Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1376 Dream within a dream, thoughts and heart

"Miss! Miss! What's wrong with you?"

The ladies of the two families were confused, but the maids and maids around them were extremely anxious. They called repeatedly, but saw no response from the two women. They immediately became anxious. Then one of the maids remembered Qiu Yan's strange behavior just now, raised her head, and stared fiercely. Written by Qiu Yan.

"Did you use some magic to confuse my young lady?"

Qiu Yan shook his head and said: "Why do I want to confuse them? Do you think I want something from them? Is it because of their beauty? Beauty is fleeting, and it will become a withered bone after decades. Or is it the power of two families? Power is like a floating cloud to me. , I go to take power because I can use power to realize my thoughts and things can be done in a matter of seconds. Why do I need to ask for it from a woman? "

"You kid, what are you muttering about? Do you think that because you scared Qiu Xu and Huo You just now, you can really suppress us?" Another maid stepped forward at this time, "I have been listening to you for a long time. Said, there are evil spells in the world. Recently, there is a Taoist who kills the heart. I heard that he is traveling all over the world and will arrive in our city soon. If you don't quickly remove the evil spell on my young lady, be careful and my master will invite that Taoist to come and practice it. !”

"Huh?" When Qiu Yan heard this, his heart moved and he realized something crucial.

"This illusion is the aura in the emperor's seal, condensed and constructed. If you want to go out, you must immerse yourself in it and understand the mystery inside. But for others, this mystery is a rare opportunity, but I am now exploring the path, and I can use other people's insights as a reference, but I cannot be immersed in it, otherwise I will deviate, and then I will most likely follow the path of others." Qiu Yan first straightened out the various ideas he had discovered before. Then there was speculation about the situation ahead.

"The Taoist Zhu Xin, according to my previous changes, followed the cause and effect. He changed the memories of the people related to him, so that this person did not come here, but now there are changes. Listen to this maid's words, Zhu Xin The Taoist should arrive again soon..."

It turned out that Qiu Yan had been face to face with Taoist Zhu Xin before. With a wave of his hand, Taoist Zhu Xin disappeared. But the reason is not a simple transfer of magical powers, but a change in memory by changing the memory of the relevant people so that they no longer remember the events of Taoist Zhu Xin. Directly affects what is happening in the illusion.

Naturally, this kind of method cannot be easily achieved in the outside world. It requires at least the Tianjun level to reverse the long flow of time and cause and effect. However, Qiu Yan is now trapped in an illusion, and the situation is different.

Moreover, because of the relationship between several Dao Marks, this world is filled with many incredible places, which are also different from the rules of the outside world. But this difference does not have a big impact on Qiu Yan, because he has different bodies. Not only is there a spirit body that has reached the realm of the Heavenly Lord, but there is also a higher-level Jiesha half-body.

Because of the high level of the Jie Sha Half Body, it is not the ultimate origin. Qiu Yan's understanding of its mysteries is not yet thorough and profound, but he can use the insights inside.

then. He quickly targeted the differences in this illusion and controlled the surroundings with his mind. He used memory to interfere with the reality of the illusion, but now it seems that there is an undercurrent that is secretly fighting with him.

"If you have Dou, you don't have to worry about anything else. This is also a way to make contact."

Qiu Yan nodded, then returned his eyes to the maid, and said with a smile: "Your young lady is not under the influence of witchcraft, she just experienced a life of her own." After saying this, he raised his hand again.

Lin Wan and Liu Xue suddenly recovered from their trance, but there was a trace of confusion and exhaustion in their expressions.

It's no wonder that just now, the two of them fell into a dream at the same time. Everything in the dream was the same as reality, and there was a sense that everything could come true, and everything in the heart came true. In that dream , the two of them have realized countless dreams, and that kind of joy has greatly satisfied their thoughts.

"After the idea was satisfied, the thoughts became more and more full, making the two women's lives much stronger. But in the end, it was just a dream simulated by me, and it was fundamentally different from the world formed by this mark." Think like this. Then, Qiu Yan came to the two women.

"You two..."

This word brought back the two women who were immersed in the aftertaste. They were ecstatic, recalling all kinds of things, and suddenly they had a clear understanding.

"Was everything just a dream and hallucination?" Involuntarily, the faces of these two women who usually disliked each other showed a look of reluctance and loss.

Seeing the two women's appearance, Qiu Yan shook his head and said, "What you want is just to satisfy the desires in your heart, so what's the difference if it's true or false?"

"This..." The two women recalled everything they had experienced in the dream before. The charm was still lingering, making them very addicted, as if to prove that there was nothing wrong with what Qiu Yan said.

But deep down in their hearts, there is still a trace of reason, constantly reminding them that everything is illusion, not real, and they cannot really indulge in it.

Qiu Yan asked again: "Others have weaved a beautiful dream. You are immersed in it, releasing your own desires, making your wishes come true, and even being omnipotent. Can you be satisfied?"

Lin Wan and Liu Xue looked at each other, and they both saw confusion in each other's eyes, but then their eyes gradually became firm. After all, they had extraordinary backgrounds. Their memories were full of various big scenes, and they could distinguish between fantasy and reality. For them, Everything in the dream is wonderful and even better than reality, but it is all false after all. Only when everything is realized in reality can it truly have meaning.

Looking at the changes in the expressions of the two women, Qiu Yan saw through their thoughts and nodded, saying: "Perhaps you have gained something, but if you still intrigue like before, use tricks to seduce men, and think that you are chess pieces, you don't know that the chess pieces also have desires, have desires, and have consciousness. They seem to obey you, but they are also using you. Going around, it's all in vain, and you can't get the true intention or the true heart."

Speaking of this, Qiu Yan said no more, bid farewell to the two women, and returned to the place just now. Looking at Huo You who had also recovered from the confusion and trance, he saw that the latter's expression had changed significantly.

The original arrogance on his face was gone, replaced by a kind of solemnity, stability, and more vicissitudes of life.

This rich young man had also fallen into a dream before, but it was full of disasters. In that dream, he provoked Qiu Yan, but did not kill Qiu Yan, and Qiu Yan escaped. He came back a few years later with great power. Not to mention the Huo family, even their backers, a father-in-law in the capital, all died in the hands of Qiu Yan.

But Huo You escaped by chance and wandered from then on, but with hatred in his heart. During this period, he got a classic book, studied it every day, and gained some insights. He got a set of methods to pacify the world from it. In the following chaos in the world, he took advantage of the situation and assisted a hegemon. In the end, he became famous and famous. With the help of the power of a dynasty, he searched the world, captured Qiu Yan, and killed him personally, thus freeing himself from it.

All grievances are over, dust returns to dust, and earth returns to earth.

However, he was shocked and woke up to realize that it was just a dream. But everything he experienced in the dream was vivid and seemed very real. However, facing Qiu Yan, he did not have too many emotional fluctuations, and hatred became a passing cloud. The two sides bowed to each other, and Huo You left.

Looking at the back of the man going away, Qiu Yan fell into deep thought. All kinds of possible changes emerged in his heart, becoming lines that extended towards a point.

"Human hearts are trapped outside, but also confused inside. Huo You is trapped in an illusion. If he wakes up when his family is destroyed, even if he knows it is a dream, he will definitely hate me and will not hide his murderous intentions. He will not stop until he dies."

"If he has experienced the ups and downs and his mind is sharpened, he will still hate me when he wakes up. Maybe he will temporarily endure and act according to the situation."

"If he wakes up after obtaining the knowledge and behavior classics and assisting the princes, he may look at the overall situation, weigh the gains and losses first, then judge my value, and then win me over. When I have no value, he will abandon me like a worn-out shoe."

"Now that he has experienced all kinds of things, he has realized something when he wakes up. He is calm and peaceful. Maybe he can become a great scholar in the future."

The lines formed by all these possibilities continue to extend, and finally converge at one point, condense into a point, and explode, lighting up Qiu Yan's entire train of thought.

"This is my interference with the people here after I discovered the characteristics of this world, but this is just a dream within a dream. The people in this illusion exist because I came here. The five Dao marks construct an illusion, which can be said to be an illusion condensed for me, but once the illusion is formed, it no longer exists only for me. It arises because of me, but it is not born for me."

"The people in this illusion have their own lives. I arrange dreams within dreams for them, and I am still in a dream. These perceptions are also influenced by higher-level forces. Like Huo You, the heart changes with the environment. Whether it is to shake my heart or to perceive with me, it is not important. What is important is that I have walked out now."

Thinking of this, Qiu Yan suddenly shook his body and rose from the ground. The disappeared magical power returned at this moment-before he blocked the sword of the heart-killing Taoist, and he relied on memory to change people's hearts and affect the reality of the illusion, and obtained superb martial arts, but at this moment, he relied entirely on his own ability.

In the distance, a Taoist figure slowly approached, his feet stepped on the void, and there seemed to be stairs under his feet, rising step by step.

"Destroy the heart, destroy the heart, this book boy's body carries my thoughts, and you, are indeed my heart. With my current will, I can't easily confuse you, so I have to divide and conquer. Your past experiences, after clearing away the fog, you can see the truth. It's time to return to your place, and don't get stuck in this illusion created by others..."

After saying this, Qiu Yan gathered his fingers into a sword, and the sword of humanity flew out, piercing the Taoist! (To be continued)

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