Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1478 Gifting a gift to the west, Black Evil appears in the nebula

"I'm not willing to give in! I'm not convinced!"

"Since I entered the political affairs hall, I, Liu Shi, have devoted my whole life to the affairs of the government. How have I ever had peace and stability?"

"Others criticize me, but I still have to work hard for politics. Even so, there are still people who are trying to undermine me! Why can no one understand my painstaking efforts? I work so hard and seek a name and a name in history. What's wrong with that? As a result, this world conference that was held with great effort ended up like this!"

Just when many changes were taking place, Liu Shi's mind also fell into chaos, pulled by a strange will, constantly sinking and twisting, and the unwillingness in his heart burst out and turned into strong anger.

Finally, a bit of darkness was born in his heart. He suddenly stood up from the chair, and then his feet lifted off the ground, suspended in the air. Black air flowed out of the seven orifices of his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and finally integrated into his whole body.

Just after the sudden change, the cause and effect disappeared, and the luck left the body, all the official aura on Liu Shi's body drifted away, and the dragon aura that originally blessed his body also disappeared. Once these auras disappeared, they left a gap. Every moment, everyone is filled with this black energy, lingering around them, creating a strange artistic conception!

Finally, the person fell to the ground again, and his aura was as usual, but the luck on his body was no longer there, and instead turned into a jet-black aura.

Of course, ordinary people can't see this breath either, just like luck can't be seen clearly with the naked eye.


"The cause and effect dissipates and the luck is separated. Does this mean that all the creatures on the continent have become rootless duckweeds? No. Not only are they rootless duckweeds, they have even become independent individuals. The contact is almost severed. If it lasts for a long time, the human feelings, regardless of likes and dislikes, will dissipate."

In a corridor, the already aging Zhou Dongyi closed his eyes and rested, feeling all these changes. He sighed and then opened his eyes. He glanced to the side and asked: "Are these all part of your plan? Did you leave five years ago just to avoid facing such a situation? Marquis Dingguo."

On the floor next to Zhou Dongyi. There was a tea set, and sitting on the other side of the tea set was Qiu Yan's human body.

Hearing this, Qiu Yan shook his head slightly and said: "When I took power and gathered the people of the world, it was to resist the extraordinary people under the emperor. Such people have desires for the sublimation of Buzhou itself, so they will treat Buzhou The living beings on it pose the most direct threat. If I didn’t take action, I’m afraid there wouldn’t be many living beings left on Donghua now.”

As he spoke, he calmly picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and then continued: "As for now, the emperor's action is to pass through the human realm. The goal is not to destroy the living beings, but to find a ladder. Go there At a higher place, you don’t have to worry about them destroying Donghua, but when you upgrade, there will be many variables due to the thoughts of the creatures in the continent. This is something that the creatures on this earth should have experienced. "

At this point, Qiu Yan's voice turned low: "After being promoted, even if your lifespan does not increase, the benefits will be countless. If such huge benefits are obtained rashly without going through anything, it will not be a good thing for the people in the world. Without experiencing development, If you directly accept the gift, there will be no chaos for a while, but the foundation is unstable and will change sooner or later. Moreover, even if I intervene, I can't change anything. The emperor's power is beyond the ability of ordinary people to interfere and reverse. "

"You are quite familiar with the emperor..." Zhou Dongyi said something meaningful, then he looked tired, as if he was mentally exhausted.

Qiu Yan said: "Sir, if you come here and encounter something like this, why don't you stay for a few more days to cultivate yourself."

"No need," Zhou Dongyi shook his head, "How can you be so particular about someone who is half buried in the ground? I came here this time just to take another look at the student. Now that I see that he is fine, I can see that he is working harder than before. Don’t worry, I’ll be able to rest in peace in a while.”

As he spoke, Zhou Dongyi's eyes turned and fell into the distance.

One side of this corridor is transparent, and you can see the scenery outside. At this time, the cause and effect and luck are changing rapidly on the entire Donghua level, but on the mundane level, everything is still the same, and the scene in the academy has not changed either -

Qiu Yan is currently at Zhixing Academy. In the distance, he can see several students who are obviously different from Zhongyuan. They are asking each other, and among them is the dark-skinned Yuan Muxi.

Zhou Dongyi's gaze fell on Yuan Muxi, and there was a hint of kindness in the depths of his old, dim eyes.

"Speaking of which, Shen Zhi's way of knowing and doing is indeed exquisite, and with the help of the literary network, it spreads quickly, but after all, it still has flaws. Judging from the gathering of middle school students in your academy, there are obvious differences between ethnic groups and factions. There will inevitably be waves in the future.”

"It's not the doctrine that is defective," Qiu Yan smiled slightly, "The doctrine is meant to complement this. However, people's hearts have remained true to their origins for thousands of years. How can ethnic groups and factions really become extinct? What's more, the world's affairs There is no absolute, and these are not necessarily bad things.”

Zhou Dongyi was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "I still can't agree with this idea of ​​yours. Unfortunately, I don't have enough energy now to argue, let alone write a book. But my students and disciples got it. I will definitely be able to tell you the truth in the future. From this point of view, your Qiu Xue has really promoted my Jiuyuan lineage, and maybe this is the so-called benefit. "

Qiu Yan smiled and said nothing.

Soon, the exhausted Zhou Dongyi said goodbye and left. The purpose of his visit was actually to see Yuan Muxi, but in the end, he didn't actually say a word to Yuan Muxi.

After Zhou Dongyi left, Qiu Yan looked at the sky and saw the stars appearing in the daytime, but he didn't take it seriously.

Not only Qiu Yan, there are few people in Donghua who are surprised by the sky full of stars during the day. Ever since the nebula came and surrounded Buzhou, this has become a natural scene. Looking up, you can see that at night, the northwest In the sky above, one can see a patch of bloody stars, which was scary at first, but now people are getting used to it.

However, at this glance, Qiu Yan saw changes in the stars in the sky, as well as the terrifying wills that were slowly approaching one by one!

"The emperor's will is constantly approaching, which will have an impact on the continent, but the cause and effect changes at this time are not because of the emperor. Could it be caused by those chaotic airflows? It seems that we have to wait for the arrival of the evil spirit to find out clearly. , at this time, my few bodies are not enough to explore the mystery of this chaotic airflow, but there is not much time. The other emperors have already set off. I don’t know what their purpose is. If the Blood Prison Emperor had been persuaded by me before, maybe more Get some information..."

While thinking about it, Qiu Yan gave orders, and soon someone led Yuan Muxi over.

As soon as this person arrived, Qiu Yan didn't hesitate and asked directly: "You have studied here for five years and made rapid progress. What insights have you gained?"

"Replying to Sir," the original mother was a little excited when she heard that Qiu Yan wanted to see her alone. However, after studying for several years, she also practiced calligraphy and meditated, and learned Qiu's style. Her qi and blood were strong and stable, and she quickly calmed down, " The more I learn, the more I feel insignificant. Compared with many classmates, I am still far behind.”

"You are speaking modestly," Qiu Yan shook his head and said bluntly, "You are talented and smart, but your foundation is weak, but hard work can make up for it. Besides, you are not stupid. You have experienced a lot all the way from the east. In terms of vision and knowledge, you are actually better than Most people in the academy are strong, but they can devote themselves to learning, can endure loneliness, and have a strong will. I have heard about your previous debates. They are very good. The opinions may seem ordinary, but they are all mature and prudent words. , being realistic is much better than the rhetoric.”

"I don't deserve such praise from sir..." Hearing Qiu Yan speak so highly of herself, I was frightened.

Qiu Yan waved his hand: "Don't belittle yourself. What I'm talking about now are your advantages, but you also have flaws and shortcomings. You can't grasp many subtleties. Everyone has these advantages and disadvantages. It's not something you can't talk about. No. That’s taboo.”

"Yes." Yuan Muxi felt it made sense as soon as he heard it, and nodded in agreement.

Qiu Yan did not dwell on this and continued: "Your current situation is different from that of ordinary students. Besides, I know that the way of doing is the habit of knowing the body and the mind. The few people who entered with you have now gone their separate ways." You’ve put it into practice. You delayed it for a year because you needed to lay the foundation. Now it’s time. Do you have any ideas?”

The original mother did not hesitate and said directly: "Students want to pass on what they have learned to their hometown, but they are afraid that what they have learned will not be good enough and will mislead their children."

"You're not afraid of this," Qiu Yan nodded in appreciation, "I know that you often go to watch the ceremony and keep it in mind. You wrote a set silently for yourself, probably just to prepare for your return. This is good, but after all, you still had some oversights in what you wrote silently. Where you are, I have a set of calligraphy skills, so I will give them to you to enhance your performance!"

"The "Grand Ceremony" written in Mr.'s handwriting? This... this is so precious!" Yuan Muxi was shocked by the sudden surprise and fell into a trance.

You must know that the "Dadian" in the Jubao Pavilion comes from hundreds of schools, and the people who wrote it are different. However, Qiu Yan is the chief editor, so he has a deep understanding of it, and the set of "Dadian" he copied is of great value. Just imagine!

However, the original mother did not show any pretense and thanked her directly.

"Since you are leaving, I can't make it as difficult as it was when you came. I will send someone to see you off. Those who came with you can go back with you if you want."

"Thank you, sir." The original mother thanked her repeatedly, knowing that Qiu's words were referring to the black-haired monkey and the others. Since the monkey arrived, he had no intention of studying and could not go far away, so he also stayed there, but sometimes Fighting was a major scourge to the academy. Even if Qiu Yan didn't say anything, Yuan Mu Xi would not leave them behind.

In this way, three days later, the fully prepared Yuan Muxi reluctantly left the academy and embarked on her way home.

And when he left, the fortune in the sky was surging again!

Qiu Yan looked at it and started to care about it.

"Although luck is out of touch with people, it has not really lost contact!"

On the other side, in the distance of Donghua, in the starry sky, black evil condenses, right next to many nebulae! (To be continued)

ps: Thanks to "Great Desert 123", "Silent N Years", and "Book Friends 130412174051357" for their rewards!

Thanks to "Buming Benji", "Tongzixuan" and "Qibao Master" for their monthly votes!

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