Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 413: One horizontal and one vertical, the pen is full of vertical and horizontal l

"What's going on? Qiu Yan's name is exposed. Logically speaking, he should be in trouble. Why do these people say he is arrogant?"

The two people who came out of the room looked at each other in shock for a while, and then started talking in low voices.

"It seems things have changed again."

"However, Qiu Yan previously hid his identity and kept a low profile. He was obviously afraid. Now that he is exposed, he will have a headache."

"Yes, I will wait and see what happens, and let the few bribed Confucian scholars make provocations and make the situation more chaotic."

The two made a plan and then walked to the first floor.

Only then did he realize that Qiu Yan was surrounded, with three floors inside and three floors outside.

"What's going on?" The two of them looked at each other and leaned over, trying to contact the Confucian scholars. Unexpectedly, when they came forward, they heard the Confucian scholars talking in the crowd, and they became more and more confused.

"Qiu Yan has such a loud tone. He says he wants to ask for advice, but his attitude of not rejecting anyone who comes is clearly provoking us."

"Let's see how he ends up. It's not like you haven't seen it. After Qiu Yan's identity was exposed, the expression of Gao Song from Chongli Academy changed immediately."

"Yes, he said before that Qiu Yan was just pretending to make shocking remarks and had no real talent or knowledge."

"Now there is something good to watch. Gao Song suffered a secret loss and will not let it go."

"Let them fight, let's wait and see what happens, find out Qiu Yan's roots, and it's not too late to take action."

"Yes, there is a lot of luck for this kind of person who became famous in one fell swoop. The main reason is that he has good luck and cannot withstand the controversy of others. Otherwise, he should be in the Nascent Forest now instead of standing in the Wenxuan Tower."

"That's the truth..."

One after another, one after another, the words were noisy, but they fell into the ears of the two people, but they allowed them to grasp a little bit of the context. Then they found a Confucian scholar who was connected with King Yan and asked about the cause and effect, and then they got the general idea.

It turned out that Han Weier's voice exposed Qiu Yan's identity and caused everyone in the building to change their minds. An undercurrent surged for a while, but the real embarrassment was Gao Song and his party who had just made the final decision.

Gao Song belittled Qiu Yan, but then he turned around and Qiu Yan's identity was exposed. You know, in the rumors, Qiu Yan defeated the famous Secretary He. This will undoubtedly make people think that Gao Song has little vision. Sample.

The situation was stronger than the people. For the sake of the academy and his own reputation, Gao Song had to stand up and confirm what he had learned with Qiu Yan.

Unexpectedly, Qiu Yan shook his head and actually proposed a hand-to-hand game.

Talking with your hands is like playing chess.

This is nothing. Playing chess is a form of entertainment for scholars and students. It involves planning, thinking, and coping. It can also reflect personal cultivation on the side, so Takamatsu agreed.

In fact, the evaluation has not yet been released, and the scholars gathered here also know that they should not dominate the guests, so they have restrained themselves. This game of chess is also an appetizer, just to test Qiu Yan's depth.

Scholars cherish their reputation. If they don’t understand Chu Qiuyan’s background, few will rush forward. After all, Qiu Yan’s reputation is there. Even though the rumors will inevitably be different, the defeat of Secretary He is indeed true and cannot be helped. Despised by others.

However, Qiu Yan’s next words set off the crowd——

"Qiu wants to play a game. I welcome you all. There is no need for a one-on-one game. Anyone who is willing to challenge can take action. Qiu will take it up."

At first glance, these words seemed inappropriate, but in the current environment, it was like a stone that stirred up a thousand waves. You know, after Qiu Yan's identity was exposed, he immediately became the target of public criticism. Everyone present, or Overtly or covertly, they all wanted to step on him and gain fame, but they had some scruples, so they held back.

But as soon as Qiu Yan said these words, the situation immediately turned around. Instead of him and others challenging him, he took the initiative to challenge those present!

Literati have been fighting since ancient times. Temples and temples compete for profit, and ordinary people compete for fame. How many people can escape the secular world? At least a large part of the people who came here came with various intentions. To their ears, Qiu Yan's words seemed humble at first, but when they thought about it, they felt that they were extremely crazy!

They all came from Han Chuang's hard study, and he believed that he was not inferior to others. When he came to Dongdu, he originally wanted to impress the sages and scholars, but he was eliminated. Now he came to Wenxuan to criticize. Admit that your skills are inferior to others?

Not to mention, the hidden meaning in Qiu's words was that he clearly didn't take the people present seriously!

At that moment, there were a few people who couldn't hold themselves back and came out to argue with Qiu Yan.

Even Gao Song was suffocated when he heard the words, with a cold light in his eyes, but he still smiled, but the words he spoke had a cold taste, and he said: "Master Qiu is a little too big, everyone present, Everyone has his own merits, and even if you think you are knowledgeable, you cannot be proud of the present.”

Qiu Yan nodded and said seriously: "Of course I know this, but when Qiu came here this time, he wanted to share what he had learned with others. He wanted to act silently, but he didn't expect it to be like this. Instead of waiting for everyone to take the wheel, It’s better to take the initiative to contact them.”

Behind them, Liu Zhanpeng and others secretly complained, deliberately reminding Qiu Yan, but fearing that it would harm Chi Yu, they had no choice but to endure it. In their opinion, Qiu Yan was disturbed and lost his footing.

But in fact, what Qiu Yan said was what he was thinking. He didn't want to stir up trivial matters, but when the situation changed and he was pushed to the forefront, he changed his mind and realized the opportunity.

"Instead of passively accepting it, it is better to take the initiative. Besides, in this way, not only can we legitimately prove our knowledge and literary virtues to others, but also enrich our human experience, and at the same time deter later generations, cut off other people's thoughts, and prevent future waves."

As the saying goes, fortune and misfortune are interdependent, the key is to adjust your mentality and deal with it calmly.

After making a decision, Qiu Yan just said those words, but it stimulated Gao Song and others. Gao Song shook his head and said, "Since you have made a decision, Mr. Qiu, I can't persuade you anymore. I know a little about chess, so let me throw a stone to test the water first."

After speaking, he ordered someone to get a chessboard from the building. This Wenxuan Building is usually for scholars and literati to communicate, and there will be no shortage of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Before the man could walk away, Qiu Yan called him and said, "Please bring a piece of cloth. I want to draw the chessboard myself."

"Draw the chessboard myself?" At this moment, Gao Song couldn't help but widen his eyes. He felt that the man in front of him was too weird. Others also felt that Qiu Yan's behavior was irrelevant and he was suspected of being mysterious.

Qiu Yan didn't care how others viewed him. He wanted to set up the chess game and challenge everyone this time. It was not for the false reputation of literature and Taoism. Even if he was defeated by others, it didn't matter. The key was to summarize the required insights when verifying knowledge with others.

After a pause, Gao Song narrowed his eyes and looked at Qiu Yan. Seeing that the other party was not moved at all, he turned around and said, "Since it was Mr. Qiu who proposed the challenge, you should follow his intention and find the cloth and bring the pen and ink."

The man left and brought the things back not long after.

Qiu Yan did not delay, he chose a table, sat on the chair with his arms and legs spread out the cloth, pressed it with a paperweight, and took a pen to dip in ink.

The cloth was obviously cut to the size of a chessboard.

After holding the pen, Qiu Yan closed his eyes and said nothing, as if he was brewing emotions.

When others saw this scene, some could not help but laugh, thinking that Qiu Yan was being mysterious again, but most people still lowered their voices. They had read for so many years, and they still understood the principle that benevolent people love others and polite people respect others.

Respecting others is the basis of being a person and learning.

For a while, the noise in the building gradually faded.

This situation lasted for a while, just when someone ran out of patience, Qiu Yan suddenly opened his eyes, his hand fell, the tip of the pen touched the cloth, and then his arm was horizontal, the tip of the pen slid, leaving a long horizontal line on the cloth.

As soon as this line came out, it immediately burst out with vigorous blood, heat waves rose, and the moisture in the air condensed.

In early spring, when the weather is warm and cold, people are most sensitive to changes in temperature. The scholars in the room immediately shut their mouths and showed a little surprise on their faces when they saw the mist above the cloth and felt the change in the surrounding temperature. Even Gao Song was no exception.

"This Qiu Yan has a rhythm in his writing." He saw the reason at once. Although Gao Song was well-educated, he did not have much talent in calligraphy and painting. Although he could write well, he had no charm.

"I am not as good as Qiu Yan in this aspect, but calligraphy has nothing to do with knowledge. It is at most personal cultivation. Let's see how this person performs when he talks, huh?"

Gao Song was thinking, and suddenly his eyelids jumped. He felt an indescribable artistic conception from the chessboard written by Qiu Yan.

At this moment, Qiu Yan had left many horizontal lines on the cloth. The distance between the brush and ink was equal. The naked eye could not see the difference at all, but these strokes made Gao Song's mind gradually dazed. Indistinctly, he saw a piece of land from those horizontal lines.

This feeling reached its peak when Qiu Yan started to draw vertical lines!

The chessboard looks simple, but the horizontal and vertical lines are vertical and horizontal. He drew them one by one, like a net of heaven and earth, which is similar to the ancient well field. A small chessboard contains the world.

However, a simple chessboard is naturally meaningless. It must be placed in front of people, and people's hearts must control the chess pieces and follow the rules to control the world.

Gao Song stared at Qiu Yan's hand, his eyes moved with the tip of the pen, and he had an illusion, as if Qiu Yan was not drawing a chessboard, but sitting high in the temple, waving his hands, pointing out the country, and governing the country with laws and rules!

"Why did I have such an illusion?"

Shaking his head violently, Gao Song came back to his senses from the trance, secretly puzzled, but when he looked at Qiu Yan, he was more vigilant. Then, he found that everyone around him was staring at the chessboard blankly, as if they had lost their souls.

"Hmm? What's going on?" Gao Song's heart trembled, and he had a guess, but before he could think about it, Qiu Yan's pen suddenly changed!

He saw the last stroke fall, and the chessboard took shape, followed by the cloth "flying" and flying off the table, spinning in the air! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!)

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