Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1310: The Lost World, Nine Countries and Five Families

The land of slough, the source river basin.

More than a thousand years have passed here. After many developments, various past events have long become myths and legends. Even past dynasties are difficult to verify, but the general context still exists. In the history books, there are also stories about Da Xin and Da Xun. According to records, after Daxun, meteorite fell from the sky, and Taizu Taizu used it as the Emperor's Sword to establish the Dayu Dynasty. This dynasty has continued to this day, but it has long existed in name only.

The reason for this is that it was caused by six hundred years of war. In recent years, the land in the Yuan River Basin that had been fragmented for nearly six hundred years was divided among nine kingdoms.

The kings of the Nine Kingdoms nominally obeyed the orders of the Emperor of the Meteor, but the Empire of the Meteor Dynasty had gone through hundreds of years of trials and tribulations. From its initial heyday, it experienced several disasters, and its authority had already fallen by the wayside. The territory of the capital was only the size of a palm, and it was still Less than a county in a great country, if the Emperor's Sword had not suppressed luck and demonstrated orthodoxy, it would have ceased to exist in the world.

Even so, everyone in the world understands the current situation. They know that the Great Meteor Royal Family will perish sooner or later, and they are waiting for the overlord of the Nine Kingdoms to decide the tripod.

A few years ago, the Xuan Kingdom in the west had already risen. Its ancestor was the horseman of Taizu Taizu of the Great Meteor. He was promoted due to his meritorious service. After Taizu established the country, he sealed it with the land of the west as a barrier.

For hundreds of years, the Xuan Kingdom fought endlessly with the Rong and Di to the west. The people were fierce and fearless. There were also swords and weapons hidden in the homes of the common people in the fields. When thieves came, they would go back to their homes to get their swords. They would give orders there and live there. One place, one soldier.

Fifty years ago, another Weijun came to the west. He learned the principles of ethics. The leader of the Xuan Kingdom worshiped him as his prime minister. He practiced farming and military exploits. The country became stronger and stronger. Five years ago, a new king came to the throne. Fighting with the Chang Kingdom. After defeating Chang's 400,000-strong army, he became the overlord and threatened to sweep the world!

As the Xuan Kingdom became stronger and stronger, the way of attaching importance to principles also became more and more prosperous.

Speaking of this, there is also a history.

Now nine countries are competing for hegemony. The land of Yuanhe is divided into pieces, but each country has its own opinions and needs many ways to govern the country, giving rise to hundreds of schools in the world, each with its own emphasis. But there are hundreds of schools, but the source is unique. According to the legend, at the beginning of the creation of the world, a supreme god passed down the principles of governing the world. However, later there were chaos in the world between gods and demons. Gods value models and demons follow the mind. It was divided into two schools, and later there were many twists and turns. The two schools spread out, and they were each other's exterior and interior. They have continued to this day and have divided into dozens of schools, among which there are five famous ones——

One is "Chongli", also known as Chongli. Still enlightened. It is said that it is the true biography of the gods of that year, and was later compiled by a heavenly official of the ceremonial palace before it took shape. In that year of the Heavenly Official, it was said that there were still gods. His young man worshiped the gods and soon became a temple worshiper and made friends with heroes. It is said that he later became the Great Emperor of the Demon Sect. It was his childhood friend.

The second is "Suili", which means "the way is natural". He advocates a small country with few people, and is quite happy and free. Rumor has it that it was passed down by the true god. Its origin is the purple thunder in the sky, which is beyond the gods and demons and does not enter the five elements. Later, Master Changshan established the religion, and its name spread throughout the world. Many people in the world have longed for it, and it has gradually become a trend.

The third one is "Into Principles". He is good at gathering people and well-organized. His origins are relatively not that complicated. Its founder was originally the head of Guizhou Province. After many hardships, he finally combined the original principles and refined a set of theories, and then established a sect. Pass on the disciples and gradually become a religion.

The fourth is "emphasis on principles". This set also comes from the gods. It is said that there were gods who ruled the earth and had checks and balances on the world for all generations. There were laws for every thought and move. In the end, the gods retreated, but their concepts were passed down and have evolved to this day. It is known that there are many scholars in it, and it later spread among the big countries in the north. Due to the fierce competition among the several countries, there were many fights, and the consumption was quite large, so it had to be restricted by laws, so the school grew.

The fifth is "righteousness", which is mainly based on speculation, vertical and horizontal, and persuasion. It is an important pillar in maintaining the balance of the world. It is said that this study is also related to Master Nachangshan, but more of it sprouts naturally. This is also the reason why there are so many countries. There must be exchanges between countries, and they slowly sprouted. Several famous ministers recorded and organized them, forming a system, and finally became a doctrine.

These five, after hundreds of years of development, have been manifested in the world, accepted and learned by nobles, nobles, etc., so that they can establish their status and become a prominent school.

But in addition to these five prominent teachings, there is actually another great sect that has a profound influence on the world. Because its practices are often deviant and inconsistent with the world's trends, it is often called a demon sect. There are also divisions within, but there is no need to go over it. number.

But it is said that Lord Wei came to the west and revolutionized the Xuan Kingdom, which also made the Zhongli lineage receive more and more attention. Compared with other schools, the Zhongli method has a long inheritance, but when it comes to truly becoming a school, time is actually not long. Chang, can be said to be a rising star, rising in several northern countries. Now it has spread to the Xuan Kingdom in the west, and is even more valued. It seems that it has deposed other families and is showing signs of becoming unique.

The newly ascended King Xuan also paid attention to this knowledge. After defeating Chang State, he did not immediately move eastward. Instead, he suspended the offensive and stayed to reorganize, and his Qi became stronger and stronger.

"When I look at this country, there are ten pavilions of destiny in the world, and four pavilions have been obtained!" Above the sky, invisible shadows cover the world, and at this moment, perception covers the world!

This shadow almost covers the sky and the earth, and it is difficult for ordinary people to detect it. However, when people in the world turn their thoughts and their consciousness rises and falls, there will be traces of thoughts seeping out, following a certain pattern, and gathering here. The top of the huge shadow seems to be adding bricks and stones to the shadow!

However, if you examine it carefully, you can see that this huge shadow seems to be incompatible with this world, as if separated by a layer of glass, it feels like seeing flowers in the mist.

In fact, this giant shadow is the embodiment of Qiu Yan's inner demon body. This body resides in the Land of Relics, where time and space are distorted. The earth itself continues to grow and expand, and the flow of time is also different from other places. The difference is that the inner demon has spent more than a thousand years here. It can be said that it has gone through vicissitudes and has changed with this land.

However, except for the first few hundred years, most of the time he did not personally participate in this kind of companionship, but served as a pure bystander to observe the changes in this land.

Of course, this kind of onlooker does not mean that Qiu Yan has no influence on the people in this land. On the contrary, almost any changes in this land are inseparable from him. The development of humanity in this land of ruins Up to now, a large amount of luck has been gathered, and five or six out of ten of these lucks have been integrated into the inner demon's body and transformed into Qiu Yan's power.

Qiu Yan's calamity evil half body continued to penetrate deep into its origin. During this period, he consumed a lot of luck, and a large part of it came from this.

The reasons for this are quite complicated, but in the final analysis, it is still the many seeds that Qiu Yan planted at the beginning, some based on spiritual inheritance, and some based on blood inheritance.

Spiritual inheritance is the principles and doctrines passed down by Qiu Yan in the past, and the prototype of bloodline inheritance was originally the inner demon seed. It was originally an illusory thing, but it was condensed into reality with magical powers. After several generations of inheritance, the bloodline was deeply imprinted. , coupled with the population flow in the world and the compatibility of men and women, after such development, there are few people in the world who do not contain the seeds of inner demons.

In this way, the blood is preserved and the spirit is preserved. The two are in harmony, just like the human soul, with Qiu Yan as the source. In this way, naturally no matter words, deeds, thoughts can be gathered together, and luck Also bless it.

Speaking of which, it takes a while for the body of the inner demon to enter the land of relics. As time goes by, it will be rejected. Now this body is not really integrated into it, so it feels like seeing flowers in the fog. , but because on that earth, people with the seeds of inner demons buried in their hearts are everywhere, and the vast collection of thoughts is like an iron chain, caught by the inner demon body, stabilizing the connection with the land of slough. , which led to the current situation.

"My inner demons are now all over the world. There are almost no dead ends in the land of the Yuan River Basin. Although those foreign gods still have small moves, they are all under my control. They think they have their own tricks now, but in fact they are all mine. The target of observation is the trace of the twelve o'clock sundial, and there are already signs. If according to the current momentum, just wait for the peace here, and then leave, I don't know how much insights can be gained, but this plan is indeed going to be destroyed now. Broken."

With the help of the thoughts of inner demons all over the world, Qiu Yan knew a lot about the alien gods who had fled to this abandoned land, and knew their whereabouts very well. At the same time, he also knew that these gods were also looking for Twelve Hours. sundial, and still trying to walk the tightrope—

Wanting to use the power of the ancient god who is showing signs of recovery to achieve some goals, but at the same time not really awakening the ancient god, is called walking a tightrope.

But such a result is naturally not easy to grasp. If it weren't for Qiu Yan's secret help, they might have fallen into the outer edge of the space crack like those "gods" who woke up early in the Land of Relics, and were trapped in time. .

It can be said that as time goes by, there is almost no danger to the inner demon body in the Land of Relics, but this is only temporary after all.

"Sure enough, the White Emperor kept his word. There was indeed space vibration around the land of relics. I don't know how he was going to take action..."

Thinking like this, Qiu Yan slowly gathered the senses of the inner demon body. They were originally scattered throughout the Land of Relics, collecting the thoughts of the living beings in them, but now they were divided into nearly two-thirds, moving towards the Relics. Spread around the place of sloughing!

The Land of Relics, when viewed from a distance, looks like a huge fragment lost in a space crack. It has been growing in size over the past few years, squeezing the edge of the space crack more and more.

At this time, around this huge fragment, the space fluctuated like the water surface, passing through it one by one. No one on the abandoned land had noticed it yet, but Qiu Yan caught it immediately, and as the inner demon The body's perception expands, and farther away, some scenes slowly become clear——

The inner demon's perception is not enough to break through the space barrier, but on the other side of the barrier, there are many wise ideas emerging, leading the inner demon there!

"Huh? Why are there so many thoughts of living beings! Could it be that the White Emperor didn't come in person, but sent his subordinates? But this number is too much!" (To be continued)

ps: Thanks to "My sister is Xuanxuan" for your monthly vote!

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