Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 551: Joy in the heart, sorrow and anger like clouds

"Qiu Yan is first? Mr. Wen is third?"

"Did Qiu Yan really take first place?"

"Master Qiu took Hui Yuan?"

As soon as the man finished speaking, Xu Ran, Qi Jiulian, and Song Qian each stood up from their seats, all showing expressions of surprise. The words they spoke were different, but the meaning revealed was similar.

This news is really unexpected!

"Qiu Yan? Qiu Yan! Qiu Yan..."


As Wen Zhizhen muttered this name, his strength seemed to be drained from his body, and he sat down on the chair with a gloomy expression on his face.

"I lost?"

While muttering to himself, his expression suddenly changed, his eyes showed strong unwillingness, and his whole body was filled with emotions. He inhaled and exhaled sharply, then gritted his teeth, got up and walked away at a fast speed.

"Mr. Wen..." Looking at Wen Zhizhen's hurried background, Xu Ran was caught off guard. She looked at Pang Qianru and stamped her feet angrily: "It's all your fault for being so troublesome!"

Pang Qianru spread her hands and showed an innocent look: "I just asked people to find out the information. How can you blame me? Didn't Mr. Wen just say that the rankings are decided in the examination room and are not changed when the list is published afterwards. It won’t change just because someone from Pang Mansion goes to inquire about it.”

"You!" Xu Ran couldn't refute, recalling Wen Zhizhen's expression just now, she felt pity in her heart, and walked away without caring about anything else, apparently wanting to catch up with Wen Zhizhen.

However, Wen Zhizhen was a man. He ran wildly and disappeared into the crowd. Xu Ran left the tavern and looked left and right, but Wen Zhizhen was nowhere to be found. In the end, she could only rely on memory. Look in the direction the person left.

That was where the Imperial College was, and there were a lot of people gathering there. As far as the eye can see, there are crowds of people.

From behind, Qi Jiulian’s voice came over——

"Then Wen Zhizhen is so good at pretending. He just said, 'I am lucky to win, but I am destined to lose.' Why was he so eager the moment he turned his face? Maybe he knew that losing to Qiu Yan would be unbearable. ?”

He was just recovering from the shock. Although it was hard to believe that Qiu Yan had taken Huiyuan, he knew that the servants of Pang Mansion would not lie about such a thing.

Then, he thought of the agreement he had made with Wen Zhizhen, and a burst of ecstasy surged in his heart.

To be honest, since that day, every time I see Wen Zhizhen, I feel his indifferent, dissipated and calm temperament. Qi Jiulian felt like a lump in his throat. The specific reason could not be explained, but his dislike for Wen Zhizhen became stronger day by day.

Deep in his heart, he still had some hope for Qiu Yan to defeat Wen Zhizhen, but as Qiu Yan kept a low profile. However, Wen Zhizhen caused a disturbance in the city, and his reputation gradually became more and more famous, and Qi Jiulian couldn't help but feel anxious.

Today I was invited by Pang Qianru to watch the list, mainly because I wanted to meet Qiu Yan, after the dinner that day. In the past twenty days, Qi Jiulian, Song Qian, Jizheng and others have contacted Qiu Yan one after another. There was a conversation, but they could tell that Qiu Yan seemed to be in a state of exploration and thinking. Even when he was talking to others, he felt like he was doing two things.

Under such circumstances, even if there are important matters to discuss, it is inevitable that they cannot speak out due to various concerns.

On the other hand, Qiu Yan's performance also made Qi Jiulian wonder whether the other party had no confidence in the examination. Thinking that Qiu Yan came out too early that day, he became even more worried.

All these things made Qi Jiulian lose the confidence to speak loudly when facing Wen Zhizhen after he came here today. Unexpectedly, such news came now, which was a huge contrast.

Qiu Yan won Huiyuan, but Wen Zhizhen not only failed to get the first place, but was overtaken by Qiu Yan, and he didn't even get the second place!

This time, Qi Jiulian felt proud and proud, and he couldn't help but speak out what was in his heart.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he was glared at by Xu Ran. Qi Jiulian couldn't help but shut up in embarrassment, but Pang Qianru said: "Sister of the Xu family, don't be angry. What the boy from the Qi family said is the truth, but it wasn't you who glared at me. can be changed.”

After hearing this, Xu Ran finally broke out: "Pang Qianru, don't you like Mr. Wen? Why are you slandering him again!" After saying this, she turned around and left without waiting for a reply, disappearing into the crowd.

Pang Qianru shook her head: "After all, she is an inexperienced girl who has been strictly disciplined since she was a child. However, it is precisely because she has been exposed to too few men that she is easily confused by stories about talented men and beautiful women."

She glanced at the others and then said: "Okay, Xu Ran came out this time without any guards. Now she rushes into the crowd. There are still hidden dangers. We have to ask. Let's follow him quickly. Besides, this meeting The test is extremely interesting, there is a vision in the sky, and the rankings are also intriguing, don’t miss it!”

After saying this, she walked straight out of the tavern and walked towards the Imperial College. Soon someone followed, it was Jizheng. When she walked over, she whispered: "You had expected that Wen Zhizhen would lose to Mr. Qiu." , are you sending someone over to investigate?”

"That's not true, it's just that I don't think Qiu Yan is that simple." Pang Qianru responded lightly and watched Ji Zheng leave.

Song Qian wanted to say hello, but was stopped by Pang Qianru: "Jizheng and Xu Ran have a good relationship. Let's go first. There is no need to ask any more questions."

Then, the group of people moved forward slowly along with the flow of people. The more they walked, the more they felt the atmosphere was tense and strange, and they felt like a storm was coming.

"Why do I feel that the atmosphere is not right?" Qi Jiulian frowned and muttered.

With Pan's guards in front working skillfully to clear the way, they were able to move smoothly without being blocked by the crowd. It didn't take long for them to arrive at the outskirts of the Imperial College. From a distance, they saw a group of candidates standing in front of the door, actually confronting others. He shouted, and there were people behind him who responded.

The crowd is excited!

There were several officials standing at the entrance of the Imperial College, wearing official uniforms, but without any official authority. Instead, they were talking to the candidates with sweat on their faces, and they looked quite sincere, as if they were trying to comfort them.

"What's going on? What are they talking about? Do these Confucian scholars still want to cause trouble?" Pang Qianru looked at the scene in front of her with interest, then turned around and asked.

The Tsing Yi servant who just came over to explore the list replied: "Someone is fishing in troubled waters here. When I was just inquiring, I heard someone saying that someone would cheat in the test, which caused confusion in the crowd. Unexpectedly, not long after this, It has become like this, and the people who have failed are already in a group.”

"Oh? This is someone who wants to make use of the topic. I want to see how this person ends up." As Pang Qianru spoke, she raised her head and glanced at the sky. She noticed that the vision was changing. It was originally a ray of light reaching into the sky. , now the light shows signs of dissipating, and the clouds in the sky are tinged with a slight halo.

However, even though such changes can attract the attention of the people in the city, they no longer attract the attention of the candidates. These candidates are now obsessed with insisting on the fraud, and they even do not hesitate to confront the officials!

This is about building a future!

However, after all, they all have the identity of a robber and know the consequences of making trouble, so they are still restraining themselves, but the thoughts in their hearts are getting more and more swollen, and their thoughts are about to get out of control.

Those officials were anxious, knowing that if they didn't handle it well, trouble would probably occur. Crowds and chaos were taboo at the foot of the imperial city, not to mention something went wrong at the Talent Recruitment Ceremony.

This was a matter that brought disgrace to the imperial court. No one dared to treat it lightly, so no one dared to make any remarks. They just secretly wrote down the leading scholars and settled the accounts later. Now they can only comfort them.

Among the people who took the lead in making trouble, there was Cao Hanqi. Just now, he, Qiu Yan and others finally squeezed to the front. At a glance, the first thing that caught their attention was Qiu Yan's name.

In this way, people who know each other will inevitably say congratulations, but to be honest, how many people can calmly congratulate others at this time? What I really care about is my own performance.

After a quick glance, he didn't see his name. After repeated confirmations several times, he was finally in despair. Cao Hanqi's face was ashen at that time. Looking back on the hard work over the past few years, he felt sadness coming from his heart and tears were about to fall.

At this time, the crowd was in a commotion, and the candidates shouted "unfair". Then the news came that many of the candidates had cheated to get on the list!

This is the terrible thing about spreading rumors. The initial rumor is just an introduction. People who hear it will exaggerate it a little according to their own needs. When more people spread the news, the news will be completely different.

"The crowd's emotions seemed to have been secretly manipulated, and it was difficult to calm down in a short period of time."

Under the list, Qiu Yanyou looked around and shook his head. His eyes seemed to carry a city. As soon as he turned his eyes, he could see the dark aura hovering above everyone's heads, like clouds and mist. This was because people's hearts were controlled by rumors, and the people's wishes The power formed by being kidnapped by desire and combined with emotions can invade people's hearts and infect others.

"Keep going, maybe a demon will be born!"

Having said that, Qiu Yan did not intend to intervene, but waited quietly.

Next to him, Zhou Guan was talking to Luo Jiayun. They both looked at the list, but their expressions were completely different. Although Zhou Guan deliberately suppressed it, he could still see the joy between his eyebrows, while Luo Jiayun looked gloomy.

During the examination, the elites of Darui gathered together, and only a few could stand out. In the entire Jiannan Road, there were only a dozen or so people on the list. Some were happy, while others were disappointed.

Qiu Yan also comforted Luo Jiayun with a few words, and Qiu Yan's heart moved. He raised his head and looked up, extending his thoughts to feel the changes in the clouds.

There, the vision originating from the examination paper was converging with the idea of ​​the city carrying Qiu Yan's idea.

Just then.

collapse! collapse! collapse!

Amidst the sound of pushing the door several times, the door of the Imperial College was smashed by a martial arts candidate. Then he raised his arms and the crowd suddenly became more energetic. Under the excitement of the crowd, the thin scholar also howled and moved forward, blocking the way. The soldiers were pushed down and trampled by the crowd!

"What did you say! The rumor has spread?"

Tian Mansion, Tian Youqing, who just received the news, is as pale as paper!

"This... what should we do? This shouldn't be done. Haven't we already sent people to rush us?" He murmured to himself, and finally slammed the table, gritting his teeth, "Lai San! Lai San! You..."

Amidst the scolding, an abnormal flush suddenly appeared on Tian Youqing's pale face, and then he rolled his eyes, raised his head and fell down!

PS: Thanks to "Eight-Winged Extreme Angel", "Network Executive Adjutant", and "Blood Tiger Yelin" for their monthly votes!

Due to some things at night, the update is a little late, please forgive me.

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