Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 488: Observing the dragon, looking for the qi, and finding one's roots

Qiu Yan's soul looked towards the past, his gaze was like a torch, and his inner fire burst out with light, walking with his gaze and extending into the distance.

This dragon comes from the horizon and goes to the horizon, stretching for thousands of miles. It is gathered by thoughts and rises and falls in the destiny. It is hazy and vast. Dragon scales can be faintly seen on the surface, but there are no traces on the scales. The light instead reflected silhouettes of people.

The gaps between the scales are like blood veins, intertwined and branched, spreading everywhere, giving people an ancient and vicissitudes of feeling.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Only when you get closer can you notice that this long dragon energy is trembling slightly every moment, as if the heart is beating.

Following a little connection, the soul slowly merged into the dragon energy. Qiu Yan could faintly sense that this dragon of telepathy extended to the west.


This feeling went beyond ordinary perception, it was mysterious and mysterious, as if he should have known it.

"This dragon should be the dragon spirit in the rumors. The reason why I can integrate into it is not because of my profound Taoism, but because I have a certain connection with this dragon spirit. I can accurately grasp the changes of the dragon spirit and follow the trend. for!"

Thinking like this, Qiu Yan fell into thinking and had several guesses in his heart. Naturally, he didn't know that the reason why such a thing happened was because his name was in the emperor's heart.

In fact, after the provincial examination, he was paid attention to by Emperor Darui. However, Qiu Yan had not condensed his soul at that time. The three souls were scattered. Compared with the dragon's energy, he was still very weak, so it was difficult to detect, let alone the blessing of the soul. Look at the Qi in the orifice, bathe and think about luck.

now. Qiu Yan's soul is extremely condensed, as if it were the smelting of seven souls. He will soon be able to complete his transformation, reach the pinnacle of the third realm, and step into a new realm. Compared with the original, there is a huge difference, and it will be felt when the emperor changes his mind.

The common saying "Jian is in the emperor's heart" refers to a person who left a shadow in the emperor's heart. The emperor would not think about this person all the time, at most occasionally, but even so, in a centralized dynasty, the person who was in the heart of the emperor still had a great advantage.

It's like an ordinary person encountering a wild cat on the road one day. It leaves an impression and then puts it behind you, but one day because of something, you think of it again, or you meet it again, then the fate of that cat. It is possible that this will change.

Of course Qiu Yan is not a cat, but there are similarities in terms of memory impressions.

"No matter the reason, being able to get close contact with dragon energy is a rare opportunity. It should not be missed or wasted." With a change of thought, Qiu Yan focused his attention on dragon energy.

Thanks to the help of connections. Being proudly integrated into the dragon's energy, he can sense the changes with his mind and discover the subtleties.

To say that it is dragon energy is actually based on the appearance, only describing the form. In fact, the essence of dragon energy is very complicated. At first glance, it seems that it is just a collection of simple people's wishes, and it is endlessly turned over. However, after careful exploration, it can be seen that I found that it was different from ordinary incense and Minyuan, a little more thick and simple.

This kind of people's wish is more similar to the gathering of subconscious minds. It is a kind of recognition of all people. It is also mixed with luck, blood, thoughts, words and deeds, every move, and many influences between living beings. Finally, it merges together to form Independent individuals are connected in mysterious ways, and then influence each other!

"If I hadn't had the experience of a spiritual body, I might not be able to tell the difference between dragon energy and incense wishes."

The soul is roaming in it, but it has to resist the fusion power derived from the instinct of dragon energy to maintain itself. In this strange state, Qiu Yan continues to understand the structure of dragon energy.

"The wish for incense comes from people's thoughts. It is a kind of sustenance and wish. There are often many transcendent thoughts in it, which endow the gods with supernatural powers. However, the thoughts that constitute the dragon's energy have few subjective factors and are similar to human instincts. , is a kind of recognition, summary and aftertaste of the ordinary world, and it is not accurate to say that it is the people's wish. This dragon aura not only contains the people's wish, but also the blood and the three fires on the shoulders are part of it. , merged together, it is more like..."

"Public opinion, people's hearts, people's foundation!"

The moment he came to the conclusion, the fire in Qiu Yan's soul beat suddenly and was touched.

In a short period of time, he had a certain understanding of dragon energy, and at the same time, he also noticed that his flesh and blood body also separated the thin air of luck, energy, blood, and mind into the dragon energy.

Vaguely, the heroic soul that had taken shape in the physical body was trembling in response to the dragon's energy.

"The connection with dragon energy seems to come from blood. There must be a deeper reason that involves thousands of fortunes."

"Yang Zhong said that when a cultivator enters the officialdom, it will be difficult to take on important positions due to the luck of the dynasty. It is most likely because of the cultivating of monks, who need to condense their souls and perfect themselves. After reaching a high level, whether it is thoughts or blood, , are all round and integrated, no longer leaking out, just like the legendary immortal immortal, who can no longer connect with the dragon energy, which is equivalent to annihilating the dynasty. "

"On the other hand, when practitioners reach a certain level, they can also interfere with luck and cause and effect. This has already posed a threat to dragon energy. If it is integrated into dragon energy, there will be endless troubles and it will inevitably cause chaos in the world. Although dragon energy is a combination of all things, It is formed, but it also has an instinct that should repel the impeccable people. I don’t know if the ancient dynasties declined because of this.”

Thinking of this, his thoughts went deeper and deeper into the Dragon Qi, wanting to take advantage of the opportunity to explore more secrets and even find the secret of the core of the dynasty.

This opportunity is rare.

Don’t look at the dragon energy that occupies the sky and stretches across the sky, as if you can touch it all the time, but the dragon energy is so elusive that even if you feel it, it is difficult to actually touch it;

Secondly, the dragon energy wants to suppress the destiny of the country. Legend has it that it is related to the spirit of the ancestral dragon, which has the weight of the universe. Even monks with advanced cultivation levels dare not get involved easily for fear of backlash and death.

This time, Qiu Yan was able to follow the trend because of the real dragon's thoughts. He didn't know the reason, but he could feel that the opportunity was rare. What's more, the deeper the realm of cultivation, the closer to being flawless, the more he would be affected by the dragon's energy. Exclusion.

"The spiritual body is the foundation and the main force in exploring the mysteries of the world. However, if you do not join the Heavenly Court and wander outside the system, let alone exploring the mysteries of the Shinto. Simply expanding the Shinto will be subject to many constraints, and you may be surrounded and suppressed at any time. , not to mention that the many believers who overlap with the sacrifices in heaven can easily be cut off from the source. "

"Relatively speaking, Confucianism, which respects ghosts and gods, is an unexplored virgin land. Now that I have the help of my flesh and blood body, I should make full use of it, find another way, take advantage of the opportunity of opening up a new path through literature, and change Shintoism in subtle ways. The structure and concept of the so-called gods do not necessarily mean being aloof and controlling the fate of others, not to mention that in order to complete the ideal cause and effect of the predecessor, it is inevitable to deal with the court and the dragon spirit. "

"It's just that if you can only linger on the edge of the officialdom due to the limitations of your cultivation, it will be a bit unsatisfactory. But if you want to break through the limitations, you can't be blind. You must first understand the reality of the dynasty's destiny. Starting from the dragon's energy, maybe It’s a good choice.”

The deeper Qiu Yan explored, the more he felt that the Dragon Qi was too vast. Even if he could see the subtle local changes, it was difficult to guess the overall composition because of its unpredictable changes, let alone the connection with the entire dynasty and the world.

"In a short period of time, it is difficult to understand the nature of the dragon's energy, and I cannot tear or tie off a strand. Now I have to follow the trend so that I can swim in the dragon's energy. If I destroy the dragon's energy, I will immediately suffer the backlash and bear the consequences. In Sheji, even if you don’t use any magical powers, your soul will be crushed immediately!”

As he was thinking about it, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind, and a picture flashed through his mind -

It was a picture of Sun Yong, the descendant of the Sun family in the south of the Yangtze River, holding thin dragon energy in the Shilin.

"Yes, there are other ways..."


Qiu Yan was still thinking, but there was a flash of light in the distant sky, and the spiritual energy between heaven and earth suddenly became violent. Uncharacteristically, it rushed over like a violent ocean current!


The combination of the soul and the dragon's energy was destroyed at the first moment. The thick dragon's energy pressed from all directions. Qiu Yan did not hesitate. As soon as his soul turned, he rushed out of the dragon's energy, and then plummeted downwards, turning into A breeze returns directly to the body.

Crack! Crack!

This time, a mysterious feeling poured in from the heavenly spirit and penetrated into every part of his body, causing Qiu Yan's flesh, blood, muscles, bones, and organs to undergo a slight change!

At the same time, a voice came into my ears——

"Sir, where did you go out of your body just now? Are there enemies around you?" It was Hu Qi who asked.

Just now, in order to seize the opportunity, Qiu Yan didn't even have time to say a word, so he directly left his body and his body stopped on the road, saying nothing but doing nothing. When Hu Qi and the two saw this, they could only watch from the side, so they were confused.

However, before Qiu Yan could answer, their expressions suddenly changed, and they also felt the changes in the aura around them!

"What's going on?" Dai Guo looked shocked. He had never seen anything like this before.

Although Hu Qi tried to remain calm, his constantly beating eyelids revealed his inner unrest.

Qiu Yan, on the other hand, took a deep breath and swallowed the surging spiritual energy to replenish the changes in his flesh and blood. After his soul returned to his body, his flesh and blood began to undergo inexplicable changes. The kidney fire rose and the seven souls gathered into the fire.

"Seven souls gather together in one place. This is a precursor to condensing the virtual elixir! However, I did not deliberately urge my life cultivation to advance. Why is there such a change? Is it because of the dragon energy?"

While thinking about it, some information contained in the spiritual energy was also extracted and passed to the cave in the soul. The next moment, Li Gua, where the spirit was, trembled twice, and a message came -

"This radical change in spiritual energy actually involves a heavy treasure? Huh? Someone wants to do harm to me, and the reason is flesh and blood!"

PS: Thanks for the rewards from "Play the Dropdown" and "Ziqing Shenyan"!

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