Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1484 The Ten Kings of Hell Float on the River


The starry sky shook, and the silhouette of the Karma Spider was pressed down by the huge mountain. Then the Buddha's whole body was shaken, and the lotus platform under him and the shadows of the heavens behind him all disappeared!

The man fell down and stood in the starry sky, but the statue of the Thousand-Armed Buddha suddenly rose up behind him, occupying a space and spanning time and space, but it was obviously derived from the compassionate thoughts of the people of the world and was accompanied by great aspirations.

"Judging from these artistic conceptions, Buddha is not that person..."


The next moment, cracks appeared on the huge mountain, and threads of cause and effect shuttled out. It was impossible to suppress or suppress it. How could this cause and effect be suppressed?

When the mountain peak exploded and the Cause and Effect Spider reappeared, Qiu Yan was not surprised at all, but at the same time, he also realized that the breath of the Cause and Effect Spider had fallen from its peak and had a tendency to continue falling, and he understood that the time had come for him to take action.

Hoo ho ho!

The wind howled, and the black evil filled the air. Black winds carried rolling calamities and collided with the crystalline threads without concealment.

In the previous moves and dodges, Qiu Yan seemed to be afraid of tainting the cause and effect, but in fact he was measuring and exploring while delaying his fall into the battle. Now this opportunity has finally arrived!

bite! bite! bite!

With a soft sound, the black evil collides with the thread, and the disaster touches the cause and effect!

In an instant, almost every line of cause and effect spreading around the place was wrapped in black evil!

Suddenly, countless stories were derived and staged in the starry sky, catastrophes were derived, and the consequences were caused by the tribulations. They blended and changed with each other, as if cause and effect determined the catastrophe, and as if the catastrophe gave birth to cause and effect, there was no difference between them!

However, a large amount of information poured in from this, instantly flooding Qiu Yan's perception, affecting even his external exploration.

Fortunately, Qiu Yan also had control. He now occupies the Jie Sha body and takes the initiative to take action. Although the mystery of the Jie Sha itself has not yet been fully understood, he is already able to control it. At this time, he does not need the help of other bodies and relies solely on the Jie Sha source to carry information and analyze cause and effect. The connection with calamity gives rise to infinite insights.

If these insights were replaced by the human Tao body, then the human Tao body would have to stop all actions. If you are immersed in it, if the inner demon body pours in, it will be enough to stop the inner demon body and no longer be able to affect others. Even the spiritual body at the level of the Tianjun will be occupied by information, making it difficult for the incense to spread.

But for the Calamity Body, it is not huge, because the Calamity Body can mobilize the concepts of calamity from all over the starry sky. Collision and connection with the cause and effect, entangled and involved with each other, thus not really occupying all of Qiu Yan's will.

"But that's all. The Cause and Effect Spider mobilizes the convergence of self-concepts from all over time and space. What is presented to us is the aggregation and embodiment of cause and effect from all over the starry sky. I collide with every crystalline thread of cause and effect. , is the ultimate in endurance. If it touches the causal spider itself, the cause and effect will be reflected back, and all the cause and effect will be borne by me, but the gain will not be worth the loss, so now it is the limit!

At this moment, Qiu Yan deeply understood the thoughts of the other emperors. I am afraid that each of the emperors, after using their magical powers, restrained the Cause and Effect Spider to a certain extent, and then suffered the backlash, restraining each other, but controlling the degree, not You will really be unable to extricate yourself, maintaining a fragile balance, waiting for others to take action again, or for a turning point to come.

But soon, Qiu Yan discovered that compared to other emperors, he seemed to have unexpected advantages!

"Huh? The feedback of cause and effect and the mutual evolution of calamity can actually speed up my understanding of calamity!"

It turns out that after the calamity and the cause and effect collided, they consumed each other, and each was considered an attack. Then the cause and effect had a backlash, but the calamity also had a backlash, and there was actually an offsetting momentum between the backlashes. This made Qiu Yan's calamity evil origin and... There were no obvious signs of backlash like other emperors.

"This may be the characteristic of a born emperor. The calamity evil is the embodiment of a concept in the starry sky. It is not something that someone has practiced, captured, or comprehended. According to Qingdi and the others, this should be related to the cause and effect spider. Similar situations, thus canceling each other out.”

Not only was it offset, but in this process, the role of cause and effect made the causes and consequences of the calamity clearer and clearer. Qiu Yan easily absorbed many insights related to the calamity and made rapid progress!

In just three snaps of his fingers, he had the illusion of three hundred years of enlightenment. It played a huge role in consolidating the body of the robbery!

Looking at it this way, it seems that he has gained more benefits than other emperors, that is, not entering the chaos, and simply relying on the process of fighting against the cause and effect spider has been enough in return.

"But other emperors don't seem to be born, but the Qing Emperor's glory and so on are also the concept of the starry sky. Although they are cultivated, they are emperors, so they should not be much different, and they should be related to the rise and fall of various places in the starry sky. , fighting against the Karma Spider, everyone gained something in the aftermath, and there was also something gained in the backlash. The reason why he acted like he was only traumatized was probably just a disguise. "

Because he had only obtained the Jie Sha body for a short period of time, and he quickly arrived at this starry sky battlefield, where he directly contacted and fought with the emperor-level figures, Qiu Yan did not fully understand the entire emperor level and the characteristics of other emperors, and was still groping for it. In the previous stage, moving and dodging also meant to explore the situation in this regard.

"Now, the other emperors are holding back the main body of the causal spider, while I am entangled in the crystal silk thread. The means of the causal spider to interfere with the starry sky are all involved, and the situation is deadlocked. As long as there are three more snaps of fingers, the White Emperor will be ready and can launch an attack. According to him, he can suppress the causal spider and severely injure it to prevent it from being disturbed by him when exploring the chaos, but I must also be on guard to prevent the White Emperor from attacking me! Moreover, this time cannot be trusted too much, so at most after two snaps of fingers, I should leave the battlefield to prevent changes!"

When this thought fell, the battle situation did not change, and two snaps of fingers finally passed. This time was as long as two hundred years for the emperors present!

But as soon as the time came, Qiu Yan decisively gathered the black evil!

At the same time, the emperors who did the same thing as him, not just one or two, all showed obvious signs of retracting their strength.

Of course, the reason why they did this was because the Causal Spider was not an ordinary emperor. When the Supreme Forgets Love, many of the methods of response no longer exist, which gave them a place to use.

However, at the moment when everyone retreated slightly, the White Emperor suddenly changed his expression and showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, the Donghua Continent, which had been wrapped in layers of chaotic airflow, shook violently, and then a long river containing a cold artistic conception broke through the chaotic cyclone and rushed straight over. Looking at the momentum, it seemed that it was going to catch all the emperors present!

Even Qiu Yan caught a dangerous breath from it!

"Lord of the Styx, you have chosen this path after all!" The Green Emperor made a seal with one hand, and the concept of infinite withering and flourishing was immediately folded, and then he retreated, passing through billions of stars and returning to the depths of the nebula!

At the same time, the three emperors of Zhu Tuolan also did the same and quickly returned to themselves.

As for the Blood Hell Emperor and others, it was the same!

Suddenly, Qiu Yan had a sudden inspiration and completely ended the connection with the causal threads. Then, he released the suppressed power, and the black evil rolled out, whistling, and occupied one side in a blink of an eye!

As for the Lord of the Demon Realm, he had long disappeared!

Many emperors moved, as if at this moment, they had all returned to their original forms. Instead, the causal spider, which had lost its suppression, suddenly rose up! The momentum soared!

However, after a series of blows, this causal spider had deviated from its peak before!

At the moment when its momentum was rising, the cold river fell down and hit it directly!

In the middle of the river, a crack opened, and a terrifying will floated out. The will was very strange. With Qiu Yan's perception, he could clearly distinguish that it was actually a combination of ten wills!

"Cause and Effect Spider, I will suppress you today! In the future, cause and effect will be controlled by the Hades!"

After the words fell, the rolling river fell, and the river water spread in all directions. The starry sky was decayed, and the breath of the underworld was born. The breath grew, and the starry sky changed, as if the death domain had descended.

"Hmph! It's just a puppet, but you really think you are the master of the underworld!" A cold snort came from the blood river where the Blood Prison Emperor was, "This emperor is the source of life, and the Blood Prison will sooner or later replace the underworld and become the root of reincarnation!"

"It is indeed the Forgotten River!" At this time, Qiu Yan was finally able to guess for sure that his spirit had been in the underworld for a long time, and he was not unfamiliar with the breath of the underworld. He was even more impressed by the river hanging above the underworld that day!

"Time has passed. When I watched the river back then, I was shocked. Now I look at it again. Things have changed, but this river still gives me surprises!" After the thought, the catastrophe extended, and it became much clearer.

"Ten wills, ten Yama palaces, united, almost false chaos, controlling the thoughts of the past, they are the consciousness of the Lord of the Styx, differentiated, similar to incarnation, and derived from the self, condensed together, can reproduce the will of the year, but the true origin of the Lord of the Styx has already merged with the Tao, incarnated into reincarnation, and the changes of life and death in various parts of the starry sky are all related to this origin!"

After a moment of enlightenment, Qiu Yan knew the source, and in the crack in the middle of the river, he saw a magnificent palace, but deep in the palace, there was another cold will, high above!

This will is similar to the supreme forgetfulness of the causal spider!

"So that's it, this is the way to keep the self after merging with the Tao, but it can only be regarded as a trick. If the ten Yama palaces unite their wills and violate the origin of reincarnation, they still cannot control the Styx!"

As this thought fell, a cold light whistled out from Baidi's hand!

Illuminating the starry sky, shining for eternity! (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to "Feng Lixi" for the monthly vote!

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