Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 404: Golden Crow Collects Yang Essence


After flying like this, the "sun" completely changed its shape, no longer round, but became a bird-like shape, with fire all over its body, but behind the bird, there was a fireball - that was the real sun.

Just now, this bird transformed into the "sun" and covered the real sun. Of course, it did not cover the sun with its body, but because it was closer to the ground, it used perspective changes and illusion techniques to give others false impressions. Wrong sun.

Now flushed with energy and blood, the bird flew up, and feathers fell down as its wings flapped, but before it landed on the ground, it burned in the air.


The surrounding temperature rises suddenly!

"I see, I have reached the third level of Guiyi Realm now. If you want to set up a formation without me knowing, you must either have a cultivation level much higher than mine, or you must take advantage of blind spots and loopholes in your thinking. , the plan is under my nose! If you are highly cultivated, why bother to take action directly? So, it can only be the second one..."

When Qiu Yan was walking just now, he felt as if he was on a dead end step by step. This was not born out of thin air, but was calculated by others and fell into the restriction. However, the use of restriction and Taoism cannot be silent, and it still needs to be done. Take advantage of the outside world.

The situation Qiu Yan is facing now is that someone has used the "power" around him to create a situation, and this "power" is not hidden, but upright and bright, it is the sun that he encounters every moment during the day!

People will subconsciously ignore the things in front of them. This is a blind spot in thinking.

At this time, the burning bird sent out a thought——

"This way we have seen through the 'Yang Yao on the Surface', and it is indeed extraordinary. I am the master of Jinwu Dao, Jinwu Taoist, and I have no ill intentions in coming here. It is my junior brother who disappeared after fighting with you, and I came here to inquire."

"Oh? You don't mean any harm? Are you asking about the whereabouts of junior brother?"

If Qiu Yan hadn't planted the seeds of inner demons in King Yan's heart beforehand, he might have been shaken a bit, but he already knew that Taoist Jinwu was a master that King Yan had found, so how could he still be confused? If I really want to ask, why do I have to wait until Qiu Yan leaves the city?

"Even if he wanted to find out the whereabouts of Taoist Crow, he decided to capture me and torture me. However, this idea came from the golden bird. This bird can turn into the sun, and its fallen feathers can make fire. Could it be true in the legend? The Golden Crow?”

Golden Crow was even used to refer to the sun in ancient times.

The sun hangs in the sky and spreads light and heat. It has been worshiped by people since ancient times. Therefore, many gods were born. The Golden Crow is one of them. It is said that it was worshiped by demons and is known as the ancient demon emperor.

"The soul path is yin, and it is difficult to cultivate yang energy. Now I have entered the first and third levels, but if I want to ignite the yang fire, I have to wait for the body and the soul to merge. But this bird is full of flames, and it changes to cover the sun. How can it be unreal? I don't know. Whether it's because of his high level of cultivation or the mystery of his skills, no matter what it is, the hot Yang Qi is like a poison to Hun'er, so being able to control it shouldn't be underestimated!"

At the same time as his thoughts changed, Qiu Yan was not timid. His body was shaken, and his martial arts will roared out like a wave. It seemed endless. Wherever he went, even the spiritual energy was restrained by Qiu Yan's will, and the five elements appeared out of thin air. Transformed, rushed by Qi and blood, a strange figure slowly emerged——

It was also a crow, but it controlled the black wind, looking ferocious and violent, howling and rushing towards the golden crow!

"Huh? The shadow is like a crow?" The Golden Crow hesitated slightly, as if Qiu Yan's reaction was unexpected. It is true that the Golden Crow originally planned to use words to make Qiu Yan confused, and then took the opportunity to act. Unexpectedly, Qiu Yan didn't hesitate at all, he directly released his energy, blood and soul shadow and bombarded them!

This crow riding the black wind is actually derived from Qiu Yan's first soul shadow, the force soul. Judging from the momentum, it is clear that it is going to cover the entire golden crow and strangle it with force!

This is also a sign that Qiu Yan has cultivated his body and the seven souls in his body are about to transform.

The black wind was raging, and it was about to cover the Golden Crow, but the opponent suddenly dispersed and turned into feathers all over the sky, floating in the wind. Each one carried flames, bypassed the black wind, and charged towards Qiu Yan!

"You, a scholar, are so unreasonable and want to do something so cruel. Could it be that, as the prince said, my junior brother was harmed by you?"

Thoughts came out from each feather, exuding a sad, angry and innocent thought, as if to torture Qiu Yan's conscience.

But Qiu Yan was unmoved. He scanned his senses and found that each feather exuded artistic conception, as hot as fire and as blazing as the sun!

"Huh? These feathers seem to be derived from the martial arts and are similar to my spiritual consciousness. Could it be that these feathers are all spiritual consciousness?"

Qiu Yan now has ten spiritual consciousnesses, but the one he has truly controlled and refined is the Dharma-manifestation spirit derived from Legalism. Faced with the sky full of flaming feathers and the sounds of torture, Qiu Yan only responded lightly: "Since I'm asking, why did you set up a trap to ambush me on the road and separate me from the surroundings? That junior brother of yours had bad intentions at the beginning. Your senior brother is also secretive. If you want to know his whereabouts, it's easy. Wait until I take you If you take it, your brothers will be reunited."

As he spoke, he raised his hand to seal, and a stream of spiritual consciousness came out of his body. Wherever it went, it exuded an artistic conception of exposure and openness. His spiritual consciousness was like light, surrounding him, setting off a strong wind, and spreading outward.

The whistling feathers were blown by the wind and immediately revealed their true and false forms. They were all transformed by a little bit of soul power!

"It turned out to be a bluff, no, it's a lie within the truth!" Before Qiu Yan could finish his thought, a strong wind suddenly hit behind him!

Then I saw a feather being affected by the divine consciousness, revealing its true appearance, it turned out to be a golden crow soul!

This soul turned into a feather, floating with other feathers. It was difficult to distinguish it because it carried the breath of the scorching sun. Once it was exposed, it immediately exploded!

When the Golden Crow soul flew over, the flames on its body gradually condensed and turned into a sharp sword blade. It stabbed forward, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at the back of Qiu Yan's head!

Unlike ordinary souls, this sword blade was not condensed like a thought, but like a real object!

Immediately, the air flow was hot, and the heat wave hit Qiu Yan's clothes on the back, dry and wrinkled, and even sparks appeared. Seeing that the sharp point was about to pierce it!

At this moment, Qiu Yan swung his arm violently, the tendons and bones in his hand vibrated, the joints trembled, and crackled. The blood surged, like a whip, condensed into a stream, and whipped towards the sword blade!

Seeing this, the Taoist Jinwu was secretly happy, thinking that Qiu Yan did not see the true and false of the sword blade and underestimated the enemy.

Sure enough, the Qi and Blood Whip collided with the sword blade and broke into sections, but the joy of Jinwu Taoist did not last long and disappeared in an instant. The Qi and Blood wrapped around the sword blade and imprisoned it for a moment!

"Not good!" Jinwu Taoist said secretly, but it was too late. He heard a violent roar, and the thick tail stretched out from behind Qiu Yan, carrying a rolling mess of thoughts and whipping the sword blade and Jinwu soul!


The chaotic thoughts infected the Jinwu soul, and the sword blade cut through the fur on the heart ape tail and embedded in it!

"Hmm?" Qiu Yan's heart moved.

"Ah!" Jinwu soul screamed, then flapped its wings, and the soul turned red in an instant, stimulating the Qi and Blood in the soul!

Relying on the heat waves released by the masculine burst of blood and qi, the Golden Crow's soul condensed into a body shape in the layers of distracting thoughts. The flaming sword blade connected to it slashed a few times, and the flames condensed to the extreme, and actually cut the fur of the heart monkey, creating a piece of air, allowing the Golden Crow to break free!

"What is this sword blade made of? It can easily cut off the monkey's distracting thoughts!"

Qiu Yan couldn't help but be surprised. Every hair of this heart monkey is composed of distracting thoughts. Taken out separately, it is very threatening to ordinary people. For cultivators, it is not impossible to resist, but the heart monkey has thousands of hairs, which are completely bombarded by distracting thoughts. No matter how determined you are, you will be dazed. What's more, the heart monkey itself is full of violent aura, which can impact the state of mind. No matter how high the cultivation of the cultivator is, he will tremble three times when he is wrapped in the vast sea of ​​distracting thoughts and then hit by the fierce aura.

But the sharp blade of the Golden Crow Taoist can cut off all kinds of distracting thoughts, which shows its ability!

However, the blade was also broken with several gaps, and the hot flames flowed inside, and sparks scattered!

"What is the origin of this sword blade? Speaking of which, since this Jinwu Dao dared to use the name of the ancient demon king, I think there might be something extraordinary about it!"

Squinting slightly, Qiu Yan's heart fire began to beat, and the incense and thoughts continued to flow out from the soul hole, turning into the power of the heart ape. Gradually, the giant ape figure condensed beside Qiu Yan!

However, compared with the dark side of Shilin, the ape shadow was much smaller. The reason was that the giant ape's every move consumed a lot.

When in Shilin, there were thoughts everywhere, even the air had distracting thoughts floating in it. The giant ape galloped and jumped, and could absorb the surrounding thoughts to replenish itself, but when it came to the outside world, every move could only be maintained by Qiu Yan. This was because he had incense and thoughts to replenish. If it were someone else, even if they subdued the heart ape, they couldn't afford it!

However, facing the Golden Crow Spirit, Qiu Yan did not fully stimulate the power of the ape mind. In that case, relying solely on the soul hole to transmit thoughts would not last long.

Of course, even if it is only 30% or 40% of the power, the power of the ape mind is still unmatched. It is the trump card of the flesh and blood body. At this time, it is intended to determine the outcome in one fell swoop!

In the previous test, Qiu Yan had already figured out the depth of the Golden Crow Taoist. The opponent's cultivation is at the peak of the third realm, but the flames on his body are a bit strange, which is a variable.

"Since we know the strengths and weaknesses of this Taoist, there is no need to hide, and take him down in one go!"

Thinking of this, the ape mind howled, and the miscellaneous thoughts inside were all over the place. When they collided, they turned into fire of thoughts, condensed in the mouth, and suddenly spit out a thick column of fire!

This is not ordinary fire, but the flame after the burning of thoughts, which is the death warrant of souls and ghosts!

"Not good!" The Golden Crow Spirit howled at the sight, "The Sun is really strong, explode!"

As he spoke, the flaming sword blade exploded, releasing rays of sunlight that merged into a beam of light and rushed forward! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature for better novels and faster updates!)

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