Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 319 Meeting Wang Chengce, Confused

"This person should be Zhang Qin."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qiu Yan guessed the identity of the elegant young man in front of him.

Qiu Yan first learned about Zhang Qin from the mouths of the rebels. The reason why Liang State planted Yili rice was because Zhang Qin persuaded the king of Liang State. Just outside the palace, he heard what Li Shi said that this person is now He also holds an important position as a guest among the nine ministers and is in charge of a country's diplomacy.

"This Zhang Qin is not from the Liang Kingdom, but he has gained the trust of the Liang Lord. He first implemented the rice administration, and even obtained an official position. As a foreigner, he controlled the foreign policy of the Liang Kingdom. He is definitely not an ordinary person. He is now a foreigner. The government triggered a domestic uprising. Strictly speaking, this person has unshirkable responsibility. Not only is he fine, but he is still in power and is not even punished for his rude behavior. This is really extraordinary. In addition..."

With his eyes moving, Qiu Yan looked at Zhang Qin's face, noticing the other's expression that was half-smiling but not smiling, and caught an inexplicable meaning from it, especially the other's eyes, which were glowing, giving him a sense of danger.

"This person..."

While Qiu Yan was thinking about it, the leader of Liang Kingdom came back to his senses after listening to Zhang Qin's words, and asked doubtfully: "What? Does Da Sinong have other views on the rebellious untouchables?" His face suddenly turned gloomy. Come down.

At the same time, Qiu Yan clearly noticed that the cold air around him was swelling and getting stronger, and in the hall, there was a faint idea filling everywhere, which was affecting the thinking and inclination of the king of Liang Kingdom.

Suddenly, Qiu Yan had a clear understanding. He glanced at Zhang Qin, then withdrew his gaze, cupped his hands towards Liang Guozhu and said: "Your Majesty, Mingjian, although my negotiation with Wang Sheng this time did not achieve much, I did talk to an old farmer. Many, I have gained some insights and have a method to quell the riots, but it will take some time to figure it out. I hope your Majesty will make it happen."

After he said these words, he immediately concentrated on sensing and found that the idea that filled the hall fluctuated, and another idea was born out of thin air!

Suddenly, the two thoughts started fighting. The one that had previously occupied the palace had the upper hand and wanted to wipe out the successor. However, the latter was tenacious, like strong grass in the wind, and its roots did not move, which vaguely affected the thoughts of Lord Liang.

On the other side, Lord Liang frowned at first, then shook his head and said: "You learned the solution from the old farmer? The old farmers are common people, not qualified to study, and have no knowledge and skills. What can they know? I'm afraid Aiqing was confused by someone's words. ”

"Your Majesty, although the old farmer has not read a book, he knows a traveler. The traveler is not as talented as Mr. Zhang, but he has some knowledge and has some knowledge. Therefore, what I know from the old man's mouth is just a narration. ." When Qiu Yan spoke, he glanced at Zhang Qin and expressed admiration in his words.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Lord Liang became interested: "Traveler? Have you invited him?"

"I haven't invited him here. He has already traveled to another country." Qiu Yan shook his head.

"That's a pity," Liang Guozhu said with regret on his face.

At this time, Zhang Qin asked: "Since the great Sinong knows the solution, why not say it directly and let the king listen. After all, the traitor is inside and the decision is undecided, which will inevitably cause many variables. It must be resolved as soon as possible." , is the way to go.”

As soon as he said these words, the dominant thoughts changed again, roaring at the abstract level, interfering with Liang Guozhu's mind.

"That's right! That's right! My dear, tell me quickly." Lord Liang immediately became impatient.

A bright light flashed in Qiu Yan's eyes. He did not look at Zhang Qin, but said: "Your Majesty, this method is considered common, but what that person said is mysterious, and I don't dare to believe it. Why don't you give me two days to verify it? There is no danger, but words alone are of little use.”

"Huh?" Lord Liang frowned, as if he was dissatisfied.

Qiu Yan then smiled and said: "If this method is completed, not only the Liang Kingdom's military disaster will be solved, but also several northern countries will benefit from it. When the time comes, your reputation will naturally spread, not losing to Qi Gong."

In this era, all the princes were nominally vassals of the emperor. Even though they were called lone Taoists and few people at home, when talking about other countries, they would still pay attention to them and call themselves dukes instead of kings.

Although the contact time was not long, after some observation, Qiu Yan realized that the leader of the Liang Kingdom was a little too fond of success and did not like trouble, so he focused on suppressing it. Qiu Yan took the right medicine and released a fish bait.

After hearing this, Zhang Qin frowned and was about to speak, but Lord Liang was faster than him——

"Is it really so effective? Even the military troubles in the northern countries have been eliminated? A few days ago, my cousin sent people over to talk about the domestic chaos. If it can really calm down the many disasters as you said, it will be a great merit! "

As he was speaking, Qiu Yan noticed that the two competing ideas in the hall were stirring up again, and the weak one was getting stronger!

"Sure enough!" He immediately confirmed his guess.

Seeing the joy on Lord Liang's face, a cold light flashed in Zhang Qin's eyes, but he didn't say much. He knew that pouring cold water on him at this time would not be able to convince Lord Liang yet, but it would make the other party unhappy and damage what was finally established. The relationship between king and minister.

"In that case, let's wait for two more days. If you have any needs, you can directly send someone to talk to the lonely king." Lord Liang said, already unable to sit still.

"Thank you very much, Your Majesty. I will go back and start the process now." After saying this, Qiu Yan had the intention of resigning. The king did not stop him and sent two lieutenants to accompany him.

After Qiu Yan left, Lord Liang stood up and walked around. It took him a while to calm down.

"Do you think Da Sinong's statement is true or false?" He said this to Li Shi and Zhang Qin.

"This..." Chamberlain Li glanced at Zhang Qin, shook his head and said, "I don't know much about these things. However, Da Sinong comes from a noble family and has been loyal to the king for generations. There is nothing to say about his loyalty to the king."

After hearing this, Lord Liang felt a little relieved and nodded. Then he turned his eyes and landed on Zhang Qin.

Seeing this, Zhang Qin calmly raised his hands and said: "Your Majesty, no matter what the great Sinong said, the court still needs to be prepared. Two days may not seem like a long time, but who knows what changes will happen to the rebels? I suggest that the king mobilize the three armies to form an encirclement. Firstly, the rebels can be deterred. Secondly, if Da Sinong’s method fails, the army will not be delayed and the untouchables can be killed immediately!”

"Ai Qing is indeed a great talent! Such words are very kind!" Lord Liang nodded, called two generals, and ordered them to go down.

Then, Zhang Qin said again: "In addition, the king should not neglect the safety of Da Sinong's house. He should send elite troops to guard the house to prevent the possibility of leaking secrets! In addition, he can also supervise Da Sinong so that he can Act as soon as possible, and everything in the meantime will be under the king's control."

As he spoke, a thought in the hall became stronger and stronger, constantly affecting the thoughts of the Lord of Liang Kingdom. However, despite this, the other thought remained motionless, as if it was no longer affected after Qiu Yan left.

"Yes! Yes!" After hearing this, Lord Liang nodded repeatedly, as if he was obeying his words. Waiter Li next to him gritted his teeth secretly.

"This piece of Qin Zhen has revealed the king's thoughts very accurately. These few words seem to be coming from an idea, but they are pressing forward step by step, trying to force the great Sinong into a desperate situation. He hides his sword in his smile! Once the method of calming down fails, the king will immediately I will be furious! No, I have to remind him, if I let this Qin go, there will be no way out for me!"

Chamberlain Li was secretly calculating, but he didn't notice Zhang Qin's cold gaze inadvertently.


Qiu Yan, led by his attendants, took a car back home.

"Brother, I have heard about what happened in the palace. This move is too unwise. It is equivalent to issuing a military order. If it fails, I will inevitably lose my official position!"

In the car, the young attendant shook his head and sighed: "Besides, what is the solution to what the old farmer said? If someone finds out, it may even lead to death!"

His words are not alarmist. You must know that there are no laws and regulations in the Liang Kingdom. Anyone who is guilty will be convicted according to ancient rituals and sentenced by the monarch. When the monarch is happy, the villains who burn, kill and loot may only be punished. Even a small amount of punishment, when the monarch is displeased, may lead to the death of a sneaky thief.

Qiu Yan's previous words made the Lord Liang think deeply. He wanted to spread his fame to several countries. If he failed to achieve it in the end, he would not be sentenced to death by the angry king!

After listening to the young man's words, Qiu Yan shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter if we go to check it out. The old man did tell us the solution, but his words were not detailed enough. I will tell you when I come to my house."

The young man just shook his head, but he was also curious in his heart, wanting to know what method Qiu Yan said.

However, when he returned to his house, Qiu Yan just ordered him to find some gardeners and craftsmen, transplant some plants and trees from outside, and finally invited farmers to move a few bushes of Yili rice. No other actions.

"You mean, Da Sinong just transplanted some plants and trees and didn't do anything else?"

In the evening, after hearing the eyeliner's report, Liang Guozhu looked unhappy and felt like he had been fooled.

"Your Majesty, you might as well wait, maybe the great Sinong hasn't started to take action yet." Zhang Qin's seemingly well-intentioned persuasion from the side only added fuel to Liang Guoguo's anger.

"Still not taking action? Then when is he going to take action? Are these trivial matters more important than the lonely king's order?"

This anger, which had been suppressed until two days later, finally broke out completely.

"Da Sinong! The king declares that you will come to see me immediately!"

Upon hearing the order coming from the palace, Qiu Yan nodded, then ordered his servants to carry several large posts onto the car, and then went straight into the palace. What greeted him was the gloomy look of Lord Liang.

During this meeting, Zhang Qin was no longer the only one in the hall. The three princes and nine ministers were gathered together, accompanied by many other officials.

When Qiu Yan entered the palace, many ministers immediately started talking in low voices.

At the same time, Qiu Yan noticed the killing intent on Lord Liang's body and the strong malice filling the hall! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

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