Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 178: The scholars, farmers and soldiers bid farewell, long swords and ancient seals acc

"Now that Brother Qiu is gone, I will feel a lot lonely in the city."

Fang Ziyan showed regret on his face, and many Confucian scholars behind him also came forward to say goodbye.

After that Japanese Literary Society, Qiu Yan became famous in Wuxin City. As his reputation spread, he became somewhat famous in the Jiannan Dao literary world. Especially his handwriting was praised by everyone. I heard that a powerful disciple paid a high price to buy several poems written down by Qiu Yan and framed them for collection. Of course, it was not the poems but the words!

With fame comes influence. If Qiu Yan is leaving Wu Xin, even if Confucian students are not happy, they must come out to see him off. Otherwise, if the news spreads, the impact will be bad.

These things made a talented man like Fang Ziyan dissatisfied, but he cared more about his reputation, so he still brought the postman scholar to see him off.

However, Gu Yan did not come. He was not in the city for a long time and had left two days ago.

When he arrived in front of Qiu Yan, Fang Ziyan bowed his hands and saluted. Every move he made was neither hasty nor slow, and he was quite graceful. He smiled faintly and said calmly: "Brother Qiu made a splash at the Japanese Literary Society. It's time to take advantage of his fame to write more words." Yes, leaving suddenly now may not be conducive to accumulating reputation. "

His words seemed to be well-intentioned, but in fact they were insinuating that Qiu Yan only relied on his good calligraphy to become famous, but not his knowledge.

Qiu Yan smiled and ignored it. Whether this knowledge is feasible or not will be revealed in the imperial examination. It is useless to talk more.

Seeing that Qiu Yan had no intention to talk to him, Fang Ziyan felt a little regretful. He had already thought of his words. No matter how Qiu Yan responded, he could deal with it calmly. He pointed out the other party's shortcomings and raised his own value, thus leaving a clever The anecdotes of coping now have to be abandoned.

"This Qiu Yan has some determination and is a strong enemy. Moreover, he has only been in this city for a short time, and he has actually become friends with soldiers. He really shouldn't be underestimated."

"Now that Brother Qiu has made up his mind, I wish Qiu a smooth trip."

Fang Ziyan finally understood the importance and blessed calmly, as if he had forgotten the resentment he felt when Qiu Yan stole the limelight at the cultural conference a few days ago.

After hearing this, Qiu Yan also thanked him, said some words to a few Confucian scholars he had some acquaintance with, and then was about to leave. At this moment, the crowd seeing him off suddenly moved out of the way. Then I saw Zhao Bingcheng walking over.

"Huh? Mr. Zhao actually came to see Qiu Yan off!"

Fang Ziyan and other scholars saw this and saluted quickly. Fang Ziyan was surprised and surprised.

A few days ago, the sky descended on the mountains and the city was in chaos, but this old Confucian stayed at home and rummaged through boxes and cabinets in the yard where he stayed.

His servants, book boys, and the people sent by Jiedushi. Everyone advised the old scholar to leave, and they almost had to drag him away, but Zhao Bingcheng said that he had lost something, and if he couldn't find it, he could not find it. It would be better to be smashed to death by a mountain.

This matter has spread in the past two days. Fang Ziyan did not expect that this matter would reach high mountains in the sky. Zhao Bingcheng, who was not forced out, actually took time to see Qiu Yan off. This alone is enough to make people marvel, and it also shows Qiu Yan's extraordinary status in the heart of the old Confucian.

The information revealed here made Fang Ziyan feel jealous.

On the other side, Qiu Yan also came forward.

Zhao Bingcheng was an old scholar from Shu, but he treated Qiu Yan well. Although he had other plans, he did give Qiu Yan some guidance during these days.

"Shen Zhi," Zhao Bingcheng called Qiu Yan to show his closeness, "I didn't expect you to leave today. I have been busy with the world these days and almost missed seeing you off."

There was a trace of sadness between Zhao Bingcheng's brows, and his aura was scattered and dignified.

Looking at Zhao Bingcheng, Qiu Yan suddenly said: "It seems that sir, there is something on your mind, but although things are ever-changing, they are always the same. If you are not busy or chaotic, not anxious or bored, maybe your dreams will come true."

As soon as he said this, a servant suddenly came in a hurry, ran to the old scholar, and said something in his ear. Zhao Bingcheng's expression suddenly changed, showing a look of surprise.

"Really found it? I didn't expect to find it again! Now, I can finally explain to the academy."

After saying this, he turned to look at Qiu Yan, the heavy look in his eyebrows swept away, and said with a smile: "Shenzhi, you are right, don't be anxious, not impatient, not busy, not confused. When something happens, , Is it necessary to be like this? Otherwise, it is useless to be anxious. What you say is not Ma Yang's way of history. It shows that he has made great progress in learning and can apply what he has learned. "

Zhao Chengcheng was in a good mood after the valuable things were lost, and he became more and more fond of Qiu Yan, but after all, he was worried about it, so he said a few more words and hurried back to the city.

Zhao Bingcheng was originally a teacher. Now that he leaves, no one can accuse him of being rude.

Qiu Yan knew very well the reason why Zhao Bingcheng returned in a hurry, and he also knew what the other party said was the lost thing.

A few days ago, Ginseng Baby came back with a volume of Yasheng's manuscript. The owner of that manuscript was none other than Zhao Bingcheng. The things of the sages are so precious. The demon king Shi Jianhui entered the place where he was left behind. It can be seen from this that it is nothing more than the legacy of a sage.

However, Qiu Yan was still surprised that such a precious thing could mobilize the order of the world. There was also a great scholar beside him. How did he get the baby ginseng?

However, even though Qiu Yan could physically transmit thoughts after condensing the Heavenly Soul, after several inquiries, the ginseng baby still couldn't explain clearly, so he had to give up.

Now, since Qiu Yan was leaving the city and returning home, he naturally had to finish the work, so he returned the manuscript before leaving. What he needs to condense the soul of the earth is the breath of the sage as a guide, so that he can condense a volume of spirit in the soul. He does not necessarily have to bring the physical object with him.

However, what Qiu Yan didn't know was that Zhao Bingcheng's words when he left made Fang Ziyan look ugly and feel angry.

After all, Fang Ziyan just pointed out in a subtle way that Qiu Yan was famous for his handwriting, and his knowledge and knowledge may not be profound. However, as soon as the old scholar from Shu came forward, he praised Qiu Yan for his good knowledge and his ability to apply what he learned in a few words. This kind of contrast not only made him angry, but also made him look jealous and lacking in vision.

Several Confucian scholars around looked over. These scholars had been studying for several years and were most aware of the hidden meanings in verbal exchanges, so they all knew clearly that Fang Ziyan was frustrated.

Seeing Qiu Yan saying goodbye to Zhao Bingcheng and turning to leave, some distance away from him, Fang Ziyan whispered: "Then how could Qiu Yan be so knowledgeable? He must have thought out his words in advance and deliberately told Mr. Zhao Sir, I know these tricks very well."

Then, he smiled and said: "Besides, although Qiu Yan has been somewhat unpopular recently, his foundation is too shallow after all..."

Before he finished speaking, the sound of horse hoofbeats suddenly came from the city. Qi Xin and Yang Dingyuan led a group of powerful disciples on horseback. When they reached the gate, they all reined in their reins and dismounted one by one.

"Brother Qiu, you are leaving without informing us. Are you not being a good friend?"

As soon as he got off his horse, Qi Xin walked towards Qiu Yan. Everyone along the way, whether scholars or soldiers, hurriedly moved out of the way.

Qiu Yan cupped his hands and said: "Brother Qi is here too. I heard that you were going hunting outside the city, so I didn't bother you. I only left a few letters and asked them to be kept by the medical office for safekeeping and will be handed over to you later."

Qi Xin smiled and said: "Hunting is to calm down the panic. That day when the mountain fell into the city, if it hadn't been for the appearance of Master Zao Gong, I would have lost my life. I was so frightened afterwards that I went hunting to relax. But they all came back yesterday, but you left us I received the letter and was really considerate and thoughtful. He is worthy of being a scholar and has a good sense of human nature.”

After saying a few words, seeing that it was getting late, Qiu Yan finally said goodbye to everyone, got on the carriage, and drove away.

But before the car had gone a few steps, it stopped. On the road ahead, a group of plainly dressed people and farmers gathered, holding local products one by one, and stopped the car. When Qiu Yan came out, these people immediately handed over their things. passed.

Qiu Yan refused at first, but he couldn't stand the crowds and enthusiasm, so he finally accepted a few tokens, and then waited for the car to start again.

"Where did these people come from?"

Because of the arrival of Qi Xin and others, Fang Ziyan was already losing his temper. As soon as he said that Qiu Yan's foundation was still shallow, a powerful disciple immediately came over to support Qiu Yan. Anyone else would feel embarrassed. Unexpectedly, he would still feel this way. Before things calmed down, another group of farmers came, and from the looks of it, they were also here to see him off.

The well-informed scholar heard the words and said: "Qiu Yan's poem is catchy and has been widely circulated. Many people in the army and in the fields have passed it on orally, and many farmers know Qiu Yan's name, so Came here specially to see him off."

Looking at the carriage going away, Fang Ziyan looked gloomy.

"That poem again?" He sneered, "It's just for fame and reputation. There are quite a lot of hidden dangers in that poem. Besides, when we study, we still have to compete in the imperial examination, and everything else is just empty."

After being hit one after another, Fang Ziyan no longer dared to speak too fully, so he left such a sentence and took the lead to leave.

Afterwards, the crowd seeing him off gradually dispersed.


The carriage jolted.

Qiu Yan sat in the car.

Suddenly, there was movement from the corner of the carriage. A long sword jumped out in the air and stood in front of Qiu Yan. A sonorous voice came out: "Leaving that city, there is no interference of Qi and blood, and the carriage can block the sun. You are condensed again." Tianhun, you can rest assured that your soul will leave your body, just let me teach you some skills."

Qiu Yan glanced at Chang Jian: "You insist on following me. You must have some agenda, but you don't want to say it clearly. How can I trust you? Don't mention this talk about teaching skills again."

"We?" Changjian heard this and wondered, "What do you mean by this?"

As it was talking, it noticed that Qiu Yan was looking towards the corner of the carriage. The sword was stunned for a moment, and its perception went by, and it immediately caught a little fluctuation of thoughts in that corner.

There are actually eight ancient seal characters!

Seeing that the ancient seal had been exposed, it flew up and circulated in the air.

Then, a childish voice sounded in the carriage: "You are a bit of a frog in the well for your swordsmanship and praising life cultivation all day long. Don't you know that sex cultivation is the right way?" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels. Better updates faster!

ps: Thanks to "Jianghu Pingshui" for the reward!

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