Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 523: Shocking Same Test, New and Old Reversed

"Sage paper can guide other people's thoughts and touch people's order. It is extremely precious. However, the paper in my hand just made me feel in a trance. It was different from how I felt back then."

When Zheng Quan was studying, he also came into contact with sage paper. Although he did not write any articles on it, he felt the pure thoughts on it at close range. However, it was so long ago that his memory was blurred. He only vaguely noticed that it was different from the one in his hand. .

"Does the person who writes on this paper want to use it to impress the public and get a ranking? But changing the paper privately is tantamount to fraud. No one would think of such a simple truth."

The more he recalled, the more confused Zheng Quan became.

"However, regardless of whether this is sage paper or not, the person who can produce this kind of paper will not be an ordinary person..."

After thinking about it, he flipped through the test paper and took a look at his name and place of origin.

"Qiu Yan, Jiannan Road?"

This name seemed familiar to him at first glance. When he thought about it carefully, he immediately remembered the rumors about Qiu Yan.

"Is he the rumored disciple of Ma Xiangguo? Good guy, a disciple of Xiangguo, no wonder he can produce this extraordinary paper, but it is too blatant! Doesn't he know that the person taking the exam now is Ma Xiangguo's political enemy?"

With the guess, Zheng Quan also knew the severity. Even if Qiu Yan was to be found guilty of fraud, he could not make the judgment.

When interacting with people in the officialdom, there is no need to follow others' influence. As an official of the court, Zheng Quan was able to get in touch with Ma Yang. There was no need to deliberately make friends with Qiu Yan. However, if he was dismissed, it would be an offence. The nature was completely different.

"Things that offend others should not be decided easily. Even if Ma Xiangguo doesn't say anything, someone will come and suppress him in order to please the superior. It is equivalent to digging a hole for himself. You can't do anything."

Thinking of this, Zheng Quan shook his head, sent the two buglers away, turned around, first obscured the names of the examination papers, and then asked his subordinates to copy them. After reviewing it for a while and seeing that there were no omissions, he took the original examination paper and walked towards the wing.

In the side room, several fellow examiners were still drinking tea and chatting, and they were enjoying themselves. These fellow examiners are actually not too old, and many of them are Jinshi who have taken two subjects.


The knock on the door came so suddenly that the voices in the room were silenced.

"Who?" the older official asked. It was obvious that he had some prestige among the people.

"Reporting to Mr. Hu, I am lowering the rank of officer Zheng Quan. I have something to say. I have a copy of the exam paper in my hand. There is something wrong. I want to take it in so that you can take a look at it and decide how to deal with it." Zheng Quan's voice came from outside the door.

"Zheng Quan? Exam papers? Has anyone handed in the papers so early?" The official named Hu frowned and shook his head. "Even if there are problems with the person who submitted the paper in advance, we should not let us review the paper in advance. You can make up your own mind."

Colleagues and examiners must coordinate with the examiner in marking the papers. It is not possible to read the papers directly before the papers have been anonymized and transcribed. Of course, this rule is sometimes not followed strictly. During the provincial examination, some examiners even read the papers in the examination room. Directly watch the candidates answer the questions, but the test will be held in the national capital. After all, you have to set an example.

Zheng Quan also knew this truth, but the current facts were that he could not make the decision alone, so he did not shrink back and said bluntly: "This exam paper involves a lot, and the situation is very special. However, the name has been obscured, in fact, the next What the official means is that I hope that the adults can invite Mr. Wang to come over and take a look at this test paper together before making a decision."

"There is such a thing? Do you want to invite the examiner to come over?" The official named Hu heard this and tasted the unusual atmosphere. "In that case, let's bring it over."

As soon as he said this, Zheng Quan outside the door breathed a sigh of relief, opened the door and walked into the house.

In the room, several fellow examiners were sitting upright in their seats, maintaining their dignity. However, from their faces, one could see a little bit of curiosity, and they were a little concerned about the examination paper in Zheng Quan's hand.

"What's going on? Tell me." The official surnamed Hu looked at it lightly and asked.

Zheng Quan didn't say much, and turned over the examination paper to the policy paper.

As soon as the test paper is turned over, the side full of words can no longer be seen. Only a blank space on the back of the paper can be seen. This can be regarded as a precautionary measure to save excuses.

However, the power of Qiu Yan's writing penetrated the back of the paper. Even if he turned it over, he could still see a lot of ink and feel a trace of blood, but it was no longer strong after all.

"Huh?" Luo Zhongjie, who was closest to Zheng Quan, was the first to cast his gaze over. He was in a trance for a moment, and felt that a scene seemed to rise above the picture, including cities, streets and alleys, and merchants and traders.

But the next moment, he regained his composure and shook his head violently, as if to throw away the illusory scenes in his mind. After doing this, Luo Zhongjie finally settled his mind, but when he looked around, he noticed other people's Their expressions all looked a little dazed, and what was revealed in those pairs of eyes was a sense of confusion.

"What's going on? Could it be..." Surprised, Luo Zhongjie looked at the test paper again. Because he was on guard, he was not distracted again, but he noticed the color of the paper and couldn't help but reach out and rub it. His color changed drastically, revealing a look of horror.

"Sage Paper? Whose lunatic is this? He uses sage paper to answer questions!" In shock, he roared, and the sound came out, causing many fellow examiners around him to wake up. Then, these people realized the meaning of the words, and their faces changed. Continuous changes, one by one stood up and walked over, checking the paper one after another, and then looked at each other with different expressions.

Among this group of people, some had come into contact with the sage paper, and some had only heard about it. Those who had come into contact with the sage paper had a look of shock when they touched the examination paper, but some of them had doubts on their faces. It's like there's something I haven't figured out yet.

People who have never been exposed to sage paper are shocked when they see other people's reactions, knowing that things are not simple.

"This is not sage paper!"

After a few moments, the official surnamed Hu suddenly spoke categorically: "Moreover, no matter what the origin of this piece of paper is, it shows that this candidate brought the paper with him and tried to use this specious piece of paper to compete for ranking. Unfortunately, he made the wrong idea!"

The official surnamed Hu seems to have a profound background. Although he was confused for a while, he is very calm now that he has recovered. He quickly qualifies the matter and issues measures to deal with it.

Zheng Quan frowned slightly when he saw it, but he wanted to remind him. He knew that the official named Hu was a member of the old party. Generally, deposing Qiu Yan would probably give him a reputation as a provocateur, but it was difficult to reveal Qiu Yan. Name.

"The matter is now over. If Qiu Yan is deposed, it has nothing to do with me. After all, I have tried my best."

Just when Zheng Quan was struggling, Luo Zhongjie said unexpectedly: "I'm afraid things are not that simple. I know what Mr. Hu thinks. If you carry a sage paper and bring it to the tribute courtyard, the clay sculpture will have some effect when you pay homage to the most holy teacher. The reaction is just a characteristic of this piece of paper. We have just experienced it personally and cannot be ignored. If the candidates are wronged and the talented people are missed, it will inevitably be recorded in the history and become the laughing stock of future generations."

He calmed down a little, and some memories came to mind.

"You..." After hearing this, the official named Hu's face darkened. He did not expect that Luo Zhongjie would reveal his secret so easily.

Luo Zhongjie narrowed his eyes: "There should be something hidden behind this examination paper. Although it is different from the sage paper, it may not have been brought in by others. Mr. Hu, don't forget that the sage paper is not an innate achievement, but something made after nurture." According to rumors, wasn’t it Daxian who accidentally discovered the original method?”

"Do you think this candidate can read and dye paper?" After hearing this sentence, the official named Hu sweated on his forehead, as if he had thought of something incredible.

Luo Zhongjie smiled slightly: "It seems that you understand the reason. Don't end up becoming the laughing stock of history just to suppress dissidents. Really talented people, even if they fail the imperial examination, can still write books and spread their opinions to future generations. You can make the decision alone." It doesn't matter, don't bother this room full of colleagues! Not to mention anything else, since the examination papers have been sent and I found something strange on the paper, I know it's something serious, so I should inform the Prime Minister and let him make the decision!"

After he said this, everyone else heard some clues and thought of some lessons learned in the history books. There were many similar things recorded in the books. Most of them were about being blind when facing great sages. Later, they became the laughing stock of others. .

Thinking of this, both the old party and the new party acquiesced to Luo Zhongjie's proposal.

"You should be more cautious about this."

As a result, Zheng Quan muttered secretly. He knew that the master of the examination paper was a potential old party member. But now, it was the official named Hu from the old party who wanted to suppress him, while Luo Zhongjie from the new party supported him. This was extremely weird.

However, Zheng Quan never thought that the reason why these two people behaved like this was because they saw a sentence through the ink on the back of the test paper——

Manage money for the world!

They saw only part of the test paper, but they could also see the candidates' tendencies from between the lines.

The two of them had seen similar words when Wang Fu answered a remonstrance letter. This letter had not been circulated among the people, but it was answered by this examinee. The meaning behind it is self-evident.

The original intention of the official surnamed Hu was to suppress and remove him, but Luo Zhongjie used the example of being blind and unable to see the truth, which aroused the minds of others and made it difficult for him to go against public opinion.

"This candidate is obviously leaning toward the new method. He is most likely Wen Zhizhen. If he came to this examination room and stained the paper, he would be the most likely candidate." Luo Zhongjie sneered, confident.

However, I don’t know how Luo Zhongjie will feel when he learns the identity of the candidate.

However, they have not yet taken the time to delve into it, but want to skip the process and send this examination paper to Wang Fu.

When the examination paper was placed on the table, the black-faced Prime Minister was still very confused, but when he touched the paper, he was horrified and moved!

"Who did this? He actually infected all ordinary examination papers with thoughts of humanity?"

"This paper was really temporarily contaminated by human thoughts and has just deteriorated?" Upon hearing this, Luo Zhongjie and the official named Hu who came to deliver the paper took a breath!

PS: Thanks to "yho", "Ling Hedgehog", and "Piaomiao Evil God" for their monthly votes!

Thanks to "Wanxiaxialaila" and "Wang Xiucai" for the rewards!

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