Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1355 The Three Demon Kings

"This is the entrance, the entrance to the infinite sea above Beijuzhou." King Yuyi knew that Qiu Yan didn't know much about Beijuzhou, so he introduced it more.

"Does this vast desert still need an entrance?" Qiu Yan looked at the vast desert, and a thought flashed in his mind.

"There are many mountains in the north, but the desert is boundless. When day and night alternate, it is like the transformation of yin and yang, and the change of life and death. Ordinary creatures cannot survive in it. Even monsters with some cultivation levels can only last a few days in it. , as time goes by, the cold and heat alternate, and either the heat poison burns the body, or the yin energy enters the heart, and it will fall into madness and eventually lead to destruction. "

While listening, Qiu Yan looked at the vast desert and couldn't help but nodded: "Oh, such an evil desert must have an extraordinary origin, so this entrance should be able to avoid many disasters."

The Winged King nodded and said: "Entering from this entrance and following the earth's veins along the way can reduce the oppression of the desert to a certain extent, but it cannot isolate or eradicate it. However, this weakened power of the desert will have no impact on us and others. There is not much of a threat anymore.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the demon king suddenly let go of the suppression on his body and released his momentum without any reservation!


Suddenly, the surrounding dust was flying, the wind and clouds in the sky changed color, and countless sand and dust were stirred up and scattered, and the energy rushed into the sky!

And the next moment, in the depths of the desert, as well as on the edges of several mountains outside the desert, there were also bursts of momentum, some violent, some cold, some peaceful, some complicated...

But it has a lot of atmosphere and momentum. They all have the ability to change the color of the world, causing the surroundings to be instantly surrounded by layers of violent momentum!

in all directions. Several different momentums roared towards him, and Elder Yinlang and others suddenly changed their colors, and their faces suddenly turned pale. It was obvious that they were trying to endure the heavy pressure——

These roaring momentums are like invisible mountains, gathering from everywhere, making people feel from body to heart. They all feel heavy, with heavy pressure on their bodies and heavy thoughts in their hearts!

but. However, Qiu Yan's mind moved slightly, and his will wrapped around himself, wrapping his body that was not tyrannical, and resisted the heavy pressure that was constantly coming. And a lot of information was discerned from it.

"These should all be demons in the realm of demon kings, stimulating their own aura, and each aura contains auras of different natures. It is easy to distinguish the identities of different demon kings. This should be to inform other People, you have arrived."

As soon as Qiu Yan finished this thought, a burst of dark clouds appeared in the sky, and they were in front of him in a blink of an eye. He fell straight down and turned into a human being, seemingly everything was normal. But she was wearing a robe made of jet black feathers, her skin was pale, and her face was so handsome that it was almost evil. If Qiu Yan hadn't been able to tell the difference from the smell, he would have thought she was a woman.

The Feather Wing King pointed at the person who came and said to Qiu Yan: "This is the Black Feather King. He is also related to my Feather Wing clan, and he is one of the two people who are coming to help this time."

Having said this. Before the King of Feather Wings could make another move, the Black Feather King frowned and said in a rather mellow voice: "Feather Wings, you just brought the demons under you here, why are you still treating strangers?" As soon as he landed, There was an uncoordinated aura at the first moment, and the source was none other than Qiu Yan, so I paid special attention to it. I knew he was a person with a high level of cultivation, but I had never seen him before, so I said this.

The King of Feather Wings said to the Black Feather King: "This is our country's national master. He has extraordinary origins and great supernatural powers. He is also a landless demon king."

"National Master?" Black Feather King's eyes flickered slightly, staring at Qiu Yan, showing a puzzled look, "You have established a great sect, no wonder there is a touch of luck condensed into mist on you, but Feather Wings treats you like this You are polite, and said that you have great magical powers and are also a landless demon king, but I am concerned about your physical body, and I am afraid that even the demon elixir has not been condensed, which seems strange. "

There were not many doubts in his words, but only questions. It was clear that he had great trust in the Winged King and would not question him. Qiu Yan also heard from his words that this Black Feathered King was the two Winged King. Among the helpers was the landless demon king.

The Black Feather King said this, but he obviously did not mean to ask the truth. He changed the subject and said, "Since he is a national master, he still has a name. What kind of demon king is he? Why don't you tell me and let me hear it? I haven't seen it. People who have passed you may have heard of your name.”

"I'm afraid Brother Black Feather has never heard of this person's name. I'll tell you the specific reason when I have time, but now I'm at the edge of the desert, surrounded by people, so it's hard to say a good word." The King of Wings said this and glanced at Qiu Yan, "However, it is best for the Imperial Master to give him a name and crown him with the crown. This can save some trouble."

This is to let Qiu Yan have a royal title like them. Qiu Yan did not object. After thinking for a moment, he said: "The king titles of both of you are related to yourself. If this is the case, then I will use my own title." The foundation of establishing Taoism is to give him a name, and he is called Humanity King Ba."

"Humanities?" King Feather Wings and King Black Feather had different expressions when they heard this name, but they both thought about it and inferred these two words from the cause and effect level, but the feedback they received was different from that of the sect that was gradually growing and improving. There didn't seem to be much difference between them, but vaguely, the two demon kings felt that these two words had a huge cause and effect, like an invisible big mouth opening to swallow everything.

"Feather Wings! Black Wings! You two have already arrived first, and you are much faster than me!"

Suddenly, a voice came from not far away, interrupting the two people's thoughts. Qiu Yan looked in the direction of the voice and saw a tall and strong man. At first glance, he was a giant, three heads taller than the Winged King!

He was wrapped in a rough leather robe, with a simple face and a long beard. When he opened his mouth, he was full of fangs, and there was a bloody mood roaring. Under the pressure of this mood, the Silver Wolf Elder and others retreated again and again, and their blood surged and repeated!

"Crocodile Ancestor King!"

For a time, Silver Wolf and others changed their colors and their faces flushed! It seemed that the blood was about to break out of the body!

"Not good!" Just when everyone felt that the power in their bodies was chaotic and was about to harm themselves, a soft light emanated from the side and enveloped everyone, and it actually mixed and guided the terrifying mood pressure, turning it into a strange pressure that enveloped everyone.

This relieved them from the pressure they had been under and the crisis that had detonated themselves, and turned it into an opportunity. It was a heavy pressure on them, but it would not hurt them. Instead, it could inspire their thoughts and make them undergo some transformation.

"This..." Silver Wolf and the others were moved, and their eyes fell on Qiu Yan.

The previous brilliance flew out from Qiu Yan's palm, which resolved the crisis, but also gave them an opportunity!

Then, the strong man known as the Crocodile Ancestor King looked at Qiu Yan and smiled, "Brother, you are also the one who was called by Brother Yuyi to help you, right? I don't know what to call you?"

"This is the Human King." The Wing King first introduced, and then thanked Qiu Yan. He also knew that the Crocodile Ancestor King usually acted casually, but because of the talent of the tribe, plus his own strength, and many encounters, he did not control his power very well, and often caused the surrounding monsters to harm innocent people. If Qiu Yan had not taken action just now, he would have taken action, but it was impossible for him to give him an opportunity.

"I am acting beyond my authority," Qiu Yan said, and then turned to look at Silver Wolf and others, "However, there is also a selfish motive here. I want to take this opportunity to integrate some of my insights into the Way of Knowledge and Action into it, which can be regarded as offering flowers to Buddha, so that the leaders can have some insights."

He said his purpose directly, and the Winged King threw away the suspicion that had just risen.

"Okay, okay, straightforward!" With the laughter of the Crocodile Ancestor King, the previous pressure was relieved a lot, and Silver Wolf and others also broke free from the previous situation. At the same time, they also captured some fragments of consciousness in the pressure and had insights.

On the other side, as the Crocodile Ancestor King restrained his thoughts and his might no longer affected the surroundings, several monsters walked out behind him. It seemed that they were also like the Silver Wolf elders, who came with the monster king and wanted to try their luck.

Ding Ding Ding!

Suddenly, a series of crisp sounds came from the hills not far away, followed by many lights and shadows appearing in them, as if projected on the sky. The Black Feather King took a look, narrowed his eyes, and sneered.

The Winged King frowned, and then said: "There is no time to lose, let's go into the desert." After he finished speaking, he shook the wings behind him, and a feather fell down. At first it was white, then gradually became transparent, and finally turned into crystal, floating slowly in front, drifting towards the desert.

Qiu Yan glanced over and saw that the feather was actually carried forward by a mysterious force in the air.

"This mysterious power seems to be a mixture of luck, sand and heat waves, and a kind of evil spirit in the desert. It can guide people to seek benefits and avoid harm."

Sure enough, after the crystal feather floated in, the three demon kings, Wing King, Black Feather King, and Crocodile Ancestor King, took action, and Qiu Yan, without saying much, also stepped forward. As for the Silver Wolf Elder and the Crocodile Ancestor King's men, they also followed the trend. They did not dare to walk side by side with the Wing King, but they did not dare to fall behind too much, and they looked trembling.


The sand and soil came towards them, and even the Yuanqi shield could not block it. The gravel seemed to have a corrosive power, bringing many illusions, like a mirage, which surprised Qiu Yan greatly.

"There are really big differences between the inside and outside of this desert. I have been to the edge of the desert before, and I have also sensed deeply, but I have never found these differences. This also shows that this desert is extraordinary..."

He was thinking, but his train of thought was interrupted by the next sentence of the Winged King: "National Master, we have four purposes for this trip, which are the four corners of this desert. One is a continuous mountain range with flames in the center, called the Flame Mountain..." (To be continued)

ps: Thanks to "a1115678", "Shuyu", "My sister is Xuanxuan" for voting for the monthly ticket!

I have something to do during the day, so I will put it up first and modify it at night...

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