Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 491: Watching the self-sacrificing monk and seeing the Golden Crow Road

"Sir, you have become more and more impulsive recently. You often leave without saying a word."

Qiu Yan had only taken a few steps when Dai Guo and Hu Qi caught up with him. Dai Guo couldn't help complaining, but after he finished speaking, the dog he was pulling rolled his eyes.

"What the hell! The one who is really impulsive is obviously you, that stupid guy! When my real body comes, I will definitely..." The following thoughts were difficult to form due to the strong suffocation.

The dog body that Qiu Yan built with clay was similar to flesh and blood. After sealing the spirit soul, it became more like an ordinary living being. It also had to breathe and eat, but it couldn't be too far away from Qiu Yan, otherwise it would gradually solidify.

The group of people hurried forward through the streets.

Hu Qi asked with some confusion: "Master, where are you going?" He noticed that Qiu Yan was not squinting as he walked forward, his steps were firm, and he clearly had a clear destination, but it was the first time for several of them to come to Xing. Decheng, how could Qiu Yan have a clear purpose?

After hearing this, Qiu Yan stopped, closed his eyes for a while, and then said: "It's getting late, there is an inn ahead, you and Dai Guo go there to prepare the room first, and then I'll finish the things at hand." It will pass."

"Front..." Hu Qi was stunned for a moment, then realized what was going on. He was no longer confused and nodded in agreement.

Qiu Yan added: "Remember to ask for an extra room. Besides us, there should be others who want to live in it."

"Is there anyone else who wants to stay?" Hu Qi was confused for a moment, but based on his past experience, he knew that Qiu Yan would not make a mistake, so he nodded.

After walking a few more steps, we found an inn with an ordinary name. It didn't have much reputation in the city, and the price for one night was not high.

This place is located among the houses. Go west through several streets before you reach the prosperous place of Xingde City. Most of the people living in this area are powerless people. Of course, the inns here are incomparable in terms of price and environment. Go to the inn in the central area.

After Hu Qi and Dai Guo entered, Qiu Yan did not stop and walked straight to the central area.

A few steps later, he saw a group of civilians gathered around at the entrance of an alley ahead.

In such a place, it is inevitable that the busker will appear and appear, often attracting cheers or ridicule from others, and it is usually very noisy. However, the group of people who appeared in front of Qiu Yan could see that they were restraining themselves and not making any noise.

"Huh?" Qiu Yan narrowed his eyes and looked over, then doubts arose in his heart.

With his eyesight, it is not difficult to find some abnormalities. For example, most of the people gathered there have poor complexions, and there are many sick looks between their brows. There are even obvious scars on one or two people.

"What are these people doing?"

After thinking about it, Qiu Yan had already arrived at the edge of the crowd. He didn't stop, but when he concentrated, he happened to hear a voice coming from the crowd——

"Thank you, master, thank you, master..."


This title surprised Qiu Yan.

In the previous life, this term was not unfamiliar and could be heard often. However, since coming to this world, Qiu Yan has not heard it for a long time. This is because in the Darui Dynasty, there is no real Buddhist sect in the Central Plains.

"Could it be that Buddhism from the Southwest and Fan people has spread to the Central Plains? It has even reached the capital region?"

In the southwest swamps, Qiu Yan had contact with a Buddhist sect, and even had a brief encounter with it. His impression of it was not good. There was a vague competition between the two parties, so after hearing the title of "Master", he immediately paid attention and stopped. Not only do you listen carefully to the footsteps, but you also use your senses to see through the crowd to explore the scene.

At this moment, another voice sounded from the crowd——

"Amitabha, there is no need to say thank you to the donor, ahem..."

This voice came out and reached Qiu Yan's ears, but Qiu Yan was even more surprised. He heard the smell of weakness and lack of Qi in the voice, which was a sign of excessive loss of Qi and blood.

Then, a scene came through the perception, showing a man wearing monk's robes sitting cross-legged on the ground, taking his hands away from the thin man in front of him.

Although this man in monk's robe is sitting, it can be seen from his broad arms that he is a strong man. The flesh and bones exposed by the collar and sleeves are full of flesh and bones, full of a sense of explosion, and it is obvious that he will The flesh and blood are tortured to the extreme, and the manifestation of advanced cultivation is realized.

However, this person's energy and spirit are extremely weak right now, and there is a feeling of weakness between his brows.

On the contrary, it was the thin man in front of him. Although he was wearing a midfielder, he could see that he had a skinny body, but at this moment, traces of blood and energy were rippling on his body, and he was full of energy.

Seeing such a scene, Qiu Yan changed his mind and guessed the reason.

"This monk is using his own energy and blood to replenish the bodies of these people and dispel their illnesses!"

Thinking about this, Qiu Yan felt a little shocked in his heart. You must know that using qi and blood to replenish the body of others is equivalent to cutting out meat and feeding them. The lost qi and blood will be difficult to recover in a short time. Over time, even It will overdraw your body and shorten your lifespan!

It's like using your own life to extend the life of someone you don't know.

"Judging from the monk's current appearance, he must have been doing this for quite some time, and it has already shaken the foundation of his cultivation... huh?"

While Qiu Yan was thinking about it, the monk he was sensing suddenly turned his head and glanced in his direction, smiling slightly.

"He found me."

Before this thought came to an end, the monk withdrew his gaze and placed his palm on the back of a patient behind him, stimulating qi and blood and instilling vitality!

"Although this man is also wearing a monk's robe, his style is different from that of the other monks, and his behavior is completely different. He actually pours Qi and blood into others and drives away the diseases regardless of the cost. No matter what the purpose is, this kind of behavior alone is not something ordinary people can do. Gotta come out.”

Most people in the world have a purpose in their actions. The more you give, the more you ask for. Qiu Yan feels that this monk may have various considerations, but the practice of harming oneself to improve others is very unbearable by people, which shows that it is extraordinary. Heart.

Qiu Yan thought about it for a while, then thought about it, and took back his senses, but he didn't stop, he took steps and continued to move forward.

However, in his heart, he had the intention to explore this person's background, but he had to wait until he had dealt with the imminent matters.

Striding out of the streets, Qiu Yan came to an avenue with more and more pedestrians. This avenue was leading to the central area of ​​Xingde City.

"Just ahead..."

In Qiu Yan's hand, a ball of light danced endlessly, bursting with light, but the passers-by turned a blind eye.

This ball of light was formed by divine consciousness. Two divine souls were sealed in it to draw cause and effect. Together with the Li Gua in the spirit body, Qiu Yan could clearly grasp the source of the disaster.

"Eh? Look at that scholar..."

Not far away, two men in luxurious clothes came towards them, followed by several servants in green clothes. The two men were talking and protected by the servants. The group was large and powerful, and they looked like they were not ordinary people at first glance.

When they were talking, their brows were furrowed and their faces looked worried. One of them turned his eyes unintentionally and glanced at Qiu Yan. He was stunned and subconsciously pulled the sleeves of the person next to him.

"Brother Wang, what's wrong?" The person who was pulled was stunned, followed the gaze of "Brother Wang" in his mouth, and was also stunned on the spot.

When Qiu Yan passed by the two of them, they came back to their senses. They looked at each other and saw a hint of surprise in each other's eyes. At the same time, the Yanyang Talisman planted in the body vibrated violently, and a spontaneous thought appeared in their minds. The figure of a scholar!

"Oh!" The two of them groaned, as if they were one person, and then they both looked frightened.

"The two old gods just told me to wait and pay attention. Unexpectedly, you and I met this scholar on the road!"

"Look at this situation, it's really that Qiu Yan. We have been planted with some kind of Yanyang Talisman. If we don't act as ordered, we will be burned to dregs. Now that the induction is generated on its own, we cannot resist. We must immediately Send someone over to arrest him!”

"Once word spreads about the arrest of Juren in the street, we will not be able to gain a foothold in the city. Even if the government does not come to intervene, several families who have rifts with us will not let go of this opportunity to suppress and criticize! We must consider the long term!"

As he was talking, Brother Wang suddenly became excited: "How can we take the long term! The heat in my body is unbearable right now, and I feel like I am burning. If I delay any longer, I will be burned to death!"

"Brother Wang, please calm down. I don't mean to delay time, but to gather people so that nothing can go wrong. The other people are not far away. Immediately ask someone to go over and notify them and force them to take action together. Otherwise, the law will not punish everyone, otherwise Words...ah!"

Before he finished speaking, the man suddenly screamed, and the sleeve of his left hand actually burned out of thin air. The passers-by were shocked and fled away. Fortunately, the nurse on the side stepped forward and tore off the cloth, and it calmed down.

The king brother became panicked when he saw this, but he also understood what the other party meant and hurriedly sent out several servants to inform the other people who had just left.

At the same time, not far behind the two, a pot-bellied man also saw Qiu Yan and fell into the same situation.

The three of them were all wealthy businessmen who had just left Youxianju. Because they were imprinted with supernatural talismans, they were already on tenterhooks. They would inevitably be in panic all day long in the future. They never thought about going out, and before they even took a few steps, they actually encountered someone. After getting on the throne, the talisman on his body was activated, and the heat in his body rose, like a fire, and the heat was unbearable.

It didn't take long for other wealthy businessmen who had gone ahead to get the news. Some of them were unwilling to come, but they spontaneously pictured Qiu Yan's figure in their hearts, and then the Yanyang Talisman was activated, which frightened them so much that they had to bring people over.

"Where are the people?"

When everyone gathers, prepare to concentrate their efforts and complete the battle.

Under the guidance of the first two people, they followed him quietly. This was not because they knew that Qiu Yan was capable, but because they were afraid that if they couldn't hold on to the information for a while, they would cause trouble.

"Over there!" The first two people had complicated expressions and stretched out their hands. Only then did everyone notice that a famous scholar was slowly walking into Youxianju.

That person was clearly Qiu Yan! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

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