Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1330 Black Wind Passes the Star, Will Takes Shape

This external incarnation and the Three Talents Fire have been lingering around Tianzhizhou before, and there are projections there. However, not long ago, Qiu Yan discovered a little bit of the true meaning of the unified will. In the unified will, he added Got the text network thinking line.

This thread of thought seems to be slender, as if it is of little use, but it has developed to the present, and in a short period of time, it has simulated and comprehended the changes in the unified will. In conjunction with the will of many Mohist masters in the literary network, it has penetrated deeply into In the somewhat rigid unified will, a prototype of a literary network was established.

Tianzhiwen Network is about to take shape. At this time, the meaning of the existence of the projection is no longer significant. It is the body of the projection. The external incarnation has left. As long as Tianzhiwen Network exists and the unifying will is immortal, then the integration Wherever the will is, enough ideas can be derived to support this projection.

Therefore, after confirming this, Sancaihuo and its external incarnation had actually stopped circling around Tianzhizhou and began to move towards Donghua again. However, just as it started to move, something strange happened. Attracted, he stopped again.

This strangeness is precisely the aura emanating from this slightly glowing star. It is not very attractive to people at the level of Tianjun, but the deeper fluctuations in time and space make them have to look sideways and pay attention.

As soon as San Caihuo's question came out, Qiu Yan already had a guess. He knew that a force was taking action, but he was not sure about the origin of the person behind it, so he could only join in first and follow the trend. Only when you find the right opportunity can you distinguish it clearly.

As soon as he thought about it, Qiu Yan said: "There is a reason for everything. This star appears here and appears in front of us, so we have to investigate it."

As soon as he said this, Sancaihuo was stunned for a moment, then he realized something in his heart, nodded and smiled: "Yes, this star will not come long ago. It will not come late, but after we left Tianzhizhou. It appeared here, We really want to find out. Although there are not many people in this starry sky who can threaten us, the only ones who appear for no reason are emperor-level backhands. If such a person really takes action, we will have to escape. But if it’s just a deliberate arrangement, there’s no need to retreat.”

In the sound of such words, two grand wills moved alternately, sorting out space and time. Clean up all the threats around the star that Tianjun can touch, and follow them one after another.

only. Another unexpected thing happened——

Their bodies, one with flaming flames and the other with gusts of black wind, had always been on the edge of the induction of Tianzhizhou's unified will and would not pose a threat to the other party. Now they move. Staying far away, the unified will originally didn't care. There was a faint movement of gathering, but then it changed again. It seemed that it was driven by some force, and the movement of gathering changed, followed closely behind, and headed towards the star!

"If I hadn't traveled to that spiritual world with you, fellow Taoist, I'm afraid I would have thought that the unified will was operating according to some humane laws and Mohist methods. But now, looking at it, the people in that spiritual world are not right. Ordinary people know nothing." As Sancaihuo spoke, he condensed his own surging flames to form a flaming human figure.

The firelight gradually faded, and finally turned into an ordinary human body. The skin was pale, and there seemed to be glass flowing under the skin. A closer look gave people the feeling that the whole body was crystal clear.

Correspondingly, the violent black wind on the side suddenly became softer. It also quickly shrank from spreading across a large starry sky, and finally condensed into a ball, evolved into a human form, and finally turned into a man wearing black. The man in the robe is also pale, almost pale, as if transparent, but no subcutaneous blood vessels can be seen. Instead, there is a faint black looming deep in the pale skin. This black and white constitute two extremes, coexisting together. , but it doesn’t make people feel out of place.

Once the two human forms were completed, they carried the will of Sancai Huo and Qiu Yan and landed on the star.

Such a huge star is spherical. If you only count the surface size of the land, it is no less than the original size of the Land of Relics. For many sects, being able to obtain such a star is enough to serve as the foundation of the sect, establish the mountain gate, and form the upper level. The world was cleared, and then they multiplied and multiplied, and also shaped a humane society and formed a dynasty group.

However, such Taoist stars are to supply the disciples needed by the sect. Humanity is not important, and the dynasty is just a vassal. Even if there are hundreds of millions of people, there will not be much change in humanity, but they can carry these many living beings. The stars are vast, but to Qiu Yan and Sancai Huo, this star is not that huge. With a change of mind, the entire star is clear to them, inside and out, and in every aspect.

"This used to be the mountain gate of a Taoist sect. It was ruined for some reason. There seemed to be traces of blood sacrifices." After the investigation, Sancaihuo already knew, "There are no living people here now, but there are a few remnants of souls. Since then, It seems that they were not simple people during their lifetime. Since we are here, we might as well give them a ride. As for the other demons and ghosts, we don’t need to pay attention to them. They are also part of the starry sky and the universe. It’s hard to say right or wrong. Since the stars have already If there is no humanity, then let other ethnic groups reproduce."

"That's the truth." Qiu Yan also nodded and looked up, his eyes falling in the air.

The starry sky is boundless and the starlight is transparent. In the dense place of the starlight, an object made purely of will is constantly expanding and expanding.

"This is the embodied change of the unified will. From the will of nothingness, it gradually condenses into a tangible object. The next step is to derive the entity. I don't know if this change is driven by an emperor-level figure behind the scenes, or is it just a simple change? The Mohist response.”

Different from other schools, no matter which continent they are in, the Mohist school generally has a certain degree of strength, and many are even the mainstream in the continent. This is because the three schools of Confucianism, Legalism, and Mohism all have deep humanistic roots and can develop into a prominent school. , it is also an advantage to show it on one continent. If it spreads to many continents and gathers in the starry sky, then the power will be quite considerable.

"If I guess correctly about the distribution of humane forces in the starry sky, then when Donghua is promoted, the Mohist forces should be qualified to participate. The key is how to guide them and in what way..."

While Qiu Yan was thinking, the Sancai Huo on one side had already made a move, releasing a ray of fire that swept out in an instant. In just one breath, it swept around the surface of the star. Not only that, the afterglow of brilliance even penetrated Arriving in the soil of the stars, several soul bodies that had been sealed in the dust for an unknown period of time rose up from it, and followed this light, gradually heading to the underworld.

After finishing this, Sancaihuo took back his hand, glanced at the sky, and said to Qiu Yan: "The location of the passage has been clearly explored. It is in the center of the stars. The entrance is on the highest peak. There are the ruins of the Taoist gate here. There is a large hall, which should be the forbidden area of ​​​​that sect. It can only be reached through a corridor full of mechanisms and restrictions, and after going through tribulations. There are also many wrecks and remains in the corridor, which seem to be the remnants of people who have broken through in the past. "

"Since it has been confirmed, I will not delay any more," Qiu Yan nodded. With a thought in his mind, the black wind suddenly rose, and he also grasped the key passage, and then said, "Fellow Taoist has given you guidance along the way, and I will keep it in mind. , According to your previous plan, you are not planning to participate in the troubled waters of Donghua, so I will say goodbye again." As soon as the words fell, it turned into a gust of black wind and rushed toward the stars!

Looking at Qiu Yan's back when he left, Sancai Huo's expression remained unchanged, but then he looked up and saw that the material condensed by the unified will shook slightly, rushed over in the direction Qiu Yan left, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. horizon.

After thinking about it, Sancaihuo split a ray of flame, followed the direction of the black wind and unified will, and disappeared as well.

"This matter, after all, involves the master's plan. These people are plotting against the master and Donghua, but the master should also have his own plans. The affairs of the supreme sky are not impossible to detect in the starry sky. The impact is so high that it causes him to fall asleep. As a result, his own basic state has become a meal for others. If not at the last moment, before he truly stabilizes his position, he would not hesitate to destroy his own realm, causing his state to fall, split into three, transform into three bodies, and suppress the destiny of the state. , I am afraid that the world of Suopo has been ruled by other forces. Although the news of the forced retreat and fall has been forcibly blocked and very hidden, it cannot be hidden from the master..."

Thinking in his heart, the Sancai Fire turned into a flame, soared into the sky, and headed towards the depths of the starry sky.

"However, those people must not have expected that apart from the master, another person in Donghua would rise up so quickly, even more smoothly than the master's original preparations. However, the Mo family's variable, previously It’s not part of the calculation, we still have to discuss it with the paperweight guy.”


The space vibrates and artistic conceptions swarm.

In a short period of time, the starry sky outside Donghua Continent has completely solidified, and figures and visions are gradually taking shape. These are the heavenly kings who have come from afar and those on the second level of the sixth realm. Almighty, the true form has arrived!

Even if the starry sky holds so many Tianjun-level figures in the same position, the structure of the space must bear unspeakable pressure and show signs of disintegration.

However, the artistic conception of these powerful people spread and penetrated in this space, using their own domain, time and space to forcibly pour into this starry sky and strengthen it.

As a result, this starry sky reached a balance and stabilized amidst such collapse and reinforcement.

However, just as this stability fell, a gust of black wind spurted out from a corner of the space! (To be continued)

ps: Thanks to "Yu Wangkun" for the reward!

Thanks to "sai1986", "Rongxuan", and "Mahogany 1982" for their monthly votes!

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