Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 362: Apes in the Ancient City

Not only was the stone bridge shaking, but the ground was shaking violently, causing the people on the ground to sway, as if they were stepping on not the ground but the planks of a ship, being pushed up and down by the waves.

Immediately afterwards, the violent air flow rushed over. The air flow was invisible, but it was driven by the roar. It was like a huge wave that came one after another, lifting up the dust along the way and sweeping it away.

The ancient city was suddenly filled with sand and rocks.

Across a canyon, Qiu Yan still felt the strong wind blowing against his face, lifting his clothes.

In the strong wind, more chaotic thoughts were mixed in, affecting Qiu Yan's body, seeping into his soul body, stirring and reverberating in his soul, causing thoughts to return, as if someone was roaring loudly in Qiu Yan's ears.

The external distractions made Qiu Yan's heart beat violently. The book that had just melted into the fire had a tendency to expand and explode! It took Qiu Yan to use his thoughts to suppress it before he could calm it down.

"Absorbing eight elements at once will leave consequences..."

Qiu Yan knew clearly in his heart that some of the Eight Paths of Sage Spirits could not be understood thoroughly. This was like a person who had eaten too much. If he sat still, he might be able to digest it after a while, but once he exercised strenuously, or someone Pressing the stomach may cause backlash.

While understanding this, Qiu Yan also became curious about the things that made sounds. A single roar could shake the ground, stir up strong winds, and involve thoughts. It was extraordinary no matter how you thought about it.

"The roar alone has a lot of implications. The creature or thing that made the sound is probably related to the content of the third level. Is it true that if you don't pass this level, you will perish?"

Thinking about it, Qiu Yan followed the sound and scanned the ancient city, but he didn't see anything.

At this time, a calm voice came from the side——

"Looking at you, you probably don't know the reality of this third level."

The one who spoke was naturally Bai Zhaoyuan. When he spoke, he did not look at Qiu Yan. Still staring at the ancient ruins in the distance, he said calmly: "The dark side of Shilin is the darkness and chaos where people gather. The first two levels must be controlled by oneself, and only by fixing one's mind and thoughts can one pass the level. But if you want to break through this third level, It’s not something you can get through by controlling your own mind, you have to surrender to illusion!”

"False?" Hearing this word, Qiu Yan's thoughts were rolling in his mind, and he integrated the contents of the three levels into one. Thinking of the evil of human nature before, he asked, "I wonder how this vanity manifests itself?"

Qiu Yan was actually wary of this Bai Zhaoyuan. He had not met Qiu Yan many times since his appearance, but every time he met, he looked at him with the same expression. It's like looking at a deep pool that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, giving you a cold and deep feeling.

The behavior of this kind of person is difficult to predict.

"Illusions are the thoughts of all living beings. They are unpredictable." After replying, Bai Zhaoyuan nodded towards Qiu Yan, "However, since it is here, it must pass. Bai's way is to destroy illusions. This is It’s a place of hardship, so take the first step.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he stepped forward and stepped onto the shaky stone bridge. He walked alone, shrinking into inches as he walked. After a few blinks, he reached the opposite side of the canyon and walked into the ancient city without looking back.

Looking at Bai Zhaoyuan's retreating back, Qiu Yan narrowed his eyes and had various thoughts flashing through his mind.

This time he accidentally came to the dark side of Shilin and went through the so-called three levels. Although the time before and after was short, it also made him aware of the dangers involved.

"Not to mention that the old man has been trapped for many years, just talking about the illusion of the second level. According to normal circumstances, it will take several years to understand and then escape, just like turning a cocoon into a butterfly. If you don't get it, With the help of three things, I never thought I could accomplish anything in a short time..."

Thinking of this, Qiu Yan's attention moved slightly and focused on the sleeve of his right hand. There were three groups of light floating in the sleeve - after the illusion was shattered, Qiu Yan's soul was shrouded in light, while the Chunqiu Brush, Wenzong Paperweight, and Beiming Jade Basin It spontaneously slipped into my sleeve.

"Being trapped in the illusion for several years, not to mention the impact on the soul, the physical body alone may decay and be destroyed if no one cares about it for many years, and eventually become a rootless soul. I guess this is one of the reasons why Sanguan is so sad. However, as Chen Jing was so clever and prepared in advance, his body is both protected and protected, so he doesn’t have to worry about exhaustion of Qi and blood. Presumably those who participate in the Xingxing Forum forum are also ordinary..."

Thinking about it, Qiu Yan recalled the things recorded in some ancient books that he had read before. It was mentioned that there were ancient people who suddenly fell asleep, or went crazy for several years, and then suddenly recovered one day, and then changed their previous lives, and their fate changed directly. Change occurs.

"Those people are probably those who entered Shilin by mistake, or simply those who were determined to break through the three levels in the dark side of Shilin. After they succeeded, they left records in the history books, while those who failed to break through were unknown and no one knew them at all. Note that of course it is impossible to leave traces. Even the ancient princes and kings did not sing for three years and then became famous. It may be because of this reason, and the physical bodies of these people..."

After contacting the cause and effect, Qiu Yan suddenly thought of something——

"After the soul leaves the body, the physical body will fall into a dormant state similar to hibernation, and the demand for nutritional intake will be reduced. Even without too many arrangements, it can last for a long time."

Of course, the premise is that there are no foreign enemies.

"In other words, only those who can quickly escape the second level can pass the third level. I have the help of external objects, and Bai Zhaoyuan's speed in breaking through the level is not slower than mine. It seems that he also has a lot of Secret. On the other hand, Beixuan has not shown up yet, and is probably still lingering in the first two levels..."

At this point, Qiu Yan suddenly realized that even if he succeeded in the Way of Literature, he might not be hindered by the obstacles.

"Although he is also a person of the Way of Literature, Bei Xuan is a bit of a perfectionist. If he enters the illusion of the second level, he will not be satisfied unless he explores all the mysteries and principles in it. However, this obsession is likely to make him fall into it and find it difficult to escape!"

At this moment, a roar came from the ancient city opposite again, which once again caused a big battle, but for Qiu Yan, who had been prepared, it did not pose much threat. He had already suppressed the Sun Sheng Code composed of the nine sage spirits in his heart fire.

With the arrival of the strong wind again, there was also a dull sound of "dong dong dong", as if a heavy object hit the ground.


In the distance, a stone building suddenly collapsed, as if it was hit by something.

These buildings are at least dozens of feet high, but they collapsed at any time.

Looking at this scene, Qiu Yan narrowed his eyes and threw all the distracting thoughts out of his mind.

"Now that things have come to this, there is no way back, so we can only move forward. Besides, this desperate move may not be a bad thing."

With this thought, Qiu Yan also stepped onto the stone bridge.

As he stepped onto it, he felt how strong the cold and violent wind that kept coming out of the canyon was. It was howling and raging, and there were all kinds of distracting thoughts in it, but Qiu Yan's mind was as solid as a rock, and he didn't give any chance for distracting thoughts to invade at all.

After a few steps, he came to the opposite side and stepped on the ground of the ancient city. An ancient breath that had lasted for a long time rose from the soles of his feet, washing his soul and making Qiu Yan's heart clear.

But the next moment, a strong warning sign rose from the bottom of his heart!

Violent, dangerous, and difficult to escape!

Various artistic conceptions emerged from the warning sign, bringing an indescribable horror!

This warning sign came suddenly, but it was not unexpected. Qiu Yan flicked his fingers, as if he didn't notice it, and walked forward into this ancient city. He even had the leisure to explore the street scenes along the way.

"This city appeared in the shade of Shilin, it should not be a real thing, but everything in the world will not be generated for no reason. Even if it is an illusory thing, it must have a prototype. So even if such a city has never appeared in history, it must exist in the hearts of many people..."

As he walked along the way, Qiu Yan looked around and noticed that most of the buildings along the way were tall stone houses. This kind of house seemed rough in decoration, but if you look closely, you can feel the magnificent momentum from it. Looking around, even the dilapidated and half-destroyed houses are much taller than the pavilions in the world, giving people a rough and solemn feeling.

"These ruined houses seem to have been smashed by something with brute force!"

As he walked, Qiu Yan's attention gradually focused on the damaged parts of the buildings.

The broken and collapsed places were uneven, without any traces of cutting or splitting, and the edges were covered with cracks.

Thinking of the previous thunderous roar, Qiu Yan narrowed his eyes and had a guess in his mind, but he was still unclear about what kind of "illusion" the other party represented.

The deserted road, the lonely back, the crisp footsteps, and the atmosphere gradually became solemn.

Qiu Yan's walking along the way was not just a cursory glance. He also adjusted his thoughts, settled his state of mind, tightened his heartstrings, and raised his momentum and radiated it to the surroundings.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

A dull collision sound came, the ground trembled, and the dust and sand jumped, making a subtle sound.

Qiu Yan suddenly raised his hand and pinched a seal, and the breath dissipated immediately!

The next moment...


A large area of ​​buildings collapsed in front of him.


The wind blew, and the smoke and dust rolled.

In the dust, a huge shadow can be seen behind the collapsed house, which is thirty feet high!


The dust surged rapidly, and an arm stabbed out from it. The arm was covered with a thick layer of brown hair, and the front of the arm had a huge palm!

As the arm stabbed out and waved, the dust was rolled into a gust of wind, and the giant hand covered Qiu Yan in an instant!


Qiu Yan and the surrounding ground were covered by this hand, and they disappeared completely, leaving only a deep pit with cracks on the edge of the pit!


The deafening roar sounded again, and the owner of the giant hand roared to the sky!

The dust dissipated, revealing the face of this thing, which was a huge ape!

This ape was huge, and its face was also covered with fluff. When it opened its mouth and roared, it revealed its sharp fangs! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature. Novels are better and updated faster!

ps: Thanks to "Angry Cotton", "suanwei0324", and "Mengyou Xinjun" for their monthly votes! Thanks to "Playing Down", "My Sister is Xuanxuan", and "Picking Flowers and Robbery Color" for their rewards!

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