Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 1269: Scholars, the Army, and the North Sea


Sancaihuo shook his head and continued: "Some people have used this method to go to the past, but this unified will occupies a continent, and its tentacles extend out. I don't know how much land it extends to the starry sky. It involves too many things, and it cannot be done easily. Reversal, besides, the formation of this unified will also involves a heavenly king. With him standing in the past, it is impossible to reverse it for a long time. △"

The birth of this unified will was originally forced by a heavenly king-level existence. The causal implications are naturally huge. If the heavenly kings of future generations want to go upstream, the first obstacle is the heavenly kings of the past.

Both parties have the same personality and cannot be overcome so easily.

Qiu Yan also knew this.

"This past does not need to go to a place that is too ancient. It only needs to go to a time when the unified will has not extended too much, and its original intention has not been too diluted by the ideas of later people. The important thing is that at that time, this unified will had not been forced by this continent to constantly change and become more rigid and cold. "

As the words fell, I could see the threads of thought extending from Qiu Yan's fingers entangled, forming a web of literature. However, this web of literature was filled with a strong aura of coldness and rigidity. .

"The thick-armored ink man has used his authority above the law several times during this period, constantly challenging the legal loopholes that unite his will, which invisibly caused this literary network to bloom in many gaps and gaps. Since then, it has become a serious problem for the unified will. If it continues to develop, it will soon cause a backlash against the unified will. The final solution will inevitably involve collision and conflict between the two parties. By that time, this literary network with a shallow foundation will inevitably It is to be destroyed by the profound will of unity!"

From Qiu Yan's words, Sancaihuo roughly understood the reason. The latter was no stranger to this Wenwang. He had heard of its name a long time ago and knew that it was derived from Donghua.

"The emergence of the Wenwang has changed the situation of humanity and Shinto. Even that gentleman attaches great importance to it. He once mentioned that it seems that the net was created by this new Heavenly Lord. I don't know. What is his purpose?"

In the change of thought of Sancaihuo, Qiu Yan's will projection has melted, merged with the thought thread, and then issued a will——

"However, if this literary network full of loopholes can be integrated with the unified will here, it will be more perfect immediately, and it will also give me the opportunity to look back on the past. Fellow Taoist, do you want to go together? ?”

"How can such a thing happen without me?" Sancai smiled angrily, and his figure also disappeared. It turned into a little spark and entered the Nasixianwen website.

The next moment, both parties entered an illusory world through this literary network.

This world. It is a place of humanity derived from the Wenwang. However, unlike Donghua and Blood Prison, the place of humanity here appears cold and monotonous. It is full of cold and hard rocks, and there is a lot of accumulated knowledge in the rocks.

The will of Qiu Yan and Sancai Huo condensed into two figures here, stepping forward.

When it steps on the ground, it makes a crisp sound.

The square and square rocks constructed by Tianzhizhou's knowledge were all restrained, built into walls, paved with floors, and shaped into roofs, forming a set of long corridors. Deep in the corridor, there was darkness. There seemed to be countless people talking vaguely, and there was a gloomy atmosphere.

"Even if it has not been too infected by the development of humanity, the unified will at that time has still been integrated, how can we communicate with it?" Walking on this road, Sancaihuo still kept talking, and Qiu Yan's condensed thoughts The illusory world that came out was also amazing, "However, I really didn't expect that such a world could be constructed in your thoughts. These bricks and stones are also combined with human thoughts. When accumulated, The gravel can be mobilized. If this continues to develop, I am afraid it will become a world like Shilin, Xingwu, and Beiming."

"Shilin, Xingwu, Beiming?" Hearing these three names, Qiu Yan's heart moved, and he suddenly had an idea, and said, "Shilin is a spiritual world dominated by Confucianism, and Xingwu is a spiritual world dominated by Confucianism. The military strategist is the main one. As for Beiming, it should mean the sea of ​​Beiming. From this literal meaning, it can be seen that it should be the spiritual world dominated by Taoism. I think these worlds correspond to hundreds of schools of thought. "

"Oh? You actually know all this?"

Sancaihuo looked slightly surprised, then nodded and said: "In Donghua, Confucianism is the mainstay, and people there always want to join the Scholars, so it is not surprising that they know the Scholars, but the world of military training is in Donghua. But there is no foundation, because the military strategists were dominated and suppressed by Confucianism. The Donghua dynasty of the past dynasties also pursued the rule of military affairs through civility, and there was no soil for the military world to extend. You can actually know it, right? It seems that I was in Donghua at the beginning? Hua has discovered military ruins, could this be the reason?"

As he walked, he slowly shook his head and sighed: "That's all. The Beiming Sea is illusory and boundless, and it has almost no connection with the material continent. Whether you can enter it depends on chance, and you can actually know it. It's not easy."

After a period of contact, Sancaihuo could naturally see that Qiu Yan had not been practicing for a long time. He was a new Heavenly Lord and did not know many rules. He also reminded him of some precautions. explain.

Qiu Yan did not hide anything, and said: "I have been in Shilin before, and I am familiar with the army. There are also connections with Donghua Middle School, but it is Beiming. In fact, this is the first time I heard you mention it. I just connected with the classics. I can There is some speculation.”

"So that's it, that's it! It's indeed possible!" As Sancaihuo spoke, he suddenly raised his hand and took a brick off the wall. He squeezed it in his hand and it instantly shattered into pieces. "I probably understand your purpose. You really want to find a time when it is least infected by humane development, so that you can find out whether there is such a possibility."

Then there was a click, and the bricks shattered, and countless knowledge poured out from it, turning into a cold and violent wind, and swept towards the depths of the passage.

At the same time, because of the loss of a brick, the wall trembled slightly, but soon new ideas gathered and condensed again.

"Yes, since Confucianism, military strategism, and Taoism all have their own spiritual world, then Mohism should also have it! It is even related to the unified will, and if it is involved in the world of Mohism, it can also explain why a heavenly king fell. Here it is." As Qiu Yan said this, he had other thoughts in his mind -

"Confucianism, military strategism, and Taoism all have worlds. If Mohism also has a world, then don't Legalists, Farmers, Yin-Yang, etc. also have worlds? However, the Xingjun who was captured in Shilin mentioned Shilin before. The origin of Shilin seems to have turned illusion into reality in a short period of time in order to connect various tribes and continents. What kind of strong will can this be realized? And from its myth, it can be vaguely detected that Shilin's Birth seems to have a lot to do with Shinto, so are the other spiritual worlds also born like this?"

After thinking about it, the two of them had already reached the depths of the passage. The atmosphere around them became more and more solemn and depressing. The air seemed to condense into substance. When people walked inside, they had the feeling of walking in water and suffering resistance.

Suddenly, Sancaihuo said this: "As the world of literary and Internet develops, it should create a variety of world scenes."

As soon as he finished speaking, a series of shattering sounds suddenly came from the front, and the deepest part of the corridor suddenly cracked open, and a huge idea struck!

This idea is cold and rational, filled with an artistic conception that sees through all things and governs the world, but it is also filled with all kinds of brilliance. It is the condensation of thoughts. Thousands of people have thousands of thoughts, each of which is different. They gather together and run through the past and future. Shocking the past and the present!

This is clearly the unified will, but it is different from what Qiu Yan and San Caihuo have come into contact with before. Although the unified will here is also constructed from many ideas, it does not have that rigid and rigid feeling. Instead, it is filled with a kind of exuberance. Vitality, and a sense of moving forward bravely and vigorously!

"There is only a moment of time. The bodies and incarnations of you and me are already close at hand, and the power can be mobilized. However, facing a heavenly king who is about to fall, this kind of fall-like cause and effect is still unbearable, so time is only In an instant, you must grasp all the information you need and leave enough seeds!”

At the same time, Qiu Yan and Sancai Huo looked at each other, and then their bodies collapsed and turned into two thoughts. They rushed over and collided with the rushing unified will!

The next moment, this united will full of vitality was enveloped by an even more terrifying will. This will was filled with violent, domineering, and mighty divine power. It also ran through time and space and suppressed the united will in an instant. Down!

But almost at the same time, the unified will opened a channel, and countless huge wills similar to the unified will from the same path swarmed out. Before they were implemented, countless mechanical creations were visualized, layer upon layer, continuously!

This time, it was like rain, and the number of those mechanical creations alone was astonishing!

Qiu Yan and Sancai Huo, who had collided with the unified will, were related to countless creations through direct contact. Suddenly, independent wills appeared in their hearts, which also shocked their wills. !

"A conscious machine creation! Isn't it a living thing this time? A living being created by humane means?"

Although they were shocked, they had not forgotten their original intention. While the majestic Shinto will was surrounded and eaten by countless machine creations, Qiu Yan and Sancai Huo activated the power that belonged to their own level, and instantly boundless Stretch it, and then follow the path of many mechanical creations and swim upstream! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

ps: Thanks to "Walking in the Present Day" for the tip!

Thanks to "Reject Internet Alliance" for your monthly vote!

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