Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 1233 Stormy Applause

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The luck fell down, as if the Milky Way fell from the sky. It has no direct impact on mortals, but it has an amazing impact on those who practice!

The method is hidden in it, and the power that is closely related to them is hidden!

This point is more direct and obvious to Feihu, Yinyang Daozhu and others who are beside Qiu Yan. After a few days, how can they not see that the gods of Donghua Continent took the initiative to fight against the invasion of the aliens before, and finally repelled the incredible starry sky power!

And in this process, Qiu Yan clearly provided a lot of help, and the two sides even had a cooperative relationship close to equality!

This alone is enough to make them dare not have any other thoughts about Qiu Yan. Not to mention Qiu Yan's own cultivation, the backer behind him alone is not something that the cultivators in this continent can shake!

After thinking through all this, even an ambitious cultivator like Feihu had to restrain his thoughts.

Now, seeing Qiu Yan mobilizing his luck and falling from the sky, he immediately knew that this was a direct counterattack against the current aristocratic families. However, this counterattack was mysterious and based on luck, which was equivalent to shaking the foundation of the aristocratic families!

You know, the reason why the aristocratic families can grow is that their luck accumulates, coincides with the dynasty, and has been passed down for thousands of years, gathering their heritage.

"I don't know how this Dingguo Hou plans to deal with those aristocratic families, but he has the Donghua God as his backing, and he can completely rely on his full strength to defeat all the aristocratic families in one fell swoop. But in this way, the order of the world will also collapse..."

Thinking of this, Feihu's eyes fell on the armillary sphere.

The luck that fell from the sky was constantly pouring into it, and then it was repeatedly ejected in the stars inside, and finally flowed into the earth along the base of the armillary sphere.

This luck gathered on the earth, but did not merge into the earth veins. Instead, it moved away in an instant, separated and radiated in all directions of Da Rui. And it faintly echoed with the text network in the sky.

Suddenly, many scenes and information between heaven and earth gathered and merged into Qiu Yan's heart. For him, there was almost no secret in the entire Da Rui territory.

However, when it comes to a specific place, there is still fog, just like the many aristocratic families. Most of their family bases are difficult to detect. This is also the thousand-year luck of the aristocratic family, blocking external exploration. It is a manifestation of the power of humanity.

However, Qiu Yan's mind moved, and the corrosive artistic conception from the black wind rose from the bottom of his heart.

This change was also captured by Feihu and others. Their complexion changed again, and the subsequent changes even exceeded their understanding. This artistic conception rose up, and then through the hole in the soul, it was connected with the divine body, and exchanged information with the text network. In a blink of an eye, it derived will from several altars on the earth.

These altars are naturally the altars used by the noble families to worship the Great Lord Black Wind. Now, the artistic conception, realm, and many powers of Black Wind have been obtained by Qiu Yan. When they are put into operation, they can easily simulate the expected capabilities and connect with many altars in just a snap of a finger.

With this connection, the scenes inside the largest noble families became much clearer the next moment.

Then, with the help of this connection, Qiu Yan's thoughts were connected to several members of the noble families, and he immediately found clues.

"Sure enough, the flesh of these people has been tampered with and there are signs of transformation. Their physical strength and life span have been artificially extended, but there are many more substances in their blood. For the human body, it is not necessarily a good thing, but it can make them strong for a while, passing the difficult practice stage, and get the effect of the peak of the foundation building realm in a general sense!"

After a moment of contact and gathering information, Qiu Yan's information was summarized, and he had the most intuitive understanding of the changes in the bodies of these noble families.

"With such a thing as a lure, it's no wonder that they work hard. It's just that there are so many things in this time. Now these people from the aristocratic families even have to put aside the process and directly make a breakthrough in life span. This means that even the most fundamental life will become unequal. If it continues to develop, the ethnic groups will be torn apart. It is inevitable."

After a change of mind, Qiu Yan did not dwell on it, but reversed the sacrifice to the black wind, directly affecting many people from the aristocratic families, and further collecting information!

Following closely, it was the huge luck that merged into the earth. At this time, it was already spread everywhere and activated another part of the inside. These were the luck of the gods from all over the world before. Now that they were stimulated and reintegrated into the bodies of the gods, they brought unusual information.

This information is about the newly enthroned Tianjun!

Qiu Yan's Tianjun Road is indeed moving forward along time and space, but it also has its own signposts and its own characteristics. This characteristic is related to the King of Humanities and has shaped the humanistic gods.

Different from before, the realm of Heavenly Monarch has, in a certain sense, transcended the original constraints, and some rules of the divine way have gradually faded in them. In this way, almost every god at the level of Heavenly Monarch, or cultivator above the second level of the sixth realm, can be said to be unique and has his own characteristics.

Now, Qiu Yan has just stepped into the realm of Tianjun. His characteristics are not obvious enough, but they have gradually emerged. With continuous improvement and construction, they will become more and more established.

The most direct impact is that many rules will be changed within the jurisdiction of this heavenly king, including Shinto gods.

Yes, the information that the gods all over the earth have now received is exactly about the changes in Shinto. From now on, their Shinto will take a different path than before.

Their divine path will be connected with humanity, and change will not happen overnight, but will be achieved step by step over a long period of time in the future.

However, right now, they still have things to do.

This matter is to use the power of Shinto incense to directly affect their believers.

No matter what kind of believer you are, whether you are devout or not, you have more or less contact with the gods, so you have to go through the gods. You can quickly contact an ordinary person.

At this time, many gods received information and orders at the same time. The orders from Tianjun were far beyond what ordinary gods could resist. Some of them could not even understand the existence form of Tianjun. For them, To put it simply, a third-grade Daochenghuang was already as big as the sky. The gods of a higher level are beyond imagination, and as for Star Lord, they can only look up to them.

But now, a being far above the power of the Star Lord has given them orders. They are more dependent on each other with cause and effect and luck. This ending is still destined.

Suddenly. With the help of this connection, one or two people from various aristocratic families in Da Rui will have strange looks and act independently.

at the same time. Order after order, through a strange device, was transmitted along the earth's veins, from the capital to the New Army and the northern border. The time before and after is only a few breaths.

Later, several armies on the northern border and the new army stationed at the junction of Qilu and Hebei. There was immediate movement.

"What's going on? Who allowed you to leave your post without authorization?" The northern border is already a mixed bag, and all armies have extended their influence here, intertwining and restraining each other, and these armies that have received the summons from the capital are only part of them. However, most of them were directly involved in the recent Northern Territory War, and many of them were generals who were originally from the slave army.

The slave army is a major faction in the northern army. It originated from the liberation of Central Plains people from various tribes who were captured and enslaved by Qiu Yan when he was in northern Xinjiang. However, many grassland people also joined.

After the victory in Northern Xinjiang, because Qiu Yan's influence in the court was relatively small, and Li Kun's trust, these people also became stronger. They did not return to the Central Plains to be small officials as originally thought, but Most stayed in the military and rose through the ranks.

Now, these people have received the information, including the approval of the Queen Mother, Empress, and Prince. It is natural for them to lead the army south and contain several unstable aristocratic families.

"We are following orders, and you are expected to intercept them. We have already issued an order to arrest the unstable people in the army and criticize and educate them."

Faced with the obstruction, many generals who came from the slave army actually responded one by one. Not only did they not shy away, they also took the initiative to come forward. Among the generals, many generals who came from aristocratic families singled them out and took them down directly.

This would inevitably cause chaos, but the strange thing was that the senior military officials remained silent and ignored, as if they had acquiesced.

"It seems that there should be a tacit understanding between Bing Jia and Qiu Yan."

When such news came and fell into the hands of the Meng family and the Bei family, the chief messengers of these two families immediately knew what to do. They knew that when it came time to make a decision, it was just difficult to make up their mind.

But compared to the hesitation of the two families, the Tang family was very straightforward and stood clearly on Qiu Yan's side, reprimanding the aristocratic families in the south and east, saying that they were lawless and had the intention to ascend the throne in this new dragon. At that time, he took power.

Suddenly, the situation in the north changed, and many gods joined in silently, adding fuel to the fire. The south, under the influence of the many altars left by the black wind, also fell into chaos, and many people betrayed them. Leave the family!

Now the situation was surging, even the matter of Qiu Qiu was no longer clear, and the aristocratic families began to attack each other.

At this moment, several letters written by Qiu Yan fell into the hands of the heads of a series of emerging families such as the Meng family and the Bei family. They listed many things, but they were not crimes or rewards, but mentioned Many merchant affairs, as well as a series of things such as the opening of northern Xinjiang and cross-border trade, were also mentioned. In addition, several seemingly small technologies were mentioned, but they were all vague.

It was just these words that made the heads of several families feel excited. (A great pie-in-the-sky event, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow ~ click / official account (just add a friend on WeChat, add a public account and enter ddxiaoshuo), participate now! Everyone will win a prize, follow ddxiaoshuo immediately now WeChat official account!)

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