Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 437 A stone stirs up waves, literary luck and dragon energy

On the path in the forest, literary fortune is rising. Three people are walking on the road, enveloped by literary fortune.

However, this literary destiny was not caused by the three of them, but was like a blanket or a canopy, covering the three of them, as if they were being carried by the three of them.

"Brother An, how is Mu Yuan's condition?"

Among the three people, there was a woman who was disguised as a man, and it was Han Weier. She walked first, leading the other two people to move forward, as if she was familiar with the road.

His voice fell, and someone replied: "Weier, don't worry, junior brother is fine. He just caught a cold a few days ago and hasn't recovered yet. It relapsed today."

The person who answered was surprisingly An Jin from Jiuyuan Academy. The "Mu Yuan" he and Han Weier mentioned was Xi Muyuan, a disciple of Jiuyuan Academy.

The three of them followed the orders of several gentlemen and went to the place where Qiu Yan stayed. They invited and inquired, and they didn't even bother to give Wenxuan a review.

The Wenxuan Taste is a major event in the literary world. Many people should have taken advantage of the situation and taken this opportunity to become famous and spread their name to the Eastern Capital. Some of these people will rise rapidly, while others will inevitably be short-lived.

In addition, those articles that open up the mind are all extraordinary. After the gentlemen have commented on them, written comments, and ranked them, the author of the article must have become famous. Among the Confucian scholars gathered in the building to watch the article, There will definitely be people who feel something after watching it, go back to think about it, and finally achieve something. After a few years, it will become famous, which is also a good story.

It can be said that a cultural gathering attended by so many great scholars and gentlemen will have a considerable impact no matter where it takes place. What's more, this literary gathering took place in Dongdu and was held in Wenxuan Building.

This building has some history. When it was built, a famous young talent wrote a preface for the building. The Eastern Capital was the ancient capital of several countries, the companion capital of the current dynasty, and a place of cultural excellence. All these are enough to illustrate the importance of this literary meeting. Sheng, even if it is not recorded in history, it will be included in the writings and poems of literati and poets. It will be famous throughout the ages, with many stories and several names spread.

However, as Qiu Yan played a few games and wrote an article on the chessboard, things changed, and the subsequent development was beyond everyone's expectations.

This skill of persuading people and moving people by writing has been done by famous writers in Wendong since ancient times. Anyone who can do such things will leave his name in history.

Qiu Yan used chess to convey his feelings. When playing chess, he confirmed his knowledge with others, gained what he needed, and touched the hearts of others. And that article not only caused changes in everyone's hearts, but also caused several people to fight over it. Two of them had extraordinary identities and high reputations, while the third one was originally unknown, but soon his identity was revealed, which shocked the scholars and almost couldn't believe it——

The person who took away the chessboard article was surprisingly the anti-thief scholar who caused an uproar a few months ago, Huang Yan!

The rebel thief is not afraid of arrest and returns to a dangerous place. It is full of bizarre flavor and can be used as a source of conversation after dinner. However, because of Qiu Yan's article, this rebel thief did not hesitate to expose his hiding place and come forward to fight for it. In the end, he escaped through the words of a sage. , the table that was left behind, due to the force of writing on the cloth, left traces, which also attracted others to fight for, adding to the legend, it is not surprising that it was compiled into storytelling and story books.

In fact, within a few days, the story of Wenxuan's criticism spread, and indeed it was noticed by some storytellers, and a legendary script of "Qiu Sheng's Dance Essay" was circulated. This is a later story and will not be mentioned for now.

Besides, Qiu Yan had done many things in Wenxuan Tower and was destined to become famous. Immediately after, many great scholars came down from the building. They didn't ask anything else but asked about Qiu Yan's whereabouts, causing everyone to speculate without knowing the reason.

It didn't take long for the mystery to be solved. It turned out that Qiu Yan had brought one of his articles over for criticism. As soon as this came out, there was an uproar in the building.

You must know that Wenxuan criticism is different from the past. Not just anyone who writes outstanding articles can be criticized. What is needed is articles that open up the mind and make people enter the scholarly world to be qualified to be listed here.

Qiu Yan dared to send the article, which undoubtedly revealed this information——

He really opened his mind and entered Shilin!

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

The Confucian students upstairs and downstairs became excited and talked about it. Even though they did not dare to speak out due to the presence of the great Confucian, they could not hide their shock.

The reason why the Confucian scholars in Wenxuan Tower dared to challenge Qiu Yan was because Qiu Yan had been in the limelight recently but had not entered the scholarly community, so he was targeted. After all, they were all literati, and they knew that there may not be empty scholars under their reputation. Only then did I think about it.

But Shilin is different. There is a gathering of literature and thought from heaven and earth, and the characters who can open up the mind are all recognized by Shilin. How could he not have literary talent and knowledge? When you think about this, you will be wary when others challenge you. Even if someone feels that they are unlucky, they will not be so confident, let alone attack in groups.

After learning this, many Confucian scholars were a little scared, and some were even more grateful. However, they did not see that the expressions of the few people who had come forward to play chess with Qiu Yan did not change, and did not show any regrets. Instead, they all looked full of gains. A sense of satisfaction.

However, this discussion did not last long and was replaced by another news——

All the great scholars are rushing to find Qiu Yan!

Although the great scholars all pretended to be calm and collected, it was not without clues——

People who are good at reading people's hearts can find traces in their words;

Those who are good at observing words and emotions understood something from the eagerness of the gentlemen when they came downstairs;

There are also many people who are good at calculation. Combining the events before and after, they can quickly figure out a clue.

As Han Weier and others were sent to find Qiu Yan, everyone in the entire Wenxuan Building had lost interest, knowing that no matter what they did, they would inevitably be overshadowed by Qiu Yan.

Several great scholars returned to the room and continued to rank the articles. They wrote comments on several articles, but left Qiu Yan's article blank.

Afterwards, these articles that opened up the mind were placed in the lobby on the first floor for people to study, but at this time, few people had the heart to study them. Only a few people could calm down and observe and figure out the deep meaning of the articles. Most of them seemed a little uneasy.

There was also an episode in this. Xi Muyuan, the top disciple of Jiuyuan Academy, who was known as a child prodigy since childhood, was so angry that he couldn't relax after hearing about Qiu Yan's affairs. He vomited blood directly from his mouth, which shocked many people. He was taken back by several disciples of Jiuyuan Academy.

Afterwards, when everyone was talking, they all had some guesses. This young talent had been smooth sailing all the time, looking down on his peers. Suddenly, Qiu Yan appeared, and even the great scholar paid special attention to him. This made Xi Muyuan feel unwilling and jealous, which led to such a thing.

After this incident, no one felt sad for the death of the rabbit, but instead felt a little gloating, because Xi Muyuan was usually arrogant and disliked by others, but because of his knowledge, background and reputation, no one dared to stand out. This time, Qiu Yan accidentally made Xi Muyuan look bad, and many people changed their perception of Qiu Yan. This was another unexpected surprise for Qiu Yan.

However, at that time, Qiu Yan had already returned to the house outside the temple and fought with the Taoist Master Yuxu. He was in no mood to care. Instead, Han Weier, who was dressed as a man, looked curious on the way here, which gave An Jin, who came with him, a headache.

Xi Muyuan vomited blood and fainted. The claim that he had caught a cold and had a relapse was just a cover-up. Others could discuss it, but how could An Jin, as Xi Muyuan's fellow student, agree with it?

In fact, he didn't need to show up to invite Qiu Yan this time, but Xi Muyuan made such a scene. If he didn't make a statement, some gossip would inevitably spread. It would be a minor thing to say that Jiuyuan Academy had a dispute with Qiu Yan. If people said that the academy was jealous of talented people, it would be bad for its reputation. Just in case, An Jin went with him to dispel the rumors.

Han Weier nodded without saying much after hearing the answer, glanced around, and stopped: "From here, we have to leave this path and walk into the forest. There will be wild beasts in the forest. Brother An is a scholar, so I am afraid there will be many inconveniences."

An Jin shook his head and said: "Although An is a scholar, he has not fallen behind in the six arts of a gentleman. I think he is in good physical condition and will not hold you back."

Han Weier nodded, turned his eyes, and his sight fell on another person.

In addition to Han Weier and An Jin, there was another person who came to invite Qiu Yan this time.

Han Weier knew Qiu Yan's residence and wanted to lead the way. An Jin came with him for the reputation of the academy. The third person represented King Yan.

Prince Yan pretended to reconcile with Qiu Yan in Wenxuan Building, saying that he wanted to invite Qiu Yan to have a chat. However, as a prince, if he came in person, it would not be goodwill, but malice. No matter how famous Qiu Yan was, in the eyes of others, he was just a scholar. If a prince condescended to invite him, it would be related to the continuity of the royal family. In the big picture, it would inevitably make people feel that Qiu Yan did not know the importance of the matter.

In addition, if someone accused Prince Yan of being respectful to the wise and humble, both of them would be in trouble. You are a prince, you have no worries about food and drink, and you have a life of wealth and honor. You just need to stay here honestly. Why do you want to be respectful to the wise and humble? Is it to take another step? Qiu Yan will also be suspected.

Therefore, the one who came to invite him must not be Prince Yan himself.

Noticing Han Weier's gaze, the man who came on behalf of King Yan smiled and said, "Miss Han, just lead the way. I think I can protect myself."

"Since Brother Yang said so, I will obey your orders. Please follow me." After saying that, Han Weier turned and walked into the dense forest, and the other two followed closely.

Once in the forest, the sunlight was blocked by the tree canopy, which made it dim. The wind around was a little cool, which made An Jin shrink his neck slightly.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound in front, as if some creature was moving the grass.

The three stopped when they heard the sound. Not long after, a sturdy man walked out of the grass. He glanced at the three people, clasped his fists and said, "I am Daiguo, and I am here to greet you on the orders of my son..." (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!)

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