural precipitation. If these become irrelevant things, the family will sooner or later collapse!" Xu Jin swept his eyes over Xu Yingyi, Cai Que and others. He said this.

The latter were also stunned.

Then, Xu Jin retracted his gaze, and when he looked again, his sight fell on Qiu Yan.

There is no doubt that Qiu Yan has the most say in the issue of supernatural power, and Ma Yang, Wang Fu and others also want to get some explanations from Qiu Yan. To let them understand the situation and discuss countermeasures.

Even if it is a great scholar, if the information he has is not comprehensive enough, he cannot make an accurate judgment.

This truth. Qiu Yan certainly understands that now that Xu Yingyi and others have made things clear, his goal has been achieved, and the legitimacy of the positions of these people has been shaken. Then, it will be possible to promote their own ideas in a logical way.

But before that, we need to explain things clearly.

"This is actually just a trick, there is not much mystery in it. But it takes advantage of our own cognition."

Saying this, Qiu Yan sorted out his thoughts in his mind. Although he did not talk to Jingquanzi directly like Xu Yingyi and others, he had already figured out the principle by investigating the luck and listening to Xu Yingyi and others' stories.

"First of all, the blood-colored invasion in the sky did not react to the dragon qi. We might as well think about the reason from the opposite direction."

"The opposite direction?" Ma Yang frowned slightly, Wang Fu was thoughtful, and as for Xu Yingyi and others, there were still ripples in their hearts, and they could not calm down to think.

"Yes," Qiu Yan nodded, "Dragon Qi has an instinctive reaction to supernatural powers. The part that goes beyond human nature and causes direct damage to the dynasty will be suppressed. Then, on the contrary, what is not suppressed by the dragon qi is not supernatural power? It will not have a direct impact on the dynasty?"

"Oh? You mean that the scene in the sky is not caused by magical powers, and it will not cause damage to the world?" Ma Yang and Wang Fu are well-informed and have a lot of experience. The reason why they had doubts before was because they did not know all the information. It's like the ancient sages, in Qiu Yan's time, faced with all kinds of creations, and they didn't know where to start. But as long as they are told how to use it, they can quickly draw inferences.

Unexpectedly, Qiu Yan shook his head and said, "Such a strange phenomenon can appear. It is undoubtedly the result of extraordinary power. However, after it is born, it may not be considered as the display of extraordinary power. The impact on the dynasty is the same. It cannot cause direct damage. However, if the tiger does not hurt people, people will hurt themselves. The bloody sky can inspire people in the mortal world to trample on each other and destroy themselves invisibly."

After saying this, not to mention Ma Yang, Wang Fu, and Xu Jin, even Xu Yingyi and others also understood it.

Everyone pondered, and then Meng Qingbin couldn't help asking, "If this bloody sky is not a magical power, what is it? To put it another way, even if it is really not a magical power, the Taoist used his magical power in the capital, which made us fall into an illusion and see the scene of the elusive future. After all, it is still a fact. How to explain this?" He and Qiu Yan are good friends, and the two have a deep friendship, so he will be less scrupulous and ask directly.

After this question came out, the others also focused their attention and wanted to hear Qiu Yan's explanation.

Qiu Yan replied without hesitation: "Similar to the bloody sky, since it is impossible for supernatural powers not to arouse the dragon's energy and the will of the city, then anything that does not inspire at all must have no direct connection with the magical powers. It is very likely that It’s a restrained approach.”

"How to be restrained? If the Taoist didn't construct this magical power by himself, could it be that it was created by us?" Cai Que frowned and said coldly.

"Yes," Qiu Yan seemed to have expected what the other party would say, "In fact, this magical power is just to realize things that cannot happen in reality, making people feel like they are in a dream, and then in turn, directly make people When people dream, if they intensify the feelings in the dream and make them real and believable, wouldn’t it also make people feel the same way?”

Having said this, he glanced at Xu Ying and the others, who were confused, and continued: "As the saying goes, you have something to think about every day and something to dream about at night. You have been working hard for days recently, and you have not been able to take a break. Your mind is tense, and Unlike Mr. Ma and Mr. Wang, who can nourish their minds with the spirit of saints and sages, they have long been exhausted. At this time, as long as there is a slight hint, you can fall asleep, and then there is no need to do anything more, as long as you are attracted by all the things you have been doing these days. The things you think about are enough to construct a scene about the end of the world.”

When Qiu Yan said this, he paused and then said: "Don't you think that your energy and spirit have improved since you met the Taoist priest? It's not as tired as before, and the discomfort of not sleeping for several days is also Isn’t it obvious? This is an obvious reminder. After you saw the Taoist, you actually fell asleep. Dreams are no different from reality. Of course, anything can happen, just like magical powers. In other words, this is actually It’s the prototype of magical power.”

"According to Brother Qiu, after I met that person, I actually fell asleep without knowing it?" Meng Qingbin couldn't believe it, but he also knew that if it came to this category, he didn't understand many things. It was difficult to find traces, but the doubts remained, "However, there was the young prince at that time. He had been busy for a long time and was exhausted, but looking like that, he saw the same scene as us. Besides, if it was a dream, how could it be Can many people see the same thing?”

Qiu Yan said: "When we are born in the world, we are in contact with the outside world and have an influence on each other. Even if we don't use magical powers, we can still influence and resonate with our consciousness through the use of geographical location, decoration and other formations, and with the help of Feng Shui. , different people having the same dream is not a big deal. As for the young prince, since he was the one who brought the Taoist, he must have been in contact with him for a period of time. After such a long time, using hints, drugs and other means is still enough to bring him down. With your mind at your fingertips, you don’t even need to feel tired to be hypnotized.”

This way, the situation is clear and can be explained before and after. Coupled with Qiu Yan's past experience, it is particularly convincing.

However, Cai Que was still dissatisfied and said: "Qiu Shangshu, you think what you said is reasonable, but it is also speculation. You should think everything through carefully, think of all the situations, let alone avoid the worst situation, and be prepared , Only in this way can we be foolproof, otherwise because of your speculation, we will not make any preparations. If there is a day of human destruction, wouldn’t it be because of your words today that all hope has been cut off? "

"Oh?" Qiu Yan narrowed his eyes, glanced at Cai Que, and said with a smile, "Cai Xiangguo's words are certainly good, but in your heart, who should be responsible for inheriting humanity?"

Cai Que's eyelids twitched and he was about to speak, but Qiu Yan continued: "In fact, it doesn't need to be said by Cai Xiangguo. Qiu also knows that there is a suitable candidate in your heart. Not only you, but also everyone in this room." Everyone, including Qiu, has his own choice and can choose the person who is recognized as the inheritor of humanity!"

As he spoke, Qiu Yan's voice gradually became lower, but each word became clearer and clearer, with a heavy flavor that was difficult to express: "Because in our hearts, people have different values. Some people have different values." They believe that born nobles are more important than others and can represent the true value of humanity. Some people believe that the best people who have mastered skills are the true carriers of humanity. Only such people can rebuild humanity, or those who have read poetry and books. Only those who are well versed in the way of saints can bear the responsibility of continuing the way of humanity. Some people simply think that we, as officials, mediate yin and yang, divide the rights, and everyone in the world can fulfill their duties, so that the way of humanity can be continued. ..." (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!

ps: Thank you to "Mahogany 1982" for your monthly vote!

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