Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1415: Humiliation in front of the statue, speech in the Golden Palace

Being pulled forcefully, Wu Siping couldn't help but follow the group of people forward. There were many people like him, but they were all held by a soldier with a strange appearance and wearing strange armor. They gathered towards a small hill not far away.

"Where are you trying to drag me?"

As he was thinking about it, Wu Siping was still breathing slowly and adjusting his muscles and bones. He soon got a rough idea of ​​the condition of his body, and his hands and feet were gradually able to be controlled.

All in all, the quality of this body is not bad, it can be said to be full of strength, but it has just experienced a fierce battle, and many places on the body have been traumatized, so that the bones of the body are a little weak, and it was dragged around. If you pull it, let it drag you away.

"This physical body can be said to be strong, but now it is seriously injured, and it has not practiced real internal martial arts before, so its strength is really limited now. It is impossible to compete with these people wearing armor. , Besides, I, Lao Wu, have just arrived, so it’s better to keep a low profile and check the situation first. If it doesn’t work, you can also use the method of overdrafting the essence and blood to escape. This has little to do with practice..."

Thinking like this, Wu Siping was taken to the hill along with the others. On the way, he was insulted many times by the armored man, but he endured it and kept it in his heart.

There is a statue of a god standing on the mountain peak, emitting a faint light. One look at it makes people want to surrender and worship. However, when Wu Siping was in Donghua before, he had a temperament that was not afraid of anything. At this time, a statue of a god was still I couldn't make him succumb. I just looked at the expressions of other wounded soldiers around me and knew that it was not good to show too much, so I suppressed my thoughts and imitated the behavior of the people around me.

Afterwards, such a group of disabled soldiers were gathered together in front of the statue.

"This is the alien god." Among the wounded soldiers, a young man who looked young whispered. His position was not far from Wu Siping, and the voice reached the latter's ears.

Wu Siping's ears immediately stood up. [,] You must listen carefully. He is a former military envoy and has been fighting on the battlefield for a long time. He can only take a glance at the situation in front of him. It turned out that this was after a big battle, and some of the remaining soldiers had been captured, and a ceremony similar to a prisoner sacrifice was to be held.

However, more information is not clear about Wu Siping, who had commanded large armies in combat. Of course, the first thing that came to mind was to collect as much information as possible. Then I heard someone whispering and couldn't help but pay attention.

Not only Wu Siping, there were also a few veterans who looked like they were listening attentively.

Then the young man continued: "I heard that the alien gods in the west are quite strange. Anyone who believes in them must abandon their ancestors and dedicate everything. Any benefit obtained in the future must be thanked for the gift of this god..."

Someone immediately heard something from these words: "How can this be true? Could it be that he fought hard to win the battle. Is it not his own merit, or the credit of that alien god?"

"Li Xiucai, you have read books and know a lot, but you have to think of a way..."

Suddenly, someone couldn't help but say that they wanted to place their hope on the young soldier, but the young man also looked embarrassed, and it was obvious that the man was seriously injured.

This time. Then the man in armor came over and whipped them hard with a long whip, falling on everyone.

"Don't make any noise! ​​When the master of service comes, you all must serve him sincerely!"

Bang bang bang!

A few whips down. The wounded soldiers were much more honest, but they all had a fierce glint in their eyes.

Wu Siping was hiding inside, thinking about a way to escape, but he was beaten and his anger became even stronger.

He didn't know that there was a little bit of external luck tainted in him. With his actions in this half-step continent, this fate becomes more and more integrated into it.


"The long-haired god has launched an offensive against the countries in the Land of Relics. The war is protracted, but with the swords and weapons, someone has to rise to the occasion. That Wu Siping is not bad at luck, and he has great abilities. He started from a humble beginning, and relied on The person who can conquer the world with his fists and kicks is exactly the kind of person who is suitable for fighting in troubled times.”

"With his abilities, coupled with my many protections on him, and the inner demons taking care of him, as his personality changes, his luck will definitely change accordingly. Coupled with the collision of two civilizations, there are also The terrifying will is adding fuel to the flames, as well as the constraints of the five gods and overseas fairy mountains, which will inevitably cause the luck to boil. This is a rare time to observe. "

"The merger of this small world, in addition to the merger of the earth and the ocean, there are also the collisions of many creatures, societies, and even thoughts and luck. The fluctuations caused by these contacts are complex and changeable, and there must be order and chaos in them. The unity and ebb and flow of things are excellent materials for enlightenment..."

While Wu Siping was paying attention to the young man's words, Qiu Yan was also paying attention to his every move. The difference was that Qiu Yan's observation was at a higher level, not only paying attention to Wu Siping's changes, but also paying attention to Wu Siping's changes. He is also comprehending the pattern of the entire Banbu Continent.

Today's world can no longer simply be called a small world. The reason why it is regarded as a half-step continent is because it is no less than a continent in terms of size.

"It's just that it's not the continent yet. Maybe it will be the real continent when the void truly breaks apart and descends into the starry sky. But from this point of view, what is there that is not satisfying here? Is it the size or other aspects? Or is it the restriction of that terrifying will?”

With all kinds of questions, Qiu Yan's human body had returned to the court, and then he began to deal with the various undercurrents that broke out in the capital after he left.

Power is a magical thing. It can make people ignore many objective factors and simply want to pursue it. In addition, the power of the underworld has caused the dragon energy to change, and the official energy has also changed. Therefore, even though they know that Qiu Yan is now powerful, there are still people who want to challenge him.

Moreover, power, in the final analysis, is about being legitimate, having the qualifications to command others, and being able to give others power. However, once you leave the center of power, there are many examples of people who were defeated in an instant, even if they once had great power. Therefore, Qiu Yan's departure from Beijing this time undoubtedly provides an opportunity for those who are interested.

However, Qiu Yan came back too quickly, so that several officials in the court who had connections with Tian Zhijun wanted to use this peace talk to delay Qiu Yan and let him spend more time in Dongdu. However, they did not expect that the final result was that Tian Zhizhou was quite anxious and was finally controlled by Qiu Yan. The rules were quickly set, and in terms of gains, Da Rui not only did not suffer much loss, but also received compensation, not to mention the huge amount. It is said that there will be many more things that will be sent by Tian Zhizhou as tribute.

Today is different from the past. Originally, the strange and lewd things were despised by the scholars in the court and the public, but the previous invasion of Tian Zhizhou was real, and the situation almost got out of control. Fortunately, the new army came out and it calmed down.

This is also the effect Qiu Yan specially demonstrated. After all, any rhetoric cannot compare to the experience of real swords and guns. In addition, the spread of the ground vein method can quickly convey the news and clearly present it to the officials in the court. It is more intuitive and specific. It is impossible to hide it. It also makes him gradually realize the power of mechanical creations.

In this way, the rejection of these things is getting smaller and smaller. When Qiu Yan proposed a method of cooperation to let Tianzhizhou attack some mechanical creations first, there were not many objections.

"…This is how it happened. The Fanximo of Tianzhizhou has sworn an oath in the name of the unified will of their tribe. According to my understanding of Tianzhizhou, this oath is a huge constraint. Even if they are far away from the stars, they cannot be denied. If they violate it, there is no need for me to investigate. They will be retaliated first."

"Oh? There is such a thing?" Li Yan, who was sitting on the dragon chair, was a little surprised. "However, since it is what Master Qiu said, it must not be false. In this way, the hearts of the world can be reassured."

In the court meeting a few days later, the matter of the truce and peace with Tianzhizhou was clearly reported to the court. Such matters involving diplomatic relations were decided in the imperial study by the prime minister and the privy envoy, but it was an open and aboveboard matter, and naturally it would not be hidden from the civil and military officials of the court, not to mention that such an agreement was also a great achievement and honor in the eyes of the court. It drove away foreign enemies and received silver for compensation. There were many benefits.

On the other hand, although Qiu Yan presided over the peace talks, he did not take credit for it, and even wanted to share the credit, so that all parties had the opportunity to share the benefits. Moreover, when he returned to the capital and rectified some chaos, he also supported the rising stars of the Chen family, such as Chen Yun, and spread some news through their mouths.

"I heard that this time our Dingguo Hou wanted to seize some mechanical creation methods from Tianzhizhou, open a workshop, and manufacture on a large scale."

"Isn't it? I heard that in Tianzhizhou, everyone there believes in the will of unity. If you want to open a creation workshop, you must be restricted and cannot open it easily. Even if you open it, you have to share silver with others. I don't know if there is such a rule here."

"That may not be the case. Think about it, who is the leader? That's Dingguo Hou. Have you ever seen him suffer? Why did Tianzhizhou cooperate with us? This is not the year when our Da Rui fought with others and was forced to make peace. This time, they were beaten by us. Tianzhizhou has nothing. I am angry. Marquis Dingguo is forcing them to sign a humiliating treaty. They are losing power and humiliating the country. How can they benefit from it? "

"That's right. Marquis Dingguo has always been a disaster for our Da Rui officialdom and aristocratic families. Now the people of other continents are finally going to have a taste of his power. Fortunately, although Marquis Dingguo is unkind, he is our Da Rui's people after all. How can the people of other continents get away with him? It's good enough if they don't peel off a layer of skin. "

"That's exactly why Zhizhou specifically asked Marquis Dingguo to come during the peace talks that day. This is a typical case of asking for trouble..."

The two sides of the Jinluan Palace are separated by civil and military affairs. Qiu Yan is in the middle, and the officials are whispering on both sides. (To be continued.)

ps: Thanks to "dyidiy", "I am a poor ghost", "Xiao Shiqing", "Bantian Qingzhou", "Aba De", "Buming Benji", "Bingxin Milk Tea", "Deep Blue Meteorite", "Xianyin Magic Song", and "bear" for their monthly votes! i580

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