Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1351: Hearing the Demon Saint Under Cloud City

Central Mountain Range, Cloud City.

This city is named after Yunzhong, and is also called Yuncheng by the people in the mountains. However, it is not really Yunzhong in the sky, but because the city is surrounded by thick fog all year round. From a distance, it looks like flying in the clouds, hence the name. .

Now, in front of a gate of this city, there is a heroic man asking the people around him: "Brother Wang has led his troops and horses?"

The person who answered was a demon with a bird head. He bowed his head and whispered back: "Yes, as soon as the third prince left, the eldest prince went forward with his troops."

"You are so positive. You are rushing to share your father's worries." The heroic man sneered, with a cold light in his eyes. "But, he is afraid that he will express the wrong feelings and choose the wrong person this time. This time This person is anything but simple.”

"Oh?" The bird-headed demon showed a surprised look, "Could it be that the third prince discovered something?" He knew that the reason why his master left the city was because he had received the king's order to go to the demon country. Department, to explore the specific situation of the person who caused the disturbance this time.

"Not bad!" The heroic man smiled, then raised his hand and waved, the surrounding aura gathered and formed a little flame on his fingertips!

"Is this?" The bird-headed demon was stunned when he saw this, showing a look of surprise, "My subordinates didn't feel the fluctuations of the third prince's vitality. Could it be that he was directly controlling the spiritual energy? Isn't this the rumored technique of controlling energy? I don’t know where the prince learned it from, but if it can be presented to the king, then..."

When he said this, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he thought of this prince. The purpose of going out this time, the words became a little stuttering: "Could it be that this is the magical method that the man left everywhere in the rumors?"

"Exactly!" The heroic man squinted his eyes, looked at the flames on his fingertips, and said seriously, "That man called this method the 'Way of Knowing and Doing'. He taught it in various ways, and I visited no less than a thousand people along the way. More than a hundred of them understood the technique. The technique of making fire with my fingertips was directly blessed from one of them. However, that person only had this technique because of his limited qualifications. There is not much understanding of the so-called way of knowing and doing, so at most it is just a little bit of fire, and if you try to be stronger, you will be powerless.”

The bird-headed demon hesitated for a moment, then asked: "May I ask the third prince, are all the more than a hundred people who have understood the technique the method of manipulating fire?"

"No," the heroic man shook his head, "Almost everyone has different understandings, and each has its own mystery. On the surface, there is almost no connection, but inside, they are all understood from a few seemingly simple sentences. , they call this kind of words 'Jingwen'. I don't know what it means. The reason why I only chose this flame to bless me is because I only sensed a few words that can derive the magical power of flames, and I have some sense of it. I feel enlightened, but it is not solidified, so I have to borrow external force..."

"Everyone is different?" the bird-headed demon heard. But he took a breath of cold air, "More than a hundred different magical powers. They all come from the same source. This is comparable to the Grand Ceremony of Magical Powers. How precious! That person actually spreads it among the people at will? What is his plan?"

"I can't tell you exactly what my plans are, but I'm definitely not someone who can be easily offended." The heroic man said this with a sneer on his face. "This is why I didn't fight to lead the troops before, but went to investigate first." The reason was that I wanted to find out the reason, but my eldest brother took advantage of my absence and sent troops first. Now it seems that I am asking for trouble. "

As he spoke, he changed the topic: "I heard that the Silver Wolf Clan still wants to punish the wolf monster that offended them back then?"

Although the bird-headed demon didn't know why his master suddenly mentioned this matter, he still answered what he knew immediately: "Yes, the elder of the Silver Wolf clan has already spread the word. He has also heard rumors recently that it was The wolf demon who broke his son's legs is coming to the Central Mountains to make an end. Prince, please tell me now, is it possible that the wolf demon is related to that person? "

"Yes, the news from my side is that the wolf demon back then was named Lang Gu and had some potential. He took the position of Mountain Lord of the Frontier Mountains back then, but now he has been taken away by that man's men. But the wolf demon was also a blessing in disguise. Following him If there is a way around that person, one person can achieve it. Chickens and dogs ascend to heaven. The wolf demon has no background now. Maybe he can fight for it. "

"Prince, what do you mean?" The bird-headed demon was keenly aware of the key point.

The heroic man waved his hand and said: "Have someone go to Yin Lang's house and tell him that I, Yu Che, hope that he can put aside the grudges of the past and be gentle."

"I'm afraid this won't work," the bird-headed demon showed an obvious look of embarrassment on its face, and said without any hesitation, "Silver Wolf already supports the eldest prince and has been against you, the third prince, many times. How can you go like this? Persuasion will have no effect."

The heroic man who called himself "Yu Che" smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. The main thing is to publicize this matter and let everyone in the city know what I mean. This way, when the wolf demon arrives, we will know our enemies and friends."

"Follow the order!" The bird-headed demon nodded and left. He also knew that time was urgent now, and if it was delayed for a long time, changes would easily occur.

Sure enough, two days later, a burst of smoke outside the city announced that the tranquility of this majestic city was broken.

Immediately, the third prince Yu Che received the king's order, asking him to go to the city tower and wait for the army to enter the city with his father, King Yu Yi, to cleanse the soldiers.

"It seems that my brother is back." After the messenger left, Yu Che narrowed his eyes, "I just don't know how much he spent to invite that 'Master Qiu' back this time. If the loss is too great, even if my father wants to suppress it, the elders in the clan will have opinions."

Thinking of this, Yu Che immediately left his palace with his guards and followers. The guard leader was the bird-headed monster.

The group of people quickly came to the city wall, and someone was waiting there.

The people on the city wall can be said to have different postures, and there are more or less traces of monsters on their bodies, but most of those surrounded by these people are the Winged Clan with folded wings on their backs-

This clan is the most noble monster in the entire Monster Country. Compared with it, the others are just foils.

"Brother Third Prince, you are here."

As soon as Yu Che climbed up the city wall, a greeting came from the other side. The person who spoke was a young-looking man named Yu Yi. He had soft eyebrows and eyes, unlike Yu Che's sharp edges. He also had a refined aura. When he spoke, he gave people a feeling of spring breeze.

"It turned out to be the fifth brother." Yu Yi narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled to greet him. Yu Ke, the fifth prince of Yu Yi country, looked easy to talk to, but he was also not a worry-free person.

However, before the two brothers said a few words, they were interrupted by the vibration on the ground of the city wall. Then they looked into the distance and saw the smoke and dust rolling up.

Even though they were far away, with the eyesight of the Yu Yi clan, they could clearly see through the rolling smoke and dust, see the horses, and estimate the number of people in the army, but soon many people couldn't help but exclaim.

At this moment, the city was suddenly filled with flying sand and rocks, and a series of figures flew into the air, spreading their wings and dancing. The leader was dressed in luxurious clothes and had a majestic face. His aura matched the surroundings, and clouds and mists kept gathering and shuttling, as if the two sides were one.

"Meet my king!"

When everyone saw him, they all saluted.

This man was the lord of this demon country, the Winged King.

The demon king, whose realm was the fifth realm of life cultivation, Xuanyuan, was equivalent to the combat power of a first-class god. Even in the heavenly court, he could be ranked among the leaders. The rules of the Donghua Continent could not even accommodate many people of this realm. In the Beiju Continent, the demon king was one of the best in the entire land. He ruled a huge demon country and had the power of life and death. Even if he did not deliberately activate his magical powers, his majesty would fall, making the demons on the walls inside and outside the city instinctively tremble with fear.

The reason why the princes like Yu Che who were scheming against each other did not fight directly and compete for the position of leader against their instincts was because their father did not like to see fratricide.

Even if the will of the demon king could not be implemented throughout the demon country, the Central Mountain Range did not dare to disobey it in the slightest.

"Everyone stand up." The Winged King fell from the sky, and after landing on the ground, he looked up into the distance and said lightly: "It seems that this matter is not going well. The eighteen Winged Generals under my command will capture that person. You don't need to panic."

"Hmm?" He said this too suddenly, and the people on the city wall could not react for a while, but then Yu Che and others changed their expressions, looked at the army in the distance again, and showed shock.

"Just now, I saw that the leader was not my brother, so I had already guessed it. Now, I heard from my father that my brother led a group of soldiers and horses over there. Could it be that he failed to defeat the other party and was taken over by others?"

Such speculation did not last long. When the smoke and dust approached the city, the leader was Qiu Yan, who led Lang Gu and others to come over and bowed to the city.

However, before he could speak, the eighteen Winged Clan warriors who followed the Winged King took off into the air, each occupying one side, and spread out a formation map in the air, pressing down, and were about to cover Qiu Yan!

Qiu Yan was not surprised. A golden light flew out of his sleeves, but it was a statue of a god. It turned in the air, and the law domain suppressed it at the moment. With the gathering of spiritual energy, it directly attacked the eighteen warriors. When the warrior moved, the divine power swarmed and attacked the center of the formation. Then it took over the entire formation map, condensed into the size of a palm, and took it into its palm.

This scene was seen by the Winged nobles on the city wall, and they were all shocked.

"Great! What a great way to hold the world in your palm!" The Winged King saw it, frowned, and the wings behind him flashed suddenly, and invisible ripples spread, sucking back the 18 warriors trapped by the divine power, and then said in a deep voice: "You have such skills, could it be that you are also a demon king? This time you came to find me because of the rumor about the demon saint?" (To be continued)

ps: Thanks to "qwerty78", "galaxy01", "andkkiss005", "Never vote", "Fantasy Moon's Sorrow", "I just love reading books 1", "Flower farmer who grows vegetables", "Wandering in the mountains and rivers", "Saint George's Dragon's Strike", "hold", "Panda number1", "Book v Dragon", "Qing Tianzi", "Love to find bones", "My sister is Xuanxuan", "Sea Breeze has passed away 123" for casting monthly tickets!

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