Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 541: When Chen Zu comes, a demon is born

Putting away his thoughts, Qiu Yan turned around and asked, "How long will it take for the cavalry to arrive?"

Qiu Yi estimated slightly and replied: "It shouldn't take more than a cup of tea!"

"A cup of tea? There's still some time." Qiu Yan thought for a moment, then nodded, his eyes moving around, memorizing the surrounding terrain.

The mound is surrounded by vast plains and there is no forest at all. It is simply unrealistic for more than a thousand people to hide during a cup of tea.

However, the crisis has been temporarily lifted, and the two attackers have been suppressed. If something can be done in the current military battle, it will be an unexpected blessing. Even if it fails, it is just a loss.

"General, don't take it lightly. You can formulate a complete military system and command words in a short period of time. However, it is not easy for the incoming people to lead the troops to attack. I am afraid it will not be inferior to you, General."

Qiu Yi stood up from the ground and spoke solemnly. The armor on his body was also condensed, and it gradually became clear.

However, what concerned Qiu Yan was the meaning behind his words.

"Listen to what he meant, the cavalry that rushed over was also led by an outsider. It was very likely that he was someone at this banquet. I can quickly formulate military systems and order methods, but that person did more than just that. , even led the troops to march, and made judgments, but it is surprising that there is such a knowledgeable person in this banquet. "

After thinking about it, he changed his mind, looked at Qiu Yi with squinted eyes, and said, "Since you don't have a name, why is there other information in your memory?"

Qiu Yi was not surprised and calmly replied: "General, my subordinates' memories are not personal experiences, but many recorded events. Things recorded in books."

"Recording events? In this case, the source of this scene is still the military miscellany. It was just that someone with the surname Yilin added some things to make it what it is today."

After the thought fell, Qiu Yan looked at Qiu Yi again and found that the armor on the opponent's body had already taken shape——

Wearing long leather boots, greaves around the calves, a wat headband tied around the belly of the robe, and a gold-lacquered iron armor. There is a gauntlet tied on the chest. With arm guards tied to his forearms, a shawl hanging from his shoulders, and a bronze helmet on his head, he looked majestic. The whole person's temperament has changed!

Look at the soldiers behind you. The soldiers and armor are also in good shape. But he is obviously different from Qiu Yi. He wears hemp shoes on his feet, a walking bandage on his calf, and he also wears iron armor. Wearing raccoon sleeves and a hat on his head, he is far inferior to Qiu Yi in terms of appearance, but it can be seen that it is practical.

However, the soldiers all had expressionless faces, which gave Qiu Yan a dull feeling. The atmosphere was depressing, but it also gave him some ideas.

"Thinking into armor, these armors seem to be similar to some of the armors in my memory..."

Thinking like this, Qiu Yan took a deep breath and prepared for the attack, but Qiu Yi stepped forward and said, "General, please dress up!"

After the words fell, the remaining more than a thousand people also shouted at the same time: "General, please dress up!"

The sound shook the sky!

When Qiu Yan heard this, he nodded slightly, and there was a crackle all around, and pieces of armor parts flew towards him——

Cloud-head boots, greaves, wat headband, robe belly, mountain-shaped armor...

These parts were put on by themselves from bottom to top, and when they all fell down, another bag flew over, put it on his head, and tightened the straps, Qiu Yan had changed his appearance, with armor on his body and a sword on his waist. So heroic!

At the same time, the cold armor sticking close to his body also lifted Qiu Yan's spirit. His connection with Xingjing's will became much deeper, and his perception expanded rapidly, wrapping more than a thousand soldiers in it.

The next moment, the fire in my heart changed. The people were the roots, the scholars were the pillars, and the high-rise building was a towering building. Pieces of bricks and tiles appeared on the periphery, and each piece was filled with cold light, like a weapon!

"Huh? The connection with Xingjing's will has deepened! It seems that it is possible to break through to the second step at any time, and then merge with the city's will! In this way, this time is a blessing in disguise. If we can break through, it will be a worthwhile trip!"

Thinking of this, Qiu Yan held the hilt of the sword with one hand and sealed the seal with the other, using his magical power secretly, but there was no change in the surroundings.

He then narrowed his eyes: "Although I can fly into the air, I cannot use Taoist magical powers. In other words, with my level of cultivation, it is difficult to use magical powers. In this way, my personal combat power is negligible, and I can only rely on these generals." Yes, facing the cavalry..."

Qiu Yan suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"When my soul was in Shilin, I once visualized the real thing. Now, here, armor can be generated out of thin air, similar to Shilin. I don't know..." With a change of thought, he tried to visualize horses.

At this thought, the light and shadow around me distorted, and the outline of a tall horse appeared out of thin air. It gradually became clear, but the flesh and bones were chaotic. After two breaths, the flesh and blood collapsed, dissipated invisible, and failed to take shape!

"Sure enough, it's still like this. If you don't know the specific structure, you can't really visualize it. Horses are living beings, and their flesh and blood are complex. Without understanding them in advance, it's difficult to shape them. As a result, the method of riding against each other is useless. I don't know how. I won’t go into details about how the incoming people obtained their war horses. The most important thing now is to find a way to fight the horse on foot!”

Fragments of military art circulated in Qiu Yan's mind, but he could not find a practical method. These military art can only be used to layout and master strategies. They are insufficient when it comes to specific tactical command. It is also because he has not been exposed to the systematic art of war. reason.

Then, as his thoughts changed, he recalled the information he had been exposed to in his previous life, and the word "tripping rope" came to his mind.

"The structure of this stumbling rope is simple. It can be analyzed and analyzed with incense and mind, and it can be quickly formed. Once it is visualized, the soldiers will be distributed and deployed as soon as possible. We must race against time!"

All around, the ground shook more and more frequently, the dust in the distance was like a curtain, the wind was noisy, and time was running out.

Looking at the distance, I can already see a little outline in the dust. The person in the lead is the candidate named "Ye Yun"!

This Lingnan Dao Jieyuan, wearing Mingguang armor, holding a long sword high, was leading the way, followed by a famous rider, galloping like lightning!

"It's him Jingran..."

Qiu Yan was slightly surprised when he recognized the person, but he quickly restrained himself. In his mind, the incense mind had already analyzed and reconstructed the shape of the tripping rope. The next step was to visualize it and then use the terrain to lay a trap. But before he could take action, The surrounding scene suddenly fluctuated. Qiu Yan froze on the spot and let out a sigh.

Then, the light and shadow distorted, his body swayed, his soul disappeared, and his vision turned rapidly. He couldn't help but close his eyes. When he opened them again, he had returned to the lobby of the other courtyard!

However, the brilliance that filled the hall has disappeared, and was replaced by an old man standing in the center of the hall.

This person was dressed simply, like an old man on the roadside, but to Qiu Yan's senses, he was like a bottomless pool, with the illusion that all the light was being pulled into his body.

The sandalwood box was being held by the old man. The lid had been closed and the light was no longer pouring out. This was the reason why Qiu Yan's spirit returned. Just now, the incense and fire thoughts left in his body noticed the old man's arrival.

At the same time, other people also opened their eyes one after another. After being covered by the light, they were all absorbed into the book. After experiencing something, their bodies stood frozen in place. Now that they came back to their senses, they all looked confused. Even Pang Qianru and Ji Zheng looked confused, with no focus in their eyes.

"These people are still in a daze, and their souls have not completely returned to their original places!" Qiu Yan saw the clues with just one glance, and then turned to look at the old man.

The old man took off his long robe and had a majestic face. Although he was smiling, he still gave people a sense of heaviness. He noticed Qiu Yan's gaze, nodded slightly, and praised: "You are worthy of being a great sage in Wenran Examination Papers. You can't resist being swayed by me." influence.”

"Huh?" Qiu Yan looked surprised. He didn't expect that what happened in the examination room would be exposed by the old man.

"Don't be surprised," the old man looked up and down and marveled, "On that day when you ran the examination papers, there were only changes in luck, but no changes in vision. I had already guessed that it was probably because of my supernatural powers. When I saw you today, it was true that In this way, I just didn't expect that you could actually contact Xingjing's will, penetrate deeply into humanity, and realize such a state. It is really amazing. This is the continent where humanity is the most prosperous. People who can do this are probably Not much! It’s just that his body seems to be declining slightly..."

Hearing this, Qiu Yan narrowed his eyes, feeling wary. There were faint warning signs, which were even more profound than when he faced the two peak figures of the Fourth Realm!

"Don't worry, I have no ill intentions towards you." The old man shook his head, his smile unchanged, "Strictly speaking, you and I are still related. Two of my descendants are involved with you. Oh, I forgot to mention it. My surname is Chen, and I am the ancestor of the Chen family in Xingjing.”

"The surname is Chen, from the Chen family in Xingjing?" Qiu Yan's eyelids twitched as two names came to mind -

Chen Jing, Chen Yun.

Thoughts were swirling, and he quickly calmed down. Knowing that facing such an unfathomable person, it was useless to think too much, he took a deep breath, bowed his hands, and asked tentatively: "I don't know if Old Ancestor Chen is here this time. Why come?”

The ancestor of the Chen family nodded slightly, raised his hand and shook the sandalwood box: "I noticed something strange here, so I came here. I wanted to drive away the two monks, but I didn't expect that I bumped into you, and even discovered this. The secrets of things, you little guys are not timid. There are shocking secrets hidden in the book in this box. Even we must treat it seriously, but you and others are so frivolous. If I hadn’t taken action in time, this class would have Everyone present in the middle courtyard will be trapped in the soul book. No matter how hard it is to be free, you can probably guess the consequences? "

As he spoke, he put the box into his sleeve.

"This thing is too dangerous. I will keep it for now. You'd better forget what happened today, otherwise there will be trouble in the future. What is involved in this book is far beyond what you can touch at your current level. If you want to participate, at least It will take decades.”

Seeing the old man's actions, Qiu Yan's heart moved. He didn't expect that things would end in this way. He saw that a battlefield battle was about to begin, but it ended in an anticlimax.

"But that's good, huh?"

While Qiu Yan was thinking, his soul suddenly moved slightly, and an external demon appeared in his soul and rushed towards the inner fire!

"This is a strange inner demon! When did my inner demon invade my soul?"

On the other side, the old man didn't seem to notice. Instead, he said: "After the results are released, I still have something to discuss with you. It's better to deal with the things here first." After saying this, he suddenly waved his sleeves.

Suddenly, the wind howled! (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to "Wuditian" for the reward!

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