Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1281: The Alchemy Meeting is coming, the painting falls and the people appear

"There are many Taoist sects in the world, and some are good and some are evil. Each one has his own way to seek immortality. Not to mention evil ways, even among the righteous ways, each has its own division. They seem to be in harmony with each other, but in fact they are also tit-for-tat. What's more, Needless to say, there are many strange inheritances and unpredictable origins, and the scale of the magic sect is even more difficult to fathom. "

In the side room of the political hall, Qiu Yan listened to Taoist Master Feihu, who was dressed as an ordinary scribe, talking about the situation. He didn't know what method he used to hide all his heretical auras. Even Qiu Yan couldn't do it in person. Otherwise, it would be impossible to let a Taoist priest enter this central location.

Qiu Yan nodded slightly, and then asked: "So, this Pinda Conference can't be held?"

Feihu shook his head directly: "On the contrary, most of the Taoist and Immortal sects agreed to hold the Pindan Conference, but they were unwilling to be controlled by the court and wanted to get rid of the Marquis's proposal and hold it elsewhere. If they don't come, Capital City.”

"The so-called freedom from the control of the imperial court is just an excuse. I want to use it as a breakthrough to expand my influence. This is nothing. People's hearts are selfish, and what practitioners want is even more selfish. Longevity and long-term vision. The purpose is to get rid of the barriers of the world, how could he easily follow my thoughts?" Qiu Yan nodded without showing any surprise.

"What are your plans, Lord Marquis?" Feihu seemed to be asking for Qiu Yan's opinion, but it was not in the tone of a subordinate, but in the sense of discussion. This was not only because he was concerned about the power behind Qiu Yan, but also because they had already realized that The danger of aliens.

When asked, Qiu Yan just asked: "Have they said where they plan to hold the meeting?"

"Of course they all want to be around their own mountain gates to gain dominance." Feihu didn't hide it either.

Qiu Yan said: "In that case. Then we might as well promote it overseas and strive to hold the first Pindan Conference overseas within a month."

"Overseas? The first session?" Taoist Feihu was confused at first, and then realized the deeper meaning of those words, and his expression changed. He couldn't help but think: "Is it possible that the Marquis of Dingguo, although he sincerely wants to resist the invasion from outside, also has the intention of unifying the outsiders? If there is one, there will be two. If there is one, there will be two. It will take a long time. There is no guarantee that it will not be born. The change is just whether the invasion of people from outside the world can be resisted, or is the Marquis of Ding really thinking that far? "

Qiu Yan ignored Feihu's worries and continued: "That's right. It's overseas, and it's only for one month, no more than one and a half months at the latest!"

This sentence interrupted Feihu's thoughts again. He also realized that it was too early to think about that. The top priority was to decide on the Pindan Conference. It was just Qiu Yan's words. But there are many problems: "One month is too short. To be honest, although most Taoist sects have agreed to the organization, there are still many sects who are resistant and feel that they are detached from the outside world."

"Detached from outsiders?" Qiu Yan shook his head and frowned, "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world, and this is not something they say can be detached. Among the outsiders that day, some had the intention of destroying Donghua. Such a person. If you don’t prepare now, you won’t be able to take refuge then!”

Feihu also understands these reasons, but no matter how powerful they are in the Fengling Dao, there are still some things they cannot do. He can only say: "My two senior brothers are already trying to persuade them."

"Persuasion is useless." Qiu Yan shook his head and stood up, "It seems that I still have to go there myself."

"The Marquis wants to take action personally? But this is a matter of government affairs..." Taoist Master Feihu's expression changed, revealing a look of doubt. He naturally knew that now that the guard station has been abolished, some officials have come forward, saying that Qiu Yan established the guard station in the past. , and now the guard post has been evacuated, it is like child's play to set it up and withdraw it. Besides, the government affairs are busy, and it is not easy to leave as a governor. Otherwise, if there is a slight change and the power is lost, it will be a disaster.

"It doesn't matter, I have my own thoughts." Qiu Yan said this and ordered someone to take Taoist Feihu to a quiet room to rest. The latter had no choice but to leave with full of doubts.

After seeing off Taoist Feihu, Qiu Yan did not waste any time. After finishing the matters at hand, he left on time. When he arrived at Qiu Mansion, Hu Qi came face to face: "Master, that... aunt... You Gongzi has come back. ”

"You came back just in time." Qiu Yan nodded, "Let them go to the study."

A few breaths later, Qiu Yan came to the study. There were two other people in the room, a young man and a beautiful young woman in white.

Looking at the two people in front of him, Qiu Yan couldn't help but recall the past and said with a smile: "It's been a long time since we last seen each other. Your trip to Beijing this time was quite eventful."

"I have met... Marquis Dingguo." This young master is none other than You Zui. He had a relationship with Qiu Yan back then. Later, by chance, he and the person in the painting became a couple, and the beauty in the painting was able to take shape. , is also related to Qiu Yan, so he regards him as his father.

Not long ago, the sky wept with blood, and there were rumors of the end of the world. The drunken man and the beauty in the painting decided to go to Beijing. However, they encountered a demon on the way and staged a series of strange scenes. They finally got rid of it, but because the person in the painting was also a demon. Human beings, without certain magical protection, were suppressed and reverted to their original form after entering the Gyeonggi area, thus delaying a lot of time.

Fortunately, the people sent by Qiu Yan came into contact with them and got the book of protection, so that the people in the painting got rid of hidden dangers. Then, there were strange encounters on the road. That Youzui actually mastered a magical power, and he really arrived today. At home.

Here, You Zui had just saluted, and the person in the painting was also blessed, saying: "I have seen my father..." This woman's voice was soft, and her character was also gentle and tight. You Zui loved her, so she was called Qiu in the past. As his father, You Zui let him go and regarded Qiu Yan as his father-in-law. But now in person, he still knew that the two of them spoke like this, which was suspected of being related. After all, Qiu Yan was now extremely powerful, not only How many people wanted to curry favor with him. If the couple continued to act like that, they would inevitably be looked down upon by others, so they changed their names, but they did not expect that the woman would still be called the same.

Qiu Yan's eyelids twitched slightly, and he felt that he seemed much older, but he still nodded and said: "Your birth has indeed inherited my thoughts. Ordinary children are inherited by blood, but you are regarded as spiritual inheritance. This sound Father, I can bear it.”

"This... actually responded!" On the side, You Zui was surprised when he heard this sentence and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Qiu Yanzi didn't seem to want to dwell too much on this issue, because he knew that the source of the birth of monsters and monsters was the foundation. Since the person in the painting took himself as the source, if he blindly denied it, it would shake the other party's foundation. One bad word may cause this woman to die.

Then, Qiu Yan said again: "It's just the right time for you to come here. Originally, I had other plans, but since you're here, You Zui, you can draw a portrait for me to save me a lot of trouble."

Hearing this, You Zui quickly said: "It's all according to the orders of my father-in-law." This man loved his wife very much. When he saw his wife calling her that, he immediately changed his name. However, Qiu Yan's eyelids twitched again and he felt that he Two points older.

However, as You Zui said this, he also had doubts in his heart. He didn't know why he wanted to be painted, but he never asked. In addition, he had had adventures in the past, and he was immersed in his mind and made paintings that were vaguely like living things. Now in the capital Another chance encounter turned him into a magical power. Now Qiu Yan ordered him to paint, and he had his own ideas.

However, after Qiu Yan made simple arrangements, he asked You Zui to rest first and wait until after dinner before officially starting.

You Zui also put aside all the distracting thoughts in his heart at this time. As soon as he held the paintbrush in his hand, his whole body's energy and energy rose rapidly. Qiu Yan, standing across a table across from him, felt this change particularly clearly. , couldn't help but secretly marvel.

"I heard from Dai Guo that the traveler encountered a tree demon and a tengu blocking his way on the way. These two people came down from Dajie Mountain and wanted to find something. It should be the Linghui Soul. It seems that the Linghui Soul entered Beiju. Continent, a land of demons and demons, is suitable for these demons and monsters. Therefore, the luck is about to rise sharply, and there is a tendency to turn against the guests. This suppresses the luck of the main body, which naturally causes the Tengu to panic. Then he goes down the mountain, along the way. Based on the causal connection, he found You Zui and Qiu Hua, which was a blessing in disguise, and he had a breakthrough in his state of mind and achieved great success in painting! "

While Qiu Yan was thinking, You Zui had already started writing. The ink on the tip of the pen was constantly stained on the paper. As his wrist turned and slid on the blank paper, he quickly sketched a rough outline, which was similar to Qiu Yan in front of him. , there is a faint infusion of charm, but it is not the simulation of Yu Zui's own mind, but it is directly absorbed from Qiu Yan's body and integrated into it.

If he had the intention, Qiu Yan could cut off this obvious connection with a change of thought, but he did not do so.

After a few breaths, the painting gradually became more emotional, and Qiu Yan's face in the painting was faintly visible. This appearance came to life, as if he was about to step out of the painting. After a while of having a cup of tea, Qiu Yan's portrait had already fallen on the paper. But the magical twist in it seems to be possible to come out of the paper at any time.

Qiu Yan came forward and saw the painting. He nodded slightly and said with a smile: "It's really lifelike. It's the arm of the master in the painting."

"My father-in-law is so complimentary, so complimentary." You Zui quickly became humble.

"If you have the ability, you shouldn't refuse it, but should accept it, and then work harder and harder," Qiu Yan said, and then said, "On the road of painting, even I may not remember to fall in love with you. If so, I can't My thoughts are more useful than ordinary incarnations."

As soon as the words fell, Qiu Yan's eyes flickered, and thoughts arose and poured into the person in the painting. The next moment, the picture was distorted, and the person in it actually walked out step by step.

Two days later, a motorcade left the capital. The leader of the motorcade was Taoist Master Feihu. (To be continued)

ps: Thanks to "Shuyi", "galaxy01", "Kalau", and "Spending money is good" for their monthly votes!

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