Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 369: Tightening the Hoop to Lock the Mind

"...My physical body's cultivation is at the peak of soul refining, and I have not yet reached the third level of a monk. Even with the jade pendant of qi and blood and the incense mind, it can only explode for a short time at most, and the opponent has so many people that it will exhaust all my heart." It won't help, but now that the matter is over, there's no need to think about getting better. Let's lurk for now. There is a divine aura covering the ground. If we return to the ground, we may be discovered soon. The top priority is to let the soul return as soon as possible! "

As soon as his thoughts changed, Qiu Yan's soul suddenly shook. The nine spiritual consciousnesses released became more and more condensed. More and more distracting thoughts were drawn over, sorted out clearly, and joined the team controlled by Qiu Yan.

Outside, the aura on the giant ape's body has completely subsided, leaving only the sense of oppression caused by its huge body. The crack that originated from the forehead has now become much darker, and there seems to be signs of disappearing.

The dark side of Shilin, the city of historical sites.

Previously, due to the giant ape and the white horse, the entire city was shaking and making continuous sounds, but now, these have calmed down.

The huge white horse was lying on the ground, its neck was trapped by several chains, and the chains were even sunk into its flesh, shining with little rays of light, like stars.

This white horse exudes the artistic conception of being unrestrained and galloping at will, as if it can control the horse wherever it is thought of. However, as the chains tighten, this free and unrestrained artistic conception becomes weaker and weaker. It will disappear completely soon.

The source of the chain is Bai Zhaoyuan standing on the horse's head.

At this time, Bai Zhaoyuan's thoughts turned into chains, and he was about to tame the white horse. But on the other hand, not all of his mind and attention were focused on the giant horse, but part of it was also dedicated to observing the motionless giant horse. Ape, and calculate and analyze in mind.

"The dominance of Xin Yuan's distracting thoughts should have fallen into Qiu Yan's hands. It is only a matter of time before he completely surrenders. Even if I can tame Yima one step ahead of him and interfere with Xin Yuan, I may not be able to win against him. On the contrary, It may arouse the viciousness of others..."

Bai Zhaoyuan compared the two options in his mind and weighed the pros and cons.

At this moment, the giant ape that was standing still suddenly shook violently, bounced several feet off the ground, and then fell back down.


This fall affected a large part of the historic city——

Centered on where the giant ape fell, a ring of waves spread rapidly on the ground!

The solid stone floor undulates like water!

"Huh?" Seeing this situation, Bai Zhaoyuan's eyes twitched slightly, but it did not affect the thoughts in his heart. He waved his hand, held the chain transformed by his thoughts in his hand, and tightened it hard, as if pulling the reins. As if, the white horse suddenly trembled all over, stood up from the ground, and jumped in the air with this pull, avoiding the fluctuations on the ground.

This giant horse has been vaguely controlled by Bai Zhaoyuan, and the only thing left is to completely eliminate the remaining thoughts in it.

"If I control the Yima and fight with the Heart Ape, what chance do I have of winning?" Looking at the shaking giant ape not far away, Bai Zhaoyuan narrowed his eyes, "However, in terms of violence, the Yima is far more powerful than Without Shang Xin Yuan, both of them have their own merits. Even if they fight, it will be difficult to tell the winner in a moment. "

He was thinking, but his thoughts were interrupted by the roar of the giant ape, and then his thoughts turned into wind and surged over.

"Then what are Qiu Yan's plans? According to the previous situation, as long as he fights steadily, he will be able to completely subdue the monkey mind in a few days. Why did he make such a move?"

Bai Zhaoyuan was naturally confused. He knew very well that Qiu Yan and the Heart Ape instinctively competed for the dominance of distracting thoughts. The battlefield was internal and had nothing to do with the outside world, but it was more dangerous than a fist fight. Of course, there was no need to drive the ape body, but suddenly, the giant ape The sudden action was obviously not driven by instinct, so there can only be one explanation -

"It's Qiu Yanzheng who is releasing his own thoughts!"

After thinking about it, Bai Zhaoyuan raised his hand a little, and his fingertips fell on the white horse. The huge white horse suddenly shrank rapidly like a deflated ball, and even left an afterimage in mid-air from large to small!

In the blink of an eye, a huge beast over thirty feet tall became the size of an ordinary horse, while Bai Zhaoyuan was riding on it, looking at the giant ape in the distance, stretched out two fingers and touched his eyes, his pupils gleamed, pointing directly at the giant ape. Giant ape.

After a breath, he closed his eyes and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he shook his head: "Qiu Yan actually plans to fight quickly. This move is a bit dangerous. Could it be because I am watching?"

Thinking of this, he tightened the reins, turned the horse's head, and headed towards the center of the city.

"It doesn't matter, these gains and losses are the normal state of human nature, so let's just let it go..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the horse's hooves were raised, and with the sound of ticking, the man and the horse walked away and disappeared into the distant street.

At the same time that Bai Zhaoyuan left, many houses within a hundred feet around the giant ape collapsed. Among the flying rubble, the will originating from Qiu Yan spread rapidly. Under his control, the houses and rubble faded away. The external form transforms into pure thought!

These thoughts contain all kinds of changes, just like the human heart, being pulled, collided and rubbed, and soon turned into balls of fire!

In an instant, flames rose and heat waves rolled, causing a thought that was paying attention to this place to have doubts——

"Huh? Why did this boy act like this? He was a little too impatient. However, he was aware of the structure of this city in such a short period of time and even used it. He is quite capable. No wonder..." This thought It is full of ancient atmosphere, originating from the depths of the city.

However, before the thought fell, the fireballs suddenly turned from silence and converged towards the huge giant ape!

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

For a moment, there was fire in all directions, and each fire ball hit the giant ape. The flames exploded and swept across the giant ape's body!

The violent rings of fire spread out and swept around!

The exploding thoughts in the flames impacted the giant ape, causing it to stagger around and then roar to the sky. The inner ape's instinct was to compete with Qiu Yan for the dominance of distracting thoughts. After receiving such an impact, it was dragged out of some of its energy.

At this moment, Qiu Yan's nine consciousnesses exploded at the same time!

The thoughts contained in the consciousness suddenly hit out like a landslide and a tsunami, and spread all over the giant ape's body in the blink of an eye! Take root firmly! A thought came out——

"It's a pity. I wanted to take advantage of the stalemate with you to further explore the secrets of the ancient city, but my body was in crisis and I had to interrupt my understanding. I suppressed you wholeheartedly!"

At this moment, the giant ape realized the crisis and knew that it was a matter of life and death. It endured the burning of the flames and howled. The thoughts in every part of the ape's body were beating, and every trace of instinct was extracted from the body, condensed and manifested in the body. A raging ape appears!

Then, the ape opened its teeth and claws, screamed and rushed towards Qiu Yan's soul! We're here in a blink of an eye!

Qiu Yan raised his eyes and immediately saw the reality of this ape!

"The nature of the mind ape has actually condensed into a form, but this condensation means that he has completely given up control of distracting thoughts. Even if he defeats me, it will take a long time to re-integrate. This ape has no mind, only instinct. However, it does He understands the importance of changing seasons and knows that if he fails in this competition, there will be nothing else, so this is like sinking the boat!"

As Qiu Yan was thinking about it, the ape screamed and waved his arms with a grin on his face. The nails on his hands were sharp, mixed with an unruly and distracting thought, as if he wanted to destroy everything in front of him, almost piercing Qiu Yan's soul. body!

"Well, in that case, Qiu will tell you some of the truths he has learned from you and the city these days!"

He said "speak", but before he could finish his words, Qiu Yan grabbed one of his hands. The thoughts in his soul flowed, and various aspects of life emerged. Finally, they turned into silent words and fell into the ears of the ape. The latter was stunned. , the claws swung out stopped.

But Qiu Yan didn't stop. Several fragments of the inner demon flew out of the hole in his soul, fell into his hand, moved quickly, and were printed on the ape's forehead with his palm.

"The mind has two paths. Good and evil are separate. There is a sequence in the mind, but the body is the same! Heart Ape, Heart Ape, you were born from heaven, earth and man. It is really a blessing. You were ignorant in the past, so you are galloping here without restraint, just like Human childhood, but dreams are short, how can anyone live in the past forever? Just let me go..."

In the sound of words, the fragments of the inner demon condensed into a headband and stuck on the ape's head.

Suddenly, time seemed to freeze at this moment.

The ape trembled all over, as if he had just woken up from a big dream. Then he glanced at Qiu Yan, and his whole body collapsed, splitting into little bits and pieces, and fell into various parts of the ape's body.

The next moment, Qiu Yan's nine bursts of consciousness regrouped, connecting his consciousness with that of the giant ape, making them indistinguishable from each other.

Soon, a mysterious feeling rose from the bottom of my heart...


Outside, the giant ape stood erect, with blazing fire on his body, and thoughts flying in the fire.

Suddenly, it opened its mouth and sucked in sharply, the air flow turned into a whirlpool, and the fangs and the big mouth were like an abyss, pulling the flames on its body and flew away like a tired bird returning to the forest, and was swallowed in one bite.

Then, the giant ape swallowed and swallowed the fire into his belly.


After a few breaths, the giant ape's chest and abdomen expanded and contracted, spitting out a few wisps of smoke from its mouth, and then looked up. In those huge eyes, the madness and violence were quickly dissipating, replaced by clarity and calmness.

At the end of the line of sight, high above the ancient city, it was obscured by clouds and fog, but a portal could be vaguely seen, and a sense of mystery came from afar.

"No wonder Bai Zhaoyuan wants to surrender Yima. The exit is located. If you don't surrender Xin Yuan Yima, it will be difficult to escape. Now that I have surrendered Xin Yuan, it's time to leave. With Xin Yuan's help, I should be able to fight against the Tao of Yuxu. , but before that..."

After thinking about it, Qiu Yan, who had taken control of the ape's body, revealed his soul above the giant ape's head, picked up the small piece of sage paper, looked down, and saw four words on it -

Go to the city.

"Let me go to the center of the city?" He looked away, Qiu Yan then shook his head, took a deep breath, and said loudly: "If you want to talk to me, don't be mysterious, you might as well explain the matter clearly, just like a cup of tea After a certain amount of time, if no one is seen or heard, Qiu will leave."

After saying this, he sat down cross-legged on the ape's head. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

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