Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 464 Humanitarian Invasion!

Greed makes the five aggregates confused, but the wishes expressed will not affect the believers themselves. Only one subject is affected -

The spirit that carries wishes!

"What? I also have inner demons hidden in my Yin and Yang Road? How is this possible?"

The rolling people's will rise and fall behind Lu Liang, and in harmony with the divine thoughts, it pours into the Yin-Yang Tower. It should have brought about changes in the Yin-Yang Tower, and completely suppressed Qiu Yan according to his wishes.

But under the influence of greed amplified by inner demons, the consciousness of the gods was disturbed and his thoughts were blurred.

The thoughts of believers are like poppies. They are sweet to eat, but over time, the toxins in them will affect their minds. If they are not purified and filtered, but just accept them blindly, the gods will change in the way the believers hope. His temperament changed drastically and he lost himself.

At the moment, Lu Liang is encountering such a situation. Driven by the demon in his heart, his desire for greed is strong and violent. However, after all, it lasts only a short time. A third-level god like Lu Liang will not check it for a while, but he will not immediately. His temperament was changed, and when his spiritual thoughts became clear again, his greedy wishes were calmed down as soon as his spiritual thoughts changed.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

At the moment when he was in a trance, several fragments of inner demons devoured the people's wishes, desperate to strengthen themselves, and did not do anything earth-shattering, nor took the opportunity to attack Lu Liang's spiritual thoughts. They just followed the rolling people's wishes. , entered the Yin-Yang Tower, and then exploded!

For a moment, the demonic nature was scattered and the mind wandered.

The Yin-Yang Tower, which was exuding great power, suddenly stopped!

At this time, the momentum that erupted from the tower almost condensed into substance, forcing Qiu Yan's body to sink dozens of feet deep into the ground. Now that it stopped, the momentum did not dissipate and exploded. It turned into a violent wind and swept across the entire Netherland Law Territory.

In the chaos, the divine pool inside Qiu Yan's divine body boiled, and a ray of light suddenly shot out. There were several sage spirits inside, pulling a little bit of human order, straight upward, projected out from his eyes, and flew high. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the dark sky.

On the other side, Lu Liang could no longer care about anything else. He was busy contacting the Yin-Yang Tower with his spiritual thoughts, mobilizing the huge power within, and barely stabilizing the tower. Then, driven by surging anger, he used the vast power of the Yin-Yang Tower to obliterate the tower. Fragments of inner demons mixed in.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

Killing a chicken with a knife!

In an instant, every fragment of the inner demon was destroyed by the impact.

The power of Yin Yang Tower. Far more than Lu Liang himself, the fragments of inner demons have been settling and accumulating for a long time. Although they are not what they used to be, they are still very resilient. It is still unsustainable and cannot be resisted at all.

After doing this, Lu Liang didn't stop and drove the Yin-Yang Tower down hard!


The legal domain is shaken. Qiu Yan's divine body, along with the ten miles of land, were all under the impact of the Yin-Yang Tower. Crush!

Within this area, whether it is the forest of the underworld, the city of Minyuan, or the ghosts living in it, all are completely shattered without exception!

Even the three subordinate gods were involved in it because of their distance, and their lives and deaths are unknown.


The aftermath spread thousands of miles, echoing back and forth.


Within the legal domain, the restrictions everywhere were shattered by the aftermath, bursts of light bloomed, turned into runes, circulated and dissipated.

Even the disguise used to hide and guard the legal domain was shattered.

The entire legal domain was suddenly exposed.

Exposing the legal domain and spreading the consequences far away is undoubtedly a dangerous thing for a god. If a high-level god with malicious intentions notices it, it may very well lead to disaster.

However, Lu Liang couldn't care about these things. He was so focused on destroying Qiu Yan that he didn't even care about the seal script and custom made by the underworld.

"No matter how clever you are and how many conspiracies emerge, in the face of absolute power, there is still only one way to die!"

After the wind and waves subsided a little and the smoke and dust dispersed under the Yin-Yang Tower, Lu Liang looked at the cracks on the edge of the tower and said something coldly. Then he gasped violently and his momentum plummeted, almost to the extreme.

There was a sense of relief on his face. He took a long breath and put down his worries.

"Have you finally suppressed the Yuan Shen?"

Dozens of miles away, Tongpan Shen also breathed a sigh of relief. After the Yin-Yang Tower was driven, he escaped immediately and led several gods to come here to watch from a distance.

The battle between Qiu Yan and Lu Liang was not only about the grudge between the two, but also related to the fate of these Tao City Gods in a certain way.

If Qiu Yan wins, the future will undoubtedly be uncertain.

"I didn't expect that the little god I didn't pay attention to back then would cause such a huge wave."

"If we give him more time, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"It's already bad enough now. My Lord's legal domain has almost been destroyed. Fortunately, I finally suppressed the Yuan Shen and eliminated any further trouble."

Next to the Tongpan God, several gods communicated with each other, showing fear and fear. Even if they thought Qiu Yan had been suppressed, they did not dare to speak rudely.

At first, Qiu Yan and Lu Liang had a grudge, and these gods had no intention of taking action due to various considerations. However, after watching the battle just now, they all felt chills on their backs when they thought about it.

God Tongpan narrowed his eyes, looked at Lu Liang in the sky, and said: "In this battle, the loss of the legal domain is secondary, but after losing so many souls, the underworld will definitely take action. I don't know how the Lord City God will deal with it."

As soon as he finished speaking, a ray of light flew from the sky.


The light arrived in an instant, and turned into a token in front of Lv Liang——

The Underworld Token!

The token shook, and a series of strange characters fell, which were completely different from the characters in the mortal world.

Seeing these characters, Lv Liang frowned, stretched out his fingers, condensed his divine thoughts on his fingertips, and was about to touch.

At this moment.


Thunder exploded!

A flash of lightning streaked across the sky!

The lightning was dazzling, hundreds of miles long, spanning the entire underworld domain, and even beyond the scope of the Daochenghuang domain, extending towards the depths of the underworld!

At this moment, the light from the lightning made the gray underworld as bright as day.

In the light, whether it was Lv Liang who was stretching out his hand, or the Tongpan God who was thinking about him, or even those gods who were still afraid and grateful. They all stood there in a daze, looking up at the same time.

In the sky, lightning was circling, and a huge crack appeared in the sky! Across the Forgotten River!

The lightning shook, emitting a spirit that contained a certain embryonic form of humanity, as well as the fur of trivial humanitarian order. The two intertwined, like a fuse, pulling out the humanitarian order from the cracks.

These humanitarian orders surged and emerged. Like boiling oil falling into a raging fire, the turbulent wind in the sky was raging.

Then, the humanitarian order turned into lightning.


One of them fell straight down and hit Lu Liang directly!

This lightning came fast! Accurate! Fierce!

Lu Liang's heart erupted with an extremely strong sense of crisis. He didn't even have time to groan, and his body was completely exposed to the lightning!


The next moment, Lu Liang actually screamed, and the lightning seemed to have spirituality, entering and exiting his body. The divine power that constituted the body was stripped away by the humanitarian order in the lightning and quickly collapsed!

"Impossible! Impossible! Why is this happening?"

Faced with the sudden disaster, Lv Liang's mind was already confused.

Humanity! Humanity! Humanity!

Humanity invades!

The divine way retreated, and the divine power collapsed. It actually degenerated, turned back into incense and wishes, and evaporated quickly.

Then one after another, human figures made of steam continued to rise above Lv Liang's body. Floating upward, finally disintegrated and disappeared.

"Come back! Come back!"

Feeling that the divine body was getting thinner and thinner. The power was constantly lost, and the foundation was shaken. Lv Liang could no longer hold back, and panicked. The uncontrollable fear kept spreading in his heart. He even howled regardless of his image, trying hard to call back the evaporated incense and wishes.

The divine power that was disintegrated by the lightning of humanity was not simply consumed, but completely disappeared, along with the foundation, it no longer existed!


Suddenly, the brilliance of Lv Liang's body changed, and the light of the divine power changed from silver to dark blue!

He actually lost too much power, his foundation completely collapsed, and his realm degenerated!

"My god position..."


At this moment, the lightning passed through his god, fell to the ground, and merged into the land of the underworld.

Lu Liang got a chance to breathe, but he didn't even have time to come back to his senses. He instinctively moved quickly and rushed to the edge of the underworld.

He was going to escape!

A god was forced to escape from his own underworld domain. This was almost unimaginable, a wonder in the world, but it happened just like that.

The power of humanity first fell from the god level, forcing the gods to flee in embarrassment!

This scene fell into the eyes of the city gods who were watching the battle, making them feel cold to the bone.

However, the following scene made them so scared that their bodies were blurred. If they had souls, they would be scared out of their wits!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Lv Liang, who had just escaped to the edge of the underworld, was suddenly struck by one, two, three, four... ten, twenty, fifty human lightning bolts!


The thunder penetrated the heaven and earth, and Lv Liang's body shook violently, and disappeared in the lightning, leaving only a talisman spinning.

Then, the thunderbolts fell to the ground and merged into the underworld.


Within the domain of law, all the souls of the underworld suddenly shook, and a "crack" sound came from each soul, as if something broke, and then they felt like waking up from a dream.

In an instant, they felt like a wanderer who had left home and met his relatives again.


Outside the domain of law, wandering souls were fleeing in panic. They were frightened by the aftermath of the battle between Qiu Yan and Lv Liang, and they fled to avoid being affected.

But suddenly, lightning illuminated the sky and the earth, and the wandering souls stopped one after another, looked up, and felt nostalgic.


High above, in the Forgotten River, a crack runs through the entire river. In that crack, an extremely huge consciousness suddenly jumped and slowly woke up. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!

ps: Thanks to "mxwill" and "halei001" for the monthly votes!

Thanks to "Wang Xiucai" for the reward!

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