Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 1,250: Laws cannot be violated, but people’s hearts are fickle

"We will be able to see the government here soon. Although I know some general information, I can't tell it easily because it involves the rules of heaven and earth in this Fangbu Continent. Moreover, my previous understanding was high-level and not in-depth. This Walking the human path like this with fellow Taoists, climbing up the stairs step by step, you will definitely have different insights△"

While Sancaihuo was speaking, he raised his hand, and there was a "click" sound coming from the side, but it was a strange arm that stretched out from the wall next to it. The front hand of the arm was holding a teacup. .

After taking the teacup, Sancaihuo opened the lid, blew out the mist inside slowly, and then said with a smile: "This continent is actually very interesting. Everything is about money and cloth. As long as you have money, you can do anything." If it is superior, some people praise it, and in the eyes of others, it means that it has a profound meaning. On the contrary, it is a shabby act. Even if the character is high, it will be despised. Therefore, in order to climb the heavenly city, I don’t know how many people have abandoned their conscience. But even so, their various behaviors must be carried out under the premise of government laws, otherwise they will be suppressed immediately! It is even more stringent than the legalist laws!"

"Actually, I have also studied some of the legal provisions here recently and found that there is indeed a legalist imprint in them." Qiu Yan followed the same pattern, picked up a cup of tea from the side and sipped it slowly, "Moreover, these days, I also used the historical records of Guanyan Momen to learn about the general history, and found that there are similarities between this place and Donghua. There were also times when various schools of thought were prevalent in various countries, but later Confucianism, Mohism and Legalism coexisted, but in the middle It experienced an invasion from outside, and judging from various signs, it should be a Shinto invasion. During that invasion, Confucianism and Legalism took a back seat, and Mohism took the lead, establishing the current tone. "

"Let's put it this way. The laws here should still have the imprint of Legalism, but the Confucianism and Legalism should have lost their dominance in that catastrophe and completely integrated into the Mohism." Sancai After hearing those words, Huo quickly figured out the key, "Maybe from this, we can find some interesting things, and we can also grasp the key points of the conflict between them and Donghua."

"The connection between Tianzhizhou and Donghua should be based on hundreds of schools, or even due to the Mohist family. The specific connection here is worthy of scrutiny." Qiu Yan nodded, "There is just one thing. It is still unclear whether the one who intends to invade Donghua Continent is a single Mohist school or the consensus of the continent. If it is the former, then it cannot be done in a big way, and it needs to be arranged carefully and quietly, but if it is the whole group. There is no need to be secretive about Zhou’s behavior.”

"I dare say that in my heart, Taoist friends, I definitely hope to be the second type," Sancaihuo smiled. "If it is the second type, then the causal connection is the power of heaven and earth in Tianzhizhou. There is nothing to fight against it, and there is no need to worry about leaving too many sins behind."

When you reach a certain level of strength and status, your perspective and way of looking at problems change. In the past, Qiu Yan must have hoped that there would not be too many enemies, but now what he likes is that enemies gather together. The key change here is, Undoubtedly, it was originally only possible to resist, but now it is to annihilate.

The Sancaihuo said again: "Fortunately, this matter will soon become clear. If the Guanyan Mo Sect is determined to obtain the method of communicating with the earth line, it must sign a contract with fellow Taoist. At that time, fellow Taoist, you can I have probably touched upon the power of the government here, and I think that there must be something in the method of communicating through the earth that the Mohist here cannot see through, and it can provide convenience to fellow Taoists. "

As soon as he said these words, a little light came from outside the door, and a voice came from inside——

"Two of you, our ink masters have already communicated and can sign the contract at any time. At that time, the seventeen workshops of my Guanyan Mo Sect will start working at full capacity. The scale will soon be formed, and it will be completed soon. Connect the major cities, and then with the help of wind letters and faith festivals, it can be transmitted from the ground to the city in the sky..."

Although this sound comes from the light spot, it is not the light spot speaking, but the sound is transmitted through this method, which is called light letter. Qiu Yan has been here for a few days and roughly understands the key points inside. In fact, there is something inside the light spot. The core is for creation, but the subtle light is actually emitted when the internal mechanism is operating. However, due to limitations of technical means, it cannot be blocked for the time being, because that will affect the spread of information.

On the other hand, this optical communication method is subject to great distance restrictions and cannot be popularized at all. It can only propagate sound in this house or in part of a certain city.

In comparison, the Fengxin and Xinjie mentioned in that discourse are similar, except that the two must be combined to form, and are restricted by the climate and wind direction. If you want to convey a message, within a hundred miles , it often takes hundreds of transformations of messages, and when compared with the earth line communication method, the advantages and disadvantages are self-evident.

However, the method of earth veins also has restrictions, that is, it cannot be transmitted to the sky and must be connected to the earth. This naturally does not matter in Donghua. All cities are based on the earth. But in Tianzhizhou, anything with a little bit People of this status all live in the sky cities. The cities in the sky are distributed on the vast land, divided into areas, and commanded below. They are not connected to the earth. Therefore, even if the method of earth veins is convenient, the transmission distance is enough. Still can't reach heaven in time.

It is for this reason that the method of Feng Xin is needed as a supplement.

It is worth mentioning that the Feng Xin method and faith festival are somewhat related to the Guanyan Mo Sect. In the complex structure of the entire communication system, there is a little contribution from the Guan Yan Mo Sect, and every year it can benefit from it. Get a lot of money.

"The laws of this continent are actually being continuously improved, and its core is to maintain a situation of continuous striving so that all those who can devote themselves to the way of creation can obtain a steady stream of wealth and maintain their identity. status and maintain the social structure, but it is quite rigid.”

The light spot finished transmitting the words and left. When Qiu Yan and Sancai Huo got up, the former said these words.

After a few breaths, someone came over to lead the two of them through the long corridor and arrived at a teahouse. The layout of this teahouse was exquisite and its location was worth pondering. It was located on the top floor of the highest pavilion. When they came here, they looked out the window. Looking at it, it is almost difficult to see buildings that are flush with it.

The ink observer was sitting upright, with a low table in front of him, and another person beside him. He was an old man of quite a certain age, with white hair and a gray beard. When he saw Qiu Yan and the other two, his eyes shone a little.

This light was not a glimmer in the eyes in the ordinary sense, but a real brilliance that even radiated and shrouded Qiu Yan and the two of them, making them feel like they were being seen through.

It's just that this kind of see-through can only see the parts that the two of them want others to see and feel. The real core remains secret.

Then, the old man nodded and said: "Yes, these two people are indeed descendants of aristocratic families. There are detailed records. The few years they disappeared happened to be on Quhua Road, where there was also a school in the Middle Ages. , owned by two Mo clans, but later disappeared, there may be a spatial layout inside, which even the government spies cannot penetrate. "

"Okay, since that's the case, let's follow the past practice and transfer the method of earth line communication to my name, Guanyan Mo Sect. However, as the founders, the two of them should have 20% of the profit."

"Twenty percent profit, this is not a small amount." The old man gave the big inkman a deep look, "This earth line communication method helps the government to control the lower realms, and its value is immeasurable. Now that it is laid, it will be available immediately. To spread across the main Thirteen State Roads and become one of the connections, the amount of money involved is enough to support a Momen, and it is only 20%, and it is enough to spawn several aristocratic families. "

"These two little friends have extraordinary knowledge, and this method of earth veins is just the beginning." The Great Ink Watcher did not hide his meaning, perhaps also to dispel the doubts of Qiu Yan and the other two, "If there are two other people in the future, Creation, I, Guanyan Momen, are still the first choice of both of you.”

In Tianzhizhou, as long as it complies with the law, it is okay to commit murder, arson, and all kinds of evil. But once it involves violating the law, even a great scholar will find it unbearable. Qiu Yan has already understood this. Now listen to After reading the words of the eye-mozer, I know that this person is also concerned about the law, otherwise he would have taken advantage of it. The key is that the influence of the earth line law is too great. Several specific details involved in it need to be solved. Just take action yourself.

With thoughts swirling in their minds, Qiu Yan and Sancai were angry on the surface, but they still thanked Guanyan.

At this time, the old man said: "Okay, needless to say, when will the great Mo master set off?" Qiu Yan naturally saw that this person was the representative of the government.

Guan Yanmo said: "It's not too late. It's better to choose a day than to hit the sun. It's rare that the city lord is free today, so let's set off now." After saying this, he stretched out his hand and touched the low table in front of him.

Just listen to a series of spring spring sounds, and then the room trembles, the scenery in the surrounding windows moves, a light airflow flows, bringing a breeze.

Qiu Yan and Sancai Huo could already see at just one glance that this room was also a machine-made creation, and it had even been transformed into a flying boat——

Outside, the tea room that was originally located on the top floor had changed its appearance. It looked like it was made of wood and bamboo, but clouds and mist gathered and dispersed, lifting up this layer, and then flew out of the city!

Ding ding ding!

At this time, the old man in the tea room raised his hand and clicked a ring on the low table gently. Waves of fluctuations suddenly appeared in the void, which Qiu Yan caught, and suddenly felt a surge in his heart. cold. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

ps: Thanks to "Blooded Fairy" for the reward!

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