Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 353: Self-cultivation has just begun [Please subscribe, please support]

"It's mostly healed. There's no serious problem. Those messy thoughts have been suppressed!" The tall man was clearly the Tiger Walker. "If we start now, no one inside or outside the house can be a match for the Sa family."

"That's good. We can lurk with peace of mind. We can wait until evening when there are fewer scholars around, so we can take action." Huang Yan nodded, staring at a few dozen feet away, scanning back and forth among the crowd. For a moment, the place fell into Silence, only the sound of wind and grass.

After a while, Tiger Walker suddenly said: "Why wait until dusk, rush over now, take Mr. Qiu away, and then ask him to provide suggestions. Maybe we can also find the murderer that day. By the way, the monster monkey we encountered, Mr. Huang, can you guess the story? So many brothers have been crippled by this, and they are all in the world, but they can no longer use swords and swords. It is worse than death. "

Huang Yan glanced at him when he heard this, and noticed the expression of the tiger walker gritting his teeth when he spoke, knowing that the walker himself hated the monster monkey deeply.

"Don't worry, Huang has not been idle these days. He has been lurking and observing for a few days, and he has already understood the scholar's routine. If we start now, we have a 80% chance of winning, but we still need to be cautious to avoid future troubles."

Speaking of which, the appearance of the two of them now is precisely because of the monster monkey. That day, several of them gathered in a pavilion and read the chessboard articles. They each gained something. The tiger walker even broke through on the spot and was full of high spirits.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. When they were thinking about how to force the author of this article, Qiu Yan, who had settled here, up the mountain, something happened suddenly, and an unpredictable monster monkey suddenly jumped out.

This kind of monster attacking people is not a surprise to people with good cultivation, when they are walking in the world. In the mountains and forests, you can often encounter the tiger walker who has killed countless monsters along the way.

So, when you meet the demon monkey. Everyone was not afraid and wanted to fight with it. Unexpectedly, the demon monkey suddenly grew in size and struck it down with a palm. Everyone had no way to avoid it and was seriously injured one after another!

Leaving stumps and broken arms. It was hard to escape.

This was just the beginning, and then they discovered that the wounds on their bodies contained distracting thoughts that could disturb people's state of mind and make them evil.

This is the way to practice. Regardless of life, it is all related to the state of mind. People who cultivate sex need to rely on state of mind to transform and make breakthroughs, while people who cultivate life must use their mind to control their will and constantly make brave progress.

In this case, affected by distracting thoughts, the injured people had problems even healing. Wailing all day long, the injury worsened instead of healing. Among the few people, only Huang Yan and Hu Xingzhe suppressed their distracting thoughts with their articles and fists.

Afterwards, when they recalled what happened that day, they couldn't figure it out. They vaguely realized that someone had plotted against them, but they couldn't find out the reason. Moreover, they were only focused on escaping for their lives and didn't even notice if there was an ambush. Just let it go.

However, Tiger Walker broke an arm because of this incident. How could he rest? He always wanted to take revenge, but he couldn't find an opponent. His temper became increasingly violent and he often became angry.

Suddenly one day, Huang Yan proposed to kidnap Qiu Yan and take him to Qilu. This gave Tiger Walker a goal and settled down again. However, he could not force Qiu Yan up the mountain according to the original plan. After all, after all In a catastrophic disaster, everyone's vitality was severely damaged, and it was no longer realistic to plan and use strategies.

At this time, word spread about Qiu Yan's residence in Dongdu City. If you pay a little attention, you can find out. Huang Yan came here with Tiger Walker and observed it for a few days.

"In the past few days, sir, Sir, you were standing still just to find out the daily routine of these scholars? None of them have the power to restrain a chicken, so why bother with this?" Tiger Walker suppressed his eagerness and asked in a low voice.

However, Huang Yan did not answer, but signaled the other party to be silent, and then pointed forward with his hand.

"Huh?" Tiger Walker stopped talking and looked along Huang Yan's finger. What came into view was several extraordinary figures. The clothes of this group of people were similar to other scholars, but the fabrics of their clothes were obviously different. Among the many scholars outside, he also stood out.

"This group of people should be from Wenxuan Tower. The people sent here to pick up the paintings every day can only take action after they leave, otherwise they will easily alarm the city." Huang Yan whispered.

Wenxuan Tower gathered great scholars and sent people here every day to pick up paintings. When this incident first came out, many people didn't take it seriously and thought it was just a rumor. But as time went by, the truth became clear, and others realized that it was not a lie.

"These great scholars have a special regard for Mr. Qiu. He settled here and created such a battle. He is definitely a great man of his generation. The village needs people like this!"

Tiger Walker praised a few words and then changed the topic: "Of course, Mr. Huang has a clever plan. Both Mr. Qiu and Mr. Qiu are talented people. Returning to the village together, the Tiangang Earthly Evil will surely flourish!"

Huang Yan waved his hand and said: "Huang knows his own affairs. Being a dog-headed military advisor is okay, but if you want to stabilize one party, it is not enough. If Qiu Yan can become famous, it will be a good choice..."

While the two were talking, the group in the distance had already entered the courtyard.

At this moment, there was one more person in Qiu Yan's room. It was Dai Guo who came with a tray to deliver meals. The meals were all brought from the tea shop.

Putting the tray down, Dai Guo couldn't help but complain: "Master, those scholars, they look so polite, but they are more ruthless than me, Dai, in grabbing real food. If I hadn't told you, this dish is for Master." It was delivered, but it was probably robbed before I even left the shed, as if it was free of charge.”

Qiu Yan smiled and said: "People are like iron rice or steel. In this forest, if the scholars are not good at food or food, food is in short supply. The supply is in short supply and the demand is high. Of course, we have to fight for it. They are all 'rigorous needs'."

"Young Master speaks well, but I, Old Dai, can't understand you at all." Dai Guo shook his head and lowered his voice, "But should the price of food and tea be raised? Anyway, I don't have to worry about not being able to sell it. So, I think it’s better to let the scholars set their own prices, and the one with the highest price will get it!”

"I don't see it, Dai Guo, you can have such thoughts. It seems that you should not practice martial arts, but do business." Qiu Yan glanced at Dai Guo with a slightly surprised look, thinking that if this person was born in the previous life, he might be able to become a partner. Giant businessman.

Dai Guo touched his head and said with a slightly contented smile: "It's not good to do business. Merchants are a cheap profession. I, Old Dai, come from a clean family. But according to the Master, do you plan to raise the price?"

Qiu Yan shook his head and said: "Although your method is good, it is not appropriate for the time and cannot be used. Those scholars come here to study and seek fame. I provide them with tea and meals and charge appropriate money. This is just a convenience. You can still get some bad reputation, but if you take the opportunity to raise the price, the nature will change, and you will be suspected of taking advantage of the situation. "

"Is it that serious?" Dai Guo shook his head, a little hard to understand, "It's just some small money."

Qiu Yan said with a smile: "How many rich families are there who come here to study and seek fame? They study all the way, and their expenses are limited. Even if they extract money, they can't make a lot of money. Why should they lose their money for a small profit? Heart? Besides, being able to balance other people’s hunger with food like mine is also in line with the book.”

"Okay, Lao Dai understands." Dai Guo nodded and said no more. Just at this time, Hu Qi's voice came in from outside -

"Sir, the people from Dongdu City are here."

"You came so early today? You only came here in the evening a few days ago." Dai Guo was slightly surprised.

"Perhaps the great Confucians saw some clues and knew that today's painting was the work of many years of accumulation." Qiu Yan said, pulling out a blank scroll from the bookshelf.

When Dai Guo saw this, he withdrew.

Afterwards, Qiu Yan polished ink, laid out paper, picked up a pen, and sat down in silence. The distracting thoughts in his heart gradually faded away, and were replaced by the scene in the land of slough in his memory.

Most of these scenes were unremarkable things, focusing on the food, clothing, housing and transportation of the tribesmen, focusing on hunting and gathering. Later, organized farming appeared.

While reminiscing, Qiu Yan's knowledge from his previous life flows over, marking and annotating the original pictures, revealing the deep reasons hidden behind them.

"Using the form of paintings to show the style and spirit of primitive society to the great scholars and gentlemen of several academies is actually an opportunity to collide the set of theories I have summarized with those of other theories."

"However, a complete theory must involve self-cultivation, family management, country governance, and world peace. My current humanistic experience, summarized and transformed, is still limited to the level of self-cultivation. It is still very crude and the system is not perfect. It will inevitably attract criticism. , although we are not afraid of it, we cannot allow it to spread.”

“So, it’s best to limit the impact and slowly develop it after the conference.”

Thinking about it, Qiu Yan was about to dip the pen in his hand into ink, but the tip of the pen was almost touching the ink, and his movements suddenly stopped.

"Oh? Lu Liang has noticed the flaws in the Yin-Yang Tower and wants to explore the information in the tower. Once he discovers the backhand on the fourth floor, he will not only be on guard, but also disrupt my plan. It seems that Can't wait any longer."

As soon as the thought fell, the spirit body far away in the underworld began to move.

The spiritual body was standing in the attic courtyard, looking up at the sky. On the edge of the Wangchuan River in the sky, strange rays of light were erupting, causing the surrounding causal lines to change rapidly!

Now, the spirit body suddenly withdrew its gaze, and then the figure changed. In the blink of an eye, it transformed into that of Feng Zhen, and even the aura on his body was the same as that of the God of Delivery.

At the causal level, the causal threads wrapped around Feng Zhen's body, due to the transformation of the true spirit, were floating like rootless duckweeds. Affected by the aura of the God of Sending Sons, they were wrapped around Qiu Yan's spiritual body, although they were not connected. Together, they can be fake and real!

Then, the spirit body soared into the sky!

His flight caused rapid changes in the lines of cause and effect, some tightening, some bending, with far-reaching effects. The farthest one actually passed through the underworld and reached an ocean in the far east of the great auspiciousness!

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