Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1,260: The boundless ocean of learning is the boat of intention

The pursuers mentioned in the eight-character ancient seal script refer to the group of people who were chasing them along the way. 【

"This group of people seems to be well-organized and lawful, and the intelligence is even more pervasive. No matter what methods we use to hide or cut off exploration, the other party can be found again. Now after going to sea, due to the influence of the storm, the other party has not been seen for the time being, but If you want to live for some time, you will definitely encounter it.”

When the Bazi Ancient Seal script was speaking, his brows furrowed, as if he was thinking about something.

Gongyu Longjian beside him shook his head and said: "That's not necessarily true. That group of people may have lived in the scholar forest. It's just that Da Rui has always been in the forest, mostly discussing Taoism, and there are many academies in this scholar forest." In fact, they have their own strongholds, and they are not without foundation. Only Zhixing Academy is newly opened, so it is not unreasonable to encounter some unexpected things. "

Just when the eight-character ancient seal script thought that Gongyu Sword Technique was just going against him, Gongyu Ze said again: "However, it cannot be ruled out that there has been a change in Shilin. Fortunately, there is such a group of people chasing behind, so it is not The coincidence of Yin and Yang's priorities forced several of Qiu Yan's disciples to devote themselves wholeheartedly to cope with the many changes along the way. The progress was indeed not small, and they gained many gains in the Shilin. It can be said to be a blessing in disguise. ”

With these words, even the eight-character ancient seal script had to admit: "Yes, Qiu Yan originally asked us to come here with the intention of protecting these boys. In this way, they will have confidence and confidence, and they will inevitably relax and get what they don't deserve." It's a harvest, but we can't let these guys do anything. After all, they are the foundation seeds of Zhixing Academy and cannot be lost. Now that we have such a group of people chasing after us, it has helped us a lot."

Gong Yu added: "With their current determination, even if we all go to Beijuzhou next, they should be able to survive. It just so happened that Qiu Miao also found the trace, and after confirming the direction, it was time to go. The remaining days are regarded as the last time of protection.”

Hearing this, Bazi Ancient Seal frowned: "But once we leave, there will inevitably be casualties..." While speaking, he turned his head and glanced at the corner of the deck, where several people were lying on the ground with pale faces. "I'm afraid it won't be easy to explain to Qiu Yan in the end."

"It doesn't matter." Gong Yu waved his hand, "You sex cultivators definitely don't want to get hurt, because it's mysterious and mysterious, but in my opinion, a little loss is not necessarily a bad thing, but it can polish your temper and strengthen your heart. Besides, at that time , it’s time for them to leave Shilin and return to Dali.”

Hearing this, Bazi Ancient Seal frowned more and more tightly, and he wanted to speak to tell the difference, but Gong Yu didn't give him time to speak at all. Listen to him continue: "Actually, before we go to Beijuzhou, there is one more thing we can do, which is to roughly find out. What is the origin of those who are chasing Meng Sanyi and others in the forest? In order to test them, we refrained from taking action, but if the opponent really chased them to the sea, there would be no reason to let them go. There must be something hidden behind these people walking freely in Shilin. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Meng, who was exploring on the observation deck, said: "There is a ship ahead!"

"Oh? There is a boat. Are those people chasing you?" Hearing this sound, the Bazi Ancient Seal Script and others also paid attention. Under the influence of the waves of thinking in the sea of ​​learning, their perceptions were also completely restricted, making it difficult to Expanded, so it cannot be distinguished remotely.

But then, Wu Meng was surprised to hear: "What a big ship! It doesn't seem to be a pursuit. The people on top are raising flags, but I don't know them. Scholar, come up and have a look."

The scholar in Wu Meng's mouth was none other than Sun Xun. This young master from the Sun family was very knowledgeable and had some knowledge of flag language. As he finished speaking, Wu Meng turned around and acted as directly as a weight. He fell in the air, but when he landed, there was not much impact, and he didn't even hear the impact. He then bounced up, swayed, and arrived in front of Sun Xun. Before the other party could react, he raised his hand and waved. He threw the person up and landed firmly on the stage.

Sun Xun's expression changed at first, but he quickly calmed down and did not complain. Instead, he looked from a distance and saw a giant ship swimming slowly not far away, with flags flying on it, sending out a message.

After understanding it, I heard him say: "The people coming here are not pursuers. They should be a fleet of a certain fleet. The other party is letting us get close. The two sides have canceled the following and understand the situation in the surrounding sea areas."

"Not a pursuer? How can you tell?" Wu Meng seemed to have a different opinion, "How could I know that the other party is not pretending to be a treacherous trick to make money off us?"

Sun Xun said: "Judging from the behavior of those people before, they are not people who would use such methods. Moreover, the ship in front is too huge and the speed is not slow. Even if we ignore it, we will eventually gather together." , it’s better to take the initiative and understand the situation.”

"I'm afraid that the person who comes here is not good." Someone else spoke up. This person was one of the few Confucian scholars who came with him this time. He was one of the few people in Zhixing Academy who understood the essence of Zhixing. His name was Zhang Yang, and he was from a poor family. , were quite low-key along the way, barely uttering a word, but as they got acquainted with each other, they were no longer silent. When the storm hit before, except for Meng Sanyi and other three Qiu Yan disciples, The others were affected to some extent, but there was no difference between the two of them, and Zhang Yang was one of them.

"No matter who comes here is good or not, they all need to be contacted." Meng Sanyi came out at this time, "Actually, after this period of experience, you should have noticed that the world of Shilin is different from the outside world. I can't wait to see the outside world. If you practice martial arts and don't know the skills on the battlefield, once you encounter someone who is powerful and has evil intentions, you will definitely be difficult to defeat. But it is different in the scholar forest. As long as you have deep knowledge and a firm will, you can escape even if you are trapped in a tight siege. Opportunities and possibilities. Now that the giant ship is coming, as long as we make arrangements in advance and prepare a way out, it may be an opportunity to understand Shilin. "

Among these people, according to the order of entry, Meng Sanyi is still at the forefront. However, when he speaks, he does not have much of the demeanor of a senior brother, and he looks like he is kind to others. This is something he developed when he was a servant. His temperament is easy and difficult to change, but he is also easy to get close to.

"That's it." Sun Xun slowly climbed down the mast and came to the crowd. "I have heard others talk about the teacher before. They all said that the teacher moves based on his plan and moves behind the scenes. This is advance. Being prepared is the embodiment of knowing and doing. Now that I have entered the academy, it is to hone my knowledge and practice. Moreover, after experiencing all kinds of things, my mind has been made up. There is no need to be afraid of others. Even without the support of these few people, it may not be possible. ideas.”

As soon as he said this, the others also thought about it and nodded.

As for Gong Yu Jianfa and others, they were just watching from the sidelines. They were only ordered by Qiu Yan to help at critical moments, and they usually did not interfere too much. After several crises, Meng Sanyi and others also generally I understand what these people mean and know that I have to rely more on my own strength in order to achieve something. If I rely on the last layer of protection to act recklessly and don't appreciate the changes in Shilin, I will ultimately gain nothing and waste my time in the forest. opportunity.

The number of times you can enter the forest is limited in a person's life. How dare these people waste it?

Therefore, after the planning was completed, they also set the tone and waited for the arrival of the big ship——

At this time, the huge ship was not far away from the three-masted sailing ship that Meng Sanyi and others were riding. You didn't need to climb high to look far away, you could see the approaching giant ship on the line between the sea and the sky.

As time went by and the distance shortened, the ship became clearer and clearer, and some of the scenes above became clearer as well, which allowed Meng Sanyi and others to intuitively experience the size of this ship!

Those few people whose faces were pale due to resisting the storm couldn't help but exclaimed.

"This ship is so big! I'm afraid it's as big as a small town or even half of the county near Daruifu City!"

"How does such a big ship sail? Is it also a sail? No, I didn't see a canvas on the ship!"

"Afraid there is something hidden? Huh? This ship looks spectacular and majestic at first glance. After getting closer, you can see that it seems to be riddled with holes, and one side is about to be broken. Many ship boards have peeled off. Could it be that it was damaged? If it was hit by wind and waves, it would have been torn apart a long time ago. How could it sail on this sea?"

Several people discussed, and what they said also reflected the thoughts and doubts of Meng Sanyi and others. Compared with this ship, their ship was dwarfed and insignificant. Everyone is in their own place, and there is no confusion. In comparison, the huge ship looks majestic at first glance, but when you look closely, you can notice the many cracks on it, and it has an ancient atmosphere. It is unknown how long it has been sailing.

"How many of you are new to the sea?"

While everyone was wondering, a voice came from the top of the giant ship.

Following the sound, he saw a middle-aged man in his forties, wearing dark clothes and a dignified face. He was looking at several people with a smile.

"How about it? Do you want to come to my ancient elixir boat to have a look? Maybe we can travel together in the same boat and travel on this boundless sea of ​​learning."

"Boundless learning?"

The speaker was willing to listen, and Meng Sanyi and others immediately noticed the key point, and then Sun Xun asked: "Brother, I haven't asked the name yet. In addition, this boundless sea of ​​learning seems to be more than simple." In other words, I just came to the sea from land not long ago, and I am planning to find time to go back. "

"I can't go back, I can't go back." Unexpectedly, the middle-aged man shook his head, "When you came, did you encounter a storm as soon as you entered the sea? You must have a strong will. After this storm has passed, the soul in the sea will never return to the land." (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature for better and faster updates!

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