Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1421: Endless Scheming

This Zhulong is unlucky. Like Nandou, Eclipse, and Hongfo, he is targeting Donghua, but he himself is trapped in the Five Decays of Heavenly Beings, and the situation is unfavorable. {Chinese..}

Before, in the battle outside Donghua's starry sky, many Tianjun-level figures were trapped in the conspiracy of the Mohist mechanical man and were dragged into a starry sky maze, lost in time and space, but in fact, Qiu Yan has already discovered that the true form of this starry sky maze is actually the outermost scene of the Three Tables Dharma Realm.

However, what is really worth paying attention to is that after a group of Tianjun-level figures fell into it, the Five Decays of Zhulong's body exploded and grew rapidly, forcing Nandou, Eclipse and others to temporarily retreat, tearing the spatial layers, and approaching the outside world directly in this way.

The Candle Dragon itself manifested a human form, but it would not be willing to be trapped either. Of course, it would seek a way out. However, it did not know what it had experienced at the moment. Not only did it return to its original form and become a giant, but it was also rotten and surrounded by many mechanical scale-armored people.

However, these mechanical scale-armored people were not like ordinary scale-armored people who attached themselves to the Candle Dragon. They even kept opening their mouths to devour and eat the flesh and blood of the Candle Dragon!

However, there were also scale-armored people constantly popping out of the Candle Dragon's body, fighting with these mechanical scale-armored people, and each won and lost.

Whether it was the mechanical scale-armored or the scale-armored people, their size was actually much larger than that of ordinary humans, but compared to the huge Candle Dragon, they were extremely small. At this time, the Candle Dragon obviously had no mind, or no energy, to spend on these relatively microscopic things, but kept moving forward.

While moving, the candle dragon opened his mouth from time to time, spewing dark breath from his mouth, penetrating time and space, to peel off the edge of the spiritual space that sealed the body.

"The previous blow should have penetrated the outermost layer and approached the outside of the maze. And there are traces of breath transmitted back. If my perception is correct, Donghua has already changed greatly!"

The role of this maze is also an obstacle for the Heavenly Monarch, which can make their perception of the outside world much more confusing. At first, the candle dragon had not discovered it, but after a long time, he noticed that the information received had a considerable deviation.

You know, in the outside world, there are many scale armor tribes, which are supposed to be connected to his luck. Of course, a lot of corresponding information is transmitted back, but most of it is chaotic and upside down.


While the candle dragon was moving forward, there were suddenly bursts of sound behind it, as if the wind was blowing on the grass. The sound of the long grass shaking.

As soon as this voice came, Zhulong's huge face showed a trace of surprise, and there was even a little panic in his eyes.

This Zhulong is the second level of the sixth realm, and he has suffered the five decays of heaven and man. His combat power is comparable to that of the heavenly monarch. The panic of such a person is not so easy to appear.

However, Zhulong's serious expression only flashed for a moment, and then he withdrew it. Then the perception spread backwards, and what appeared in his mind was a violently changing black wind!

"It turned out to be the black wind!"

After noticing the form of the visitor, Zhulong's heart was relieved a lot, and then the light and shadow on his body flashed, covering the decayed flesh. At the same time, a little doubt arose in his heart.

"How did this Black Wind find me? Logically speaking, the Five Decaying Qi forced them to embark on their own journeys, and each of them entered a world related to themselves. It was difficult to break free, let alone find the footprints of others. Unless you can find the cause and effect relationship of other people, but in this maze, time and space are disordered, even I can't do this. In this way, this Black Wind may have found here by chance..."

When the Five Decaying Qi erupted and the black matter quickly stained and infected the surroundings, Nandou, Eclipse, and Qiu Yan's incarnation tore through the space and stepped into it. The world that received them all had their own characteristics, almost perfectly matching the magical realm of these Tianjun-level figures. For them, they were all worth exploring.

This is actually another way to increase the time they are trapped, but it is not forced, but temptation.


In a flash, the black wind came over quickly, turned in the air, and turned into a large piece, covering a space, keeping a certain distance from Zhulong, and the two sides seemed to be in a confrontation.

After a few breaths, Zhulong spoke first: "Black Wind, you can come here, it is also a blessing. I will not hide it from you. This place is not far from the exit. I have already sensed it. Since you are here, you and I might as well join forces to break this space barrier as soon as possible, leave this maze, and seize the opportunity. What do you think?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he made the matter clear, and he thought he had grasped Black Wind's desire, and was ready to use this method to tempt Black Wind to join forces with him, so as to speed up the time of leaving.

"Now that Black Wind has come here, it is impossible to send him away in such a short time. In this case, we might as well make use of him. He has consumed a lot of energy before, and his body is almost dead, and his vitality is seriously damaged. Even if he has recovered a lot now, he is still less threatening than others, and is the most suitable partner." Feeling the changes in Black Wind not far away, Zhulong fell into deep thought.

"Besides, Heifeng showed a crazy attitude before, but now he is confronting me. He knows how to advance and retreat, and should be able to communicate. Furthermore, when facing the monster, he has an extra helper. At the critical moment, even You can give up your car to save your handsomeness!”

Thinking like this, Zhulong said again: "Master Black Wind, you probably know the current situation. Whoever can get out first will have the upper hand, and that..."

"Donghua must have changed. Since you Zhulong can sense that you are not far away from escaping, you must have touched the edge of this illusory world. If this is the case, then the information from the outside world should have been passed on. If you really want to join forces, , tell me the news from the outside world!" As Black Wind spoke, a figure gradually formed in the center of the violent black air, with scarlet light shining in his eyes.

Zhulong pondered for a moment and then made a decision: "Yes, Donghua has undergone drastic changes and his luck has increased a lot. Maybe that person has already started to take action. This is the best time for us to take action. If we miss it, It’s hard to get another chance to intervene, so you and I should take action before others do!”

As he spoke, he changed the subject: "Then the Mo family set up such a situation to trap us all. It was originally not a good thing, but now it seems that it is not necessarily a bad thing. You and I can be a blessing in disguise. This time and space maze is trapped Since other people are here, we should go out first, so that there will be less constraints. "

Heifeng made an unexpected sound: "Oh? Are you Zhulong willing to share with me the luck of Buzhou's promotion?"

In fact, this black wind is the external incarnation of Qiu Yan, and it carries Qiu Yan's will inside. And just as Zhulong thought, in this maze of time and space, several Tianjun-level figures, They are in different time and space, and the causal connection between them is almost interrupted, making it difficult to find each other.

However, the candle dragon's previous breath broke through the periphery of the maze and formed a hole in the night sky. It revealed its own breath and was captured by Qiu Yan's human body, and he took advantage of the situation to grasp its cause and effect. After some extrapolation, we figured out where Zhulong was.

In the three-dimensional Dharma Realm, Qiu Yan's spiritual body and external incarnation have long been divided into two groups. The spiritual body serves as the foundation to explore the context and backbone of the three-dimensional Dharma Realm, because he vaguely senses that these are related to the essence of his own humanity. There is a connection, and as the external incarnation of Lord Black Wind, like other heavenly kings, he has also entered his own world level and gained something.

Now, Qiu Yan has obtained Zhulong's causal connection and deduced his whereabouts, so Heifeng appeared incarnate and contacted him directly.

"Of course I do, Buzhou has a lot of room for promotion, you and I..." Zhulong was about to say more, but suddenly his expression changed after hearing the words.

The incarnation of Black Wind also changed his expression slightly, aware of it.

The two of them let go of their senses at the same time, and discovered a figure suspended in mid-air not far away.

Agency man.

"You two, you gathered together, it saved me and the others a lot of effort..." The machine man said, and there were dark substances dripping from his body like water droplets, accompanied by a strong momentum, and Compared with Tianjun, he is not inferior.

When he finished speaking, he raised his hands. The arms, which were originally made of fine iron, melted into two streams of molten iron in an instant, roaring out, like two teams racing against each other. In the blink of an eye, they rushed towards Heifeng and Zhu. In front of the dragon, there are like two waterfalls, roaring and surging. Countless molten iron is carrying the five-depleted energy, surging out, transpiration and change, gradually filling the surroundings.

"Have they completely mastered the five declining Qi? It seems that they don't have to worry that the five declining Qi will flood the world, but..."

While Qiu Yan was thinking, the incarnation of the black wind felt a strong suppressive and absorbing power from the molten iron. What was even stranger was that the candle dragon next to him actually trembled and rushed forward without saying a word. !

"Huh? This Zhulong actually ran away without saying a word?" Qiu Yan could tell that this Zhulong clearly had no intention of fighting and was focused on escaping. This kind of thing would happen to a person of his stature. , can be said to be rare.

Not to mention, there was Black Wind watching from the side.

However, then the Zhulong's rapidly moving body suddenly stopped, and at the same time, a strong momentum exploded in front of the Zhulong.

Qiu Yan followed the situation and saw the figure of a machine man. It was menacing, no less than the level of Tianjun!

"Another Heavenly Lord-level organ man!" Qiu Yan's heart moved when he saw it, but then his thoughts shook and he felt several bursts of aura around him again.

Then, from all directions, figures of machine men appeared one after another, each with a momentum no less powerful than Black Wind and Zhulong! (To be continued.)

ps: Thanks to "Half an Orange for You" for the tip!

Thanks to "Tong Zixuan", "Seven Star Sword Moon", "Shu Yu", "Brother Hu 677", and "Alaya's Walker" for their monthly votes!

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