Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1332 The Purpose of the Agency Man

"Another variable?"

When this figure appeared, the distant Donghua continent suddenly trembled, followed by a wisp of will floating, and a layer of luck rising.

However, both the will and the luck revealed an aura that was incompatible with Donghua itself.

"This is..." In an instant, the thoughts of these many powerful people suddenly dispersed a little and focused on the past.

This is not because they are arrogant, but in comparison, the unstable black wind is obviously more important. Originally, the two variables offset each other, but in a blink of an eye, the two variables are actually because of a secret, and there is a faint trend of union.

More importantly, this secret is also very concerned by Nan Dou and others, because it is related to Donghua. In this way, Qiu Yan actually gained a little advantage invisibly, making his value of being won over more and more.

As for the figure that suddenly appeared, its aura was not so strong. Although it caused changes in Donghua, as long as you pay a little attention, you can find out clearly that those who responded were actually the luck of the mechanical sorcerer of Tianzhizhou, and a little external will that was laid in advance.

These things are not enough to shake the foundation. In the eyes of Nandou and others, they are just scabies and do not hurt the overall situation, so they will not shift their focus to them.

So, the voices of powerful people appeared in Qiu Yan's ears again, but this time he heard them through the Black Wind Ear that was refined into an external incarnation.

The content of the words was not much different from before, and they were still discussing the alliance. However, the specific candidates have changed again, and sometimes they say that the Blood Prison Chaos Lord and the Red Buddha have joined forces. Nandou also contacted the Eclipse Sun, which was really chaotic and difficult to distinguish between true and false. One by one, they all had sufficient reasons.

This is also the disadvantage of confrontation and stalemate, while being suspicious of each other and deceiving each other. They are indeed trying to win over the allies, but given the other relationships between them, they will not rashly ask others for confirmation, because even if they get confirmation, it doesn't make much sense and can change at any time. If they believe it, they will fall into it.

Not only to Qiu Yan's divine body and external incarnation, but in fact, Nan Dou, Zhu Long and others themselves are also passing messages to each other and making agreements with each other, so there are various combinations that appear in Qiu Yan's ears.

This kind of union is somewhat similar to the connection between countries, just like the disputes among nations.

But strictly speaking, many of the great powers present have their own small worlds similar to those in Zhu Long's body and belly, among which there are many dynasties, which are more grand and vast than the countries in the general sense, and their wills also run through time and space, and are longer than the dynasty regime of a capital. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a dispute among nations.

However, just when many great powers were trying to win over and exclude because of their own thoughts, the figure that was not valued by everyone suddenly changed!


With a slight sound, the figure suddenly expanded, and then suddenly exploded!


The next moment, a strong will whistled out like a gust of wind, and in a blink of an eye it radiated the surrounding starry sky. Strange scenes condensed in the will, just like a person dreaming in the daytime, thinking about something with his eyes open!

The starry sky swept by the gust of wind showed many changes. From a distance, it looked like a brain was formed!

The brain of space!

"Hmm? You want to take shape and make your wishes come true in front of us? It's too whimsical, right? Even if we are restrained from each other and it is difficult to exert our full strength, it is still easy to deal with this power of will..." The Eclipse Demon Lord was the closest and felt the most obvious. With a thought, the invisible demon shadow was about to pounce, but suddenly he was stunned and noticed that the problem was not simple.

"No, this is not a method of manifestation performed by a single person!"

The Eclipse Demon Lord was planning to take action, because for him, if it was a method of manifestation of a cultivator or a god, projecting the thoughts in his heart into reality, it would not take much effort to dispel it, but if it exceeded this limit, it would undoubtedly involve energy and part of the power, which would not be worth the loss.

However, in this starry sky, there are not many powers that can exceed the limit of the Heavenly Monarch, and such people are also limited by various reasons. They will not take action at this time. This is the confidence of these Heavenly Monarchs.


The light and shadow flickered, and the strange scene, from nothing to something, from illusion to solidity, turned out to be the appearance of many mechanical creations, each with different shapes, and there were also artistic conception and momentum scattered between movement and stillness.

"This is the Mohist method."

The projection incarnation of Nandou Tianjun frowned slightly and recognized it: "However, the Mohist school does not have this level of power to open up a space in the space infected by several Tianjun-level people. Moreover, the aura of these projected scenes is not strong, but the use of space is still slightly better than us."

"Yes, the reason is very simple." At this time, a human figure slowly walked out of the strange scene. Although it was not solid enough, it could be seen from the faint luster and the color of its body that it was actually a mechanical man made of metal, but the face of the mechanical man was lifelike, and the lips opened and closed, spitting out words, "Because what is projected and condensed here is not an object, but the space itself. This time, my Mohist school is not going to compete with you for anything, but just seeking a piece of land above Donghua as the foundation for the future, so that when Donghua is upgraded, it can also be inherited."

"Oh? The projection space, so to speak, there is at least one continent. No, maybe a world that is a few points higher than the continent is projected to you. I am ignorant and don't know that there is such a place." Nandou didn't seem surprised when he heard this, "However, it makes sense. The promotion of Buzhou is of great significance to us, and it also affects all forces. In Donghua today, Confucianism dominates, and of course Mohism also I want to get a piece of the pie, but now you are suspected of taking advantage of the situation, why don’t you identify yourself first?”

Although the situation is unclear, from the short words and the changes in the starry sky, a person of Nandou's level can deduce a lot of things.

While speaking, the starry sky around these people at the Tianjun level expanded rapidly, actually quickly crowding out the strange projection scene, getting further and further away from Donghua, but above Donghua, there was still A steady stream of luck is coming.

Seeing this scene, Qiu Yan's thoughts suddenly moved. He thought about his previous experience in Tianzhizhou and the people of the Mo family who he had contacted before, and suddenly felt that things seemed not that simple.

"This agency man represents the spiritual world of the Mohist family. That world is unknown and quite secretive in the starry sky. If he comes forward now, he will be suspected of being exposed. Even if he wants to find a place in Donghua, he won't be able to find a place in Donghua. It should be easily exposed, and considering the situation in the Mohist spiritual world, it is already quite impressive. Even if Donghua is upgraded in the future and becomes a place like the Blood Hell Land, occupying a corner in it is not necessarily as good as Shilin, Xingwu or that How much stronger the Mohist world is. From this point of view, what the other party wants should be more than this, but..."

Qiu Yan's mind was spinning, and his thoughts were linked. Heifeng, as his external incarnation, made some crazy moves, which seemed meaningless, but he unknowingly came to the edge of everyone.

"You should declare yourself first." On the other side, among the many scenes, the agency man stood out and came to the starry sky in front of everyone. He bent down and bowed, "I have an enemy in my name. He is a person from the three realms of law. As you can see, he is now a puppet of the government, serving as the vanguard for our Lord."

"The promotion of Donghua has actually attracted the attention of the emperors from all sides. Because it is difficult to come forward, there are many heavenly kings. The heavenly kings play chess, but they are actually agents. Such a piece of land, the Mohist family wants to seize it with a sword. It’s simply impossible, then their goal should not be to seize Donghua. Since they have arrived in this starry sky, what the other party needs must be related to Donghua..."

Qiu Yan listened to this and kept thinking about the other party's purpose, hoping to find cause and effect from those words. He went upstream and speculated on the intention, but he couldn't catch any trace.

Nandou and others were actually doing similar things, and then they all discovered something strange.

"This mechanism puppet named 'You Enemy' is very weird. Even though his aura is not as good as that of Tianjun, he is the body of the mechanism, but now there is no trace of aura leaking. No, it should be said that it is his method of aura convergence. Even Tianjun is It cannot be discovered, the reason for this..."

After thinking about it, Nandou also felt that the matter was not simple. At the same time, he noticed the other party's wording and asked: "As far as I know, this mechanism can create something out of nothing, but is it like your Excellency, which is close to a living thing? Your own will, your Excellency said, is now a puppet of the agency. I wonder what the situation was like in the past. Could it be that it was instilled by will?"

"In the past?" There was a clear smile on the face of the organ man, "In the past, I was like you, dominating the starry sky and crossing the star sea. Unfortunately, one star fell, my will was taken away, and my divine power was refined. Finally, after forging, I became What it looks like today!”


As soon as these words were said, everyone else, not to mention Nandou and Qiu Yan, also realized that something was wrong. Just when they were about to take action, they saw the agency man approaching suddenly raised his hand, and a shadow shot out, and it actually shot out. After passing through the layers of space, we headed straight towards the candle dragon!

"Sneak attack?" Zhulong's eyes widened, and the space around him twisted, faintly showing a huge figure. Under the linkage of the space, the shadow shattered before it arrived!

"Not good!" Seeing this scene, a flash of light flashed in Qiu Yan's heart, "So that's it, their goal is actually..." (To be continued)

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