Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 1368 Learn my method, learn my way

The fire came suddenly, layer upon layer like clouds.

"Oh? The space is distorted? So that's it. The portal of this large array of stars is actually a fold of space and time. It's just that it's not folding two spaces together, but a certificate."

However, as soon as the fire appeared, there was tremendous pressure surrounding it. Layers of black energy fell on the shield formed by the lightning, and the impact made the shield teeter on the verge of collapse!

"Not good! There are too many people entering this time, and their luck is going to backfire!" Several demon kings walked behind Qiu Yan, and the thunder light turned into a carpet, carrying their demon bodies, and there was also light covering their bodies, transforming into As a shield to resist the dark and deadly air.

However, now the death energy was boiling suddenly and constantly impacting, giving them the feeling that they were walking on a boat that was about to capsize and were in danger. When they thought of some rumors, they immediately had an idea.

According to rumors, luck and will are used as keys to open a portal, but the portal has a limited capacity. If too many people enter, the limit will be exceeded, and luck will have a backlash. This is why the Wing King and others have become more powerful after joining forces. , the root of why the Half-Dragon King and the Nihuo King were unwilling to join forces with them.

At this time, Qiu Yan's voice slowly came: "Don't worry, there are too many strangers coming in, and the life energy and blood have stimulated the instinct of death energy. If you want to come and learn about it, you just need to hold on to yourselves and stand firm for one year." , Humanity Thunder will protect you from harm!" As he spoke, he moved forward without looking back, and his figure gradually disappeared into a black air!

The remaining demon kings saw each other. They were shocked in their hearts. They dared to leave Qiu Yan's side at this time, and they all quickened their pace. This move caused the road transformed by the thunder to shake, but during the shaking, they were like strong grass in the wind. Although the black energy roared and beat, it did not damage the roots.

Walking along, waiting to catch up with Qiu Yan. But there was a fire in front of him.

The flames continued, forcing the black energy back a lot.

As soon as I saw this scene. Many demon kings knew it well, and the expression of Ji Bingprincipal changed slightly, revealing a look of surprise.

"I actually came here, the core of the hinterland of the Flame Mountain!"

"Sure enough, there is a reason. The connection between cause and effect cannot be avoided after all." Qiu Yan saw this and nodded secretly, then turned to look at the Demon King behind him, "If you want to go to the Demon Saint Palace, just follow what you know. Just go ahead, Qiu won’t stop you.”

After hearing this, many demon kings looked at each other. He seemed very hesitant.

Qiu Yan led them through the darkness and death and arrived at one of the four corners of the secret realm, which really saved them a lot of trouble. They also avoided a fight, not to mention that if it weren't for the six demon kings Qiu Yanjing captured on the red star, they might have died and fallen in the sudden change, which can be said to be a sign of kindness. Furthermore, there is a behind-the-scenes plot that triggers the thunder in the formation. Blocking the way was only thanks to Qiu Yan, so they could get out of the crisis. Now it seems that it is a blessing in disguise.

All these are all for kindness. Even if Bei Juzhou doesn't have any humane principles like repaying kindness, but after giving something and the other party is stronger than himself, he still has to show something, otherwise he will feel uneasy. There may also be seeds of trouble.

People of Qiu Yan's level and skill would not dare to offend them no matter how much courage they had.

But then again, Qiu Yan can take control of their lives with just a thought. This feeling of having their wealth and life in the hands of others is definitely uncomfortable, so many demon kings are also instinctively unwilling to do so. After staying around Qiu Yan for a long time, when they heard this, they felt a little uncertain about how to advance or retreat, fearing that Qiu Yan was testing them, and if they were not careful, they would be punished.

Qiu Yan understood the thoughts of the leaders, waved his hands and said, "Don't think too much. If you stay here, you will only be in Qiu's way, so you'd better retreat quickly."

"Since the Humanities National Master said this, we will leave first, but this time everything will be recorded in our hearts. If the Queen of the Demon Saint Palace is lucky enough to survive this time, there will be a generous reward!" The Half-Dragon King and others looked at each other. Look, after firming up their thoughts and leaving such a sentence, they quickly dissipated. The invisible pressure around Qiu Yan had long made them breathless, not to mention that the half-dragon king was already depleted of vitality and needed to find more help. In this place, it is best to cultivate Qianxiu first and recover before welcoming the coming of the Demon Saint Palace——

There are still a few months until the Demon Saint Palace arrives. During this period, many demon kings will arrive, and there will inevitably be fights.

However, after the Half-Dragon King and others left, there was still someone left behind, and it was the Neon Fire King. She took a deep look at Qiu Yan, and swept her eyes over the Winged King and others who were following Qiu Yan. She pondered for a moment, but still Asked: "Sir, you shouldn't be from Beijuzhou, right?"

"Oh?" Qiu Yan was still looking at a mountain covered in flames in the distance. When he heard this, he turned his head and took a look. He instantly captured many auras from the Neon Fire King, among which There is a little remnant of Shilin. This Shilin is a spiritual world. Once the soul enters once, it will be tainted with a little aura. The more times it goes, the stronger the aura becomes. If there is no scruple, it will eventually be assimilated into Shilin. , it is difficult to regain freedom, "You have been to Shilin, and you should also know about other continents. It is not surprising that you can say this."

"It seems that it is indeed the case," King Nihuo breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Qiu Yan did not deny it. "Not only me, but also the Half-Dragon King should have noticed it, but in his kind of state, naturally he would not Become the first, but after thinking about it, I am not the only one who can see that your method, sir, is very sophisticated, and it is not something that demons like us can have. Such abilities can only be achieved by monks with a complete inheritance! "

After saying this, the Winged King and others did not have much strangeness, because they had known it for a long time, but the Jibingyuan was horrified. Looking at Qiu Yan again, something undetectable flashed in his eyes.

"You have been to Shilin and met the monks. It seems that it is not simple." Qiu Yan's eyes lit up, and then a ray of light swept across King Nihuo and nodded slightly, "So, your true body is the Bi Fang Divine Bird. , in my continent, they are also creatures from the ancient times of mythology. Like the dragon clan, they have inherited memories. In this way, you may be able to clear up my confusion. "

"Since Sir talked about memory inheritance, he must want to know about the past situation of our Bei Juzhou. However, the knowledge of the younger generation is very limited. Because of the long age, it is also difficult to inherit the bloodline of our Bifang clan. Many seniors are surprised. Heng Sheng claimed that everything had changed.

Qiu Yan was not surprised, and just said: "You just need to tell me, before the demons ran rampant in Beijuzhou, was there anyone else who controlled it?"

"Exactly," the Neon Fire King said simply, "Before we and other demons rose up, it was the immortals who made the final decisions in this world. The rumored immortals had incredible power, even better than those that younger generations have heard and seen. The monks are not the same concept at all, but they all disappeared later for unknown reasons, and then the demons like us became more powerful and became the protagonists of this universe."

"Is that really the case?" Qiu Yan nodded, pondered for a moment, raised his hand, and a ray of light flew out, fell in front of the Neon Fire King, and condensed into a crystal clear bead. The surface of the bead , there is a layer of flames beating, burning, and constantly changing.

"Inside this bead, there is a set of methods for operating the true essence of fire. If it is cultivated and penetrated, you can get the inheritance of the skills from it. However, if you really want to practice, you must also cooperate with a set of knowledge and practice theory. You can send people there Look at the mountains to find a set and go back to understand." Qiu Yan gave the reward simply and prescribed the right medicine.

The Nihuo King was overjoyed when he heard this, and quickly thanked her, and then retreated. The reason why she stayed was to gain a chance. The inheritance of Beijuzhou was quite chaotic and incomplete. When the realm was low, there were still secrets of skills. Techniques can be used as a reference, but at the level of the Demon King, the road ahead is pitch black. Now with Qiu Yan's gift, he can avoid detours and even get a guiding light.

When the Neon Fire King left, the Winged King and others also had fiery eyes.

Qiu Yan knew what they were thinking and said: "You guys led the way with me and came here, and you got something in return. I just want to ask you what do you want?"

"Kung Fu! Master, I am not very talented, but I have a bit of luck. I relied on several opportunities to get to where I am now, but I can't find a way forward..." The Crocodile Ancestor King immediately approached me. Go.

Qiu Yan did not disappoint him. With a wave of his hand, there was a ball of light, with words flowing inside, and he said: "The set of exercises in it include the technique of water movement, which can be used to refine the body, but the same is true. You need to understand it in conjunction with the way of knowing and doing. You can find this way of knowing and doing in the Kingdom of Wings.”

"I know, I know, thank you so much, Imperial Master!" Crocodile Ancestor King beamed.

The King of Wings was able to keep his composure. He waited for the Crocodile Ancestor King to finish his words before taking a step forward and bowing his hands in a salute. This etiquette was something he learned from the way of knowing and doing that had been spread in the Demon Kingdom.

Qiu Yan did not waste any time and also sent out a set of exercises. At the same time, he said: "This set of exercises can rise and change, and can be seen for a long time. You can carefully understand the wings. In addition, when I return, I will be there." There will be an academy in the Yuanwang Mountain Range, and there will be some classics that can be circulated. You can spread them around and let heroes know about it. In addition, the Yuanwang Mountain Range will be renamed the Dacan Mountain Range from now on."

The King of Wings was overjoyed when he heard this, and quickly said: "Follow the orders of the Imperial Master, I will spread the name of that holy land to all directions! Let many demon kings see the way forward!" But he knew that this matter was done, and his demon king The country will immediately stand out and become a transcendent place! The benefits are so great that it’s hard to imagine.

Next to him, Crocodile Ancestor King also looked envious when he heard this, and secretly murmured why this national master did not appear in his Crocodile homeland.

Seeing the joy emanating from the two demons in front of him and the excitement of seeing the way forward, Qiu Yan felt something in his heart.

"I am here to guide the Demon King, but the road from Heaven to the Emperor is still unclear, let alone whether there is a way beyond the Emperor. What would it be like if you are trapped but cannot see hope? Torture?”

After thinking about it, his eyes fell on the Black Feather King. (To be continued)

ps: Thank you to "I am a poor man" for your monthly vote!

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