Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1413 The Dead Enter the Yin-Yang Realm

Wu Mansion, sad and sad.

Everyone in the entire mansion was in deep sorrow. The reason was that in the decisive battle with Tian Zhizhou on the northern front a few years ago, Wu Siping, the master of the mansion, took the lead and won the war in the end. However, Wu Siping and others suffered. Seriously injured and poisoned by Tian Zhizhou's poison.

After this battle, the imperial court rewarded the Wu family quite heavily, but no matter how heavy the reward was, it could not restore Wu Siping's health. In addition, he was the pillar of the family. This serious injury made it difficult to continue to serve as the governor, so that was it. Losing power also made the people of the Wu family experience the harshness of the world.

Later, famous doctors sent by the imperial court came to detoxify Wu Siping, but they were still unable to cure it. He became a tarsal maggot. But then Qiu Yan sent elixirs, which relieved it to a certain extent. However, this kind of Part of the poison affects people's will, and it is difficult for external forces to be of much help.

In this way, Wu Siping's illness lingered for a long time. Fortunately, Qiu Yan began peace talks with Tian Zhizhou, and the other party sent people over to expel the will poison from Wu Siping. However, Wu Siping's body did not get better.

The poison was completely eradicated, but being plagued by the disease for such a long time and torturing his will had already caused his body to nearly collapse. This was difficult to recover from with medicine and stone. Wu Siping himself seemed to be resisting further treatment, and his body and bones were all broken. The decline every day is close to the situation where the oil and lamps are exhausted.

Although he has achieved a certain degree of integrity and his martial arts skills are not low, after all, he is not from a noble family and has insufficient foundation. He also followed a wild path in his early years. It was okay when he was strong, but once his body collapsed, he was out of control. .

As a result, the Wu family also declined rapidly. If it weren't for some connections in the military and the bravery of several of Wu Siping's sons, the decline would have been even faster. But that's all. If we can't return to Wu Siping's position, the Wu family will eventually be unable to maintain its current status. This is an example of luck failing to support the height of status, and the family will fall accordingly.

But when Wu Meng looked at his mansion from a distance, he felt a sense of decadence from a distance. He was not proficient in this ability to see the aura, but he had mastered it to some extent in Shilin. Moreover, at this time, the Wu Mansion Not only is it related to him and connected by blood, but it is also connected to his own destiny. Looking at it from a distance, of course I had some insights, but as I got closer, this decadence no longer appeared.

However, you don't need to look at Qi at this time to see the decline of Wu Mansion.

"Uncle Luo, how is my father's health?" Wu Meng galloped all the way to the door of the mansion, and Wu Meng turned over in the air and landed firmly on the ground. Looking at an old man in front of the Wu Mansion, he asked.

When the man saw Wu Meng, he was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help but raise his hand and rub his eyes. After clearly identifying the face of the visitor, he showed a look of surprise and hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Master Meng, you are finally back! My family has sent many people to the capital one after another just to recruit you back, but in the end, the young master has not even returned from the Shilin. , Madam knew this was a rare opportunity, so she asked her to stay in Beijing..."

"I know all this. When I came back this time, I heard what people in the capital said about my father. I should have come with you, but I took the first step." Wu Meng did not interrupt the man's words, and followed him. They walked into the mansion together.

As for the fact that Wu Mansion sent someone to the capital to inform him, Wu Meng already knew it when he just came out of Shilin. Although he could directly convey the news to Shilin with some means, he could calculate the time and the person who reported the news would I went there several times, and Wu Meng experienced risks in Shilin. Even if he knew about it, he was just worried about it. Not only could he not escape, but he also distracted his energy. The reasons were quite complicated.

However, upon returning from Shilin, after Wu Meng got the news, although he seemed quite calm on the surface, he was actually very anxious, so he accompanied Qiu Yan's cavalry out of the city, rested for a while in Dongdu, and then headed back to his hometown. journey.

"... When the news came back that Master, you were accepted as a disciple by Marquis Dingguo, everyone in the mansion was filled with joy." Uncle Luo was still chattering beside him, but his expression was filled with joy and a hint of gloom, "If it weren't for the With such a relationship, our Wu Mansion may be in a worse situation now."

Wu Meng didn't try to stop him. He could tell that his steward was really under a lot of pressure. Now that he was back, he felt much more relaxed and needed to talk to him.

"Uncle Luo, don't worry, as long as I'm here, nothing will happen to your family!"

Listening to Wu Meng's sudden words, Uncle Luo was startled for a moment, then showed a look of relief, nodded and said: "After all, he is a disciple of Marquis Dingguo. He is different from before."

"Brother! You're back!" At this time, a voice came from the corridor at the end of the courtyard. Following the voice came a heroic young man, none other than Erlang of the Wu family. He walked with Wu Siping in the army all year round. The famous Young general.

"Don't say too much, go see your father..." Wu Erlang still had something to say, but was blocked by Wu Meng's words. He saw a dignified look on the face of his formerly playful brother. , he captured an indescribable majesty in his body, which was a magnanimity that he had truly experienced through countless dangers!

You must know that Wu Meng entered the Shilin since he became a disciple of Qiu Yan. During this period, he experienced many dangers. Even when he finally left, he also experienced a lot of fighting. Many places in the Shilin were more dangerous than the battlefield. People are naturally more outstanding.

When he arrived at Wu Siping's room, he was hit by a strong smell of medicine, but Wu Mengru didn't notice it and walked straight through the crowd to the bedside.

Wu Siping on the bed was skinny and bones, his eyes were deeply sunken, his complexion was sallow, and there was a hint of black. He seemed to sense this, and opened his eyes slightly. His eyes were originally wandering, but they gradually condensed and fell on Wu Meng. The dry lips twitched, revealing a smile.

Wu Meng looked at his usually smart and capable father, who now looked so sickly. He wanted to say something, but the words couldn't come out, and he was stuck in his throat.

"Since Da Lang is back, please stay with your father here." Next to him, Wu Siping's eldest lady asked, and everyone else obeyed.

Although Wu Meng had been away from home for more than two years, his influence not only did not weaken, but became more and more domineering. Only under his name as the leader of the family could the entire Wu family really breathe. At this time, let him talk to Wu Siping Speak and no one will be dissatisfied.

Afterwards, except for the doctor and a few sons, everyone else, including many wives and concubines, quickly left.

"Brother, when did you come out of Shilin?" After everyone left, Shiro the Warrior asked first. He had great expectations for this brother.

"I think Marquis Dingguo must have arranged some kind of journey for you, eldest brother, right? My father has lived and died for the imperial court. In this situation, the imperial court does not even give him any official position except for rewards. If Marquis Dingguo is not there to protect him, I am afraid that those civil servants will , but also to suppress!”

"It's almost done now. Look at what our Wu family has become now that people have left Chaliang."

Some people raised their heads and spoke, but others couldn't help but voice their inner complaints.

"Don't rush to tell me these things in advance," Wu Meng shook his head with a solemn expression. This look was completely different from what the brothers remembered. He was the one who was not very fond of him. At this time, he was also shuddered in his heart and did not dare to say anything more. Said.

Wu Siping, who was lying on the bed, listened to the complaints of his sons and looked calm. When he saw Wu Meng's expression, he smiled again. Then he opened his mouth and said in a hoarse, low voice: "Okay, I'm hanging." I won't die just to wait for you, kid..."

As soon as he said this, he coughed violently.

Wu Meng caressed his chest but didn't say much. The others wanted to persuade Wu Siping to talk less, but after seeing this scene, they all kept their mouths shut sensibly.

Wu Siping took a deep breath and continued: "When you left, I hoped that you could learn something from Marquis Dingguo, but I didn't expect you to become a disciple directly. This is a good thing. Now that you are back, It's not the Amon of yesterday, I can finally rest assured..."

The more he spoke, his voice became quieter and quieter, finally as thin as a mosquito. However, the members of the Wu family have been practicing martial arts since childhood, and their ears are far stronger than ordinary people, so they can all hear clearly.

"I started from humble beginnings and fell into poverty at an early age. Later I rose up in the army and reached the level of a military governor. My son can also worship sages as teachers. This life is considered worthwhile..." His voice became weaker and weaker.

That night, Wu Siping died.

Wu Mansion was in great mourning, crying continuously until dawn.

Two days later, the imperial court paid their condolences, and Wu Siping's former subordinates and colleagues also sent people over one after another. There were some calculations among them, but it was a little scattered.


But it is said that after Wu Siping died, his soul wandered around the Wu Mansion. Before the first seven days, this soul was hazy and did not know itself. It had to wait for the first seven days before it could be reborn spiritually. This is a normal soul leaving the underworld.

But on the third day, a little yin and yang aura suddenly appeared, and Ha Ou created a scene of reincarnation and absorbed Wu Siping's soul.

The next moment, the soul of Wu Siping, who was still confused, regained his intelligence. The next moment, he saw a figure. This figure was not unfamiliar to him, so he was excited when he saw it. He immediately held his hands in greeting and said: " I’ve met Marquis Dingguo.”

It turned out that the person who appeared in front of him was Qiu Yan, but he was not his real body, but a projection.

"This is..." After saluting, Wu Siping was horrified. He recalled all the events in his life and couldn't help but become confused. He looked around and saw mountains and rivers, so he hesitated and asked, "Is this the underworld? Why? Doesn’t it look any different from the earth?”

Qiu Yan smiled and said: "This is not the underworld, but a small world created by Qiu."

"The little world you created, Marquis Dingguo?" Wu Siping took a breath of cold air, but then calmed down, "In that case, the Marquis summoned the remnant soul of Wu, and I wonder if there is any advice?" (To be continued...)

ps: The elder in the family is not in good health, so I have delayed it until now. I will put up one piece first and try to catch up with the next one. The credits will be waiting for the next one. i1292

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