Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 140: Gua is born from the heart

"These eight ancient seal scripts should be the legacy left by the sages. They contain the flavor of literature and history. If you can get them, you can immediately condense another volume of sage manuscripts in the earth soul, and the safety of the clone will be more guaranteed. Even if it is It's the deity of the spirit. If you can study it, you might be able to summarize something, which will be of great benefit to the legal profession!"

As soon as the thought fell, Qiu Yan's heart suddenly erupted with strong desire!

I don't know when the ancient seal script began to sound like a call. It penetrated deeply into Qiu Yan's heart and immediately gave him thoughts of longing and longing.

The thought was so strong that it almost burned my mind.

Something was wrong in his heart, Qiu Yan's thoughts turned, and a little bit of water appeared in the divine pond, and a bookshelf appeared.

Sub Department Bookshelf.

When he became a little clearer, he noticed that the light around him gradually dimmed, revealing the four figures hiding in it.

Yin Xiao'e, Taishi Dong, Ancestor Heimao and a scarlet inner elixir appeared one after another. Judging from their respective reactions, they had just noticed the others.

Together with Qiu Yan, four gods and a demon pill were rising and falling in the misty white light deep inside. They were hostile to each other, and they were fighting each other just now. Now they were comforted and suppressed by the sound of books and white light, and they could only change their minds and could not take action.

In the center of the crowd, there is the eight-character ancient seal script, which is constantly releasing a summoning aura and touching people's hearts.

The ghostly yin energy around Master Dong was suppressed and difficult to expand, but it was still strong and full of energy. His eyes were as red as blood, staring at the eight-character ancient seal script, showing the aura that he was bound to win!

Not far from Grand Master Dong, there is a scarlet pill hanging. This is the Taoist body made by monks above the soul refining realm after smelting seven souls. Taoists call it the golden pill, and monsters call it the demon pill.

There are several cracks on this demon pill, surrounded by three groups of light, and a soul is wrapped around it, and there is a forest in the soul. The person sitting in the forest is none other than Shi Jianhui.

Her level of life cultivation has reached the level of Earth Soul.

The continuous red light of earth fire caused Shi Jianhui's demon body to fall apart, leaving only the demon pill. At this moment, the cracks in the pill oozed fire light from time to time, and the pill body trembled, as if it would collapse at any time, if it were not suppressed by the sound of books and white light. I'm afraid it has gotten worse.

Shi Jianhui naturally knew this. Although the hatred on the demon pill was as strong as fire, he held it back. His perception was locked on the eight-character ancient seal, and his whole person exuded the mood of hysteria and wanting to get it at all costs.

The ancestor of Black Marsh was in front of the demon pill. Most of his body was broken into pieces. Now he has recovered, his divine power is flowing, and the damaged parts have grown back.

This swamp god. He was also paying attention to the eight-character ancient seal script, but he seemed to be worried about gains and losses, his emotions changed, and his thoughts were firm for a while. It seems that he will never give up until he achieves his goal, but for a moment he is cautious, as if he has scruples, and his perception is constantly going back and forth between the demon pill and the eight-character ancient seal script.

Yin Xiao'e. It can be said that she was the calmest person among everyone present. She looked at the eight-character ancient seal script. Although he also showed longing, he was more cautious and fearful. The murderous aura on his body rose, and there was a sense of being prepared for danger in times of peace in his eyes, as if a certain scene in his memory was reappearing.

For a time, five figures and five breaths changed each other, and the atmosphere gradually became solemn, giving off a feeling of imminent rain.

At this moment, Qiu Yan's heart suddenly jumped. In the black hole under the Divine Pond, one sentence after another circulated, spreading out an artistic conception, admonishing people to learn and save themselves, which immediately calmed down Qiu Yan's impetuous mind and restored his burning sanity. Qingming.

With his mind so clear, he immediately realized the problem. He glanced around and noticed that the expressions of the people around him had changed slightly, and the mood swings they exuded were also abnormal. They were obviously immersed in a certain emotion.

"Several people present are either gods or big demons, but now their minds have been stolen. If I didn't have the sage's manuscript to suppress my mind, I'm afraid I would have to follow the path. The changes here are worth pondering. The legacy left behind Sage..."

Qiu Yan was still thinking, and suddenly there was a knotted rope in front of him.

"Huh?" Seeing this knotted rope, Qiu Yan came back to his senses and caught a faint fluctuation of cause and effect from the rope. He looked around with his eyes and noticed that the other four figures present also had a knotted rope hanging in front of them. rope.

Immediately, one word popped out from the bottom of Qiu Yan's heart——


Yao (yáo), the original meaning of this word, refers to the knotted rope used by ancient people to record events and time. The font itself expresses the meaning of interlacing and change. Later, the kings and kings performed hexagrams and incorporated it into it.

Just like the Li hexagram in front of you, which represents fire, you can interpret the hexagram with six lines. Each line has its own meaning. Combined with the principle of fire, it can explain different fates and fortunes.

Qiu Yan looked at the knotted rope in front of him, but did not act rashly, but watched its changes quietly.

At this moment, a roar suddenly came from not far away——

"Impossible! I can't possibly make a mistake!"

The one who roared was clearly the majestic Grand Master Dong.

Qiu Yan noticed that the knotted rope in front of Master Dong had been grabbed by him!

Then, the knotted rope collapsed and turned into a line of writing——

Li Gua Chu Ninth Day: If you walk wrongly, respect it, there is no blame.

The meaning of this passage can be discerned by the gods as long as they perceive the shroud.

"I made mistakes because I was eager for quick results, but I later acted cautiously, so I didn't get into trouble."

This is a line used to explain the meaning of divination.

But upon sensing the meaning of these lines, Master Dong's aura became frantic. At this moment, the old man's eyes seemed a little blurred, and many scenes were changing in his eyes.

"You actually say that the way of the underworld that I have understood is wrong! How is this possible! This is the principle of heaven and earth. In order to understand this truth, I..."

Seeing this scene, everyone else was shocked.

"The legacy of the sages was exposed in such an unexpected way..."

There was also a knotted rope hanging in front of Shi Jianhui's demon pill, but when the demon pill turned around, it wanted to bypass the knotted rope and go straight to the eight-character ancient seal script.

This movement immediately caused Knot Rope to pounce on him.

Seeing this, the demon pill quickly stopped, and the surrounding souls and three talismans released a burst of stabilizing thoughts. This action caused the knotted rope to stop, and the two faced off again, but Shi Jianhui was not angry after all. A thought came from the demon pill and went straight into the heart of the Black Marsh ancestor.

"Kuronuma! Come and try the strength of the knot in front of you!"

Her thoughts were not concealed at all, and the fluctuations spread out, and several other people could also clearly understand the meaning.

The face of the young-looking Ancestor Kuronuma changed. He glanced in the direction of the demon pill, slightly hesitant.

"What's wrong? Act quickly and make sure there are no mistakes!" Demonic Pill urged.

With a sigh, the ancestor of Black Marsh raised his hand and grabbed the knotted rope in front of him.

Suddenly, the knotted rope collapsed and turned into a line of speech——

Li hexagram ninety-four: suddenness is like coming, burning is like, death is like, abandonment is like.

As soon as I saw this hexagram. Ancestor Black Marsh's face suddenly turned pale, and he turned his head sharply to look at the demon pill.

The gods have access to the mysteries, and one can tell at a glance that Li Gua Jiu Si, to be unraveled, is that because of an unexpected event, there was a strong desire in the heart, but then the passion faded, and finally ended up being abandoned and discarded. .

Such hexagram meaning. It fell into the heart of the ancestor of Black Marsh, and when he thought about what happened, he was immediately surprised and had a sense of ominousness.

"Mysterious!" Another thought came from the demon pill. As if to make the ancestor of Black Marsh feel relieved, he saw the elixir turn and turn into red light, passing through the knotted rope with lightning speed. Head straight towards the eight-character ancient seal script!

"This half of the screenshot of Tengzhu has already fallen into my hands, and the ancient seal script of the sage is mine! But due to an accident, it was exposed in front of everyone! How can I rest! This legacy. How can anyone else except me have to?"

Thick thoughts of unwillingness filled the demon pill, making it faster and faster. It was about to hit the ancient seal script and realize its wish, but soon the vision blurred. When it came back to its senses, the distance between the eight-character ancient seal script and itself It was actually far away.

"Huh? These words are indeed extraordinary, and you also know how to evade and dodge, huh? That's not right!"

With the expansion of his perception, Yao Dan discovered that where Bazi escaped, he was clearly back to where he was before.

"What's going on! I'm back on my own?"

Feeling startled, Yao Dan suddenly remembered something first.

"Why is that knotted rope missing?"

The knotted rope blocking the road was indeed gone, replaced by a line of speech——

Li hexagram ninety-three: When the sun is away from the sun, if you sing without playing the fou, the big man will sigh, which is bad.

The word "fierce" is enough to highlight the topic. It says that people are like the sunset. If they cannot be calm and calm, it will inevitably lead to tragedy in the end.

Dage refers to old age, and can also be extended to the end.

"What the hell! Nonsense!"

Seeing such a line of words, the demon pill immediately screamed, became excited, went crazy, and flew around, trying to rush out.

But in the eyes of others, the demon pill is always trapped in one place, unable to move. The so-called flying is nothing more than an illusion. Everyone present is suppressed by the sound of books and white light. At most, it can only move and transmit thoughts. How can it move at will?

It's just that the previous scene has already been caught in Qiu Yan's eyes.

"After touching the knotted rope, you will get a line of words to show your respective destiny and even manipulate it..."

Thinking of this, Qiu Yan could not help but feel strange. He felt a chill in his heart. He felt the existence of a mysterious force. He suddenly turned his head and looked to his side.

Beside her, Yin Xiao'e seemed to be influenced by an emotion. She raised her hand to touch the knotted rope in front of her. The rope shook, quickly disintegrated, and turned into a line of words, Li Gua Sixty-Five: Tears are flowing out, grief is like sighing, lucky.

This is an auspicious hexagram, which means that people are cautious and alert in times of peace, and their thoughts are so delicate that it will always bring good luck.

After reading this line of writing, Qiu Yan raised his eyes and looked at Yin Xiao'e again, and found that the latter had returned to normal. He also looked over, and then a thought came over -

"Although I didn't get any rare treasures when I came to this abandoned place this time, I gained a lot of insights with your help in guiding Lianxi, which was enough for me to achieve the purpose of this trip. It can be said to be a complete success. I will keep this kindness in my heart. , If there is a fate, I will repay you.”

This thought was full of the meaning of parting. After Qiu Yan heard it, he thought about the words and had a clear understanding in his heart. He nodded in response. Then, he saw Yin Xiao'e's figure gradually fade, and finally disappeared in the misty white light. middle.

Looking at the blank space, Qiu Yan sighed.

"Perhaps it's not Li Gua that controls fate, the hexagram comes from the heart..." (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

ps: Thanks to "Duke Dusk", "Into the Second Dimension" and "Lost Sea" for the rewards!

Today’s second chapter, tomorrow’s two chapters should also be at noon and evening.

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