Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 1390: Scholars outside the hall discuss Qiu Tu

"Good guy, why are there so many people?"

Noticing the crowd outside the door, Wu Meng was startled. In his impression, when he and others entered the forest, although there were many people watching the excitement in the academy, in terms of number, there was absolutely no one like him. many.

However, Wu Meng had experienced great storms in Shilin. Although he was surprised for a moment when he saw such a situation, he soon recovered. After calming down, he looked at Qiu An again.

The servant next to Qiu Yan raised his hand, and strong blood roared out, falling on Wu Meng and others, covering the whole body in an instant, like invisible mist, seeping in from the pores all over the body.

In just a moment, the depleted energy and blood were replenished, allowing them to regain their physical strength.

After trying to move his hands and feet, Wu Meng noticed his body, jumped up, and then thanked Qiu An.

Qiu An just waved his hand and followed: "The master also calculated the day of your return, so I made preparations long ago. The thing that replenishes the qi and blood is not my qi and blood, but A pill mixed with the true essence of the sun has infinite effects. It can not only make up for the shortcomings of the physical body, but also has other wonderful effects, which you will experience one by one in the future. "

"As expected of the teacher, he is well prepared after all." Wu Meng said, changing the subject, "Did the teacher ever tell us when we should go see him?"

"The master is still in the political hall now. He has no time to come back during the day. You have to wait until evening before you can go and see him."

After saying this, everyone in the hall nodded in agreement. However, unlike Meng Sanyi, Sun Xun, and Wu Meng, the three disciples of Qiu Yan, the others were uneasy. They were not Qiu Yan's disciples. Because it happened to be the meeting at that time, when I opened the Sage Hall, I had a little understanding of the true essence of knowing and doing, and after I got the key, I also entered Shilin. With such an opportunity and opportunity.

Now, after returning from Shilin, they have gained a lot, but the biggest gain is actually the understanding of the way of knowing and doing, because after the mothership appeared, Qiu Yan intervened and taught the method of visualization, which later happened Many times, we need to use the method of visualization to deal with things.

but. The root of this method of visualization, to put it bluntly, is based on knowledge and action. You know it in your heart, visualize it and then apply it.

Now that I'm back, my understanding of the way of knowing and doing is completely new. I wonder how Qiu Yan will arrange them. A few of them are disciples from poor families, which is quite simple, but the rest have their own origins and backgrounds, which makes them inconvenient. That's why I'm worried.

Of course, these things are not a problem for the time being, they are just a little annoying, that's all on everyone's mind. There is also a large part that is immersed in the excitement of just getting out of a fight.

At this time, Meng San moved forward. He bowed respectfully to Qiu An and said, "Uncle An, we encountered some things in Shilin this time, and there were some things we didn't understand. Some people even asked me to entrust something to the teacher." As he spoke, He reached into his arms and took out the kit.

Logically speaking, this object is also an illusory projection, formed by spiritual thoughts. However, Meng Sanyi's soul returned to his body just now and was filled with Qi and blood. After regaining his energy, he found that there was actually an extra kit in his arms. , which confirmed the guess and knew that something extraordinary had happened.

Qiu An lowered his head and looked at it. After seeing the kit, he pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "In that case, then you come with me to the Political Affairs Hall, while the others rest first. You have spent such a long time. After leaving the body, although you have replenished your qi and blood, after all, this qi and blood is not something you have worked for yourself. It still needs to be rested and settled before it can be used for your own use. "

After everyone heard this, they all said yes.

At this time, Qiu An seemed to have thought of something again, and said to Wu Meng: "Wu Meng, your father had an accident before. His family sent someone to the capital to contact you, but because your soul was in the scholar's forest, you could not notify him. Now he is back. , go and meet your family first, they live in a villa in the north of Laoye City. "

"Something happened to the old man?" Wu Meng's face stiffened when he heard this, and he shook his head and said, "It's not a surprise. He is a very brave and fierce person, and he can't take any time off. It's bound to happen sooner or later. The war is going on now. It's even more inevitable." Even so, at this moment, the thought of showing off his knowledge in front of everyone was extinguished in an instant. He bowed his hand to Qiu An and left first.

Then, Qiu Yan led Meng Sanyi and left the Sage Hall. As for Sun Xun and others, they also did not stay, so the Sage Hall became empty. Seeing Qiu An's intention when he left, he did not leave the Sage Hall. The smell of a closed hall.

However, no one outside the door dared to step in easily. Instead, they looked at each other with surprise, excitement and anxiety in each other's eyes.

"These people should be the three disciples of Marquis Dingguo, Meng Sanyi, Sun Xun, and Wu Meng!"

Someone immediately started talking in the crowd. Lu Fan, who was among them, quickly pricked up his ears and listened carefully. He originally came from a small place. Apart from studying and practicing calligraphy, he didn't know much about the outside world. This journey opened his eyes and made him understand many things. It also allowed him to integrate what he had learned in the past and start thinking about how to apply what he had learned.

After arriving at Zhixing Academy, he has always listened more and read more, rarely making comments. He just wants to enrich himself first and make up for his shortcomings. His diligent study is also very famous among these students.

Now, after finally participating in a debate and entering the inner courtyard, he was paying attention to everything. Just now, everyone was talking about Qiu An, and he secretly remembered it. Now that he was talking about several disciples, he was also paying attention.

"Speaking of which, Meng Sanyi is really lucky. He was originally a handyman, but he was valued by Marquis Dingguo. He took several exams and gave him some advice."

"I have also heard about this. At that time, Marquis Dingguo was still on duty at the Hanlin Academy. Meng Sanyi was really lucky, but this man was not simple. He did not feel inferior because of his inferior position and took the initiative to become a disciple. Otherwise, he would not have this Chance."

"Isn't that right? I heard that in the land of the Three Jin Dynasties, there was a man named Huashe, who is now very wealthy. He had the opportunity to join the sect of Marquis Dingguo, but he did not seize the opportunity. Now he is considered a registered disciple at most... …”

Lu Fan couldn't help but feel shocked when he heard the comments from the people around him.

"Then Meng Sanqi is just a handyman of the Hanlin Academy? It's unbelievable. Now he has become a disciple of a prince and a disciple of a great Confucian. Such an opportunity is really enviable! However, I just looked at him from a distance and saw him. He is very popular and approachable, and his original charm as a handyman is gone. He is completely transformed. It shows that Marquis Dingguo is a man of education and distinction. Maybe as long as I work hard, I can get his guidance. "

Although I had not seen them before, when the door opened, there were people identifying them one by one. Not only were they Qiu Yan’s three disciples, but also several others. During the time they entered the forest, they had already His reputation spread far and wide and was known to everyone.

As he was thinking about it, he heard the people next to him mention other things, and then he concentrated on it again.

"Speaking of which, Wu Meng is not simple at all. His old man is a military commander, and he is always at the front of the battle. He was able to defeat Tianzhi Demon's troops and completely quell the disputes on the northern front, all because of Commander Wu's step forward. He came out and used it as a bait to lure the bandit army over so that he could completely annihilate it, but he himself was seriously injured. He is really a loyal minister and tiger general of the country. "

"Isn't that true? I heard that the serious injury was related to the evil magic of the demon from outside. Even the magicians from outside were unable to cure it. He has been bedridden. There are even rumors that the commander has long been on deathbed and is just hanging. In one breath, I want to see this Wu Meng again.”

"Now that Wu Meng is back, the commander-in-chief can finally get his wish. Wu Meng can be admitted to the sect of Marquis Ding, which can be regarded as a reward for being a loyal minister of the country."

When these people talked about Wu Meng, everyone had a little more respect, and they were not full of envy and jealousy like when they talked about Meng Sanyi.

"This Wu Meng turned out to be a general's son!" Lu Fan also remembered it in his heart, and he actually had some understanding, "Yes, Ding Guohou once wrote the military classics, which is a classic of military strategists. It is normal to accept this general's son. , not to mention that the way of knowing and doing can also be used on the battlefield..."

While thinking about it, he heard someone say

"Speaking of which, Sun Xun is very low-key. I heard that he is a descendant of the Sun family in the south of the Yangtze River. He comes from a noble family. When the Marquis and the noble family had a falling out, this person can withstand the pressure and respects his teachers. He has a good heart. Have great ambitions.”

"Exactly, I heard that this person became a disciple together with Wu Meng, and the battle is not small."

"I heard that the eldest disciple of Marquis Dingguo is the son of an old friend. The second disciple was originally a servant. The third disciple, Wu Meng, was born in a general family. However, speaking of his origin, Marshal Wu was not a nobleman. Only Sun Xun, from a noble family, was the most noble. Perhaps the greatest achievement in the future.”

After hearing this, Lu Fan thought for a while: "Most of these people were not convinced when they talked about Zheng Yun in the past, but after several debates, some people challenged them, and in the end they were all convinced. Now they are also envious of Meng Sanyi, and they are jealous of Wu Mengduo." It’s because of Marshal Wu that I respect him, but most of my sincere recognition of Sun Xun is just because Sun Xun comes from a noble family. It seems that the background of this noble family is really important.”

As he thought about it, he felt that the Marquis of Dingguo was very remarkable.

"The aristocratic family has such a great influence on the world. If I hadn't been trapped in a corner since I was a child, and I didn't hear much about foreign affairs, I'm afraid it would have affected me. However, Marquis Dingguo dared to fight against the aristocratic family for the sake of state affairs. Other great Confucians and masters accepted it. Among the disciples, there are many children from aristocratic families, but among the disciples of Marquis Dingguo, only Sun Xun can be considered to be from aristocratic families, which is quite similar to the ancient sages who taught without distinction. In this case, I must be more serious and dedicated. I want to study Qiu Xue, hoping to be valued by Marquis Dingguo! If I can lead the way, I may be able to see the true meaning of learning..." (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to "Ban Tian Qingzhou", "Zi Zi Zi", and "Cao Peat is not good" for their monthly votes!

Chapter 1,390 A group of Confucians outside the hall discuss Qiu Tu:

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