Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 364: Once the brocade bag is opened, a sound comes from afar

In the distance, the aftertaste of the exploding fireball has not yet dissipated. Large areas of historic buildings were burned by the flames, torn apart by the flames, and completely destroyed.

Above, Qiu Yan's soul ascended to heaven, condescending!

Below, the giant ape is waving its arms and legs, violently and fiercely!

However, after being swung out by the bloody sage, although the aura of the giant ape has not faded, the arrogance has been reduced. The eyes looking at Qiu Yan, in addition to being fierce, have a little more scruples, a little bit of madness has faded, and a little more Qingming.

The entire ape body seems to have shrunk a bit!

Noticing the subtle changes in the giant ape's eyes, Qiu Yan's heart moved, and an idea came to his mind. But before he could think about it carefully, the giant ape made another move. It suddenly raised its arm and grabbed it, and thoughts swarmed in the hand. When it comes out, the thought spins into the wind, spirals into a ball, and is as round as a pill!

Although the thoughts in this elixir are still chaotic, they have a little order!

Feeling the change, Qiu Yan's thoughts became clearer and clearer, but first he had to avoid this claw!

The inner fire in Qiu Yan's soul was half smaller than before. This was caused by his visualization of the bloody sage. Fortunately, incense and thoughts poured out of the cave in his soul, constantly replenishing the inner fire.

This scholar can suppress divine power, and he also suppresses the thoughts of incense and fire. However, Qiu Yan did not release the thought of incense and fire outside his body. He just turned it around in his soul and used it as fuel for the fire in his heart. It loses its characteristics when burned, blends into the fire, and turns into pure thoughts. After being infected by Qiu Yan's consciousness, it is completely integrated into the body.

However, after being baptized by Sun Shengzhidian, the inner fire was nearly seven to eight times stronger than before, and the time it took to replenish it also increased. Before the inner fire could fully recover, his thoughts and soul power began to boil again, driving Qiu Yan. His spirit soared rapidly, escaping the giant ape's grasp!

Immediately afterwards, nine rays of consciousness flew out from the depths of the inner fire, each containing different artistic conceptions, intertwined with each other, and gathered in Qiu Yan's hands. The various artistic conceptions inside echoed each other, exuding a humanistic atmosphere, as gentle as jade.

"These nine spiritual consciousnesses have just been condensed, and it is still difficult for me to grasp the secrets. However, the humanistic spirit in them cannot be faked. Sun Sheng advocates the transformation of nature and the establishment of order. What he emphasizes is to use human pursuits to restrain nature and establish order. And this If the giant ape is really a mental ape, his nature is dominant and unconstrained, and his spirit is exactly the same as that of Sun Sheng!"

In the blink of an eye, the spiritual consciousness in Qiu Yan's hand became more and more intense. Because it was connected to the fire in his heart, he could beat with the fire and be constantly replenished.

At the same time, the giant ape suddenly shook his arm, and the round mind pill in the giant palm flew out!

Although the thoughts in the pill are not scattered, they are colliding with each other and faintly producing flames. If this fire is born, burns and forges the pill, and then explodes, its power is inestimable!

"The restless mind is an evolution of the heart. It originally means that the human heart is difficult to settle down. It can do good or evil. It also means that the nature of the mind is changeable. In many sects' practice methods, the first step is to stabilize the heart. Even Confucianism pays attention to knowing and stopping, then calming down, then calming down the mind, then thinking, and finally gaining something. To put it simply, it is to surrender the mental ape!"

Thinking of this, Qiu Yan stretched out his hand and pushed, and his spiritual consciousness immediately flew out, and then divided into nine parts, shuttled in and out of the air, releasing various auras, some of which encouraged people to learn from others, and some of which pointed directly at one's true nature...

The strands of spiritual consciousness first dispersed, then came from all directions, gathered in one place, surrounded the ball of mind pills, and used humanistic energy to soothe and penetrate it.

The next moment, the pills trembled, the consciousness stirred, and they were restrained by each other, falling into a stalemate!

It's just that the Dan Zhongyi Fire has already taken shape and is difficult to reverse.

"In this case, we can only take advantage of the situation!" Seeing such a scene, Qiu Yan did not hesitate at all and made a decision in his heart.

Then, a fragment of the inner demon floated out of the hole in the soul, which was nourished by the inner fire. Qiu Yan raised his hand and waved his nine consciousnesses, pulling the Yihuo Niandan and flying towards the giant ape!

Everything just now seemed complicated, but it was actually lightning. When Qiu Yan restrained the Nian Dan, the giant ape just used his arms to support his upper body and was about to get up. He never thought that the Nine Senses would rush past and bring the Nian Dan down with the intention fire. !

Then, the nine spiritual consciousnesses extended out, like nine chains, wrapping around the giant ape's body.

With this entanglement, his spiritual consciousness came into contact with the ape's body. Qiu Yan immediately felt the chaotic thoughts in it. This chaos was transmitted back along his spiritual consciousness. In just a moment, Qiu Yan almost lost his mind due to the impact!

These messy thoughts are too huge, and they are not ordinary thoughts, but also mixed with subconscious instincts!

He quickly changed his mind and relaxed the nine consciousnesses. However, although the time was short, the effect of the nine consciousnesses was already reflected——

The giant ape was entangled in this, and its huge body sluggished for a moment. Not only did it fail to get up, but it lost its balance again. Before it fell to the ground, the Yihuo Niandan had already hit it!

The strong impact caused the giant ape's body to sink several feet into the ground!

However, after all, the Nian Dan originated from the giant ape, and now it has returned. Although there is a fire inside, it has not really lost control. Instead, it was blocked by the giant ape's fur. After bouncing on it twice, it was about to be caught by it. .

At this moment, Qiu Yan in the air shot out some fragments of his inner demon with a flick of his finger!

The fragments fell directly into the Nian Dan!

Immediately, all the thoughts in the inner demons merged with the Nian Dan, and even more stimulated the fire of intention!


The next moment, the entire Nian Dan exploded, and the flames swept in all directions, spreading rapidly on the huge giant ape!

The intense heat caused the giant ape to jump up and howl, and its sound turned into a violent wind, roaring and raging. Its body danced with the fire, rolling down the streets, crushing buildings one after another!

And those fragments of inner demons also fell into the body of the giant ape, and were combined with all kinds of distracting thoughts!

Every hair on the giant ape's body seems to be one person's distracting thoughts. When these many distracting thoughts are gathered together, to the inner demon, it is like a table of sumptuous delicacies. The fragments suddenly turn into gourmets and gobble them up.

In Qiu Yan's perception, he can clearly feel that the fragments of the inner demon are growing rapidly, and are even condensing into independent individuals, seeming to surpass the inner demon body hidden in Huo Zheng's body!

"Oh? It seems that this can indeed calm the mind monkey! The inner demon is the five aggregates, and the mind monkey is the combination of the subconscious. Some people call it Tianxin, which is nature. There are similarities between the two..." Looking at the eyes. At this scene, Qiu Yan felt that he was sure of victory, but suddenly there was a sting in his consciousness! His face has changed!

"Huh? The inner demon is broken!?"

This bit of stinging pain and the message conveyed made Qiu Yan feel a little clouded in his heart. Below, the tumbling giant ape had restrained its violent movements, and the flames on its body had also weakened, and there was a faint tendency to subside.

The most important thing is that the inner demon fragments that grew stronger through the chaos no longer exist. I don’t know what method the giant ape used to destroy them!

"Now I have condensed my spiritual consciousness and divided it into nine, supplemented by incense thoughts and inner demon fragments. In terms of spiritual soul combat power alone, I am not inferior to the ordinary third-level monks in the third realm. If you include the long river fantasy world and the visualization of saints, It can even compete with the monks at the top of the third realm, but from the beginning of the fight with this giant ape, although there was a plan, he almost never gained the upper hand!"

Feeling the disappearance of the fragments of his inner demon, Qiu Yan quickly changed his mind and looked for countermeasures.

"In terms of combat power, I don't know what level this monkey is. Because of its chaotic thoughts and acting only on instinct, it gave me a chance. If this monkey had a clear mind and could control its own power, it would be difficult for me to fight against it. Even if Now, I have tried all my means, but I can't take him down. The only thing left is Sun Sheng's canon, which I haven't fully mastered yet. It's just that the spirit of the eight saints has not been fully refined, and there are too many variables. If I use it rashly, I will be trapped. risk……"

While he was thinking, a series of explosions suddenly came from not far away. Then, buildings a hundred feet away were shattered one after another, and a huge white shadow flashed past, knocking the ancient city out of a passage!

Although the object was fast, Qiu Yan looked at it carefully and could still see its outline. It was a huge white horse, taller than a giant ape. On the horse's head, a figure could be seen, and his robes were flowing in the wind. Move, long hair is flying!


The white shadow came suddenly and went away quickly, but Qiu Yan realized that he was not the only one in danger at this moment, nor was he the only one with the opportunity.

"Bai Zhaoyuan seems to have encountered something similar. It seems that it was formed by combining thoughts, but he stood on it. Isn't he afraid that his soul and heart will be infected? Huh?"

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed across Qiu Yan's heart!

"That's right! It's difficult to kill the giant ape with my power, but if this ape is the heart, then I will suppress it first to make it converge. This is the right way, but blindly suppressing it is overbearing and cannot last long. They should also be guided to soothe their hearts and subdue their inner apes! The kings and tyrants are mixed together, and the Dharma and Confucianism complement each other!"

As soon as he thought of this, Qiu Yan felt something in his heart. One of the nine spiritual consciousnesses suddenly became much clearer, and Sun Sheng's canon in his heart also changed slightly, and the aura of his whole person changed slightly.

However, now is not the time to take a closer look. Qiu Yan restrained his thoughts and cast his gaze downwards. The giant ape burned by the fire of thoughts was much quieter at the moment, but its momentum was getting stronger, as if it was a volcano about to erupt.

"I don't know how long this fire can last. Without further ado, it's time to take action while Xin Yuan is unable to move. Otherwise, if there is another fierce battle, we may not be able to achieve such a result again."

Having said that, the thoughts on the giant ape are so complicated. The previous nine consciousnesses only lingered for a moment and were almost infected, so Qiu Yan was not sure of victory.

However, just as he was about to take action, something hanging on his waist suddenly moved!

Then I saw a brocade bag flying up, and when the bag opened, a small piece of sage paper was revealed. The paper flew straight out, as fast as an arrow, and in the blink of an eye, it was attached to the forehead of the giant ape!

Layers of flames can hardly damage this piece of paper!

"This is a small piece of sage paper given to me by the scholar of Spring and Autumn Academy!" Qiu Yan was stunned when he saw this. Before he could recover, an old voice came from the depths of the ancient city -

"The mind has been determined. If you don't surrender it now, how long will it take? When that boy who borrowed the power of the stars surrenders, he will come to fight with you!" (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature , the novel is better and updated faster!)

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