Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1487 Source

"My magical powers are unstable, sometimes absent, sometimes in my body, sometimes in another body. Could this be a way to explore the true meaning?"

Three days later, at a street corner, the pale-faced Lord of the Demon World whispered again and again. If she had some enlightenment, that day she regained her magical powers and had murderous thoughts in her heart, but finally resisted and wanted to use Qiu Yan, and finally the magical powers disappeared.

On the edge, Qiu Yan stood at one place, paying careful attention to his surroundings, noticing that there were no pursuers, and then said: "Demon Lord, is the core place you feel is the front? Nowadays, magical powers are changing. If you die here, even if you can still survive, Rebirth will eventually have twists and turns, and you will lose this opportunity to explore chaos, so you have to focus on escaping."

While speaking, he tore off his shirt and wrapped it around his left arm, where blood stained the sleeve. It was obvious that he was seriously injured, and it seemed that the bleeding had not stopped.

"It's nearby, but in addition to being close in space, it's also close in time. But because the magical power doesn't exist, it's impossible to determine the specific location..."

"Is it nearby or close?" Qiu Yan nodded, "I probably know where the location is." As he said that, he took the lead and walked in one direction with firm steps.

The Lord of the Demon Realm didn't ask any questions and followed closely.

In the past three days, the Lord of the Demon Realm has long noticed that Qiu Yan seems to be strangely familiar with this world. Even if they are chased by those strange people with mysterious methods, they are in danger without supernatural powers to deal with them, but they still rely on Qiu Yan's familiarity with the world has saved him from danger many times.

So, the journey of several hours took three days.

Vaguely. The Lord of the Demon World has already guessed that this world is probably related to Qiu Yan's origin, but on the other hand. The complexity of the minds of people in this world is even greater than that of tribes and stars that they have experienced in the past. The incredible variety of thoughts is even incomparable to the world of inner demons.

Not to mention, the thoughts of some individuals are even vaguely beyond the inner demons, and can be called demons within demons. Such a person, when the Lord of the Demon Realm regains his magical powers. I was able to sense a little and found five people, but those terrifying thoughts were even for her, the Demon Lord. I didn’t dare to go deep, because it was too beguiling and systematic, self-consistent and self-justifying. At the beginning, the Lord of the Demon Realm wanted to influence and plant the seeds of inner demons, but the inner demons were actually tamed by the other party’s thoughts. There was a kind of desire. The signs of giving everything for the other person even spread. On the contrary, it will affect the mood of this demon lord!

This situation made her restrained a lot, but she was also aware of it. This world scenery is also a rare treasure for her who has become a spirit in the realm of inner demons. If she can understand some human hearts, she can gain infinite benefits.

It's just that the two of them have magical powers. But it works sometimes and sometimes not, and there is no fixed time. Moreover, there was no sign before recovery and disappearance. This had a great influence on the Lord of the Demon Realm to perceive the thoughts of this place, but she could still capture a lot. At this time, she discovered a place with strong induction. , seems to be related to the opportunity to leave this strange place

Although it is an opportunity to understand the mind, the Lord of the Demon Realm has no way to rise, and what he hopes more is to obtain the true meaning of the chaotic starry sky. But here, magical powers are sometimes missing, there are too many dangers, and the gains outweigh the losses. Only then did he and Qiu Yan Find it here.

At this time, under the leadership of Qiu Yan, the two of them walked through a low street one after another, walking quickly in the shadows, while using the breath gathering method. Although it took three days, the physical body could not be tempered, and the magical power dissipated. , there are no traces of martial arts, but the technique is effective in the end, it can help them collect their breath and reduce the risk of exposure.

The further the two walked forward, the quieter the surroundings became, which attracted the attention of the Lord of the Demon Realm.

She couldn't help but whisper: "I'm afraid there is a heavily guarded place ahead."

Qiu Yan nodded and replied: "Yes, there are many people on guard here, because the target is an important place, equivalent to the Mo family's workshop, and attracts the attention of all parties."

"Like the Mo family's workshop?" The Lord of the Demon Realm frowned slightly, and he had an idea in his mind, but then he became confused again, "Master Jie, how can you be so clear about it?"

"These don't matter, just be prepared first," Qiu Yan sighed, with a complicated expression on his face, and looked up at the sky, "The time is coming, changes are about to happen, maybe you and I have a chance to break through this maze, At this moment, even my magical powers can suppress this chaos, so it’s best to leave quickly.”

"Huh? Mutation?" The Lord of the Demon Realm was stunned for a moment, seemingly surprised by this statement, but then his attention was attracted by a series of explosions nearby.

Then, she followed the sound and saw a courtyard surrounded by high walls not far away. There were flames everywhere in the courtyard, but they were restrained by some kind of force and could not spread out. Outside the street, no one else could notice.

"Sure enough, there is no discrepancy in time!" Qiu Yan looked at the same place in front, his expression became more and more complicated. In his eyes, a figure was reflected, but it was a woman wearing black clothes with a well-proportioned figure. , long hair reaching waist, holding Qinglong Yanyue Sword.

Opposite him, there was a man covered in blood. His cloak was flying, and there were dots of crystals around him. The two sides were facing each other, and their minds were concentrated, and they had no extra energy to pay attention to their surroundings. Between the collision of their eyes, there was a fierce aura spreading out. Transmit the conversation between the two

The man's voice said: "That thing was stolen from an ancient tomb. It is known to so many people. It is connected with ancient myths and contains thoughts. The ability it condenses must be otherworldly and beyond imagination. How can such a thing be handed over?"

But the woman said: "This man is not guilty, but he is guilty of having a jade. If you don't hand it over, you may die. When the superior comes, do you think you can resist it? Do you want your life or the treasure? Do you want the whole thing?" Team, will I be buried with you?"

"Hahaha!" The man suddenly laughed, "What you said makes sense, but it's too late. The things have been moved and you can't find them!"

But the woman also sneered: "You think the secret passage is hidden? I have known about it for a long time, and I have already sent people there to intercept it halfway."

The man suppressed his smile, his face turned livid, and he shook his head and said, "Even if I can't get it, no one else can! Who do you think the person I sent is? That person looks like an ordinary security guard, but in fact he has a lot of space." What a joke! You can’t even get the scum! No one else can even think about it!”

The woman's expression changed upon hearing this.

In the shadows, Qiu Yan took a deep breath and whispered: "So that's it. I thought it was just an ordinary world, but there is a side hidden that I don't know about. No wonder I encountered what happened in the end."

As he spoke, he said to the Lord of the Demon Realm: "Follow me, I probably know where to leave." While speaking, he had already set off, but in the opposite direction of the two people in the air.

The Lord of the Demon Realm followed closely behind without asking any further questions.

The two walked forward quickly, and in a blink of an eye they came to a street corner, where everything was silent.

"Where is this place? There seems to be danger hidden..." The Lord of the Demon Realm looked at the surrounding environment and felt something bad, and he actually wanted to retreat. "It's better to lurk first, wait and see what happens, and wait until the time is right. Let’s take action again.”

"Time waits for us not. If we wait any longer and lose the opportunity, it will be like not seizing the opportunity due to this change in Chaos. It is not that easy to wait for the next person to attack Chaos." Qiu Yan said without looking back. As he stood, he felt that his body was still empty and heavy. There was no sign of recovery of his magical powers, but he was not afraid. He walked carefully along the wall. After a few breaths, he finally stopped and stared straight ahead.

The Lord of the Demon Realm's sight also extended forward, but what he saw was an empty street, a crossroads, but in the middle of the crossroads, there was an iron cover.

This iron cover is no longer unfamiliar to her, and she even used it when she escaped several times. Under the iron cover is sewage and a maze-like layout, extending in all directions.

"Down below?" At this glance, the Lord of the Demon Realm already understood a little bit, "The secret passage that the man mentioned just now is the filthy maze below?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a slightly cold voice came from the front.

"Finally I found you, and you came here. Do you think you can avoid this dangerous place?" As he spoke, a man in tight clothes walked out of the shadows opposite. He looked exactly like the man in red before. They were the same, except that there was no frivolity in his expression. Instead, there was a cold look on his face. His eyes flashed with cold light, like ice that would never melt, and there were no emotional fluctuations.

"This man is here again. This incarnation of him is much stronger than the previous one, and his perception is more sensitive. As soon as our magical power is restored, the person will sense it and disappear quickly. When the magical power is gone, he will come back... ..." The Demon Lord narrowed his eyes, with the same cold light flashing in his eyes, like a poisonous snake spitting out a message, but holding it back.

Qiu Yan shook his head and whispered: "Let's go!" Then he didn't retreat but moved forward, rushing towards the man in black!

The iron cover happened to be between the man and Qiu Yan!

"Huh?" The Lord of the Demon Realm was stunned for a moment, but then he felt the firmness in Qiu's words, and after a change of thought, he followed suit.

"Oh? You're not running away? I don't know what caused your obsession, but your fighting power comes and goes. It's not a good choice to rush in now..." The man in black was slightly stunned, but he recovered quickly and took out something in his hand. , another card slid, and I was about to take action...

But before the action was completed, it was interrupted by a bang!

The smoke was billowing, lifting the iron cover, and the heat flow inside roared out, radiating around ten meters, and exploded in bursts. The man in black was stunned for a moment, and his pupils expanded, reflecting the hole after the iron cover was raised. The twist!

"Space distortion?"

Then, under his unexpected gaze, Qiu Yan and the Lord of the Demon Realm fell into the hole one after another. Their bodies were directly distorted by the space, and their blood spread everywhere! (To be continued)

ps: Thank you "Xia Yijiang" for your monthly vote!

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