Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 1314: Alien spirits fight against gods and demons

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The changes brought about by the connection and combination of the three worlds are drastic and far-reaching. For the Land of Relics, it is located in the center. At the same time, it has grown stronger with the help of the situation just now. In the blink of an eye, there are many unusual places in it for a thousand years. , also made the land of this abandoned land leap ahead of the other two small worlds and take the initiative!

This initiative became the leader when the three small worlds merged. ~

"The space-time barrier between the worlds has been partially damaged. The other two small worlds have converged and merged with this abandoned place. This process is almost irreversible. If it is forcibly interrupted, the broken space-time barrier will not be restored. Only This small world can be completely exposed to the stars and lose its growth potential."

Feeling the increasingly intense storm and waves that were being created on the eve of the merger of the three small worlds, Qiu Yan changed his mind. He knew that after the time and space barrier was broken, he could only combine with the time and space barriers of the other two small worlds. , can it be closed again, otherwise the barriers on both sides will no longer exist. Once the two small worlds recede, the abandoned land will be exposed to the starry sky, and it will be difficult to recover.

"However, the power of time and space is still affected."

Just as Qiu Yan was slowly comprehending, the ordinary mortals in the Land of Relics also felt the reaction at this moment. The earth beneath their feet trembled, and the ocean at the edge of the earth set off huge waves, with countless roars and roars. Coming from the depths of the ocean, it shocks the soul!

Looking from the top, Qiu Yan's perspective, he could clearly see three fragments of the world. The outermost ocean had completely blurred the broken space-time barrier, and was slowly coming into contact with each other.

There are also creatures in the ocean. These creatures are undoubtedly the first round of collisions between creatures from different worlds when the small thousand worlds gather and combine!

Each of these three worlds has its own characteristics. Even the ocean has given birth to various different creatures after a long period of evolution. However, in comparison, most of the ocean creatures in the Land of Slough are rough-skinned and thick-bodied, with amazing combat power, but almost no supernatural powers.

However, the marine creatures in the fairy world absorb spiritual energy, are rich in resources, and have competition. Monsters have been born. Although not tyrannical, there is no doubt that they have amazing supernatural powers. However, because the ocean is small and there are not many natural enemies, these marine creatures are not considered fierce. Therefore, although the sea water is turbulent, the currents drive changes in the creatures, and many Contact with marine life in the Forsaken Land. But not many conflicts broke out.

Compared with these two small worlds, the marine creatures in the Shinto world are alien. Most of them have converted to the gods and are actually believers. They are inherently divided between friend and foe, and are extremely ferocious. As soon as they unite here, they are immediately driven by the oracle. They went out in force and began to invade the marine creatures in the abandoned land.

Most of the creatures in this small Shinto world have mutations. Even the spirits in the sea are no exception. Most of them have sharp teeth and claws, tearing and attacking, causing a large area of ​​​​sea water to turn scarlet in an instant!

Such changes were also reflected in Qiu Yan's heart, and at the same time, he used the most direct life-and-death struggle to capture the characteristics of the thoughts of those sea spirits——

"I see, the Shinto in this small Shinto world is very strange. It only pays attention to one god and deposes the others, and the method of dealing with things is very extreme. It is black and white. You must make an enemy for yourself! I see, in my heart The demons are so strong, if the small world is not too closed to connect with the outside world, and the world of inner demons cannot invade, this god will not be able to grow to such an extent! "

After this thought fell, the battle in the ocean became more and more intense. The Land of Relics was originally in the center, and the small worlds on both sides were connected, and they had to come into contact with the ocean creatures in the Land of Relics. However, at the same time, the time and space were different, which led to Strange whirlpools were formed to form ocean currents, which were so turbulent and powerful that creatures could not resist, so they all moved along these ocean currents, causing the distribution of marine creatures in the three small worlds to change in an instant. The spirit in the sea also came into contact with the small world of Shinto, and the melee immediately spread!

The fighting in the sea is not shown for the time being, but as soon as the gods of the small Shinto world gave an order, the warriors who had been preparing for the attack picked up their weapons and rushed out.

There are Shinto temples that organize ships to allow these believers to board the ships and ride the wind and waves to spread the glory of the god they worship!

"The fighting between mortals is inevitable. I shouldn't interfere. It can actually improve the humanity in the Land of Relics. Moreover, people in this Shinto world seem to have been bathed in this kind of black and white since ancient times. During the sacrifices, this mind has long been infected and formed, and only during the fights and battles, the emotions fluctuate violently, which can facilitate the invasion of inner demons. "

A slight induction will produce results. There is no need to go deep into the other party's society. Simply from the clothes and weapons of the believers, you can roughly judge the level of humane development in this small world. .

"The level of smelting in this small world is not high, far less than that of Donghua, and not as good as this great virtue. In terms of true war potential, there is no need to worry. Not to mention the great virtue, the dynasties established by many surrounding groups are also You may not lose to him, but the premise is that the extraordinary power does not really join. Once you join, even in this land of slough, there are many extraordinary powers hidden, and there are even those who are interrupted from the God Island and the Great Meteor. At that time, there were extraordinary existences left, but compared with the first-class gods with the support of Bai Emperor, they were not enough. "

Soon, Qiu Yan grasped the situation, knew the general situation, and saw at a glance the key to victory or defeat.

Sure enough, after sending out the warrior army, the high and mighty god also stood up from the throne, took a step, and the surroundings changed. The cause and effect pulled the god's body to the sky above the land of the relic!

Such a magical power surprised the god himself, but he soon found the limit.

"Unfortunately, I was originally a fourth-grade god, gathering the incense and thoughts of the whole world, which could temporarily increase my power to the first-grade level. Although it did not last long, it broke the limit to some extent. But now I have really promoted to the first grade. After gathering the incense, I am still the first grade and cannot break through the level!"

As the saying goes, people are greedy and they want more, and this is no exception for gods. This incense god is supported by the thoughts of living beings. Over time, it will naturally be transformed and changed by these thoughts, and become more and more paranoid!

"This paranoia can be used just right, and greed is the perfect soil for the growth of the inner demon. This god is not worth worrying about..."

Feeling the change of the mind of the god, Qiu Yan finally settled down. Even if it was the White Emperor, he could only indirectly interfere with the growth of the Land of the Lost Land in this way. This means that his means are also limited and cannot be done as he pleases. So as long as he grasps this point, starting with this god, weakening the power of the extraordinary level, then relying on the power of the human level, the two sides will confront each other, and the Land of the Lost Land will have almost no chance of losing. Even if it loses, it is also one of the processes of humanity, with the significance of reference and warning, which can be turned into Qiu Yan's harvest.

The next moment, the invisible inner demon expanded rapidly, growing from the hearts of many believers, and following the thoughts of sustenance, it merged into the divine thoughts and incense thoughts of the god.

Following this, the god noticed it and sneered.

"Someone actually cast that illusion on me. They really don't know how to live or die. It should be the extraordinary people on that land who want to fight back. They know that I am not easy to deal with, so they use this hidden hand to plot against me!"

After the thought fell, this god did not panic. His mind rose and the incense settled. He was about to cut off the trace of the inner demon. However, this inner demon did not come from other things, but from its foundation incense.


In the lower world, the waves were surging. Because time and space were not stable, they set out from their own small world and land. After a few days of drifting, they had arrived at the Land of Metamorphosis. However, under the distortion of time and space, it was only less than half a day in the Land of Metamorphosis!

The people on this land were still suspicious because of the constant shaking of the earth. Suddenly, an army came from the sea. It was extremely brutal. No one was left wherever it passed. A bloody battle broke out immediately. Both the great virtue and the surrounding dynasties were surprised and organized people to intercept and block them.

In this way, the two sides fought and the creatures on both sides collided directly. The people on the Land of the Lost have the seeds of inner demons in their hearts. When fighting, life and death are in a fight, and the thoughts are the most intense and strong. The inner demons also follow this kind of fighting, radiating and then infecting the soldiers of the other side.

The soldiers rushed into the enemy formation, relying on their sincere thoughts to the gods, and in the fight of life and death, they had to pray devoutly. The thoughts of sustenance were particularly strong, and also drove the inner demons to gather towards the gods!

No matter how much the god suppressed and eliminated it, it would be impossible to eradicate it, unless he gave up the incense, or let the warriors who fought retreat and no longer have contact with the people of the Land of the Lost.

But these are impossible. Not to mention his current mission, which is to occupy the remaining two small worlds under the order of the White Emperor. Just to say that his understanding of the inner demon is very limited. Trapped in the small world and rarely in contact with the outside world, this god does not understand the inner demon and thinks it is an illusory technique, let alone eradicating and eliminating it?

The final result is that the inner demon continues to expand and soon touches the divine talisman!

The god's face finally changed, but he was not panicked, but grasped a little feature of the inner demon.

"It's actually a monster that feeds on thoughts! Sure enough, this outside world is full of weirdness, but this may not be a bad thing for this god. It's just right to imprison you and refine you into a divine weapon!"

As the thought fell, the divine pool used to hold the incense thoughts in his divine power space suddenly boiled, releasing a huge suction force, swallowing up all the divine thoughts and incense contaminated with the inner demon in one breath! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature. Novels are better and updated faster!

ps: Thank you "Wuchen Daoren☆" for the reward!

Thank you "Yuanjie", "Yuanjie", "Yiyao", "My Sister is Xuanxuan" for the monthly votes!

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