Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 171: The law follows the will of the people, and the country is swallowed by the mouth

The core talisman of the deity mainly records two kinds of god positions, one is the position of the kitchen god, and the other is the position of the mountain god of Minyuan Mountain.

Among them, the position of the kitchen god occupies the main position and is the main body of the divine text, and the extended legal text is also mainly about the kitchen god.

The legal text on the edge of the talisman mainly contains stove fire, cooking smoke, stove, control of the prosperity of Minyuan Mountain, and communication of the yin and yang of Minyuan Mountain.

The first three items are all derived from the position of the kitchen god. Compared with the past, there are significant changes, but the concept is more comprehensive. The three legal positions cooperate with each other, which have a significant impact on restaurants, kitchens, and teahouses, and are an important driving force for the spread of sacrifices.

But at the same time, the legal text is distorted and changed. Several legal positions, including the content of "protecting the home and keeping people safe and healthy", are also related to the position of the kitchen god.

These two new legal texts represent two new legal positions. The direct reason for their birth is that many people who are worshiping the gods at this moment believe that the kitchen god has such ability.

What the people think is out of nothing!

Gods fulfill the wishes of the people!

"There will always be rewards for your efforts. No wonder Master Dong said that gods are the imagination of the people. Now it seems that it is true. As long as the people think you can do it, you can do it! The divine power domain follows the will of the people! It's just that the legal position is new and not stable. If the believers forget or change their minds, it will inevitably disappear in the end. We need to manage it carefully in the future and strengthen the concept."

The changes in the talismans are opportunities and challenges.

The increase in the legal position has rapidly increased the area occupied by the Kitchen God's divine text in the core talismans, squeezing the divine text of the Minyuan Mountain God into a ball.

At the same time, the drastic changes in the talismans made the originally imperceptible content appear.

Between the Kitchen God's divine text and the Minyuan Mountain divine text, a little alien divine text actually appeared.

"Huh?" Qiu Yan exclaimed lightly, and with a glance, he thoroughly comprehended the content of this divine text. What it contained was actually the meaning of fire. But it is not a flame seed, but a humanistic fire that symbolizes the development of the civilization process, and it is a cultural symbol of a tribe and a group!

After a little thought, Qiu Yan understood the origin of this divine text.

"This was formed by the thoughts of the Lianxi tribe. Because of the distance and small number of people, it is not easy to detect. It is usually covered by the position of the kitchen god. Even because it is too small, it has not yet extended to a specific position. Therefore, there is no corresponding law on the edge of the talisman, but..."

As soon as his thoughts turned, Qiu Yan realized the importance of this human fire. With a thought, this part of the divine text gradually moved and finally stopped in the center of the talisman!

Click! Click! Click!

Because the divine text moved, the divine power and incense thoughts in the talisman collided, and the entire talisman was slightly distorted, with a tendency to collapse.

However. This distortion and collision allowed Qiu Yan's consciousness to go deeper into the talisman to explore the microscopic mysteries.

"This is a good opportunity. It allows me to observe the changes in the talisman up close. I may not have such a good opportunity in the future."

As soon as he thought of this, Qiu Yan's consciousness became deeper and deeper, and gradually. He discovered the secret of the transformation of divine power.

The thoughts of the people's wishes gathered and were absorbed, and they all flowed along the strokes of the talisman. From the outside to the inside, they intersected and condensed with each other, and were stained with the mark of the god's name. Then they turned outward, flowed through the edge of the law, and merged into the breath of the law domain, and then transformed from thoughts into the essence of divine power.

However, this discovery made Qiu Yan see the hidden danger-

"These thoughts are transmitted on the strokes of the talisman. Although they are compressed and condensed with each other, the distracting thoughts and trivial emotions inside are also stained on the talisman. Although rare, they accumulate over time. After decades or hundreds of years, the remaining distracting thoughts are very considerable, and they have been stained on the talisman. In the end, I am afraid that they will merge with the talisman!"

The talisman is the foundation of a god. If the mundane distracting thoughts are allowed to merge with the talisman, it will be a kind of spiritual pollution for the god's thinking. In severe cases, it may even lose itself and fall into madness. Even if it is mild, it is inevitable that there will be changes in temperament.

"We must take precautions before it happens and do a good job of protection in advance. I don't know how other gods do it, but it's easy for me."

As this thought came to mind, a little fire suddenly flashed around the core talisman, and then the flame jumped and expanded, wrapping up the entire talisman and burning it.

This is the flame from the Kitchen God, which has the effect of purifying and refining. As long as those people's wishes that are integrated into the black heart talisman enter the coverage of the flame, the distracting thoughts and trivial emotions that are contaminated by it will be forged and refined, and instantly eliminated, without a trace.

"In this way, the divine power I have accumulated must be planned in a certain way. First, the standing divine power is accumulated and used to impact higher grades, and it can also be used to fight against enemies at critical moments. This part of divine power is the largest in quantity."

"Secondly, a small part of the divine power must be used to maintain flame purification, burn core talismans, cut off hidden dangers, and maintain stable thinking. This part does not consume much. For every hundred stars absorbed, only one of them needs to be consumed."

"Third, it is to allocate part of the divine power to respond to the call of believers. On the one hand, it will deepen their reverence, and on the other hand, it will help spread the sacrifice and form a virtuous circle. About one-tenth of the divine power should be allocated to establish a set of cycles and corresponding mechanisms. Only by consolidating the habits of believers and gradually expanding the scope of sacrifice can a stable source of incense be cultivated, so that the divine power is continuous."

The thinking of the gods has the bonus of incense thoughts, and the speed of rotation is not much slower than Qiu Yan's supercomputer in his previous life, so he quickly summed up a set of plans.

Although the plan has been drawn up, it is not easy to implement it. It has to be done step by step. The main task of the deity is to combine the newly acquired Dharma position with the position of the Kitchen God, and put the planned things into action.

Two new Dharma positions have been formed -

Protecting the home and keeping people safe.

These two items were originally the thoughts of the people because of the actions of the Kitchen God, which in turn gave the gods supernatural powers and merged smoothly with the position.

The Dharma position was stable, and before long, the changes in the core talismans also tended to be smooth.

At this time, the deity moved his hand, and three balls of light floated in his hand, two emerald and one dark blue.

The core of the light ball is three talismans, which are the three god talismans obtained from the Tongshan Monster King.

"I really don't know where this Tongshan old demon got these three talismans. Logically, the talismans of gods are controlled by the Heavenly Court and recorded in the book. Even if the gods are pardoned, they are mostly canonized as subordinate gods, and a talisman projection is given. The talisman itself is controlled by the true gods..."

There are doubts in his heart. Qiu Yan learned this information from Yin Xiao'e, Bai Wenpan and others, but of course he can't get an answer now.

As the light ball appeared, the light scattered. Three completely different divine powers spread out, each occupying one side.

Among them, the dark blue one is the most powerful, exuding a sticky breath, like an abyss.

Looking at the dark blue light ball, the original god frowned, pondered for a while, raised his hand and swept it back.

"This swamp talisman is too unfamiliar, and it is located in the Five Swamps. The talisman itself has defects, not to mention that there is still a Five Swamps Ancestor who has not been dealt with. My divine power has not yet accumulated to the fifth level. If I absorb it rashly, I am afraid there will be hidden dangers."

After collecting the swamp talisman, the eyes of the deity naturally fell on the other two groups of light.

These two groups of light, one released a vast aura, and the other revealed a surging artistic conception.

"Jiuling Mountain and Daxue River..."

The deity muttered in his heart and calculated the days.

"It's only a few days until the end of the month. To conceal the natural gods and self-derived magic positions in the underworld, at least the same grade of god talismans must be used as a cover. These two talismans are both fifth grade. In terms of terrain and location, they are the first choice. In this case, there is nothing to hesitate. However, my foundation is not in the underworld. I can't be clamped by the heaven because of the two god positions, so I have to make some arrangements and not lose the big picture for the small."

When the god's original body thought of this, he opened his mouth and sucked in the two balls of light!


The light moved in the body of the god, gradually sinking, and soon fell into the center of the body of the god, flying towards the core talisman one after another.


With a loud bang, the body of the god's original body shook violently, and the core talisman that had just stabilized was twisted violently again because of the arrival of the two balls of light!

In the light, two talismans flew straight over and merged into the core talisman. The two kinds of divine texts representing Jiuling Mountain and Daxue River, one on the left and one on the right, combined with the position of the Kitchen God, and the group of Minyuan Mountain divine texts were instantly swallowed by the Jiuling Mountain divine texts.

For a time, the core of the talisman, several runes fought each other for dominance.

At the edge of the talisman, two parts of magic texts suddenly appeared.

One part showed three kinds of magic positions: in charge of the prosperity and decline of Jiuling Mountain, commanding the creatures of Jiuling Mountain, and communicating the yin and yang of Jiuling Mountain;

The other part showed three kinds of magic positions: controlling the clouds and rain in the Daxue River Basin, commanding the water tribes of Daxue River, and leading the drowned souls.

Suddenly, the divine texts were agitated and the magic texts changed.

However, no matter how they changed, under the interference of Qiu Yan's consciousness, the position of the Kitchen God and the human fire remained as still as a mountain, occupying the central position of the talisman, while Jiuling Mountain and Daxue River were divided on the left and right, and slowly stabilized.

The faint fire of the Kitchen God enveloped the position of the Kitchen God and the fire of humanities, vaguely separating them from the other two positions of God.

As the talisman changed, the original deity landed on the Kitchen Mountain and sat silently.

The entire Kitchen Mountain, standing in the center of Jiuling Mountain, became the highest peak of this mountain range.


At the same time, General Guoshui, who was forced to leave the cave, led the big and small monsters to cross the mountains and rivers. After a sprint, he finally recovered. He turned around and looked at the Kitchen Mountain, gritting his teeth.

"Where did this wild god come from? He actually occupied my cave!"

With a turn of his eyes, General Guoshui suddenly had an idea.

"Got it! This wild god came suddenly, but this action is beyond the boundary. I might as well drive the tiger to swallow the wolf and sit on the mountain to watch the tiger fight!"

When he thought of this, he suddenly laughed, then turned over and jumped into the turbulent river.

"General, what are you doing?" Many little demons were puzzled and asked. Then they saw a head popping out of the water. It was a toad head. It gurgled: "Gugu~, little ones, follow me, let's go to the water palace to complain!" (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature. The novels are better and updated faster!

ps: Thanks to "Xia Dao Twenty-two" and "Xiaoyao Xixi" for the monthly tickets!

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