Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 154 Incense Burning Carries Divine Thoughts

Jiedu envoy's house and kitchen.

"Old Li, you really invited God to come."

Early in the morning, the cooks, helpers and apprentices in the kitchen saw the cook Li Fuming and a few people slowly walking in carrying a statue and placing it on a prepared open space.

"Old Li, is this the Zao Gong you mentioned yesterday?"

Immediately people gathered around him.

Li Fuming smiled and said: "It's Mr. Zao Gong. Aren't you asking why my cooking skills have improved so much since I went back to my hometown? It's because of Mr. Zao Gong."

Li Fuming said this, took the incense candle, lit it, and then took out the incense and distributed it to others.

"In our Yuanning City, every restaurant and restaurant now has to worship Master Zao. Even many people's homes have invited Master Zao to offer incense and offerings to gods every day. Master Zao will bless him and not to mention other things. , the taste of this dish is incredible.”

"Brother Li is still generous." The other cooks suddenly beamed after hearing this.

Since Li Fuming came back from his hometown two days ago, he has shown amazing cooking skills. Although he is more skilled than before, the food he makes tastes far better than before. Even Jiedushi ate it and exported it. Praise.

When others asked, Li Fuming simply told the story about Zao Gong. He knew that he could not hide it for long, so he revealed it in advance as a favor.

A group of people lit up incense one after another and expressed their thoughts. The incense was faintly inhaled by the nostrils of the statue.

Suddenly, a voice came from outside the door: "What are you doing? Today's ingredients have arrived, why don't you hurry up and count them? Li Fuming, you will be the supervisor today." Then, a middle-aged man with fat head and big ears walked in, also dressed as a cook .

Everyone in the kitchen listened and followed the order.

The person who spoke was the number one chef with superb cooking skills, but this time Li Fuming returned. But it posed a threat to him.

When most of the people had gone out and there were only a few workers left in the kitchen, the middle-aged man looked around a few times, then he lit an incense stick, went to the statue of Kitchen God, worshiped devoutly, and chanted something.

"Master Zao Gong, I have been learning cooking skills since I was a child, but I didn't know that you are such a great god. I will make double the compensation in the future. I just ask Master Zao to have mercy on me and protect me..."

After some words, the idea of ​​incense floated, and it was actually richer and more refined than others, even Li Fuming's!

Suddenly, a warm breath came over him, causing the fear and uneasiness in his heart to gradually dissipate, and he felt like he was being watched.

After the others came back, the middle-aged man calmed down. He regained his majesty, shouted, directed several people to work, and started to take the spoon himself.


Hold the shovel this time. Suddenly he felt a different feeling, and it was so easy to do, he couldn't help but be overjoyed, and he kept shouting "Zao Gong bless you" in his heart.

only. No one in this room noticed that there were thoughts and perceptions extending out of the statue of Kitchen God.

"I didn't expect that once word of the sacrifice spread, it would also produce a group effect and a comparison effect. This person is the one who worships me later, but his thoughts are the most pious among all people. From this point of view, although it is effective to simply feed back the believers with divine power and thoughts , but if a competition mechanism can be introduced, it may be more effective, and we may wish to study it in the future.”

This idea that extends from the statue of Zao Gong certainly belongs to Qiu Yan. It originates from the divine pool of the god himself, which is detected from the statue through the connection of the legal domain.

Smoke suddenly rolled over from the burning incense in front of the statue, combining with the thoughts and perceptions of the gods. From a distance, these thoughts and perceptions were just a thin layer of smoke, slowly drifting out from the kitchen.

The smoke spread and became thinner, but the thoughts and perceptions inside did not diminish. It gradually enveloped a corner of Jiedushi's mansion.

In this area, servants flowed, nurses came and went, and maids were everywhere. It was a prosperous and prosperous scene. Qiu Yan could feel an artistic conception of oppressive wealth.

As the smoke spreads, more and more places are sensed. Attics and private courtyards continue to appear, and every corner is clearly sensed.

If someone speaks, it is as if they are whispering in Qiu Yan's ear. They are captured by him and transmitted back to the deity. They are analyzed by thousands of incense and fire minds in the divine pool, and useful information is discovered from them.

Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared in Qiu Yan's perception——

In a courtyard, Song Qian was boxing. Her movements were very slow, but there was wind in her fists, and her feet moved vigorously. Her body was steaming with heat, and her powerful blood was rising. Even the smoke that enveloped her thoughts was forced back and dissipated. few.

"When I saw her before, I just felt that she was walking lightly and silently, but could not catch the breath or blood. I had already made a guess. Now it seems that this woman's life path cultivation is really extraordinary. Just in terms of the strength of her blood. , almost as good as the scholar's clone."

While Qiu Yan was thinking, Song Qian suddenly frowned, as if she noticed something.

"It's strange. Just now, I felt like I was being spied on, but after careful inspection, I found nothing." She whispered, closed her fists and feet, took a wet towel from the basin held by the maid next to her, and wiped her face. .

"Go and prepare hot water, I want to take a shower." After giving the order, Song Qian walked into the room and sat down. She seemed to be lost in thought, and Qiu Yan quickly retracted her attention.

The smoke carrying thoughts and perceptions has spread to less than half of the Jiedushi Mansion, and Qiu Yan also discovered several characters with strong demonic aura.

"There are many big monsters in this mansion. In terms of momentum alone, they are comparable to wolf monsters and sheep monsters. At least they have refined three souls. They should be the subordinates of Tongshan Demon King, but Song Yuan doesn't look like him. A person who can be deceived actually allows monsters to live in his house. There are several monsters in there, or they are dressed as personal guards, huh? "

Qiu Yan was about to explore the reality of several big demons. One or two of these demons also reacted and seemed to be aware of the prying eyes. At this moment, a cloud of smoke suddenly spread to a strange place.

This is an ancestral hall, built deep in the Jiedushi Palace, surrounded by ancient trees, covered by layers of branches and leaves, exuding a gloomy and dark atmosphere.

When the Kitchen God's smoke spread outside the ancestral hall, it immediately stimulated the faint divine power that enveloped the ancestral hall.


Screams came from the ancestral hall. Next, the light and shadow on the entire surface of the ancestral hall were distorted, and it was actually covered with divine power. These divine powers boiled and surged towards that area.

"It turned out to be hiding here."

Feeling the swarming divine power that was about to crush the Kitchen God's smoke, Qiu Yan did not choose to retreat. Instead, he gathered the smoke and thoughts, twisted them into one, and rushed forward!


With a soft sound, the smoke actually broke through the divine power blockade and entered the ancestral hall.

In a daze, Qiu Yan saw two figures in the ancestral hall, and then his perception broke.


"Just now, I vaguely saw two familiar figures. One of them was full of demonic energy, with chaotic energy and blood mixed with mottled divine power. He should be King Tongshan. The other one was full of energy and blood, and was a human, not a demon. One I can't remember where I've seen him before." Thinking in his mind, Qiu Yan took a bite.

"Brother Qiu, are you really planning to leave?" Luo Jiayun asked from across the table.

The two of them were sitting in the tavern opposite the post house, having lunch.

Two days have passed since the end of the literary meeting. What happened at the meeting has been spread in the city. It can be said that one stone has stirred up a thousand waves. The most obvious change is that the Confucian students in the post house no longer dare to see Qiu Yan again. He gave random directions, but lowered his head and walked in a hurry.

Even the Confucian scholars who had some friendship with him on weekdays showed some discomfort when talking to Qiu Yan. Only Luo Jiayun still looked as usual. No matter whether there were rumors all over the sky a while ago or because of his rise in fame, his attitude towards Qiu Yan had not changed at all.

Hearing Qiu Yan mention that he might leave in a few days, Luo Jiayun felt a little regretful and tried to persuade him again and again.

"Your poem has been circulated. Many farmers and soldiers praised you after hearing it. Mr. Zhao admires you very much and came here to discuss it with you yesterday. Your reputation is now at its peak. If you stay, In the end, I might be able to embrace the beauty."

A poem left by Qiu Yan that day has been circulated these days. The poem is so straightforward that even an illiterate person can roughly understand the meaning after hearing it read a few times and know that it speaks for the poor farmers. Poetry, I immediately feel close to the author of the poem.

Ordinary poems are all high-minded, but there has never been such a sentence praising farmers. Even those brave soldiers and soldiers, most of whom came from poor families, all remembered these four poems and resonated with them.

For a time, a lot of people came to support the people, which was beyond Qiu Yan's expectation. He left the poem "Compassion for the Farmers" that day. In fact, he did it after hearing many words and disagreeing with it in his heart. A spontaneous act.

"That poem was just something I listened to others reciting and kept it in my mind. I was inspired by it that night and wrote it down." Qiu Yan put down his chopsticks, "And the purpose of my coming here is not to hug a beautiful woman, but Brother Luo When are you going to leave?"

"My family is poor and I have no books. It's a rare opportunity to browse books in the post house. I guess I will have to stay until autumn is approaching..."

Just as Luo Jiayun was talking, there was a sudden commotion outside, and several people from the marsh led by Song Gaosu were seen swaggering through the market and went straight to the door of the post house, shouting Qiu Yan's name.

"This..." Seeing such a scene, Luo Jiayun stopped talking, with a worried look on his face, and turned to look at Qiu Yan. He had also heard about the grudge between Qiu Yan and the Marshman Prince, and knew that it would not be easily resolved.

"Brother Luo, don't worry, I have my own plans." Qiu Yan waved his hand. He knew Luo Jiayun's worries, but he swallowed the last few mouthfuls of food as if he didn't realize it, then stood up and walked towards the swamp people. past.

"It's finally here. Glolan can bear it and waited for two days before taking action. However, since he has found his people, he can make all the preparations before the Taoist priest takes action."

After thinking about it, someone else had already walked up behind Song Gaosu and said hello, but Song Gaosu, who was three heads taller than him, was startled and retreated hastily.

"What are you going to do?" He looked wary.

Qiu Yan smiled and said, "You came to me, but why did you ask me what I wanted to do?"

"Yes! Yes!" Song Gaosu calmed down, "Don't be arrogant. It's my prince who wants to see you. If you refuse..."

Qiu Yan did not wait for the other party to finish speaking, and said: "Then lead the way." (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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