Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 1305: Unknown Dao Fruit, Chaos in the Starry Sky

"The Buddha of Buddhism opened up the Saha world, and the number of tribes under his control has always been three thousand. He also has a tradition of challenging the ancient ways. Almost every once in a while, someone from the Buddhist sect who has achieved the Buddhahood comes to go forward. Because The road ahead is full of disasters, so we call it asceticism.”

The closer he got to the light, the more Qiu Yan paid attention to what the man in white said. He also understood that the Buddha's fruition should be the way to call the Heavenly King level in Buddhism.

The man in white said again: "Buddhism's method is different from ordinary incense and practice. It is difficult to say whether it has the advantages of both, but it has its own magical effects. That is why the three thousand worlds of Buddhism are attracted by them. Complete control. In addition, there are many worlds that have been penetrated. The number of infiltrations is still increasing, and you, Donghua, will soon be on this list. "

"Is it the infiltration of Buddhism?" Qiu Yan chewed on this information, "Sure enough, those who can truly gain a foothold in the starry sky and become successful are not those who simply use their fists to occupy other continents, but those who use their thoughts, Ideas are used to cover the existence of the souls of other continents. Shinto is like this, and Buddhism is also similar. In contrast, those monks who seek immortality are the most peaceful, so they have the theory of Xiaoyao, but this Xiaoyao is actually also A thought."

As soon as his thoughts fell, Qiu Yan's body passed straight through the light that illuminated the way forward. He suddenly felt that this light was like a beacon guiding lost travelers. Suddenly, he felt a kind of awareness. His thoughts were clear and his thoughts of peace were like spring water. The ding-dong slid down and penetrated my heart.

"It's magical. Even if you don't analyze the mystery, the simple Buddha's light can enlighten people's wisdom and make people understand clearly. If it shines all the time, it is indeed a clear path, but I still have to find a path on my own after all... …”

The whisper fell. Qiu Yan continued to move forward without looking back.

Three more steps, and there is another radiance that is no less than the light of the Buddha. However, this radiance is not simply bright, but also has various flavors of balance, yin and yang, and change. There are three grand artistic conceptions such as destruction, rebirth, and balance implemented in it. !

"This is the trace left by the Holy Trinity." The voice of the man in white sounded again at the right time, "This person has a strange personality. He is not just a Heavenly Emperor, but also has a close relationship with Buddhism. I have long suspected that the two They are one body, but they originate from different Heavenly Emperors.”

For a moment. Qiu Yan understood and knew that he had encountered another trace of his predecessors, but this trace was too close to the Buddha's light and seemed a little strange.

in addition……

"From different Heavenly Emperors?" Qiu Yan was stunned when he heard this, unable to immediately understand this sentence.

The man in white responded directly: "Yes, when this continent is upgraded, it may create the Emperor of Heaven according to its original background. But this is not something you can participate in..." He narrowed his eyes, showing an obvious warning. , "This is why I asked you to leave Donghua. I am not afraid to tell you directly that your existence is a variable, and Donghua's promotion now seems different from what we originally thought. Lin Zhengyang is very Maybe just like the Supreme Heaven, he also wants to take another path, the one that the madman calls the true and correct path!"

"The true correct path? A madman?" Qiu Yan understood these words keenly. Captured some key information!

"That's right, the theory of fanatics. That's why the Supreme Heaven has fallen to this point because it believed this statement. Even if the realm is higher than mine, what's the point?" The man in white said calmly. But when these words reached Qiu Yan's ears, they caused huge waves!

"Higher than the realm of the Emperor of Heaven? What do you mean? What happened to the status of the Supreme Heaven?" As the information continued to be collected, Qiu Yan became more and more confused and confused. This state has not appeared in the world for a long time. It's on his mind, but it's not a bad thing. If you have doubts, you have to explore and study them to make progress!

Next, the man in white's words made Qiu Yan's thoughts spin rapidly again——

"The Supreme Heaven has three major incarnations, and each incarnation is the person of the Emperor of Heaven! However, those three incarnations are different. They represent creation, destruction and coordination respectively. Their wills are also relatively opposite, and there are even fights between them!"

"If each of these incarnations of will has the personality of the Emperor of Heaven, it represents too many things. And if the incarnation has such ability, what will happen to the original body?" Thinking of this, Qiu Yan did not hesitate and asked He had questions because he had realized that the White Emperor in front of him would tell the truth no matter what he asked.

However, this is not out of good intentions, but the most direct and simple persuasion——

Use countless terrifying information that can crush a person's spirit to create a real situation, so that Qiu Yan can understand, let him know his own insignificance and powerlessness, and finally withdraw from the chess game on his own initiative.

"There is no conclusion yet on how powerful the Supreme Heaven's body is." To Qiu Yan's surprise, the man in white rarely gave a definite answer to this question, "Because the Supreme Heaven's attack was successful and his own After Buzhou sublimated and gave birth to his three incarnations and the Buddhist Buddha and other heavenly emperors, he fell into a complete sleep. If he left anything behind, it would probably be only a sentence. "

"What are you talking about?" Qiu Yan's heart moved.

The man in white glanced at him, and then uttered two or two words: "The Tao and its fruit are unknown, and the starry sky is chaotic."

Listening to this, Qiu Yan's thoughts began to spin rapidly, gathering a lot of past information, hoping to find a chance to connect them. At the same time, he also took steps, gradually approaching the light left by his predecessors, but But he said: "As the Lord of Heaven, you should understand this, right?"

"I have thought about it, but it's just illusory." Bai Yi shook his head, "Similar words, someone has said it before. According to that person, we all went the wrong way, and he was the only one who was going the right way, but The person who said this sentence ended up with the same fate as the Supreme Heaven. After the impact, he fell into a deep sleep, so that the great religion he founded eventually declined and was annihilated in the starry sky. Not extinct, but what’s the point? If we don’t still remember him, that person has no meaning, he is just a madman who has been lost in the stars and the long river of history.”

"Yes, it seems that there are many such people, but the Supreme Heaven is really not simple. In this way, he may have given birth to four or even more Heavenly Emperors. And now it seems that I, Donghua This may be the path that he wants to take. If he repeats the past, even if he is sleeping, many heavenly emperors will be born, enough to reorganize the starry sky forces. I think the reason for this trip of the White Emperor is this. Excluding candidates who may be promoted to Heavenly Emperor or who may cause changes are undoubtedly the stupidest and most effective..."

In an instant, Qiu Yan understood the man in white's plan, but he also understood that the other man's explanations along the way were precisely to make him understand this. The temptation to become an emperor was naturally huge, but under the pressure of such a situation, How many people can be calm when there is a real emperor by their side?

Furthermore, what Qiu Yan's human body has shown now is, at most, the power of the peak of the fifth realm. It is several realms away from the emperor, like a chasm. In this situation, normal people would act wisely. Make a choice.

But Qiu Yan would not be easily deterred by such words, but at this point, he had already made it clear that this trip to the ancient road had come to an end.

However, Qiu Yan still came into contact with the trace of the supreme sky. The next moment, a voice came from the void——

"Bai Di, you are still plotting the power of the Supreme Heaven! Did you find another scapegoat this time? Huh?"

After the words fell, a cold light was projected from a distant place. It turned in the sky and turned into a blue halo. A figure emerged, but it was a withered and thin man. There was a look of pain on his face, but his eyes But it was full of disillusionment. In the depths of his eyes, one could see the disillusionment of the starry sky and the universe.

The man in white looked up and said proudly: "Lord of Destruction, you are overthinking it. I have no interest in the power of the Supreme Heaven. I just took some actions because my memory of my previous life was not yet opened. I have already told you about this matter." One of you confessed, but you actually just wanted to use this excuse to intervene in Donghua. Don't say it so righteously! Besides, the traces on this ancient road are all left by the predecessors and have no ownership. Anyone who comes here has no right to do so. Everyone has the right to touch them, so it’s a bit unreasonable for you to use this to suppress them!”

Listening to this, Qiu Yan's heart moved, and he had already guessed the identity of the person, but then he was touched by the light, which attracted all his thoughts.

Suddenly, the man known as the Lord of Destruction frowned, raised his hand, and a crimson ray of light shot out from his fingers. It was silent and appeared to be very balanced, but Qiu Yan's heart suddenly burst out. An extremely strong warning sign!

In an instant, he realized that this brilliance was beyond his will.

"Manpower is sometimes poor. It was an accident that I came to the ancient road this time. The harvest I have now is enough, but the body of will is shattered. The previous harvests are enough. It is a pity that I have not found the clear path ahead of Tianjun. the way!"

While Qiu Yan was thinking like this, a little white light suddenly appeared on the ancient road, and then fell straight down!

Along with it, there was a voice——

"Bai Emperor, Shattered, this is not good. Lin has made an agreement with you that no one at the Heavenly Emperor level is allowed to take action against Donghua. Now you are trying to shake the foundation of Donghua's future. This is forcing me to take action directly!" (To be completed!) Continued)

ps: Thanks to "Mahogany 1982" and "pj2004" for their monthly votes!

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