Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1323: The scales come as a sign


This roar came suddenly and abruptly, interrupting the thoughts of several people, and then a strong sense of crisis arose in their hearts!

"Someone is attacking!" No need to talk nonsense anymore, several people acted individually, and a golden light burst out from the observing eyes. When it shot forward, the surrounding scene was completely transparent and see-through!

This is not that the object disappears, but that everyone's eyesight has changed and they can see through. They can suddenly see the lines that make up the material, and at the same time clearly distinguish the light and shadow. In their eyes, the whole world is simpler, but In a way, it gets complicated.

"This is the rumored method of seeing the great ink master's penetrating eyes." Among the crowd, a Mohist disciple who had this realization for the first time couldn't help but sigh in his heart, but then his eyes were caught by the many lines and He was attracted by a figure at the end of the light and shadow.

This figure is not the same as a human being in the ordinary sense. The color of the body is very dark. Even with the support of the ink-watching master's mechanism, it is still impossible to see through it. Therefore, among the black and white lines, It looks particularly eye-catching.

After taking a breath, the figure got closer, and you could see that the surface of the gray body was covered with scales. Looking further down, you found that the figure had no legs, but a snake tail.

The roar before was caused by this figure.

"Jie Jie Jie!" This figure's face was also covered with scales, green and fangs, and when he opened his mouth, a long snake spit out. When he saw the people in the pavilion, he immediately laughed ferociously, "I didn't expect that I just massacred a village. Before I could finish digesting it, I ran into you again. God here really treats me well. In order to repay you, I will kill you with a sword." Everyone, I will definitely set up a memorial to burn incense on this day in the coming year! It will not be in vain for you to lose your country and give up your land to our family to thrive and inherit our destiny!"

While he was talking, this strange thing suddenly pounced over, bringing a gust of fishy wind. Immediately, Guanyan and the others felt retching, but they immediately realized the crisis and each used their own methods to fight with it!

Immediately, light and shadow were seen scattering in all directions, the sound of springs springing was endless, and there were shouts of killing. Finally, blood scattered everywhere, and all the Momen disciples fell to the ground. Fortunately no one died.

The two great ink masters Guanyan and Houjia, together with several other ink masters, struggled to stand. This battle lasted only a few breaths, but it could be said that it was full of dangers. If they were not careful, they would be killed. Fortunately, they were calm and could always escape when the opportunity was tight. Or maybe there were a few accidents that allowed them to escape the danger of death.

"I didn't expect that you, the tribe, would actually have such a method," the man covered in scales was lying on the ground, staring at several people with his eyes wide open, and dark blood was flowing out of the corners of his mouth, with a fishy stench. Incomparably, it dripped on the ground and grass, and the ground made a "squeaking" sound, and green smoke came out from it, accompanied by the withering of a patch of grass. "It turned out to be the method of mechanisms and the art of puppets. These methods are inferior to force. Although we and the twelve pioneers are considered the best in the clan, in the end we are just scouts. When the whole clan comes to kill us, we will see how you respond!"

At this point, his consciousness gradually blurred and sank, and he fell into a dark corridor, as if he could not get out no matter what.

On the other side, in the eyes of the Great Ink Watcher and others, it was that this strange creature had died and was no longer making a sound. They could not help but froze in place, savoring the meaning of the other party's words.

"Listening to this thing's words, they really want to invade Donghua? And they want to kill everyone, and then take over the magpie nest? This is too extreme!" Guanyan directed other Mohists to rescue the fallen Mohist disciples, On the other side, he was deep in thought. On the ground beside him, there were traces of burnt and frozen people, forming a circle around him.

As for those disciples who were injured, most of them had their bodies burned by flames, or their whole bodies were frozen and their faces were blue and purple.

On the other side, the thick-armored man took two steps forward. The armor on his body bounced, but it separated some of the armor stained with dark blood and turned it into a few pieces of iron filings. The strange figure lying motionless in the distance A few feet away from the creature, he stopped, and then sighed: "Looking at the appearance of this thing, it is definitely not the same species as us, but a foreign race. It can be said to be a completely foreign thing. Its mind is so distorted, seriously Incredible!”

"Speaking of which, could it be that the creatures that fell from the cracks in the sky before were all such creatures?" Guanyan looked up at the sky while speaking, with a thoughtful look on his face. "However, they disappeared in the sky before. Variations related to the power of time and space, these are all left in my eyes, clearly visible, and there is absolutely no mistake. Why do they appear on the ground and attack us again? "

"However, when the Marquis of Dingguo of Darui left, didn't he say that he wanted to stop this group of extraterrestrial visitors? But judging from what this thing said before, he clearly slaughtered the village," the thick-armored inkman raised his hand and waved , a few sharp armor fragments flew out, changed direction in the air, turned into sharp metal nails, and directly nailed the lying man with scales to the ground, "Could it be Qiu Yan's plan to kill someone with a borrowed knife?" ?”

"It's not necessary to kill someone with a borrowed knife, but you have to pay attention to this matter after all," Guan Yan said, and when he looked at it, light fell again in his eyes, but it was the person who glanced at the nailed scale armor, and then nodded and said, "This The object is lifeless, and it should be alive. However, this object has great magical powers, and even the corpse cannot be taken lightly. Don’t take it down yet, let’s contact the East China Sea first.”

As soon as these words fell, someone already followed the trend and sent out a message, but after waiting for a long time, there was still no response.

"Is there no response?" Guanyan knew the result and was not surprised. "It's no wonder. Since the other party also has the method of earth line communication, it can interfere with it, but it may be other situations, so we must be on guard."

After saying this, the thick-armored ink man said in a deep voice: "Speaking of which, I heard that the ground communication method of Fangbuzhou was created by Qiu Yan, the Marquis of Dingguo. Since he invited me to come this time Therefore, it is not surprising that the method of earth veins has made some achievements, but why this method of earth veins appeared in Donghua by such a coincidence is worth pondering. "

"Yes, although this matter has been discussed many times, it seems that it cannot be ignored now," Guanyan Mo said with a solemn expression, "If it weren't for Donghua's repeated tricks, it would have made it impossible for us to pass through the space passage and the Netherworld Tunnel. Jing, contact Tianzhi Continent. This matter has long caused an uproar in Tianzhi Continent. The two people in Tianzhi zhou who have studied the method of earth veins are very suspicious!"

Houjia nodded and followed: "Actually, I have suspected this matter for a long time. Judging from Donghua's arrangement, they clearly have a certain understanding of our Tianzhizhou, and today I met Qiu My words confirmed my idea. This person’s understanding of Tianzhizhou and the unified will can be said to be in-depth. Such a person, who lives in Donghua, knows Tianzhi very well, so how did he obtain it? Information? Where is the source of the information? Perhaps all this can be seen from the method of earth veins."

"Yes, the method of earth veins is the breakthrough point," Guanyan narrowed his eyes slightly, "We can arrange chess pieces in Donghua and penetrate the folk, court and monastic circles of Donghua. Then, on the other hand, can the people of Donghua... Can't do it? We were in the dark and didn't realize it for a while."

"Well," a young Mohist behind them nodded, "Now that I think about it, the emergence of this earth vein method is really just right for the people of Donghua. Due to time constraints, my Tianzhi cannot respond to it. After in-depth analysis and application of this method, due to its convenience, it was naturally used in the army, which led to the current dilemma! The most urgent task is to inform the mainland to postpone the method of this earth vein for the time being, to explore it carefully, and even The ownership of this method must be separated from each Mo sect and handed over to the unified will for analysis and unified planning!”

"It's good that you can see this." Guan Yan and Hou Jia looked at each other. The two of them remained calm. They first praised and then said, "However, you can't stop eating because of choking. If you have difficulties, you should Face the difficulties instead of trying to avoid them. If you don't use this earth line method, how can you further understand the current difficulties? "

In one sentence, he rejected the Mohist's proposal.

This is no wonder, because the implementation and popularization of this method are directly related to the two of them, as well as the interests of the Mo family behind it. How can they just give up?

There are many things involved here. If we follow the young Mohist's suggestion and hand it over to the unified will, it will certainly benefit Tianzhizhou, but it will also greatly harm the Momen who have a stake in them. It is like asking them to cut off their flesh and feed them. It's impossible for humans to do it.

However, despite knowing this, Keng Yan and Hou Jia were also aware of the crisis inside.

"This person who transmits the method of earth veins has really touched us within seven inches. This is a conspiracy. Even if we know that there is a problem inside, we still have to go inside. We are trapped in it and cannot extricate ourselves!"

After exchanging glances, both of them saw this meaning in each other's eyes. On the other hand, the thick-armored and ink-wearing man had a deeper concern——

"Speaking of which, the person who created the method of earth veins gave me the method to override the unified will when I was in Tianzhizhou. If this person really has a problem, then have I been deeply involved in it and been calculated?"

Such worries are hidden in the heart and dare not be spoken out easily, because not long ago, this thick armor used his ability to slightly override the law of unified will to bring in several other great ink masters, and both sides suffered a loss. Everyone would suffer. If they knew about this possibility, the consequences would be disastrous! (To be continued)

ps: Thanks to "A Little Red Between Two O'clock" for your monthly vote!

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