Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 530 After the examination, who can be at peace?

"Huh? What a strong fluctuation of energy and blood! It's really unexpected, but it's been delayed for the time being. The flesh and blood body needs to tighten its grip."

In the inn, Qiu Yan's flesh and blood body opened his eyes, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

"However, there are still hidden dangers at the moment. The secret hand of the Haojun in the examination room was by no means an accident. It shows that someone is hostile to me and has a lot of energy to interfere in the examination room of Gongyuan. Such a person, with his current status of flesh and blood, , I shouldn’t be able to offend him, but it will most likely endanger Chi Yu!”

As soon as his thoughts changed, Qiu Yan had a rough idea in his mind and guessed that it might be caused by his relationship with certain people.

"One possibility is that the great scholar values ​​​​me, and the other possibility is that I have a relationship with Ma Lao Xiangguo. But no matter which one it is, it is difficult to settle it just based on the connections of flesh and blood. Fortunately, I also It’s not that there is no layout…”

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and several figures appeared in his mind.

"My policy paper combines the three incomplete spirits. As long as the examiner knows the goods, he cannot be easily dismissed. It is equivalent to having a talisman. Even if the Gongyuan Humanity is determined to suppress it, it is impossible for me to lose my reputation. And as long as it is not time to release the results, It is very likely that the name will not be exposed. The person who plotted against me may have failed due to this variable and exposed his flaws. Then he will be able to follow the clues, so he might as well wait and see what happens now! "

After thinking about it, Qiu Yan gathered his thoughts, returned to the table, dipped his pen in ink, and simulated in his mind the state of infecting the paper during the examination. Then he followed a few threads and tried to understand the mystery of dragon energy and city thoughts. .

In fact, without the pull of the exploding luck, it is difficult for the city's will and the dragon's energy to come into contact. The so-called context is actually a kind of memory, recording the scene and changes when Qiu Yan's luck comes into contact with the city's will and the dragon's energy.

Today, he is recalling his feelings at that time.

This feeling is so precious, beyond Qiu Yan's realm. If he hadn't dyed the test paper, he would still be connected to the test paper, and the test paper would have a weak connection with the dragon's energy and the will of the city, and he wouldn't even be able to reflect on it.

Even so, it was only a matter of time before the feelings dissipated. That's why Qiu Yan would not hesitate to hold Taoist Feibao back, just to give him time to comprehend and grasp this glimmer of insight.

"There are still secrets in that test paper that have not been solved. My article incorporates the spirit of the incompleteness and dyes the paper. Logically speaking, there should be a little spirit related to business and trading in the paper, but now it is all restrained. I don't know why. But because of this, there are still traces of the dragon energy and the will of the city that were drawn when writing the exam paper, which gave me the opportunity to understand. "

Thinking like this, his mind slowly settled down. Not only the thoughts of the flesh and blood body, but also the thoughts of the spirit body and the five aggregates of the inner demon body were changing and reorganizing to form various forms, simulating and recreating the scene during the examination. , so as to deeply explore and understand.

This immersion made Qiu Yan forget the passage of time.

Outside the window, the sun was setting in the west and rising in the east. Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

The noisy examinations have come to an end, but the atmosphere in the city has become more solemn. The candidates who were reciting poems and answering questions in various restaurants and teahouses have lost their energy and mostly show heavy expressions. Whenever they have time, they will gather together. Discuss the test questions.

For them, the period before the results are released is undoubtedly the most difficult.

Just after noon, Luo Jiayun, Zhou Guan and others arrived at the inn where Qiu Yan was staying.

They had not seen each other since that day's test. They came here to talk to Qiu Yan about their experience in the test and to ask each other.

Scholars like them can be seen everywhere nowadays, and there are also a few groups scattered in the lobby of this inn, talking a few words, some are excited, some are regretful, and some are confused.

Seeing a few people, Hu Qi walked up and told Qiu Yan what he had ordered.

"Reading to calm the nerves?" Luo Jiayun was stunned.

Hu Tidian nodded and said: "When breakfast and dinner were served, the young master was still studying at his desk, and he was not distracted at all."

"After all, it's a Jie Yuan, so hard work." Cao Hanqi shook his head and sighed, then changed the subject, "But, can't you spare a little time?"

"This can only be an apology," Hu Qi shook his head. With his cultivation of Fate, he noticed yesterday that Qiu Yan's condition was not good, and his breathing was up and down. He was surprised, but he couldn't express this to a few people, so he could only say, "When my young master came back yesterday, his face was very bad, his complexion was not good, and he was restless. He has been studying for the past two days, which is actually for self-cultivation."


Hearing this word, several people understood it. This saying actually means that you are too careful, hurt your mind, and it is really inconvenient to disturb.

"During the examination, Brother Qiu wrote very quickly and handed in the paper very quickly. I thought it was strange at the time. I guess he had an inside story. But in this way, it would be very stressful for students to complete the examination paper in such a short time." Luo Jiayun Nod.

They and Qiu Yan were both candidates from Jiannan Road. They were in the same examination room and Qiu Yan could see it when he handed in his papers.

"What a pity," Cao Hanqi showed regret, "Brother Qiu is very talented. I wanted to ask him about the examination. The essays and policy papers this time were unexpected. The essay was not bad. This is a well-known fact, and the truth behind it is not profound. It just needs to be combined with the things around you, but that strategy..."

Zhou Guan took over the topic at the right time: "The policy theory seems to be a cliché, but there is a secret behind it. The person who proposed the topic wanted us to write the word 'profit'!"

"That's right! That's it." Xu Wanren, who came with Cao Hanqi, nodded, with a troubled expression on his face, "How can there be anything easy to say about profit in the books of sages?" When he finished speaking, he sighed.

"That's not right." Next to him, Hai Ming frowned, "Of course I can't talk about profit easily when I'm studying, but if I become an official in the future, how can I not get involved in taxation? This taxation is The great interests of the country must be exposed to it, but if you have no experience before, you can only quote scriptures during the exam, and you will not be as clear as those who have learned the new method. "

As they talked, everyone's hearts were aroused, with different expressions, and none of them wanted to make suggestions or answers.

Yu Xun, who had been silent all this time, also had a good relationship with Cao Hanqi. At this time, he also spoke: "This time, he will preside over the reform of the imperial examination. It is not strange to ask about farm interests during the imperial examination. We are not prepared. Others People are in a hurry.”

As soon as he said this, the others calmed down a little.

Unexpectedly, Cao Hanqi sneered and lowered his voice: "That's not necessarily the case."

"Huh? How do you say this?" Luo Jiayun was moved in his heart and couldn't help asking. He knew that Cao Han was good at making friends with people and was well-informed.

Sure enough, Cao Hanqi looked around a lot, and his voice became a little lower: "I wanted to wait for Brother Qiu to come down to discuss it together. Since it is inconvenient for him, we can only do it together."

His mysterious look aroused the curiosity of others and made them listen attentively.

"It is said that someone cheated in this exam and got the test questions in advance!"

"Is there such a thing?" The others were surprised and lowered their voices.

"This is just a rumor and has not been confirmed, but I heard that there are already clues and someone is investigating. As soon as there is news, I will know it soon." Cao Hanqi shook his head, noticed someone approaching, and quickly changed the subject.

At the same time, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, and then Dai Guo's voice came in——

"You two girls, my young master is really busy and it is not convenient to see guests!"

As soon as his voice fell, a woman's voice followed him: "How dare you, a servant, make decisions for the master of your family? I was waiting outside the Gongyuan and had made an appointment with Qiu Yan. Why did I get turned away when I came?"

As they spoke, Pang Qianru, who was dressed in military uniform, walked into the inn fiercely, followed by Dai Guo, who was holding a native dog in his hand, but the dog's limbs were stiff, and it was pulled to roll on the ground, with dust flying.

Following closely behind was Song Qian with an embarrassed look on her face. She quickly walked forward, came to Pang Qianru's side, and whispered: "Sister Pang, since Mr. Qiu is inconvenient today, please come back another day. Let’s go back first, don’t disturb the young master’s rest.”

"Don't talk too much about this matter. I have my own opinion." Pang Qianru looked at Song Qian with a smile and spoke softly.

On the other side, Hu Qi came to Dai Guo and asked, "Didn't you go out to walk the dog? Why did you bring these two back?"

Dai Guo said helplessly: "I met them in the alley in front. They said they were coming to visit the young master. I told them that the young master was studying and meditating and could not see visitors for the time being, but Miss Pang ignored them at all and insisted on asking. Come on, I can’t stop you!”

"You are also Qiu Yan's servant, right? I remember you." At this time, Pang Qianru got rid of Song Qian's dissuasion and walked towards Hu Qi.

"Miss Pang, my young master..." Hu Qi was about to reply, but was interrupted by Pang Qianru waving her hand.

She smiled and said, "Don't drive us away in a hurry, otherwise we will inevitably be suspected of favoring one over the other." After saying this, she looked out the door.

"Huh?" Hu Qi and Dai Guo were confused when they heard this, but then they saw several people coming from outside. The leader was a woman wearing Confucian clothes. Who could it be if it wasn't Jizheng?

Behind Jizheng were two more people: Xu Ran, the granddaughter of the prime minister, and Wen Zhizhen, a talented man from the south of the Yangtze River.

As soon as she crossed the threshold, Xu Ran complained in a low voice: "Sister Ji, why do you need to come here in person and just send an invitation to Qiu Yan?"

Without waiting for Ji Zheng to reply, Wen Zhizhen shook his head and said with a smile: "Ran'er, that's wrong. Brother Qiu is also a famous talent. What's the harm in us coming to visit?"

When the waiter at the inn saw so many people coming, he hurried over to greet them, but there was someone who was faster than him.

As Wen Zhizhen appeared, the scholars scattered throughout the inn rushed to surround him, and many people also poured in from outside the shop.

"Master Wen!"

"It turns out to be Mr. Wen!"

"Mr. Wen, what do you think of this examination? Do you have any opinions on the essays and policy papers?"

"Brother Wen, this decision was too sudden..."

The words came flooding in, and if the sound had any form, it would probably drown Wen Zhizhen and others.

However, in the face of the fierce public sentiment, Wen Zhizhen just smiled lightly and calmly.

"Good question, everyone..." (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

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