Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 246: Clouds and mists linger, entering the fourth level Kun in the chest

The promotion of a god is not always earth-shattering. Sometimes, everything is ready and everything is ready. Moreover, Qiu Yan's deity is located in the underworld, sitting in his own legal domain. The underworld is vast and the god's legal domain is deep and unpredictable. There will be movement, and others will also Hard to detect.

However, Qiu Yan's promotion is indeed somewhat unusual. The most obvious point is that the divine power stars in the divine body have not reached the peak of fifth grade.

A fifth-grade deity can carry nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine stars. Although the number of stars in the deity's body is quite large, it obviously does not reach the peak of nearly ten thousand.

"The stars are above and the divine pool is below. The land extending around the divine pool is not an illusion. It is composed of divine power. It is a projection of the place of worship in the mortal world. It is like the creation of heaven and earth. From this, the spirit body carries the talismans, stars, and pool water. and the earth can be called..."

"Divine power space!"

At this moment, the god himself is still sitting cross-legged in the attic, but compared with before, the body of the god contains a great power, which is hidden and silent, and he is comprehending the magical power of the fourth-grade god in his heart.

"When the projected area emerges in the divine power space, the legal domain can be derived!"

As soon as the thought came to mind, the body of the deity suddenly changed. In the space of divine power, the earth, cities, mountains, rivers, and forests and swamps shrouded in clouds glowed with little rays of light, and several statues of gods vaguely took shape!

In fact, Qiu Yan was able to advance to the fourth level this time thanks to the blessing of the Marsh God. He spent thousands of years in the land of the Marsh people, experienced the vicissitudes of the Marsh people, combined with the Central Plains humanity, and compared the two, his understanding changed. , thus expanding the humanistic fire in the core talismans.

After returning to the underworld, comprehending, brewing, and settling, I finally achieved the fourth level of Youlan, and even had a faint glimpse of a higher level!

"For the fourth-grade gods, the legal domain is derived from where the statues and tablets of gods are located. The legal domain can be expanded, directly converting the wishes of the people into divine power, and transforming the incense into divine thoughts. The body of the god can also spread the temporary legal domain in any place. , such as the Gate God and the Great Hell God, they once launched a temporary legal domain in the Land of Relics, changing the properties of the surrounding materials and controlling them according to their will..."

Jiannan Road has long been blocked by the Daocheng God Lu Liang's magic. Qiu Yan used to rely on the scholar's avatar as a relay, but now the fourth level of the god is derived from the legal domain. Every statue and tablet can be used as the entrance to Yin and Yang Road. , broke Lu Liang's arrangement.

After thinking about it, the god himself stood up, and the hidden power on his body exploded!


The attic changed immediately. Trembling, twisting!

Outside the attic, the courtyard shook, the ground extended, and the courtyard walls expanded;

Outside the court, where the legal domain lies. The ground, mountains, and rivers are all shaking!

"What's going on?"

"This is where the gods rule. Why is there such a sudden change?"

“It’s clear that big changes are going to happen!”

The souls of many believers are like ordinary people in the underworld. They all have divine bodies, and with the current chaos, it is inevitable to panic. Even though Lu Jing tried his best to comfort him, he still couldn't calm down.

These folk souls were relatively good, but the beast souls on the mountains and in the water were really troublesome and difficult to communicate with. Qin You and other ghost servants had to work hard to maintain order.


The vast thoughts descended on the souls of the believers, soothing the panic and calming the turmoil.

With the comfort of the gods, the souls felt at ease.

Soon, the vibration subsided, everything was as usual, and the souls and ghosts resumed their lives. However, they did not know that the land under their feet had expanded tenfold during the tremor of the mountains and rivers just now!

There are mountains and rivers that are more than a hundred miles long, stretching all the way, winding and twisting. From a distance, it looks like two real dragons entangled on the ground, intertwined with each other.

After the land of the underworld calmed down, the spirit himself came forward to give a few words to the ghost servant. Qin You and other ghosts immediately stood in awe when they saw the blue light on their body, and the awe in their eyes became even stronger.

After giving a few instructions, the god turned around and returned to the attic.

This time, he sat down cross-legged, opened his mouth, and spat out the red divine thought. He held it in his hand and pinched it with two fingers. The divine thought collapsed and turned into wisps of waves, which were inhaled into his nose.

The next moment, the incense divine pool in the divine power space boiled, and thoughts flew out, and they gathered together and began to analyze and classify the red divine thoughts.

It didn't take long for all the information contained in the spiritual thoughts to be revealed, and the harvest it brought surprised Qiu Yan. It could even be said to be a surprise. He clearly realized the value of several pieces of information.

This crimson divine thought originated from Huozheng, and is mainly divided into two parts. One is the legal information contained in itself, and the second is the incomplete memory - after all, it is part of the consciousness of the god, and naturally carries part of the memory. Although it was a bit incomplete, one piece of information caught Qiu Yan's attention.

"Then Lu Liang has gone to heaven. No wonder I have spawned several cities in Jiannan Road in the past few days, but I have not received much counterattack. It turns out that the backbone of Lu Liang is not here..."

Qiu Yan pondered, and the god himself frowned slightly. The derivation of his legal domain in the past few days has appeared everywhere. Of course, it is to strengthen the sacrifice of the Kitchen God and increase his influence, but it is also to clear the suspicion of the scholar's clone. At the same time, it is the third After the second test, I prepared my backup plan, but I didn't expect that Lu Liang had no response. I didn't know the reason until now.

"He must have some agenda when he chooses to go to heaven at this time. I have to prepare for the worst. However, this incident also highlights the shortcomings in intelligence. The Kitchen God's legal position is close to the people and can collect information from all people. It is a threat to the scholar's clone. Help, but it will not help me fight against Daochenghuang Yinsi. In this case..."

The god himself rubbed his fingers, and the remaining spiritual thoughts lingered between his two fingers, and an idea gradually took shape.

"Lu Liang and I are both racing against time. I have reached the fourth level now, but I can't spy on others because of this. Lu Liang may have a trump card that he hasn't used yet. He is not in Jiannan at the moment. Zhao Huozheng's remaining experience, don't talk about it. It will take a few months to return. During this period, in the entire Daochenghuang Divine Division, the highest god level is only fifth grade. This is a good opportunity, but it requires careful thinking and proper planning. Before that, there is something that needs to be done first. ”

As soon as this thought came to this point, the divine power in the body of the deity moved, completely shattering the red divine thought, extracting the content related to fire control, and integrating it into the core talisman.

The next moment, the fire in the talisman flickered, and a little spark flew out. It merged with the incense and the mind, followed the connection of the incense, broke out of the body, crossed the distance and space, and fell into the statue of the god in the land of relics.

The statue trembled slightly.


"If this continues, even if God shows mercy, the patriarch's body and bones will collapse. I wonder if he can survive the winter!"

The people of the Lianxi tribe looked at those figures and whispered.

Today, most of the tribe's camp has been rebuilt. In the center of the camp stands a statue of a god. There are cracks all over the statue, and flames seep out from it, burning brightly, as if they will never go out.

In front of the statue, the patriarch Shaojing and twelve others knelt on the ground.

In the past ten days, no matter the wind or rain, these thirteen people have not moved a step.

However, compared with the twelve people behind him, Shao Jing, the leader, was extremely thin. He lost weight, his strong flesh and blood shriveled up, his face was gray, and his eyes were bloodshot. This was due to a long period of not eating and lack of sleep. caused by.

People in the Land of Relics are generally stronger than the outside world, with superior physical strength and physique, and Shao Jing is the best among them, so he can be elected as the leader of the clan.

However, no matter how strong your body is, there is always a limit. After so many days, Shaojing has not eaten a grain of rice. He has long since lost his strength and even his vitality has slumped a lot. If it hadn't been for the rains in the past few days, which moistened his body and mind, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for a long time.

Now, kneeling in front of the statue, Shao Jing's body swayed from time to time, and the twelve people behind him could not bear it. They wanted to comfort him, but they were unable to speak.

The faces of the twelve of them were equally ugly, but compared to Shao Jing, they were much better. Although they were kneeling here, just like Shao Jing, they were standing upright before, but a few days ago, they really couldn't bear it. , eating one after another but not leaving.

The people in the tribe originally complained that Shaojing said inappropriate words that made the gods unhappy. But after these days, seeing him kneeling motionless, they felt pity and figured out the key. They knew that the chief was for the sake of the tribe. Only after the continuation of the world did he say those words.

However, today's Shao Jing, after all these hardships, his physical strength has been greatly reduced, and he is no longer the number one warrior in the clan. This man's heart is changeable and unpredictable. Some people have pity and understanding, and naturally some people will make small calculations.

In a corner not far from the statue, several strong men gathered here. The leader was a young man who was not tall but had tight muscles. His whole body exuded a dangerous aura, like a leopard staring at its prey, ready to attack at any time. It is possible to pounce out.

These people also looked at the thirteen people in front of the statue, but most of them showed mockery and some disapproval.

One of them said: "Shaojing is too greedy. He is not satisfied with the protection of the gods. He wants more. He angers the gods, but there is no good fruit to eat."

Someone immediately echoed: "Yes, he is a person who always acts recklessly under the banner of tribe continuation. This kind of behavior must be stopped. Now that he looks like this, I'm afraid he won't have the strength to lead the tribe anymore."

Another person said: "In this case, it is better to suggest to the clan elders as soon as possible to re-select the clan leader. After all, our Lianxi tribe is expanding rapidly, and the subordinate clans are watching us. If the clan leader is weak, there will inevitably be trouble."

Several people said, their eyes falling on the young man.

This young man's name is Huo Zhu, and he is the eldest son of the previous clan leader. He is born with supernatural powers and has great prestige in the clan. There have been calls for him to take over as the clan leader and lead Lian Xi.

Seemingly feeling the gazes of several people, Huo Zhu said calmly: "Let's see how Shaojing ends up first. If we don't gain anything and anger the gods, I will pull him down, but if..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly stopped, and then his eyes widened, as did everyone else.

At the end of the sight of several people, the statue suddenly burst into dazzling light, and the fire became so strong that it suddenly engulfed Shaojing and others! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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